Annotation Type ConditionalOnAvailableEndpoint

@Retention(RUNTIME) @Target({METHOD,TYPE}) @Documented @Conditional(org.springframework.boot.actuate.autoconfigure.endpoint.condition.OnAvailableEndpointCondition.class) public @interface ConditionalOnAvailableEndpoint
@Conditional that checks whether an endpoint is available. An endpoint is considered available if it is both enabled and exposed on the specified technologies. Matches enablement according to the endpoints specific Environment property, falling back to management.endpoints.enabled-by-default or failing that Endpoint.enableByDefault(). Matches exposure according to any of the management.endpoints.web.exposure.<id> or management.endpoints.jmx.exposure.<id> specific properties or failing that to whether the application runs on CloudPlatform.CLOUD_FOUNDRY. Both those conditions should match for the endpoint to be considered available.

When placed on a @Bean method, the endpoint defaults to the return type of the factory method:

 public class MyConfiguration {

     public MyEndpoint myEndpoint() {


It is also possible to use the same mechanism for extensions:

 public class MyConfiguration {

     public MyEndpointWebExtension myEndpointWebExtension() {


In the sample above, MyEndpointWebExtension will be created if the endpoint is available as defined by the rules above. MyEndpointWebExtension must be a regular extension that refers to an endpoint, something like:

 @EndpointWebExtension(endpoint = MyEndpoint.class)
 public class MyEndpointWebExtension {


Alternatively, the target endpoint can be manually specified for components that should only be created when a given endpoint is available:

 public class MyConfiguration {

     @ConditionalOnAvailableEndpoint(endpoint = MyEndpoint.class)
     public MyComponent myComponent() {

Brian Clozel, Stephane Nicoll
See Also:
  • Optional Element Summary

    Optional Elements
    Modifier and Type
    Optional Element
    The endpoint type that should be checked.
    Technologies to check the exposure of the endpoint on while considering it to be available.
  • Element Details

    • endpoint

      Class<?> endpoint
      The endpoint type that should be checked. Inferred when the return type of the @Bean method is either an @Endpoint or an @EndpointExtension.
      the endpoint type to check
    • exposure

      EndpointExposure[] exposure
      Technologies to check the exposure of the endpoint on while considering it to be available.
      the technologies to check