All Classes and Interfaces

Specialization of JavaExec to be used as a base class for tasks that perform ahead-of-time processing.
A Spring Boot "fat" archive task.
A Task for bundling an application into an OCI image using a buildpack.
A custom Jar task that produces a Spring Boot executable jar.
Custom JavaExec task for running a Spring Boot application.
A custom War task that produces a Spring Boot executable war.
Task for generating a file from a Project.
The properties that are written into the file.
Configuration for an image building cache.
Configuration for an image building cache stored in a Docker volume.
Encapsulates Docker configuration options.
Encapsulates Docker registry authentication configuration options.
Encapsulates the configuration of the launch script for an executable jar or war.
Encapsulates the configuration for a layered archive.
An LayeredSpec.IntoLayersSpec that controls the layers to which application classes and resources belong.
Spec that controls the dependencies that should be part of a particular layer.
An LayeredSpec.IntoLayersSpec that controls the layers to which dependencies belong.
Spec that controls the content that should be part of a particular layer.
Base class for specs that control the layers to which a category of content should belong.
Custom JavaExec task for processing main code ahead-of-time.
Custom JavaExec task for processing test code ahead-of-time.
Task for resolving the name of the application's main class.
Gradle plugin for Spring Boot AOT.
Entry point to Spring Boot's Gradle DSL.
Gradle plugin for Spring Boot.
Extracts version information for a Class.
An enumeration of supported compression options for an entry in a ZIP archive.