Deprecated API
Terminally Deprecated ElementsElementDescriptionsince 3.2.0 for removal in 3.4.0 in favor of the new client and its own Spring Boot integration.since 3.2.0 for removal in 3.4.0 in favor of the new client and its own Spring Boot
(String) org.springframework.boot.autoconfigure.flyway.FlywayProperties.setSqlServerKerberosLoginFile(String) since 3.2.0 for removal in 3.4.0 in favor of the new client and its own Spring Boot integration.since 3.2.0 for removal in 3.4.0 in favor of the new client and its own Spring Boot integration.since 3.2.0 for removal in 3.4.0 in favor of the new client and its own Spring Boot integration.since 3.2.0 for removal in 3.4.0 in favor of the new InfluxDB Java client and its own Spring Boot integration.since 3.2.0 for removal in 3.4.0 in favor ofKafkaProperties.buildAdminProperties(SslBundles)
}since 3.2.0 for removal in 3.4.0 in favor ofKafkaProperties.buildConsumerProperties(SslBundles)
}since 3.2.0 for removal in 3.4.0 in favor ofKafkaProperties.buildProducerProperties(SslBundles)
}since 3.2.0 for removal in 3.4.0 in favor ofKafkaProperties.buildStreamsProperties(SslBundles)
}since 3.1.0 for removal in 3.3.0 in favor ofStandardMongoClientSettingsBuilderCustomizer
since 3.1.0 for removal in 3.3.0 in favor ofOAuth2ClientPropertiesMapper
since 3.2.0 for removal in 3.4.0 in favor ofTransactionManagerCustomizer
.since 3.2.0 for removal in 3.4.0 in favor ofTransactionManagerCustomizers.of(Collection)
since 3.2.0 for removal in 3.4.0 in favor ofTransactionManagerCustomizers.customize(TransactionManager)
since 3.2.0 for removal in 3.4.0 as property based initialization is no longer recommendedsince 3.2.0 for removal in 3.4.0 as property based initialization is no longer recommendedsince 3.0.8 for removal in 3.3.0 in favor ofBindMethod
since 3.0.8 for removal in 3.3.0 in favor ofConfigurationPropertiesBean.asBindTarget()
since 2.7.15 for removal in 3.3.0 with no replacementsince 3.2.0 for removal in 3.4.0 in favor of callingRollingPolicySystemProperty.getEnvironmentVariableName()
since 3.2.0 for removal in 3.4.0 in favor of callingRollingPolicySystemProperty.getEnvironmentVariableName()
since 3.2.0 for removal in 3.4.0 in favor of callingRollingPolicySystemProperty.getEnvironmentVariableName()
since 3.2.0 for removal in 3.4.0 in favor of callingRollingPolicySystemProperty.getEnvironmentVariableName()
org.springframework.boot.logging.logback.LogbackLoggingSystemProperties.ROLLINGPOLICY_TOTAL_SIZE_CAPsince 3.2.0 for removal in 3.4.0 in favor of callingRollingPolicySystemProperty.getEnvironmentVariableName()
since 3.2.0 for removal in 3.4.0 in favor of callingLoggingSystemProperty.getEnvironmentVariableName()
since 3.2.0 for removal in 3.4.0 in favor of callingLoggingSystemProperty.getEnvironmentVariableName()
since 3.2.0 for removal in 3.4.0 in favor of callingLoggingSystemProperty.getEnvironmentVariableName()
since 3.2.0 for removal in 3.4.0 in favor of callingLoggingSystemProperty.getEnvironmentVariableName()
since 3.2.0 for removal in 3.4.0 in favor of callingLoggingSystemProperty.getEnvironmentVariableName()
since 3.2.0 for removal in 3.4.0 in favor of callingLoggingSystemProperty.getEnvironmentVariableName()
since 3.2.0 for removal in 3.4.0 in favor of callingLoggingSystemProperty.getEnvironmentVariableName()
since 3.2.0 for removal in 3.4.0 in favor of callingLoggingSystemProperty.getEnvironmentVariableName()
since 3.2.0 for removal in 3.4.0 in favor of callingLoggingSystemProperty.getEnvironmentVariableName()
since 3.2.0 for removal in 3.4.0 in favor of callingLoggingSystemProperty.getEnvironmentVariableName()
since 3.2.0 for removal in 3.4.0 in favor of callingLoggingSystemProperty.getEnvironmentVariableName()
since 3.2.0 for removal in 3.4.0 in favor of callingLoggingSystemProperty.getEnvironmentVariableName()
since 3.2.0 for removal in 3.4.0 with no replacementsince 3.2.0 for removal in 3.4.0 with no replacementsince 3.1.0 for removal in 3.3.0 in favor ofConfigurableRSocketServerFactory.setSslBundles(SslBundles)
since 3.2.0 for removal in 3.4.0 in favor ofPemSslStoreDetails.alias()
in thekeyStoreDetails
since 3.2.0 for removal in 3.4.0 in favor ofPemSslStoreDetails.certificates()
since 3.2.0 for removal in 3.4.0 in favor ofThreadPoolTaskExecutorBuilder
since 3.2.0 for removal in 3.4.0 in favor ofThreadPoolTaskExecutorCustomizer
since 3.2.0 for removal in 3.4.0 in favor ofThreadPoolTaskSchedulerBuilder
since 3.2.0 for removal in 3.4.0 in favor ofThreadPoolTaskSchedulerCustomizer
in 3.2.11 for removal in 3.6.0since 3.2.6 for removal in 3.4.0 in favor ofBeforeTestcontainerUsedEvent
since 3.2.0 for removal in 3.4.0 as support for buffering has been removed in Spring Framework 6.1since 3.2.0 for removal in 3.4.0 as support for buffering has been removed in Spring Framework 6.1since 3.2.0 for removal in 3.4.0 as support for buffering has been removed in Spring Framework 6.1since 3.2.0 for removal in 3.4.0 as support for buffering has been removed in Spring Framework 6.1since 3.2.0 for removal in 3.4.0 as support for buffering has been removed in Spring Framework 6.1since 3.2.3 for removal in 3.4.0, with no replacementsince 3.2.3 for removal in 3.4.0, with no replacementsince 3.2.3 for removal in 3.4.0, with no replacementsince 3.2.3 for removal in 3.4.0, with no replacementsince 3.2.0 for removal in 3.4.0 in favor ofNettyWebServer(HttpServer, ReactorHttpHandlerAdapter, Duration, Shutdown, ReactorResourceFactory)
since 3.2.0 for removal in 3.4.0 in favor ofSslServerCustomizer.createSslContextSpec(SslBundle)
since 3.1.0 for removal in 3.3.0 in favor ofAbstractConfigurableWebServerFactory.getSslBundle()
since 3.1.0 for removal in 3.3.0 in favor of registering aSslBundle
backed by aPemSslStoreBundle
.since 3.1.0 for removal in 3.3.0, in favor ofConfigurableWebServerFactory.setSslBundles(SslBundles)
since 3.1.0 for removal in 3.3.0 in favor ofSslBundleKey.assertContainsAlias(KeyStore)
since 3.1.0 for removal in 3.3.0 in favor of registering anSslBundle
.since 3.1.0 for removal in 3.3.0 along withSslStoreProvider
Deprecated InterfacesInterfaceDescriptionsince 3.2.0 for removal in 3.4.0 in favor of the new client and its own Spring Boot integration.since 3.2.0 for removal in 3.4.0 in favor of the new client and its own Spring Boot integration.since 3.2.0 for removal in 3.4.0 in favor of
.since 3.2.0 for removal in 3.4.0 in favor ofThreadPoolTaskExecutorCustomizer
since 3.2.0 for removal in 3.4.0 in favor ofThreadPoolTaskSchedulerCustomizer
since 3.1.0 for removal in 3.3.0 in favor of registering anSslBundle
Deprecated ClassesClassDescriptionsince 3.2.0 for removal in 3.4.0 in favor of the new client and its own Spring Boot integration.since 3.2.0 for removal in 3.4.0 in favor of the new client and its own Spring Boot integration.since 3.2.0 for removal in 3.4.0 in favor of the new client and its own Spring Boot integration.since 3.2.0 for removal in 3.4.0 in favor of the new InfluxDB Java client and its own Spring Boot integration.since 3.1.0 for removal in 3.3.0 in favor of
since 3.1.0 for removal in 3.3.0 in favor ofOAuth2ClientPropertiesMapper
since 3.2.0 for removal in 3.4.0 as property based initialization is no longer recommendedsince 3.2.0 for removal in 3.4.0 as property based initialization is no longer recommendedsince 3.2.0 for removal in 3.4.0 in favor ofThreadPoolTaskExecutorBuilder
since 3.2.0 for removal in 3.4.0 in favor ofThreadPoolTaskSchedulerBuilder
in 3.2.11 for removal in 3.6.0since 3.2.6 for removal in 3.4.0 in favor ofBeforeTestcontainerUsedEvent
since 3.1.0 for removal in 3.3.0 in favor of registering aSslBundle
backed by aPemSslStoreBundle
.since 3.1.0 for removal in 3.3.0 in favor ofSslBundleKey.assertContainsAlias(KeyStore)
Deprecated Enum Classes
Deprecated FieldsFieldDescriptionsince 3.2.0 for removal in 3.4.0 in favor of calling
since 3.2.0 for removal in 3.4.0 in favor of callingRollingPolicySystemProperty.getEnvironmentVariableName()
since 3.2.0 for removal in 3.4.0 in favor of callingRollingPolicySystemProperty.getEnvironmentVariableName()
since 3.2.0 for removal in 3.4.0 in favor of callingRollingPolicySystemProperty.getEnvironmentVariableName()
org.springframework.boot.logging.logback.LogbackLoggingSystemProperties.ROLLINGPOLICY_TOTAL_SIZE_CAPsince 3.2.0 for removal in 3.4.0 in favor of callingRollingPolicySystemProperty.getEnvironmentVariableName()
since 3.2.0 for removal in 3.4.0 in favor of callingLoggingSystemProperty.getEnvironmentVariableName()
since 3.2.0 for removal in 3.4.0 in favor of callingLoggingSystemProperty.getEnvironmentVariableName()
since 3.2.0 for removal in 3.4.0 in favor of callingLoggingSystemProperty.getEnvironmentVariableName()
since 3.2.0 for removal in 3.4.0 in favor of callingLoggingSystemProperty.getEnvironmentVariableName()
since 3.2.0 for removal in 3.4.0 in favor of callingLoggingSystemProperty.getEnvironmentVariableName()
since 3.2.0 for removal in 3.4.0 in favor of callingLoggingSystemProperty.getEnvironmentVariableName()
since 3.2.0 for removal in 3.4.0 in favor of callingLoggingSystemProperty.getEnvironmentVariableName()
since 3.2.0 for removal in 3.4.0 in favor of callingLoggingSystemProperty.getEnvironmentVariableName()
since 3.2.0 for removal in 3.4.0 in favor of callingLoggingSystemProperty.getEnvironmentVariableName()
since 3.2.0 for removal in 3.4.0 in favor of callingLoggingSystemProperty.getEnvironmentVariableName()
since 3.2.0 for removal in 3.4.0 in favor of callingLoggingSystemProperty.getEnvironmentVariableName()
since 3.2.0 for removal in 3.4.0 in favor of callingLoggingSystemProperty.getEnvironmentVariableName()
Deprecated MethodsMethodDescriptionorg.springframework.boot.autoconfigure.couchbase.CouchbaseProperties.Ssl.setKeyStorePassword
(String) org.springframework.boot.autoconfigure.flyway.FlywayProperties.setSqlServerKerberosLoginFile(String) since 3.2.0 for removal in 3.4.0 in favor ofKafkaProperties.buildAdminProperties(SslBundles)
}since 3.2.0 for removal in 3.4.0 in favor ofKafkaProperties.buildConsumerProperties(SslBundles)
}since 3.2.0 for removal in 3.4.0 in favor ofKafkaProperties.buildProducerProperties(SslBundles)
}since 3.2.0 for removal in 3.4.0 in favor ofKafkaProperties.buildStreamsProperties(SslBundles)
}since 3.2.0 for removal in 3.4.0 in favor ofTransactionManagerCustomizers.customize(TransactionManager)
since 3.0.8 for removal in 3.3.0 in favor ofConfigurationPropertiesBean.asBindTarget()
since 2.7.15 for removal in 3.3.0 with no replacementsince 3.2.0 for removal in 3.4.0 with no replacementsince 3.2.0 for removal in 3.4.0 with no replacementsince 3.1.0 for removal in 3.3.0 in favor ofConfigurableRSocketServerFactory.setSslBundles(SslBundles)
since 3.2.0 for removal in 3.4.0 in favor ofPemSslStoreDetails.certificates()
to prevent accidental use. Prefer standard AssertJassertThat(context)...
calls prevent accidental use. Prefer standard AssertJassertThat(context)...
calls instead.since 3.2.0 for removal in 3.4.0 as support for buffering has been removed in Spring Framework 6.1since 3.2.0 for removal in 3.4.0 as support for buffering has been removed in Spring Framework 6.1since 3.2.0 for removal in 3.4.0 as support for buffering has been removed in Spring Framework 6.1since 3.2.3 for removal in 3.4.0, with no replacementsince 3.2.3 for removal in 3.4.0, with no replacementsince 3.2.0 for removal in 3.4.0 in favor ofSslServerCustomizer.createSslContextSpec(SslBundle)
since 3.1.0 for removal in 3.3.0 in favor ofAbstractConfigurableWebServerFactory.getSslBundle()
since 3.1.0 for removal in 3.3.0, in favor ofConfigurableWebServerFactory.setSslBundles(SslBundles)
since 3.1.0 for removal in 3.3.0 along withSslStoreProvider
Deprecated ConstructorsConstructorDescriptionsince 3.2.0 for removal in 3.4.0 in favor of
since 3.2.0 for removal in 3.4.0 in favor ofPemSslStoreDetails.alias()
in thekeyStoreDetails
since 3.2.0 for removal in 3.4.0 as support for buffering has been removed in Spring Framework 6.1since 3.2.0 for removal in 3.4.0 as support for buffering has been removed in Spring Framework 6.1since 3.2.3 for removal in 3.4.0, with no replacementsince 3.2.3 for removal in 3.4.0, with no replacementsince 3.2.0 for removal in 3.4.0 in favor ofNettyWebServer(HttpServer, ReactorHttpHandlerAdapter, Duration, Shutdown, ReactorResourceFactory)