1. Introduction
The Spring Boot Maven Plugin provides Spring Boot support in Apache Maven. It allows you to package executable jar or war archives, run Spring Boot applications, generate build information and start your Spring Boot application prior to running integration tests.
2. Getting Started
To use the Spring Boot Maven Plugin, include the appropriate XML in the plugins
section of your pom.xml
, as shown in the following example:
<!-- ... -->
If you use a milestone or snapshot release, you also need to add the appropriate pluginRepository
elements, as shown in the following listing:
3. Using the Plugin
Maven users can inherit from the spring-boot-starter-parent
project to obtain sensible defaults.
The parent project provides the following features:
Java 17 as the default compiler level.
UTF-8 source encoding.
Compilation with
. -
A dependency management section, inherited from the
POM, that manages the versions of common dependencies. This dependency management lets you omit<version>
tags for those dependencies when used in your own POM. -
An execution of the
goal with arepackage
execution id. -
profile that configures the build to be able to generate a Native image. -
Sensible resource filtering.
Sensible plugin configuration (Git commit ID, and shade).
Sensible resource filtering for
including profile-specific files (for example,application-dev.properties
Since the application.properties and application.yml files accept Spring style placeholders (${…} ), the Maven filtering is changed to use @..@ placeholders.
(You can override that by setting a Maven property called resource.delimiter .)
3.1. Inheriting the Starter Parent POM
To configure your project to inherit from the spring-boot-starter-parent
, set the parent
as follows:
<!-- Inherit defaults from Spring Boot -->
You should need to specify only the Spring Boot version number on this dependency. If you import additional starters, you can safely omit the version number. |
With that setup, you can also override individual dependencies by overriding a property in your own project.
For instance, to use a different version of the SLF4J library and the Spring Data release train, you would add the following to your pom.xml
Browse the Dependency versions Appendix
in the Spring Boot reference for a complete list of dependency version properties.
3.2. Using Spring Boot without the Parent POM
There may be reasons for you not to inherit from the spring-boot-starter-parent
You may have your own corporate standard parent that you need to use or you may prefer to explicitly declare all your Maven configuration.
If you do not want to use the spring-boot-starter-parent
, you can still keep the benefit of the dependency management (but not the plugin management) by using an import
scoped dependency, as follows:
<!-- Import dependency management from Spring Boot -->
The preceding sample setup does not let you override individual dependencies by using properties, as explained above.
To achieve the same result, you need to add entries in the dependencyManagement
section of your project before the spring-boot-dependencies
For instance, to use a different version of the SLF4J library and the Spring Data release train, you could add the following elements to your pom.xml
<!-- Override SLF4J provided by Spring Boot -->
<!-- Override Spring Data release train provided by Spring Boot -->
3.3. Overriding settings on the command-line
The plugin offers a number of user properties, starting with spring-boot
, to let you customize the configuration from the command-line.
For instance, you could tune the profiles to enable when running the application as follows:
$ mvn spring-boot:run -Dspring-boot.run.profiles=dev,local
If you want to both have a default while allowing it to be overridden on the command-line, you should use a combination of a user-provided project property and MOJO configuration.
The above makes sure that local
and dev
are enabled by default.
Now a dedicated property has been exposed, this can be overridden on the command-line as well:
$ mvn spring-boot:run -Dapp.profiles=test
4. Goals
The Spring Boot Plugin has the following goals:
Goal | Description |
Package an application into an OCI image using a buildpack, forking the lifecycle to make sure that |
Package an application into an OCI image using a buildpack, but without forking the lifecycle. This goal should be used when configuring a goal |
Generate a |
Display help information on spring-boot-maven-plugin. Call |
Invoke the AOT engine on the application. |
Invoke the AOT engine on tests. |
Repackage existing JAR and WAR archives so that they can be executed from the command line using |
Run an application in place. |
Start a spring application. Contrary to the |
Stop an application that has been started by the "start" goal. Typically invoked once a test suite has completed. |
Run an application in place using the test runtime classpath. The main class that will be used to launch the application is determined as follows: The configured main class, if any. Then the main class found in the test classes directory, if any. Then the main class found in the classes directory, if any. |
5. Packaging Executable Archives
The plugin can create executable archives (jar files and war files) that contain all of an application’s dependencies and can then be run with java -jar
Packaging an executable archive is performed by the repackage
goal, as shown in the following example:
If you are using spring-boot-starter-parent , such execution is already pre-configured with a repackage execution ID so that only the plugin definition should be added.
The example above repackages a jar
or war
archive that is built during the package phase of the Maven lifecycle, including any provided
dependencies that are defined in the project.
If some of these dependencies need to be excluded, you can use one of the exclude
options; see the dependency exclusion for more details.
The original (that is non-executable) artifact is renamed to .original
by default but it is also possible to keep the original artifact using a custom classifier.
The outputFileNameMapping feature of the maven-war-plugin is currently not supported.
The spring-boot-devtools
and spring-boot-docker-compose
modules are automatically excluded by default (you can control this using the excludeDevtools
and excludeDockerCompose
In order to make that work with war
packaging, the spring-boot-devtools
and spring-boot-docker-compose
dependencies must be set as optional
or with the provided
The plugin rewrites your manifest, and in particular it manages the Main-Class
and Start-Class
If the defaults don’t work you have to configure the values in the Spring Boot plugin, not in the jar plugin.
The Main-Class
in the manifest is controlled by the layout
property of the Spring Boot plugin, as shown in the following example:
The layout
property defaults to a value determined by the archive type (jar
or war
). The following layouts are available:
: regular executable JAR layout. -
: executable WAR layout.provided
dependencies are placed inWEB-INF/lib-provided
to avoid any clash when thewar
is deployed in a servlet container. -
(alias toDIR
): similar to theJAR
layout usingPropertiesLauncher
. -
: Bundle all dependencies and project resources. Does not bundle a bootstrap loader.
5.1. Layered Jar or War
A repackaged jar contains the application’s classes and dependencies in BOOT-INF/classes
and BOOT-INF/lib
Similarly, an executable war contains the application’s classes in WEB-INF/classes
and dependencies in WEB-INF/lib
and WEB-INF/lib-provided
For cases where a docker image needs to be built from the contents of a jar or war, it’s useful to be able to separate these directories further so that they can be written into distinct layers.
Layered archives use the same layout as a regular repackaged jar or war, but include an additional meta-data file that describes each layer.
By default, the following layers are defined:
for any dependency whose version does not containSNAPSHOT
. -
for the loader classes. -
for any dependency whose version containsSNAPSHOT
. -
for local module dependencies, application classes, and resources.
Module dependencies are identified by looking at all of the modules that are part of the current build. If a module dependency can only be resolved because it has been installed into Maven’s local cache and it is not part of the current build, it will be identified as regular dependency.
The layers order is important as it determines how likely previous layers can be cached when part of the application changes.
The default order is dependencies
, spring-boot-loader
, snapshot-dependencies
, application
Content that is least likely to change should be added first, followed by layers that are more likely to change.
The repackaged archive includes the layers.idx
file by default.
To disable this feature, you can do so in the following manner:
5.1.1. Custom Layers Configuration
Depending on your application, you may want to tune how layers are created and add new ones. This can be done using a separate configuration file that should be registered as shown below:
The configuration file describes how an archive can be separated into layers, and the order of those layers. The following example shows how the default ordering described above can be defined explicitly:
<layers xmlns="http://www.springframework.org/schema/boot/layers"
<into layer="spring-boot-loader">
<into layer="application" />
<into layer="application">
<includeModuleDependencies />
<into layer="snapshot-dependencies">
<into layer="dependencies" />
The layers
XML format is defined in three sections:
block defines how the application classes and resources should be layered. -
block defines how dependencies should be layered. -
block defines the order that the layers should be written.
Nested <into>
blocks are used within <application>
and <dependencies>
sections to claim content for a layer.
The blocks are evaluated in the order that they are defined, from top to bottom.
Any content not claimed by an earlier block remains available for subsequent blocks to consider.
The <into>
block claims content using nested <include>
and <exclude>
The <application>
section uses Ant-style path matching for include/exclude expressions.
The <dependencies>
section uses group:artifact[:version]
It also provides <includeModuleDependencies />
and <excludeModuleDependencies />
elements that can be used to include or exclude local module dependencies.
If no <include>
is defined, then all content (not claimed by an earlier block) is considered.
If no <exclude>
is defined, then no exclusions are applied.
Looking at the <dependencies>
example above, we can see that the first <into>
will claim all module dependencies for the application.layer
The next <into>
will claim all SNAPSHOT dependencies for the snapshot-dependencies
The final <into>
will claim anything left (in this case, any dependency that is not a SNAPSHOT) for the dependencies
The <application>
block has similar rules.
First claiming org/springframework/boot/loader/**
content for the spring-boot-loader
Then claiming any remaining classes and resources for the application
The order that <into> blocks are defined is often different from the order that the layers are written.
For this reason the <layerOrder> element must always be included and must cover all layers referenced by the <into> blocks.
5.2. spring-boot:repackage
Repackage existing JAR and WAR archives so that they can be executed from the command line using java -jar
. With layout=NONE
can also be used simply to package a JAR with nested dependencies (and no main class, so not executable).
5.2.2. Optional parameters
Name | Type | Default |
5.2.3. Parameter details
Attach the repackaged archive to be installed into your local Maven repository or deployed to a remote repository. If no classifier has been configured, it will replace the normal jar. If a classifier
has been configured such that the normal jar and the repackaged jar are different, it will be attached alongside the normal jar. When the property is set to false
, the repackaged archive will not be installed or deployed.
Name |
Type |
Default value |
User property |
Since |
Classifier to add to the repackaged archive. If not given, the main artifact will be replaced by the repackaged archive. If given, the classifier will also be used to determine the source archive to repackage: if an artifact with that classifier already exists, it will be used as source and replaced. If no such artifact exists, the main artifact will be used as source and the repackaged archive will be attached as a supplemental artifact with that classifier. Attaching the artifact allows to deploy it alongside to the original one, see the Maven documentation for more details.
Name |
Type |
Default value |
User property |
Since |
The embedded launch script to prepend to the front of the jar if it is fully executable. If not specified the 'Spring Boot' default script will be used.
Name |
Type |
Default value |
User property |
Since |
Properties that should be expanded in the embedded launch script.
Name |
Type |
Default value |
User property |
Since |
Exclude Spring Boot devtools from the repackaged archive.
Name |
Type |
Default value |
User property |
Since |
Exclude Spring Boot dev services from the repackaged archive.
Name |
Type |
Default value |
User property |
Since |
Comma separated list of groupId names to exclude (exact match).
Name |
Type |
Default value |
User property |
Since |
Collection of artifact definitions to exclude. The Exclude
element defines mandatory groupId
and artifactId
properties and an optional classifier
Name |
Type |
Default value |
User property |
Since |
Make a fully executable jar for *nix machines by prepending a launch script to the jar. <p> Currently, some tools do not accept this format so you may not always be able to use this technique. For example, jar -xf
may silently fail to extract a jar or war that has been made fully-executable. It is recommended that you only enable this option if you intend to execute it directly, rather than running it with java -jar
or deploying it to a servlet container.
Name |
Type |
Default value |
User property |
Since |
Include system scoped dependencies.
Name |
Type |
Default value |
User property |
Since |
Collection of artifact definitions to include. The Include
element defines mandatory groupId
and artifactId
properties and an optional mandatory groupId
and artifactId
properties and an optional classifier
Name |
Type |
Default value |
User property |
Since |
Layer configuration with options to disable layer creation, exclude layer tools jar, and provide a custom layers configuration file.
Name |
Type |
Default value |
User property |
Since |
The type of archive (which corresponds to how the dependencies are laid out inside it). Possible values are JAR
. Defaults to a guess based on the archive type.
Name |
Type |
Default value |
User property |
Since |
The layout factory that will be used to create the executable archive if no explicit layout is set. Alternative layouts implementations can be provided by 3rd parties.
Name |
Type |
Default value |
User property |
Since |
The name of the main class. If not specified the first compiled class found that contains a main
method will be used.
Name |
Type |
Default value |
User property |
Since |
Directory containing the generated archive.
Name |
Type |
Default value |
User property |
Since |
Timestamp for reproducible output archive entries, either formatted as ISO 8601 (yyyy-MM-dd’T’HH:mm:ssXXX
) or an int
representing seconds since the epoch.
Name |
Type |
Default value |
User property |
Since |
5.3. Examples
5.3.1. Custom Classifier
By default, the repackage
goal replaces the original artifact with the repackaged one.
That is a sane behavior for modules that represent an application but if your module is used as a dependency of another module, you need to provide a classifier for the repackaged one.
The reason for that is that application classes are packaged in BOOT-INF/classes
so that the dependent module cannot load a repackaged jar’s classes.
If that is the case or if you prefer to keep the original artifact and attach the repackaged one with a different classifier, configure the plugin as shown in the following example:
If you are using spring-boot-starter-parent
, the repackage
goal is executed automatically in an execution with id repackage
In that setup, only the configuration should be specified, as shown in the following example:
This configuration will generate two artifacts: the original one and the repackaged counter part produced by the repackage goal. Both will be installed/deployed transparently.
You can also use the same configuration if you want to repackage a secondary artifact the same way the main artifact is replaced.
The following configuration installs/deploys a single task
classified artifact with the repackaged application:
As both the maven-jar-plugin
and the spring-boot-maven-plugin
runs at the same phase, it is important that the jar plugin is defined first (so that it runs before the repackage goal).
Again, if you are using spring-boot-starter-parent
, this can be simplified as follows:
5.3.2. Custom Name
If you need the repackaged jar to have a different local name than the one defined by the artifactId
attribute of the project, use the standard finalName
, as shown in the following example:
This configuration will generate the repackaged artifact in target/my-app.jar
5.3.3. Local Repackaged Artifact
By default, the repackage
goal replaces the original artifact with the executable one.
If you need to only deploy the original jar and yet be able to run your app with the regular file name, configure the plugin as follows:
This configuration generates two artifacts: the original one and the executable counter part produced by the repackage
Only the original one will be installed/deployed.
5.3.4. Custom Layout
Spring Boot repackages the jar file for this project using a custom layout factory defined in the additional jar file, provided as a dependency to the build plugin:
<layoutFactory implementation="com.example.CustomLayoutFactory">
The layout factory is provided as an implementation of LayoutFactory
(from spring-boot-loader-tools
) explicitly specified in the pom.
If there is only one custom LayoutFactory
on the plugin classpath and it is listed in META-INF/spring.factories
then it is unnecessary to explicitly set it in the plugin configuration.
Layout factories are always ignored if an explicit layout is set.
5.3.5. Dependency Exclusion
By default, both the repackage
and the run
goals will include any provided
dependencies that are defined in the project.
A Spring Boot project should consider provided
dependencies as "container" dependencies that are required to run the application.
Generally speaking, Spring Boot projects are not used as dependencies and are therefore unlikely to have any optional
When a project does have optional dependencies they too will be included by the repackage
and run
Some of these dependencies may not be required at all and should be excluded from the executable jar. For consistency, they should not be present either when running the application.
There are two ways one can exclude a dependency from being packaged/used at runtime:
Exclude a specific artifact identified by
, optionally with aclassifier
if needed. -
Exclude any artifact belonging to a given
The following example excludes com.example:module1
, and only that artifact:
This example excludes any artifact belonging to the com.example
5.3.6. Layered Archive Tools
When a layered jar or war is created, the spring-boot-jarmode-layertools
jar will be added as a dependency to your archive.
With this jar on the classpath, you can launch your application in a special mode which allows the bootstrap code to run something entirely different from your application, for example, something that extracts the layers.
If you wish to exclude this dependency, you can do so in the following manner:
5.3.7. Custom Layers Configuration
The default setup splits dependencies into snapshot and non-snapshot, however, you may have more complex rules.
For example, you may want to isolate company-specific dependencies of your project in a dedicated layer.
The following layers.xml
configuration shown one such setup:
<layers xmlns="http://www.springframework.org/schema/boot/layers"
<into layer="spring-boot-loader">
<into layer="application" />
<into layer="snapshot-dependencies">
<into layer="company-dependencies">
<into layer="dependencies"/>
The configuration above creates an additional company-dependencies
layer with all libraries with the com.acme
6. Packaging OCI Images
The plugin can create an OCI image from a jar or war file using Cloud Native Buildpacks (CNB).
Images can be built on the command-line using the build-image
This makes sure that the package lifecycle has run before the image is created.
For security reasons, images build and run as non-root users. See the CNB specification for more details. |
The easiest way to get started is to invoke mvn spring-boot:build-image
on a project.
It is possible to automate the creation of an image whenever the package
phase is invoked, as shown in the following example:
Use build-image-no-fork when binding the goal to the package lifecycle.
This goal is similar to build-image but does not fork the lifecycle to make sure package has run.
In the rest of this section, build-image is used to refer to either the build-image or build-image-no-fork goals.
While the buildpack runs from an executable archive, it is not necessary to execute the repackage goal first as the executable archive is created automatically if necessary.
When the build-image repackages the application, it applies the same settings as the repackage goal would, that is dependencies can be excluded using one of the exclude options.
The spring-boot-devtools and spring-boot-docker-compose modules are automatically excluded by default (you can control this using the excludeDevtools and excludeDockerCompose properties).
6.1. Docker Daemon
The build-image
goal requires access to a Docker daemon.
By default, it will communicate with a Docker daemon over a local connection.
This works with Docker Engine on all supported platforms without configuration.
Environment variables can be set to configure the build-image
goal to use an alternative local or remote connection.
The following table shows the environment variables and their values:
Environment variable | Description |
URL containing the host and port for the Docker daemon - for example |
Enable secure HTTPS protocol when set to |
Path to certificate and key files for HTTPS (required if |
Docker daemon connection information can also be provided using docker
parameters in the plugin configuration.
The following table summarizes the available parameters:
Parameter | Description |
URL containing the host and port for the Docker daemon - for example |
Enable secure HTTPS protocol when set to |
Path to certificate and key files for HTTPS (required if |
When |
For more details, see also examples.
6.2. Docker Registry
If the Docker images specified by the builder
or runImage
parameters are stored in a private Docker image registry that requires authentication, the authentication credentials can be provided using docker.builderRegistry
If the generated Docker image is to be published to a Docker image registry, the authentication credentials can be provided using docker.publishRegistry
Parameters are provided for user authentication or identity token authentication. Consult the documentation for the Docker registry being used to store images for further information on supported authentication methods.
The following table summarizes the available parameters for docker.builderRegistry
and docker.publishRegistry
Parameter | Description |
Username for the Docker image registry user. Required for user authentication. |
Password for the Docker image registry user. Required for user authentication. |
Address of the Docker image registry. Optional for user authentication. |
E-mail address for the Docker image registry user. Optional for user authentication. |
Identity token for the Docker image registry user. Required for token authentication. |
For more details, see also examples.
6.3. Image Customizations
The plugin invokes a builder to orchestrate the generation of an image. The builder includes multiple buildpacks that can inspect the application to influence the generated image. By default, the plugin chooses a builder image. The name of the generated image is deduced from project properties.
The image
parameter allows configuration of the builder and how it should operate on the project.
The following table summarizes the available parameters and their default values:
Parameter / (User Property) | Description | Default value |
Name of the Builder image to use. |
Name of the run image to use. |
No default value, indicating the run image specified in Builder metadata should be used. |
Image name for the generated image. |
Policy used to determine when to pull the builder and run images from the registry.
Acceptable values are |
Environment variables that should be passed to the builder. |
Buildpacks that the builder should use when building the image. Only the specified buildpacks will be used, overriding the default buildpacks included in the builder. Buildpack references must be in one of the following forms:
None, indicating the builder should use the buildpacks included in it. |
Volume bind mounts that should be mounted to the builder container when building the image. The bindings will be passed unparsed and unvalidated to Docker when creating the builder container. Bindings must be in one of the following forms:
The network driver the builder container will be configured to use. The value supplied will be passed unvalidated to Docker when creating the builder container. |
Whether to clean the cache before building. |
Enables verbose logging of builder operations. |
Whether to publish the generated image to a Docker registry. |
One or more additional tags to apply to the generated image.
The values provided to the |
A cache containing layers created by buildpacks and used by the image building process. |
A named volume in the Docker daemon, with a name derived from the image name. |
A cache containing layers created by buildpacks and used by the image launching process. |
A named volume in the Docker daemon, with a name derived from the image name. |
A date that will be used to set the |
A fixed date that enables build reproducibility. |
The path to a directory that application contents will be uploaded to in the builder image. Application contents will also be in this location in the generated image. |
The plugin detects the target Java compatibility of the project using the compiler’s plugin configuration or the maven.compiler.target property.
When using the default Paketo builder and buildpacks, the plugin instructs the buildpacks to install the same Java version.
You can override this behaviour as shown in the builder configuration examples.
For more details, see also examples.
6.4. spring-boot:build-image
Package an application into an OCI image using a buildpack, forking the lifecycle to make sure that package
ran. This goal is suitable for command-line invocation. If you need to configure a goal execution
in your build, use build-image-no-fork
6.4.2. Optional parameters
Name | Type | Default |
6.4.3. Parameter details
Classifier used when finding the source archive.
Name |
Type |
Default value |
User property |
Since |
Exclude Spring Boot devtools from the repackaged archive.
Name |
Type |
Default value |
User property |
Since |
Exclude Spring Boot dev services from the repackaged archive.
Name |
Type |
Default value |
User property |
Since |
Comma separated list of groupId names to exclude (exact match).
Name |
Type |
Default value |
User property |
Since |
Collection of artifact definitions to exclude. The Exclude
element defines mandatory groupId
and artifactId
properties and an optional classifier
Name |
Type |
Default value |
User property |
Since |
Image configuration, with builder
, runImage
, name
, env
, cleanCache
, verboseLogging
, pullPolicy
, and publish
Name |
Type |
Default value |
User property |
Since |
Include system scoped dependencies.
Name |
Type |
Default value |
User property |
Since |
Collection of artifact definitions to include. The Include
element defines mandatory groupId
and artifactId
properties and an optional mandatory groupId
and artifactId
properties and an optional classifier
Name |
Type |
Default value |
User property |
Since |
Layer configuration with options to disable layer creation, exclude layer tools jar, and provide a custom layers configuration file.
Name |
Type |
Default value |
User property |
Since |
The type of archive (which corresponds to how the dependencies are laid out inside it). Possible values are JAR
. Defaults to a guess based on the archive type.
Name |
Type |
Default value |
User property |
Since |
The layout factory that will be used to create the executable archive if no explicit layout is set. Alternative layouts implementations can be provided by 3rd parties.
Name |
Type |
Default value |
User property |
Since |
The name of the main class. If not specified the first compiled class found that contains a main
method will be used.
Name |
Type |
Default value |
User property |
Since |
6.5. spring-boot:build-image-no-fork
Package an application into an OCI image using a buildpack, but without forking the lifecycle. This goal should be used when configuring a goal execution
in your build. To invoke the goal on the command-line, use build-image
6.5.2. Optional parameters
Name | Type | Default |
6.5.3. Parameter details
Classifier used when finding the source archive.
Name |
Type |
Default value |
User property |
Since |
Exclude Spring Boot devtools from the repackaged archive.
Name |
Type |
Default value |
User property |
Since |
Exclude Spring Boot dev services from the repackaged archive.
Name |
Type |
Default value |
User property |
Since |
Comma separated list of groupId names to exclude (exact match).
Name |
Type |
Default value |
User property |
Since |
Collection of artifact definitions to exclude. The Exclude
element defines mandatory groupId
and artifactId
properties and an optional classifier
Name |
Type |
Default value |
User property |
Since |
Image configuration, with builder
, runImage
, name
, env
, cleanCache
, verboseLogging
, pullPolicy
, and publish
Name |
Type |
Default value |
User property |
Since |
Include system scoped dependencies.
Name |
Type |
Default value |
User property |
Since |
Collection of artifact definitions to include. The Include
element defines mandatory groupId
and artifactId
properties and an optional mandatory groupId
and artifactId
properties and an optional classifier
Name |
Type |
Default value |
User property |
Since |
Layer configuration with options to disable layer creation, exclude layer tools jar, and provide a custom layers configuration file.
Name |
Type |
Default value |
User property |
Since |
The type of archive (which corresponds to how the dependencies are laid out inside it). Possible values are JAR
. Defaults to a guess based on the archive type.
Name |
Type |
Default value |
User property |
Since |
The layout factory that will be used to create the executable archive if no explicit layout is set. Alternative layouts implementations can be provided by 3rd parties.
Name |
Type |
Default value |
User property |
Since |
The name of the main class. If not specified the first compiled class found that contains a main
method will be used.
Name |
Type |
Default value |
User property |
Since |
6.6. Examples
6.6.1. Custom Image Builder
If you need to customize the builder used to create the image or the run image used to launch the built image, configure the plugin as shown in the following example:
This configuration will use a builder image with the name mine/java-cnb-builder
and the tag latest
, and the run image named mine/java-cnb-run
and the tag latest
The builder and run image can be specified on the command line as well, as shown in this example:
$ mvn spring-boot:build-image -Dspring-boot.build-image.builder=mine/java-cnb-builder -Dspring-boot.build-image.runImage=mine/java-cnb-run
6.6.2. Builder Configuration
If the builder exposes configuration options using environment variables, those can be set using the env
The following is an example of configuring the JVM version used by the Paketo Java buildpacks at build time:
If there is a network proxy between the Docker daemon the builder runs in and network locations that buildpacks download artifacts from, you will need to configure the builder to use the proxy.
When using the Paketo builder, this can be accomplished by setting the HTTPS_PROXY
environment variables as show in the following example:
6.6.3. Runtime JVM Configuration
Paketo Java buildpacks configure the JVM runtime environment by setting the JAVA_TOOL_OPTIONS
environment variable.
The buildpack-provided JAVA_TOOL_OPTIONS
value can be modified to customize JVM runtime behavior when the application image is launched in a container.
Environment variable modifications that should be stored in the image and applied to every deployment can be set as described in the Paketo documentation and shown in the following example:
6.6.4. Custom Image Name
By default, the image name is inferred from the artifactId
and the version
of the project, something like docker.io/library/${project.artifactId}:${project.version}
You can take control over the name, as shown in the following example:
This configuration does not provide an explicit tag so latest is used.
It is possible to specify a tag as well, either using ${project.version} , any property available in the build or a hardcoded version.
The image name can be specified on the command line as well, as shown in this example:
$ mvn spring-boot:build-image -Dspring-boot.build-image.imageName=example.com/library/my-app:v1
6.6.5. Buildpacks
By default, the builder will use buildpacks included in the builder image and apply them in a pre-defined order. An alternative set of buildpacks can be provided to apply buildpacks that are not included in the builder, or to change the order of included buildpacks. When one or more buildpacks are provided, only the specified buildpacks will be applied.
The following example instructs the builder to use a custom buildpack packaged in a .tgz
file, followed by a buildpack included in the builder.
Buildpacks can be specified in any of the forms shown below.
A buildpack located in a CNB Builder (version may be omitted if there is only one buildpack in the builder matching the buildpack-id
urn:cnb:builder:[email protected]
A path to a directory containing buildpack content (not supported on Windows):
A path to a gzipped tar file containing buildpack content:
An OCI image containing a packaged buildpack:
6.6.6. Image Publishing
The generated image can be published to a Docker registry by enabling a publish
If the Docker registry requires authentication, the credentials can be configured using docker.publishRegistry
If the Docker registry does not require authentication, the docker.publishRegistry
configuration can be omitted.
The registry that the image will be published to is determined by the registry part of the image name (docker.example.com in these examples).
If docker.publishRegistry credentials are configured and include a url parameter, this value is passed to the registry but is not used to determine the publishing registry location.
The publish
option can be specified on the command line as well, as shown in this example:
$ mvn spring-boot:build-image -Dspring-boot.build-image.imageName=docker.example.com/library/my-app:v1 -Dspring-boot.build-image.publish=true
When using the publish
option on the command line with authentication, you can provide credentials using properties as in this example:
$ mvn spring-boot:build-image \ -Ddocker.publishRegistry.username=user \ -Ddocker.publishRegistry.password=secret \ -Ddocker.publishRegistry.url=docker.example.com \ -Dspring-boot.build-image.publish=true \ -Dspring-boot.build-image.imageName=docker.example.com/library/my-app:v1
and reference the properties in the XML configuration:
6.6.7. Builder Cache Configuration
The CNB builder caches layers that are used when building and launching an image. By default, these caches are stored as named volumes in the Docker daemon with names that are derived from the full name of the target image. If the image name changes frequently, for example when the project version is used as a tag in the image name, then the caches can be invalidated frequently.
The cache volumes can be configured to use alternative names to give more control over cache lifecycle as shown in the following example:
6.6.8. Docker Configuration
Docker Configuration for minikube
The plugin can communicate with the Docker daemon provided by minikube instead of the default local connection.
On Linux and macOS, environment variables can be set using the command eval $(minikube docker-env)
after minikube has been started.
The plugin can also be configured to use the minikube daemon by providing connection details similar to those shown in the following example:
Docker Configuration for podman
The plugin can communicate with a podman container engine.
The plugin can be configured to use podman local connection by providing connection details similar to those shown in the following example:
With the podman CLI installed, the command podman info --format='{{.Host.RemoteSocket.Path}}' can be used to get the value for the docker.host configuration property shown in this example.
Docker Configuration for Authentication
If the builder or run image are stored in a private Docker registry that supports user authentication, authentication details can be provided using docker.builderRegistry
parameters as shown in the following example:
<email>[email protected]</email>
If the builder or run image is stored in a private Docker registry that supports token authentication, the token value can be provided using docker.builderRegistry
parameters as shown in the following example:
7. Running your Application with Maven
The plugin includes a run goal which can be used to launch your application from the command line, as shown in the following example:
$ mvn spring-boot:run
Application arguments can be specified using the arguments
parameter, see using application arguments for more details.
The application is executed in a forked process and setting properties on the command-line will not affect the application.
If you need to specify some JVM arguments (that is for debugging purposes), you can use the jvmArguments
parameter, see Debug the application for more details.
There is also explicit support for system properties and environment variables.
As enabling a profile is quite common, there is dedicated profiles
property that offers a shortcut for -Dspring-boot.run.jvmArguments="-Dspring.profiles.active=dev"
, see Specify active profiles.
Spring Boot devtools
is a module to improve the development-time experience when working on Spring Boot applications.
To enable it, just add the following dependency to your project:
When devtools
is running, it detects change when you recompile your application and automatically refreshes it.
This works for not only resources but code as well.
It also provides a LiveReload server so that it can automatically trigger a browser refresh whenever things change.
Devtools can also be configured to only refresh the browser whenever a static resource has changed (and ignore any change in the code). Just include the following property in your project:
Prior to devtools
, the plugin supported hot refreshing of resources by default which has now be disabled in favour of the solution described above.
You can restore it at any time by configuring your project:
When addResources
is enabled, any src/main/resources
directory will be added to the application classpath when you run the application and any duplicate found in the classes output will be removed.
This allows hot refreshing of resources which can be very useful when developing web applications.
For example, you can work on HTML, CSS or JavaScript files and see your changes immediately without recompiling your application.
It is also a helpful way of allowing your front end developers to work without needing to download and install a Java IDE.
A side effect of using this feature is that filtering of resources at build time will not work. |
In order to be consistent with the repackage
goal, the run
goal builds the classpath in such a way that any dependency that is excluded in the plugin’s configuration gets excluded from the classpath as well.
For more details, see the dedicated example.
Sometimes it is useful to run a test variant of your application.
For example, if you want to use Testcontainers at development time or make use of some test stubs.
Use the test-run
goal with many of the same features and configuration options as run
for this purpose.
7.1. spring-boot:run
Run an application in place.
7.1.2. Optional parameters
Name | Type | Default |
7.1.3. Parameter details
Add maven resources to the classpath directly, this allows live in-place editing of resources. Duplicate resources are removed from target/classes
to prevent them from appearing twice if ClassLoader.getResources()
is called. Please consider adding spring-boot-devtools
to your project instead as it provides this feature and many more.
Name |
Type |
Default value |
User property |
Since |
Path to agent jars.
Name |
Type |
Default value |
User property |
Since |
Arguments that should be passed to the application.
Name |
Type |
Default value |
User property |
Since |
Directory containing the classes and resource files that should be used to run the application.
Name |
Type |
Default value |
User property |
Since |
Arguments from the command line that should be passed to the application. Use spaces to separate multiple arguments and make sure to wrap multiple values between quotes. When specified, takes precedence over #arguments
Name |
Type |
Default value |
User property |
Since |
Additional directories besides the classes directory that should be added to the classpath.
Name |
Type |
Default value |
User property |
Since |
List of Environment variables that should be associated with the forked process used to run the application.
Name |
Type |
Default value |
User property |
Since |
Comma separated list of groupId names to exclude (exact match).
Name |
Type |
Default value |
User property |
Since |
Collection of artifact definitions to exclude. The Exclude
element defines mandatory groupId
and artifactId
properties and an optional classifier
Name |
Type |
Default value |
User property |
Since |
Collection of artifact definitions to include. The Include
element defines mandatory groupId
and artifactId
properties and an optional mandatory groupId
and artifactId
properties and an optional classifier
Name |
Type |
Default value |
User property |
Since |
JVM arguments that should be associated with the forked process used to run the application. On command line, make sure to wrap multiple values between quotes.
Name |
Type |
Default value |
User property |
Since |
The name of the main class. If not specified the first compiled class found that contains a 'main' method will be used.
Name |
Type |
Default value |
User property |
Since |
Flag to say that the agent requires -noverify.
Name |
Type |
Default value |
User property |
Since |
Whether the JVM’s launch should be optimized.
Name |
Type |
Default value |
User property |
Since |
The spring profiles to activate. Convenience shortcut of specifying the 'spring.profiles.active' argument. On command line use commas to separate multiple profiles.
Name |
Type |
Default value |
User property |
Since |
Skip the execution.
Name |
Type |
Default value |
User property |
Since |
List of JVM system properties to pass to the process.
Name |
Type |
Default value |
User property |
Since |
7.2. spring-boot:test-run
Run an application in place using the test runtime classpath. The main class that will be used to launch the application is determined as follows: The configured main class, if any. Then the main class found in the test classes directory, if any. Then the main class found in the classes directory, if any.
7.2.1. Required parameters
Name | Type | Default |
7.2.2. Optional parameters
Name | Type | Default |
7.2.3. Parameter details
Add maven resources to the classpath directly, this allows live in-place editing of resources. Duplicate resources are removed from target/classes
to prevent them from appearing twice if ClassLoader.getResources()
is called. Please consider adding spring-boot-devtools
to your project instead as it provides this feature and many more.
Name |
Type |
Default value |
User property |
Since |
Path to agent jars.
Name |
Type |
Default value |
User property |
Since |
Arguments that should be passed to the application.
Name |
Type |
Default value |
User property |
Since |
Directory containing the classes and resource files that should be used to run the application.
Name |
Type |
Default value |
User property |
Since |
Arguments from the command line that should be passed to the application. Use spaces to separate multiple arguments and make sure to wrap multiple values between quotes. When specified, takes precedence over #arguments
Name |
Type |
Default value |
User property |
Since |
Additional directories besides the classes directory that should be added to the classpath.
Name |
Type |
Default value |
User property |
Since |
List of Environment variables that should be associated with the forked process used to run the application.
Name |
Type |
Default value |
User property |
Since |
Comma separated list of groupId names to exclude (exact match).
Name |
Type |
Default value |
User property |
Since |
Collection of artifact definitions to exclude. The Exclude
element defines mandatory groupId
and artifactId
properties and an optional classifier
Name |
Type |
Default value |
User property |
Since |
Collection of artifact definitions to include. The Include
element defines mandatory groupId
and artifactId
properties and an optional mandatory groupId
and artifactId
properties and an optional classifier
Name |
Type |
Default value |
User property |
Since |
JVM arguments that should be associated with the forked process used to run the application. On command line, make sure to wrap multiple values between quotes.
Name |
Type |
Default value |
User property |
Since |
The name of the main class. If not specified the first compiled class found that contains a 'main' method will be used.
Name |
Type |
Default value |
User property |
Since |
Flag to say that the agent requires -noverify.
Name |
Type |
Default value |
User property |
Since |
Whether the JVM’s launch should be optimized.
Name |
Type |
Default value |
User property |
Since |
The spring profiles to activate. Convenience shortcut of specifying the 'spring.profiles.active' argument. On command line use commas to separate multiple profiles.
Name |
Type |
Default value |
User property |
Since |
Skip the execution.
Name |
Type |
Default value |
User property |
Since |
List of JVM system properties to pass to the process.
Name |
Type |
Default value |
User property |
Since |
7.3. Examples
7.3.1. Debug the Application
The run
and test-run
goals run your application in a forked process.
If you need to debug it, you should add the necessary JVM arguments to enable remote debugging.
The following configuration suspend the process until a debugger has joined on port 5005:
-Xdebug -Xrunjdwp:transport=dt_socket,server=y,suspend=y,address=5005
These arguments can be specified on the command line as well, make sure to wrap that properly, that is:
$ mvn spring-boot:run -Dspring-boot.run.jvmArguments="-Xdebug -Xrunjdwp:transport=dt_socket,server=y,suspend=y,address=5005"
7.3.2. Using System Properties
System properties can be specified using the systemPropertyVariables
The following example sets property1
to test
and property2
to 42:
If the value is empty or not defined (that is <my-property/
>), the system property is set with an empty String as the value.
Maven trims values specified in the pom, so it is not possible to specify a System property which needs to start or end with a space through this mechanism: consider using jvmArguments
Any String typed Maven variable can be passed as system properties.
Any attempt to pass any other Maven variable type (for example a List
or a URL
variable) will cause the variable expression to be passed literally (unevaluated).
The jvmArguments
parameter takes precedence over system properties defined with the mechanism above.
In the following example, the value for property1
is overridden
$ mvn spring-boot:run -Dspring-boot.run.jvmArguments="-Dproperty1=overridden"
7.3.3. Using Environment Variables
Environment variables can be specified using the environmentVariables
The following example sets the 'ENV1', 'ENV2', 'ENV3', 'ENV4' env variables:
<ENV2>Some Text</ENV2>
If the value is empty or not defined (that is <MY_ENV/
>), the env variable is set with an empty String as the value.
Maven trims values specified in the pom so it is not possible to specify an env variable which needs to start or end with a space.
Any String typed Maven variable can be passed as system properties.
Any attempt to pass any other Maven variable type (for example a List
or a URL
variable) will cause the variable expression to be passed literally (unevaluated).
Environment variables defined this way take precedence over existing values.
7.3.4. Using Application Arguments
Application arguments can be specified using the arguments
The following example sets two arguments: property1
and property2=42
On the command-line, arguments are separated by a space the same way jvmArguments
If an argument contains a space, make sure to quote it.
In the following example, two arguments are available: property1
and property2=Hello World
$ mvn spring-boot:run -Dspring-boot.run.arguments="property1 'property2=Hello World'"
7.3.5. Specify Active Profiles
The active profiles to use for a particular application can be specified using the profiles
The following configuration enables the local
and dev
The profiles to enable can be specified on the command line as well, make sure to separate them with a comma, as shown in the following example:
$ mvn spring-boot:run -Dspring-boot.run.profiles=local,dev
8. Ahead-of-Time Processing
Spring AOT is a process that analyzes your application at build-time and generate an optimized version of it.
It is a mandatory step to run a Spring ApplicationContext
in a native image.
For an overview of GraalVM Native Images support in Spring Boot, check the reference documentation. |
The Spring Boot Maven plugin offers goals that can be used to perform AOT processing on both application and test code.
8.1. Processing Applications
To configure your application to use this feature, add an execution for the process-aot
goal, as shown in the following example:
As the BeanFactory
is fully prepared at build-time, conditions are also evaluated.
This has an important difference compared to what a regular Spring Boot application does at runtime.
For instance, if you want to opt-in or opt-out for certain features, you need to configure the environment used at build time to do so.
The process-aot
goal shares a number of properties with the run goal for that reason.
8.1.1. Using the Native Profile
If you use spring-boot-starter-parent
as the parent
of your project, a native
profile can be used to streamline the steps required to build a native image.
The native
profile configures the following:
Execution of
when the Spring Boot Maven Plugin is applied on a project. -
Suitable settings so that build-image generates a native image.
Sensible defaults for the Native Build Tools Maven Plugin, in particular:
Making sure the plugin uses the raw classpath, and not the main jar file as it does not understand our repackaged jar format.
Validate that a suitable GraalVM version is available.
Download third-party reachability metadata.
To benefit from the native
profile, a module that represents an application should define two plugins, as shown in the following example:
A single project can trigger the generation of a native image on the command-line using either Cloud Native Buildpacks or Native Image Build Tools.
To use the native
profile with a multi-modules project, you can create a customization of the native
profile so that it invokes your preferred technique.
To bind Cloud Native Buildpacks during the package
phase, add the following to the root POM of your multi-modules project:
The example below does the same for Native Build Tools:
Once the above is in place, you can build your multi-modules project and generate a native image in the relevant sub-modules, as shown in the following example:
$ mvn package -Pnative
A "relevant" sub-module is a module that represents a Spring Boot application. Such module must define the Native Build Tools and Spring Boot plugins as described above. |
8.2. spring-boot:process-aot
Invoke the AOT engine on the application.
8.2.1. Required parameters
Name | Type | Default |
8.2.2. Optional parameters
Name | Type | Default |
8.2.3. Parameter details
Application arguments that should be taken into account for AOT processing.
Name |
Type |
Default value |
User property |
Since |
Directory containing the classes and resource files that should be packaged into the archive.
Name |
Type |
Default value |
User property |
Since |
Arguments that should be provided to the AOT compile process. On command line, make sure to wrap multiple values between quotes.
Name |
Type |
Default value |
User property |
Since |
Comma separated list of groupId names to exclude (exact match).
Name |
Type |
Default value |
User property |
Since |
Collection of artifact definitions to exclude. The Exclude
element defines mandatory groupId
and artifactId
properties and an optional classifier
Name |
Type |
Default value |
User property |
Since |
Directory containing the generated classes.
Name |
Type |
Default value |
User property |
Since |
Directory containing the generated resources.
Name |
Type |
Default value |
User property |
Since |
Directory containing the generated sources.
Name |
Type |
Default value |
User property |
Since |
Collection of artifact definitions to include. The Include
element defines mandatory groupId
and artifactId
properties and an optional mandatory groupId
and artifactId
properties and an optional classifier
Name |
Type |
Default value |
User property |
Since |
JVM arguments that should be associated with the AOT process. On command line, make sure to wrap multiple values between quotes.
Name |
Type |
Default value |
User property |
Since |
Name of the main class to use as the source for the AOT process. If not specified the first compiled class found that contains a 'main' method will be used.
Name |
Type |
Default value |
User property |
Since |
Spring profiles to take into account for AOT processing.
Name |
Type |
Default value |
User property |
Since |
8.3. Processing Tests
The AOT engine can be applied to JUnit 5 tests that use Spring’s Test Context Framework.
Suitable tests are processed by the AOT engine in order to generate ApplicationContextInitialzer
To configure your application to use this feature, add an execution for the process-test-aot
goal, as shown in the following example:
If you are using spring-boot-starter-parent , this execution is automatically configured if you enable the nativeTest profile.
As with application AOT processing, the BeanFactory
is fully prepared at build-time.
8.4. spring-boot:process-test-aot
Invoke the AOT engine on tests.
8.4.1. Required parameters
Name | Type | Default |
8.4.3. Parameter details
Directory containing the classes and resource files that should be used to run the tests.
Name |
Type |
Default value |
User property |
Since |
Arguments that should be provided to the AOT compile process. On command line, make sure to wrap multiple values between quotes.
Name |
Type |
Default value |
User property |
Since |
Comma separated list of groupId names to exclude (exact match).
Name |
Type |
Default value |
User property |
Since |
Collection of artifact definitions to exclude. The Exclude
element defines mandatory groupId
and artifactId
properties and an optional classifier
Name |
Type |
Default value |
User property |
Since |
Directory containing the generated test classes.
Name |
Type |
Default value |
User property |
Since |
Directory containing the generated test resources.
Name |
Type |
Default value |
User property |
Since |
Directory containing the generated sources.
Name |
Type |
Default value |
User property |
Since |
Directory containing the generated test classes.
Name |
Type |
Default value |
User property |
Since |
Collection of artifact definitions to include. The Include
element defines mandatory groupId
and artifactId
properties and an optional mandatory groupId
and artifactId
properties and an optional classifier
Name |
Type |
Default value |
User property |
Since |
JVM arguments that should be associated with the AOT process. On command line, make sure to wrap multiple values between quotes.
Name |
Type |
Default value |
User property |
Since |
Skip the execution.
Name |
Type |
Default value |
User property |
Since |
9. Running Integration Tests
While you may start your Spring Boot application very easily from your test (or test suite) itself, it may be desirable to handle that in the build itself.
To make sure that the lifecycle of your Spring Boot application is properly managed around your integration tests, you can use the start
and stop
goals, as shown in the following example:
Such setup can now use the failsafe-plugin to run your integration tests as you would expect.
The application is started in a separate process and JMX is used to communicate with the application.
By default, the plugin uses port 9001 .
If you need to configure the JMX port, see the dedicated example.
You could also configure a more advanced setup to skip the integration tests when a specific property has been set, see the dedicated example.
9.1. Using Failsafe Without Spring Boot’s Parent POM
Spring Boot’s Parent POM, spring-boot-starter-parent
, configures Failsafe’s <classesDirectory>
to be ${project.build.outputDirectory}
Without this configuration, which causes Failsafe to use the compiled classes rather than the repackaged jar, Failsafe cannot load your application’s classes.
If you are not using the parent POM, you should configure Failsafe in the same way, as shown in the following example:
9.2. spring-boot:start
Start a spring application. Contrary to the run
goal, this does not block and allows other goals to operate on the application. This goal is typically used in integration test scenario where the application is started before a test suite and stopped after.
9.2.2. Optional parameters
Name | Type | Default |
9.2.3. Parameter details
Add maven resources to the classpath directly, this allows live in-place editing of resources. Duplicate resources are removed from target/classes
to prevent them from appearing twice if ClassLoader.getResources()
is called. Please consider adding spring-boot-devtools
to your project instead as it provides this feature and many more.
Name |
Type |
Default value |
User property |
Since |
Path to agent jars.
Name |
Type |
Default value |
User property |
Since |
Arguments that should be passed to the application.
Name |
Type |
Default value |
User property |
Since |
Directory containing the classes and resource files that should be used to run the application.
Name |
Type |
Default value |
User property |
Since |
Arguments from the command line that should be passed to the application. Use spaces to separate multiple arguments and make sure to wrap multiple values between quotes. When specified, takes precedence over #arguments
Name |
Type |
Default value |
User property |
Since |
Additional directories besides the classes directory that should be added to the classpath.
Name |
Type |
Default value |
User property |
Since |
List of Environment variables that should be associated with the forked process used to run the application.
Name |
Type |
Default value |
User property |
Since |
Comma separated list of groupId names to exclude (exact match).
Name |
Type |
Default value |
User property |
Since |
Collection of artifact definitions to exclude. The Exclude
element defines mandatory groupId
and artifactId
properties and an optional classifier
Name |
Type |
Default value |
User property |
Since |
Collection of artifact definitions to include. The Include
element defines mandatory groupId
and artifactId
properties and an optional mandatory groupId
and artifactId
properties and an optional classifier
Name |
Type |
Default value |
User property |
Since |
The JMX name of the automatically deployed MBean managing the lifecycle of the spring application.
Name |
Type |
Default value |
User property |
Since |
The port to use to expose the platform MBeanServer.
Name |
Type |
Default value |
User property |
Since |
JVM arguments that should be associated with the forked process used to run the application. On command line, make sure to wrap multiple values between quotes.
Name |
Type |
Default value |
User property |
Since |
The name of the main class. If not specified the first compiled class found that contains a 'main' method will be used.
Name |
Type |
Default value |
User property |
Since |
The maximum number of attempts to check if the spring application is ready. Combined with the "wait" argument, this gives a global timeout value (30 sec by default)
Name |
Type |
Default value |
User property |
Since |
Flag to say that the agent requires -noverify.
Name |
Type |
Default value |
User property |
Since |
The spring profiles to activate. Convenience shortcut of specifying the 'spring.profiles.active' argument. On command line use commas to separate multiple profiles.
Name |
Type |
Default value |
User property |
Since |
Skip the execution.
Name |
Type |
Default value |
User property |
Since |
List of JVM system properties to pass to the process.
Name |
Type |
Default value |
User property |
Since |
Flag to include the test classpath when running.
Name |
Type |
Default value |
User property |
Since |
9.3. spring-boot:stop
Stop an application that has been started by the "start" goal. Typically invoked once a test suite has completed.
9.3.1. Optional parameters
Name | Type | Default |
9.3.2. Parameter details
The JMX name of the automatically deployed MBean managing the lifecycle of the application.
Name |
Type |
Default value |
User property |
Since |
9.4. Examples
9.4.1. Random Port for Integration Tests
One nice feature of the Spring Boot test integration is that it can allocate a free port for the web application.
When the start
goal of the plugin is used, the Spring Boot application is started separately, making it difficult to pass the actual port to the integration test itself.
The example below showcases how you could achieve the same feature using the Build Helper Maven Plugin:
You can now retrieve the test.server.port
system property in any of your integration test to create a proper URL
to the server.
9.4.2. Customize JMX port
The jmxPort
property allows to customize the port the plugin uses to communicate with the Spring Boot application.
This example shows how you can customize the port in case 9001
is already used:
If you need to configure the JMX port, make sure to do so in the global configuration as shown above so that it is shared by both goals. |
9.4.3. Skip Integration Tests
The skip
property allows to skip the execution of the Spring Boot maven plugin altogether.
This example shows how you can skip integration tests with a command-line property and still make sure that the repackage
goal runs:
By default, the integration tests will run but this setup allows you to easily disable them on the command-line as follows:
$ mvn verify -Dskip.it=true
10. Integrating with Actuator
Spring Boot Actuator displays build-related information if a META-INF/build-info.properties
file is present.
The build-info
goal generates such file with the coordinates of the project and the build time.
It also allows you to add an arbitrary number of additional properties, as shown in the following example:
This configuration will generate a build-info.properties
at the expected location with four additional keys.
maven.compiler.source and maven.compiler.target are expected to be regular properties available in the project.
They will be interpolated as you would expect.
10.1. spring-boot:build-info
Generate a build-info.properties
file based on the content of the current MavenProject
10.1.1. Optional parameters
Name | Type | Default |
10.1.2. Parameter details
Additional properties to store in the build-info.properties
file. Each entry is prefixed by build.
in the generated build-info.properties
Name |
Type |
Default value |
User property |
Since |
Properties that should be excluded build-info.properties
file. Can be used to exclude the standard group
, artifact
, name
, version
or time
properties as well as items from additionalProperties
Name |
Type |
Default value |
User property |
Since |
The location of the generated build-info.properties
Name |
Type |
Default value |
User property |
Since |
Skip the execution.
Name |
Type |
Default value |
User property |
Since |
The value used for the build.time
property in a form suitable for Instant#parse(CharSequence)
. Defaults to project.build.outputTimestamp
or session.request.startTime
if the former is not set. To disable the build.time
property entirely, use 'off'
or add it to excludeInfoProperties
Name |
Type |
Default value |
User property |
Since |
11. Help Information
The help
goal is a standard goal that displays information on the capabilities of the plugin.
11.1. spring-boot:help
Display help information on spring-boot-maven-plugin. Call mvn spring-boot:help -Ddetail=true -Dgoal=<goal-name>
to display parameter details.
11.1.2. Parameter details
If true
, display all settable properties for each goal.
Name |
Type |
Default value |
User property |
Since |
The name of the goal for which to show help. If unspecified, all goals will be displayed.
Name |
Type |
Default value |
User property |
Since |