Class WebMvcEndpointHandlerMapping

All Implemented Interfaces:
Aware, BeanNameAware, InitializingBean, ApplicationContextAware, Ordered, ServletContextAware, MatchableHandlerMapping, HandlerMapping

public class WebMvcEndpointHandlerMapping extends AbstractWebMvcEndpointHandlerMapping
A custom HandlerMapping that makes web endpoints available over HTTP using Spring MVC.
Andy Wilkinson, Phillip Webb
  • Constructor Details

    • WebMvcEndpointHandlerMapping

      public WebMvcEndpointHandlerMapping(EndpointMapping endpointMapping, Collection<ExposableWebEndpoint> endpoints, EndpointMediaTypes endpointMediaTypes, CorsConfiguration corsConfiguration, EndpointLinksResolver linksResolver, boolean shouldRegisterLinksMapping)
      Creates a new WebMvcEndpointHandlerMapping instance that provides mappings for the given endpoints.
      endpointMapping - the base mapping for all endpoints
      endpoints - the web endpoints
      endpointMediaTypes - media types consumed and produced by the endpoints
      corsConfiguration - the CORS configuration for the endpoints or null
      linksResolver - resolver for determining links to available endpoints
      shouldRegisterLinksMapping - whether the links endpoint should be registered
    • WebMvcEndpointHandlerMapping

      public WebMvcEndpointHandlerMapping(EndpointMapping endpointMapping, Collection<ExposableWebEndpoint> endpoints, EndpointMediaTypes endpointMediaTypes, CorsConfiguration corsConfiguration, EndpointLinksResolver linksResolver, boolean shouldRegisterLinksMapping, PathPatternParser pathPatternParser)
      Creates a new WebMvcEndpointHandlerMapping instance that provides mappings for the given endpoints.
      endpointMapping - the base mapping for all endpoints
      endpoints - the web endpoints
      endpointMediaTypes - media types consumed and produced by the endpoints
      corsConfiguration - the CORS configuration for the endpoints or null
      linksResolver - resolver for determining links to available endpoints
      shouldRegisterLinksMapping - whether the links endpoint should be registered
      pathPatternParser - the path pattern parser
  • Method Details