Package org.springframework.boot.cli.compiler.grape
package org.springframework.boot.cli.compiler.grape
CLI Groovy Grape integration.
that, in the absence of any configuration, applies sensible defaults.Context used when resolving dependencies.Thrown to indicate a failure during dependency resolution.Utility to install a specificGrape
engine with Groovy.Honours the configuration ofgrape.root
by customizing the session's local repository location.AGrapeEngine
implementation that uses Maven Resolver, the dependency resolution system used by Maven.Utility class to create a pre-configuredMavenResolverGrapeEngine
.The configuration of a repository.Strategy that can be used to apply some auto-configuration during the installation of aMavenResolverGrapeEngine
.Auto-configuration for a RepositorySystemSession that uses Maven's settings.xml to determine the configuration settings.