Uses of Package
Packages that use org.springframework.boot.autoconfigure
Auto-configuration for actuator AMQP concerns.
Auto-configuration for actuator audit concerns.
Auto-configuration that extends health endpoints so that they can be used as
availability probes.
Auto-configuration for actuator cache concerns.
Auto-configuration for actuator Cassandra concerns.
Auto-configuration for actuator Cloud Foundry concerns using WebFlux.
Auto-configuration for actuator Cloud Foundry concerns using Spring MVC.
Auto-configuration for actuator Couchbase concerns.
Auto-configuration for actuator Elasticsearch concerns.
Actuator JMX endpoint auto-configuration.
Auto-configuration for the Actuator's web endpoints.
Auto-configuration for actuator Flyway concerns.
Auto-configuration for actuator Hazelcast concerns.
Auto-configuration for actuator InfluxDB concerns.
Auto-configuration for actuator info concerns.
Auto-configuration for actuator Spring Integration concerns.
Auto-configuration for actuator JDBC concerns.
Auto-configuration for actuator JMS concerns.
Auto-configuration for actuator LDAP concerns.
Auto-configuration for actuator Liquibase concerns.
Auto-configuration for actuator JavaMail concerns.
Auto-configuration for actuator metrics and Micrometer.
Auto-configuration for RabbitMQ metrics.
Auto-configuration for cache metrics.
Auto-configuration for Spring Data actuator metrics.
Support for exporting actuator metrics to AppOptics.
Support for exporting actuator metrics to Atlas.
Support for exporting actuator metrics to Datadog.
Support for exporting actuator metrics to Dynatrace.
Support for exporting actuator metrics to Elastic.
Support for exporting actuator metrics to Ganglia.
Support for exporting actuator metrics to Graphite.
Support for exporting actuator metrics to Humio.
Support for exporting actuator metrics to InfluxDB.
Support for exporting actuator metrics to JMX.
Support for exporting actuator metrics to KairosDB.
Support for exporting actuator metrics to New Relic.
Support for exporting actuator metrics to Prometheus.
Support for exporting actuator metrics to SignalFX.
Support for exporting actuator metrics to a simple in-memory store.
Support for exporting actuator metrics to Stackdriver.
Support for exporting actuator metrics to StatsD.
Support for exporting actuator metrics to Wavefront.
Auto-configuration for JPA metrics.
Auto-configuration for Mongo metrics.
Auto-configuration for R2DBC metrics.
Auto-configuration for Redis metrics.
Auto-configuration for actuator startup time metrics.
Auto-configuration for task execution and scheduling metrics.
Auto-configuration for web client actuator metrics.
Auto-configuration for Jetty actuator metrics.
Auto-configuration for WebFlux actuator metrics.
Auto-configuration for Spring MVC actuator metrics.
Auto-configuration for Tomcat actuator metrics.
Auto-configuration for actuator MongoDB concerns.
Auto-configuration for actuator Neo4J concerns.
Auto-configuration for actuator Quartz Scheduler concerns.
Auto-configuration for actuator R2DBC.
Auto-configuration for actuator Redis concerns.
Auto-configuration for actuator security using WebFlux.
Auto-configuration for actuator security using Spring MVC.
Auto-configuration for actuator Spring Sessions concerns.
Auto-configuration for actuator Solr concerns.
Auto-configuration for actuator system concerns.
Auto-configuration for actuator HTTP tracing concerns.
Actuator web server support.
Spring Boot's auto-configuration capabilities.
Auto-configuration for admin-related features.
Auto-configuration for Spring Batch.
Auto-configuration for the cache abstraction.
Auto-configuration for the Spring context.
Auto-configuration for Couchbase.
Auto-configuration for Spring Data Cassandra.
Auto-configuration for Spring Data Couchbase.
Auto-configuration for Spring Data Elasticsearch.
Auto-configuration for Spring Data JDBC.
Auto-configuration for Spring Data JPA.
Auto-configuration for Spring Data Mongo.
Auto-configuration for Spring Data Neo4j.
Auto-Configuration for Spring Data R2DBC.
Auto-configuration for Spring Data Redis.
Auto-configuration for Spring Data REST.
Auto-configuration for Spring Data's Web Support.
Auto-configuration for Flyway.
Auto-configuration for Groovy templates.
Auto-configuration for Spring HATEOAS.
Auto-configuration for Hazelcast.
Auto-configuration for HTTP concerns.
Auto-configuration for HTTP codecs.
Auto-configuration for Spring Integration.
Auto-configuration for JDBC.
Auto-configuration for JMS.
Auto-configuration for Artemis.
Auto-configuration for JOOQ.
Auto-configuration for embedded LDAP.
Auto-configuration for Liquibase.
Auto-configuration for email support.
Auto-configuration for embedded MongoDB.
Auto-configuration for JPA and Spring ORM.
Auto-configuration for Quartz Scheduler.
Auto-Configuration for R2DBC.
Auto-configuration for RSocket.
Auto-configuration for Spring Security's Reactive OAuth 2 client.
Auto-configuration for Spring Security's OAuth 2 client.
Auto-configuration for Spring Security's Reactive OAuth2 resource server.
Auto-configuration for Spring Security's OAuth2 resource server.
Auto-configuration for reactive Spring Security.
Auto-configuration for Spring Security's SAML 2.0.
Auto-configuration for Servlet-based Spring Security.
Auto-configuration for Spring Session.
Auto-configuration for basic script-based initialization of an SQL database.
Auto-configuration for task execution and scheduling.
Auto-configuration for Thymeleaf.
Auto-configuration for transaction support.
Auto-configuration for JTA.
Auto-configuration for web clients.
Auto-configuration for reactive web servers and Spring WebFlux.
Auto-configuration for Spring WebFlux error handling.
Auto-configuration for Spring Framework's functional web client.
Auto-configuration for servlet web servers and Spring MVC.
Auto-configuration for Spring MVC error handling.
Auto-configuration for Spring Web Services.
Auto-configuration for WebSocket support in reactive web servers.
Auto-configuration for WebSocket support in servlet web servers.
Auto-configuration for
.Auto-configuration for core parts common to most Spring Boot applications.
Auto-configuration for Data Cassandra tests.
Auto-configuration for Data JDBC tests.
Auto-configuration for Data LDAP tests.
Auto-configuration for Data Mongo tests.
Auto-configuration for Data Neo4j tests.
Auto-configuration for Data R2DBC tests.
Auto-configuration for Data Redis tests.
Auto-configuration for JDBC tests.
Auto-configuration for jOOQ tests.
Auto-configuration for JSON tests.
Auto-configuration for Data JPA tests.
Auto-configuration for tests using Spring REST Docs.
Auto-configuration for web clients.
Auto-configuration for reactive web tests.
Auto-configuration for Spring MVC tests.
Auto-configuration for web service clients.
Auto-configuration for web service server tests.
Classes in org.springframework.boot.autoconfigure used by org.springframework.boot.actuate.autoconfigure.amqpClassDescriptionHint for that an
should be applied after other specified auto-configuration classes. -
Classes in org.springframework.boot.autoconfigure used by org.springframework.boot.actuate.autoconfigure.auditClassDescriptionHint for that an
should be applied after other specified auto-configuration classes. -
Classes in org.springframework.boot.autoconfigure used by org.springframework.boot.actuate.autoconfigure.availabilityClassDescriptionHint for that an
should be applied after other specified auto-configuration classes. -
Classes in org.springframework.boot.autoconfigure used by org.springframework.boot.actuate.autoconfigure.cacheClassDescriptionHint for that an
should be applied after other specified auto-configuration classes. -
Classes in org.springframework.boot.autoconfigure used by org.springframework.boot.actuate.autoconfigure.cassandraClassDescriptionHint for that an
should be applied after other specified auto-configuration classes. -
Classes in org.springframework.boot.autoconfigure used by org.springframework.boot.actuate.autoconfigure.cloudfoundry.reactiveClassDescriptionHint for that an
should be applied after other specified auto-configuration classes. -
Classes in org.springframework.boot.autoconfigure used by org.springframework.boot.actuate.autoconfigure.cloudfoundry.servletClassDescriptionHint for that an
should be applied after other specified auto-configuration classes. -
Classes in org.springframework.boot.autoconfigure used by org.springframework.boot.actuate.autoconfigure.couchbaseClassDescriptionHint for that an
should be applied after other specified auto-configuration classes. -
Classes in org.springframework.boot.autoconfigure used by org.springframework.boot.actuate.autoconfigure.elasticsearchClassDescriptionHint for that an
should be applied after other specified auto-configuration classes. -
Classes in org.springframework.boot.autoconfigure used by org.springframework.boot.actuate.autoconfigure.endpoint.jmxClassDescriptionHint for that an
should be applied after other specified auto-configuration classes. -
Classes in org.springframework.boot.autoconfigure used by org.springframework.boot.actuate.autoconfigure.endpoint.webClassDescriptionHint for that an
should be applied after other specified auto-configuration classes. -
Classes in org.springframework.boot.autoconfigure used by org.springframework.boot.actuate.autoconfigure.flywayClassDescriptionHint for that an
should be applied after other specified auto-configuration classes. -
Classes in org.springframework.boot.autoconfigure used by org.springframework.boot.actuate.autoconfigure.hazelcastClassDescriptionHint for that an
should be applied after other specified auto-configuration classes. -
Classes in org.springframework.boot.autoconfigure used by org.springframework.boot.actuate.autoconfigure.influxClassDescriptionHint for that an
should be applied after other specified auto-configuration classes. -
Classes in org.springframework.boot.autoconfigure used by org.springframework.boot.actuate.autoconfigure.infoClassDescriptionHint for that an
should be applied after other specified auto-configuration classes. -
Classes in org.springframework.boot.autoconfigure used by org.springframework.boot.actuate.autoconfigure.integrationClassDescriptionHint for that an
should be applied after other specified auto-configuration classes. -
Classes in org.springframework.boot.autoconfigure used by org.springframework.boot.actuate.autoconfigure.jdbcClassDescriptionHint for that an
should be applied after other specified auto-configuration classes. -
Classes in org.springframework.boot.autoconfigure used by org.springframework.boot.actuate.autoconfigure.jmsClassDescriptionHint for that an
should be applied after other specified auto-configuration classes. -
Classes in org.springframework.boot.autoconfigure used by org.springframework.boot.actuate.autoconfigure.ldapClassDescriptionHint for that an
should be applied after other specified auto-configuration classes. -
Classes in org.springframework.boot.autoconfigure used by org.springframework.boot.actuate.autoconfigure.liquibaseClassDescriptionHint for that an
should be applied after other specified auto-configuration classes. -
Classes in org.springframework.boot.autoconfigure used by org.springframework.boot.actuate.autoconfigure.mailClassDescriptionHint for that an
should be applied after other specified auto-configuration classes. -
Classes in org.springframework.boot.autoconfigure used by org.springframework.boot.actuate.autoconfigure.metricsClassDescriptionHint for that an
should be applied after other specified auto-configuration classes.Hint that anauto-configuration
should be applied before other specified auto-configuration classes. -
Classes in org.springframework.boot.autoconfigure used by org.springframework.boot.actuate.autoconfigure.metrics.amqpClassDescriptionHint for that an
should be applied after other specified auto-configuration classes. -
Classes in org.springframework.boot.autoconfigure used by org.springframework.boot.actuate.autoconfigure.metrics.cacheClassDescriptionHint for that an
should be applied after other specified auto-configuration classes. -
Classes in org.springframework.boot.autoconfigure used by org.springframework.boot.actuate.autoconfigure.metrics.dataClassDescriptionHint for that an
should be applied after other specified auto-configuration classes. -
Classes in org.springframework.boot.autoconfigure used by org.springframework.boot.actuate.autoconfigure.metrics.export.appopticsClassDescriptionHint for that an
should be applied after other specified auto-configuration classes.Hint that anauto-configuration
should be applied before other specified auto-configuration classes. -
Classes in org.springframework.boot.autoconfigure used by org.springframework.boot.actuate.autoconfigure.metrics.export.atlasClassDescriptionHint for that an
should be applied after other specified auto-configuration classes.Hint that anauto-configuration
should be applied before other specified auto-configuration classes. -
Classes in org.springframework.boot.autoconfigure used by org.springframework.boot.actuate.autoconfigure.metrics.export.datadogClassDescriptionHint for that an
should be applied after other specified auto-configuration classes.Hint that anauto-configuration
should be applied before other specified auto-configuration classes. -
Classes in org.springframework.boot.autoconfigure used by org.springframework.boot.actuate.autoconfigure.metrics.export.dynatraceClassDescriptionHint for that an
should be applied after other specified auto-configuration classes.Hint that anauto-configuration
should be applied before other specified auto-configuration classes. -
Classes in org.springframework.boot.autoconfigure used by org.springframework.boot.actuate.autoconfigure.metrics.export.elasticClassDescriptionHint for that an
should be applied after other specified auto-configuration classes.Hint that anauto-configuration
should be applied before other specified auto-configuration classes. -
Classes in org.springframework.boot.autoconfigure used by org.springframework.boot.actuate.autoconfigure.metrics.export.gangliaClassDescriptionHint for that an
should be applied after other specified auto-configuration classes.Hint that anauto-configuration
should be applied before other specified auto-configuration classes. -
Classes in org.springframework.boot.autoconfigure used by org.springframework.boot.actuate.autoconfigure.metrics.export.graphiteClassDescriptionHint for that an
should be applied after other specified auto-configuration classes.Hint that anauto-configuration
should be applied before other specified auto-configuration classes. -
Classes in org.springframework.boot.autoconfigure used by org.springframework.boot.actuate.autoconfigure.metrics.export.humioClassDescriptionHint for that an
should be applied after other specified auto-configuration classes.Hint that anauto-configuration
should be applied before other specified auto-configuration classes. -
Classes in org.springframework.boot.autoconfigure used by org.springframework.boot.actuate.autoconfigure.metrics.export.influxClassDescriptionHint for that an
should be applied after other specified auto-configuration classes.Hint that anauto-configuration
should be applied before other specified auto-configuration classes. -
Classes in org.springframework.boot.autoconfigure used by org.springframework.boot.actuate.autoconfigure.metrics.export.jmxClassDescriptionHint for that an
should be applied after other specified auto-configuration classes.Hint that anauto-configuration
should be applied before other specified auto-configuration classes. -
Classes in org.springframework.boot.autoconfigure used by org.springframework.boot.actuate.autoconfigure.metrics.export.kairosClassDescriptionHint for that an
should be applied after other specified auto-configuration classes.Hint that anauto-configuration
should be applied before other specified auto-configuration classes. -
Classes in org.springframework.boot.autoconfigure used by org.springframework.boot.actuate.autoconfigure.metrics.export.newrelicClassDescriptionHint for that an
should be applied after other specified auto-configuration classes.Hint that anauto-configuration
should be applied before other specified auto-configuration classes. -
Classes in org.springframework.boot.autoconfigure used by org.springframework.boot.actuate.autoconfigure.metrics.export.prometheusClassDescriptionHint for that an
should be applied after other specified auto-configuration classes.Hint that anauto-configuration
should be applied before other specified auto-configuration classes. -
Classes in org.springframework.boot.autoconfigure used by org.springframework.boot.actuate.autoconfigure.metrics.export.signalfxClassDescriptionHint for that an
should be applied after other specified auto-configuration classes.Hint that anauto-configuration
should be applied before other specified auto-configuration classes. -
Classes in org.springframework.boot.autoconfigure used by org.springframework.boot.actuate.autoconfigure.metrics.export.simpleClassDescriptionHint for that an
should be applied after other specified auto-configuration classes.Hint that anauto-configuration
should be applied before other specified auto-configuration classes. -
Classes in org.springframework.boot.autoconfigure used by org.springframework.boot.actuate.autoconfigure.metrics.export.stackdriverClassDescriptionHint for that an
should be applied after other specified auto-configuration classes.Hint that anauto-configuration
should be applied before other specified auto-configuration classes. -
Classes in org.springframework.boot.autoconfigure used by org.springframework.boot.actuate.autoconfigure.metrics.export.statsdClassDescriptionHint for that an
should be applied after other specified auto-configuration classes.Hint that anauto-configuration
should be applied before other specified auto-configuration classes. -
Classes in org.springframework.boot.autoconfigure used by org.springframework.boot.actuate.autoconfigure.metrics.export.wavefrontClassDescriptionHint for that an
should be applied after other specified auto-configuration classes.Hint that anauto-configuration
should be applied before other specified auto-configuration classes. -
Classes in org.springframework.boot.autoconfigure used by org.springframework.boot.actuate.autoconfigure.metrics.jdbcClassDescriptionHint for that an
should be applied after other specified auto-configuration classes. -
Classes in org.springframework.boot.autoconfigure used by org.springframework.boot.actuate.autoconfigure.metrics.mongoClassDescriptionHint for that an
should be applied after other specified auto-configuration classes.Hint that anauto-configuration
should be applied before other specified auto-configuration classes. -
Classes in org.springframework.boot.autoconfigure used by org.springframework.boot.actuate.autoconfigure.metrics.r2dbcClassDescriptionHint for that an
should be applied after other specified auto-configuration classes. -
Classes in org.springframework.boot.autoconfigure used by org.springframework.boot.actuate.autoconfigure.metrics.redisClassDescriptionHint for that an
should be applied after other specified auto-configuration classes.Hint that anauto-configuration
should be applied before other specified auto-configuration classes. -
Classes in org.springframework.boot.autoconfigure used by org.springframework.boot.actuate.autoconfigure.metrics.startupClassDescriptionHint for that an
should be applied after other specified auto-configuration classes. -
Classes in org.springframework.boot.autoconfigure used by org.springframework.boot.actuate.autoconfigure.metrics.taskClassDescriptionHint for that an
should be applied after other specified auto-configuration classes. -
Classes in org.springframework.boot.autoconfigure used by org.springframework.boot.actuate.autoconfigure.metrics.web.clientClassDescriptionHint for that an
should be applied after other specified auto-configuration classes. -
Classes in org.springframework.boot.autoconfigure used by org.springframework.boot.actuate.autoconfigure.metrics.web.jettyClassDescriptionHint for that an
should be applied after other specified auto-configuration classes. -
Classes in org.springframework.boot.autoconfigure used by org.springframework.boot.actuate.autoconfigure.metrics.web.reactiveClassDescriptionHint for that an
should be applied after other specified auto-configuration classes. -
Classes in org.springframework.boot.autoconfigure used by org.springframework.boot.actuate.autoconfigure.metrics.web.servletClassDescriptionHint for that an
should be applied after other specified auto-configuration classes. -
Classes in org.springframework.boot.autoconfigure used by org.springframework.boot.actuate.autoconfigure.metrics.web.tomcatClassDescriptionHint for that an
should be applied after other specified auto-configuration classes. -
Classes in org.springframework.boot.autoconfigure used by org.springframework.boot.actuate.autoconfigure.mongoClassDescriptionHint for that an
should be applied after other specified auto-configuration classes. -
Classes in org.springframework.boot.autoconfigure used by org.springframework.boot.actuate.autoconfigure.neo4jClassDescriptionHint for that an
should be applied after other specified auto-configuration classes. -
Classes in org.springframework.boot.autoconfigure used by org.springframework.boot.actuate.autoconfigure.quartzClassDescriptionHint for that an
should be applied after other specified auto-configuration classes. -
Classes in org.springframework.boot.autoconfigure used by org.springframework.boot.actuate.autoconfigure.r2dbcClassDescriptionHint for that an
should be applied after other specified auto-configuration classes. -
Classes in org.springframework.boot.autoconfigure used by org.springframework.boot.actuate.autoconfigure.redisClassDescriptionHint for that an
should be applied after other specified auto-configuration classes. -
Classes in org.springframework.boot.autoconfigure used by for that an
should be applied after other specified auto-configuration classes.Hint that anauto-configuration
should be applied before other specified auto-configuration classes. -
Classes in org.springframework.boot.autoconfigure used by for that an
should be applied after other specified auto-configuration classes.Hint that anauto-configuration
should be applied before other specified auto-configuration classes. -
Classes in org.springframework.boot.autoconfigure used by org.springframework.boot.actuate.autoconfigure.sessionClassDescriptionHint for that an
should be applied after other specified auto-configuration classes. -
Classes in org.springframework.boot.autoconfigure used by org.springframework.boot.actuate.autoconfigure.solrClassDescriptionHint for that an
should be applied after other specified auto-configuration classes. -
Classes in org.springframework.boot.autoconfigure used by org.springframework.boot.actuate.autoconfigure.systemClassDescriptionHint that an
should be applied before other specified auto-configuration classes. -
Classes in org.springframework.boot.autoconfigure used by org.springframework.boot.actuate.autoconfigure.trace.httpClassDescriptionHint for that an
should be applied after other specified auto-configuration classes. -
Classes in org.springframework.boot.autoconfigure used by org.springframework.boot.actuate.autoconfigure.web.server
Classes in org.springframework.boot.autoconfigure used by org.springframework.boot.autoconfigureClassDescriptionEvent fired when auto-configuration classes are imported.Filter that can be registered in
to limit the auto-configuration classes considered.Listener that can be registered withspring.factories
to receive details of imported auto-configurations.Provides access to meta-data written by the auto-configure annotation processor.Registers packages withAutoConfigurationPackages
representing auto-configuration@Configuration
classes.Enable auto-configuration of the Spring Application Context, attempting to guess and configure beans that you are likely to need. -
Classes in org.springframework.boot.autoconfigure used by org.springframework.boot.autoconfigure.adminClassDescriptionHint for that an
should be applied after other specified auto-configuration classes. -
Classes in org.springframework.boot.autoconfigure used by org.springframework.boot.autoconfigure.batchClassDescriptionHint for that an
should be applied after other specified auto-configuration classes. -
Classes in org.springframework.boot.autoconfigure used by org.springframework.boot.autoconfigure.cacheClassDescriptionHint for that an
should be applied after other specified auto-configuration classes. -
Classes in org.springframework.boot.autoconfigure used by org.springframework.boot.autoconfigure.context
Classes in org.springframework.boot.autoconfigure used by org.springframework.boot.autoconfigure.couchbaseClassDescriptionHint for that an
should be applied after other specified auto-configuration classes. -
Classes in org.springframework.boot.autoconfigure used by for that an
should be applied after other specified auto-configuration classes. -
Classes in org.springframework.boot.autoconfigure used by for that an
should be applied after other specified auto-configuration classes. -
Classes in org.springframework.boot.autoconfigure used by for that an
should be applied after other specified auto-configuration classes. -
Classes in org.springframework.boot.autoconfigure used by for that an
should be applied after other specified auto-configuration classes. -
Classes in org.springframework.boot.autoconfigure used by for that an
should be applied after other specified auto-configuration classes. -
Classes in org.springframework.boot.autoconfigure used by base class for a
that can be used to dynamically declare that all beans of a specific type should depend on specific other beans identified by name or type.Hint for that anauto-configuration
should be applied after other specified auto-configuration classes. -
Classes in org.springframework.boot.autoconfigure used by for that an
should be applied after other specified auto-configuration classes.Hint that anauto-configuration
should be applied before other specified auto-configuration classes. -
Classes in org.springframework.boot.autoconfigure used by for that an
should be applied after other specified auto-configuration classes. -
Classes in org.springframework.boot.autoconfigure used by for that an
should be applied after other specified auto-configuration classes. -
Classes in org.springframework.boot.autoconfigure used by for that an
should be applied after other specified auto-configuration classes. -
Classes in org.springframework.boot.autoconfigure used by for that an
should be applied after other specified auto-configuration classes. -
Classes in org.springframework.boot.autoconfigure used by org.springframework.boot.autoconfigure.flywayClassDescriptionHint for that an
should be applied after other specified auto-configuration classes. -
Classes in org.springframework.boot.autoconfigure used by org.springframework.boot.autoconfigure.groovy.templateClassDescriptionHint for that an
should be applied after other specified auto-configuration classes. -
Classes in org.springframework.boot.autoconfigure used by org.springframework.boot.autoconfigure.hateoasClassDescriptionHint for that an
should be applied after other specified auto-configuration classes. -
Classes in org.springframework.boot.autoconfigure used by org.springframework.boot.autoconfigure.hazelcastClassDescriptionHint for that an
should be applied after other specified auto-configuration classes. -
Classes in org.springframework.boot.autoconfigure used by org.springframework.boot.autoconfigure.httpClassDescriptionHint for that an
should be applied after other specified auto-configuration classes. -
Classes in org.springframework.boot.autoconfigure used by org.springframework.boot.autoconfigure.http.codecClassDescriptionHint for that an
should be applied after other specified auto-configuration classes. -
Classes in org.springframework.boot.autoconfigure used by org.springframework.boot.autoconfigure.integrationClassDescriptionHint for that an
should be applied after other specified auto-configuration classes.Hint that anauto-configuration
should be applied before other specified auto-configuration classes. -
Classes in org.springframework.boot.autoconfigure used by org.springframework.boot.autoconfigure.jdbcClassDescriptionHint for that an
should be applied after other specified auto-configuration classes.Hint that anauto-configuration
should be applied before other specified auto-configuration classes.Auto-configuration specific variant of Spring Framework's@Order
annotation. -
Classes in org.springframework.boot.autoconfigure used by org.springframework.boot.autoconfigure.jmsClassDescriptionHint that an
should be applied before other specified auto-configuration classes. -
Classes in org.springframework.boot.autoconfigure used by org.springframework.boot.autoconfigure.jms.artemisClassDescriptionHint for that an
should be applied after other specified auto-configuration classes.Hint that anauto-configuration
should be applied before other specified auto-configuration classes. -
Classes in org.springframework.boot.autoconfigure used by org.springframework.boot.autoconfigure.jooqClassDescriptionHint for that an
should be applied after other specified auto-configuration classes. -
Classes in org.springframework.boot.autoconfigure used by org.springframework.boot.autoconfigure.ldap.embeddedClassDescriptionHint that an
should be applied before other specified auto-configuration classes. -
Classes in org.springframework.boot.autoconfigure used by org.springframework.boot.autoconfigure.liquibaseClassDescriptionHint for that an
should be applied after other specified auto-configuration classes. -
Classes in org.springframework.boot.autoconfigure used by org.springframework.boot.autoconfigure.mailClassDescriptionHint for that an
should be applied after other specified auto-configuration classes. -
Classes in org.springframework.boot.autoconfigure used by org.springframework.boot.autoconfigure.mongo.embeddedClassDescriptionHint that an
should be applied before other specified auto-configuration classes. -
Classes in org.springframework.boot.autoconfigure used by org.springframework.boot.autoconfigure.orm.jpaClassDescriptionAbstract base class for a
that can be used to dynamically declare that all beans of a specific type should depend on specific other beans identified by name or type.Hint for that anauto-configuration
should be applied after other specified auto-configuration classes. -
Classes in org.springframework.boot.autoconfigure used by org.springframework.boot.autoconfigure.quartzClassDescriptionHint for that an
should be applied after other specified auto-configuration classes. -
Classes in org.springframework.boot.autoconfigure used by org.springframework.boot.autoconfigure.r2dbcClassDescriptionHint that an
should be applied before other specified auto-configuration classes.Auto-configuration specific variant of Spring Framework's@Order
annotation. -
Classes in org.springframework.boot.autoconfigure used by org.springframework.boot.autoconfigure.rsocketClassDescriptionHint for that an
should be applied after other specified auto-configuration classes. -
Classes in org.springframework.boot.autoconfigure used by that an
should be applied before other specified auto-configuration classes. -
Classes in org.springframework.boot.autoconfigure used by that an
should be applied before other specified auto-configuration classes. -
Classes in org.springframework.boot.autoconfigure used by that an
should be applied before other specified auto-configuration classes. -
Classes in org.springframework.boot.autoconfigure used by that an
should be applied before other specified auto-configuration classes. -
Classes in org.springframework.boot.autoconfigure used by for that an
should be applied after other specified auto-configuration classes. -
Classes in org.springframework.boot.autoconfigure used by that an
should be applied before other specified auto-configuration classes. -
Classes in org.springframework.boot.autoconfigure used by for that an
should be applied after other specified auto-configuration classes. -
Classes in org.springframework.boot.autoconfigure used by org.springframework.boot.autoconfigure.sessionClassDescriptionHint for that an
should be applied after other specified auto-configuration classes.Hint that anauto-configuration
should be applied before other specified auto-configuration classes. -
Classes in org.springframework.boot.autoconfigure used by org.springframework.boot.autoconfigure.sql.initClassDescriptionHint for that an
should be applied after other specified auto-configuration classes. -
Classes in org.springframework.boot.autoconfigure used by org.springframework.boot.autoconfigure.taskClassDescriptionHint for that an
should be applied after other specified auto-configuration classes. -
Classes in org.springframework.boot.autoconfigure used by org.springframework.boot.autoconfigure.thymeleafClassDescriptionHint for that an
should be applied after other specified auto-configuration classes. -
Classes in org.springframework.boot.autoconfigure used by org.springframework.boot.autoconfigure.transactionClassDescriptionHint for that an
should be applied after other specified auto-configuration classes. -
Classes in org.springframework.boot.autoconfigure used by org.springframework.boot.autoconfigure.transaction.jtaClassDescriptionHint that an
should be applied before other specified auto-configuration classes. -
Classes in org.springframework.boot.autoconfigure used by org.springframework.boot.autoconfigure.web.clientClassDescriptionHint for that an
should be applied after other specified auto-configuration classes. -
Classes in org.springframework.boot.autoconfigure used by org.springframework.boot.autoconfigure.web.reactiveClassDescriptionHint for that an
should be applied after other specified auto-configuration classes.Auto-configuration specific variant of Spring Framework's@Order
annotation. -
Classes in org.springframework.boot.autoconfigure used by org.springframework.boot.autoconfigure.web.reactive.errorClassDescriptionHint that an
should be applied before other specified auto-configuration classes. -
Classes in org.springframework.boot.autoconfigure used by org.springframework.boot.autoconfigure.web.reactive.function.clientClassDescriptionHint for that an
should be applied after other specified auto-configuration classes. -
Classes in org.springframework.boot.autoconfigure used by org.springframework.boot.autoconfigure.web.servletClassDescriptionHint for that an
should be applied after other specified auto-configuration classes.Auto-configuration specific variant of Spring Framework's@Order
annotation. -
Classes in org.springframework.boot.autoconfigure used by org.springframework.boot.autoconfigure.web.servlet.errorClassDescriptionHint that an
should be applied before other specified auto-configuration classes. -
Classes in org.springframework.boot.autoconfigure used by org.springframework.boot.autoconfigure.webservicesClassDescriptionHint for that an
should be applied after other specified auto-configuration classes. -
Classes in org.springframework.boot.autoconfigure used by org.springframework.boot.autoconfigure.websocket.reactiveClassDescriptionHint that an
should be applied before other specified auto-configuration classes. -
Classes in org.springframework.boot.autoconfigure used by org.springframework.boot.autoconfigure.websocket.servletClassDescriptionHint for that an
should be applied after other specified auto-configuration classes.Hint that anauto-configuration
should be applied before other specified auto-configuration classes. -
Classes in org.springframework.boot.autoconfigure used by org.springframework.boot.devtools.autoconfigureClassDescriptionHint for that an
should be applied after other specified auto-configuration classes. -
Classes in org.springframework.boot.autoconfigure used by org.springframework.boot.test.autoconfigure.coreClassDescriptionImport and apply the specified auto-configuration classes.
Classes in org.springframework.boot.autoconfigure used by and apply the specified auto-configuration classes.
Classes in org.springframework.boot.autoconfigure used by and apply the specified auto-configuration classes.
Classes in org.springframework.boot.autoconfigure used by and apply the specified auto-configuration classes.
Classes in org.springframework.boot.autoconfigure used by and apply the specified auto-configuration classes.
Classes in org.springframework.boot.autoconfigure used by and apply the specified auto-configuration classes.
Classes in org.springframework.boot.autoconfigure used by and apply the specified auto-configuration classes.
Classes in org.springframework.boot.autoconfigure used by and apply the specified auto-configuration classes.
Classes in org.springframework.boot.autoconfigure used by org.springframework.boot.test.autoconfigure.jdbcClassDescriptionHint that an
should be applied before other specified auto-configuration classes.Import and apply the specified auto-configuration classes. -
Classes in org.springframework.boot.autoconfigure used by org.springframework.boot.test.autoconfigure.jooqClassDescriptionImport and apply the specified auto-configuration classes.
Classes in org.springframework.boot.autoconfigure used by org.springframework.boot.test.autoconfigure.jsonClassDescriptionHint for that an
should be applied after other specified auto-configuration classes.Import and apply the specified auto-configuration classes. -
Classes in org.springframework.boot.autoconfigure used by org.springframework.boot.test.autoconfigure.orm.jpaClassDescriptionHint for that an
should be applied after other specified auto-configuration classes.Import and apply the specified auto-configuration classes. -
Classes in org.springframework.boot.autoconfigure used by org.springframework.boot.test.autoconfigure.restdocsClassDescriptionImport and apply the specified auto-configuration classes.
Classes in org.springframework.boot.autoconfigure used by org.springframework.boot.test.autoconfigure.web.clientClassDescriptionHint for that an
should be applied after other specified auto-configuration classes.Import and apply the specified auto-configuration classes. -
Classes in org.springframework.boot.autoconfigure used by org.springframework.boot.test.autoconfigure.web.reactiveClassDescriptionHint for that an
should be applied after other specified auto-configuration classes.Import and apply the specified auto-configuration classes. -
Classes in org.springframework.boot.autoconfigure used by org.springframework.boot.test.autoconfigure.web.servletClassDescriptionHint for that an
should be applied after other specified auto-configuration classes.Import and apply the specified auto-configuration classes. -
Classes in org.springframework.boot.autoconfigure used by org.springframework.boot.test.autoconfigure.webservices.clientClassDescriptionHint for that an
should be applied after other specified auto-configuration classes.Import and apply the specified auto-configuration classes. -
Classes in org.springframework.boot.autoconfigure used by org.springframework.boot.test.autoconfigure.webservices.serverClassDescriptionImport and apply the specified auto-configuration classes.