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The generated stubs get committed to the SCM repo and pushed to origin.


  • Requires a Maven project to be executed.

Optional Parameters

Name Type Since Description
<contractsMode> StubRunnerProperties$StubsMode - Picks the mode in which stubs will be found and registered.
Default value is: CLASSPATH.
User property is: contractsMode.
<contractsProperties> Map - Map of properties that can be passed to custom StubDownloaderBuilder.
User property is: contractsProperties.
<contractsRepositoryPassword> String - The password to be used to connect to the repo with contracts.
User property is: contractsRepositoryPassword.
<contractsRepositoryUrl> String - The URL from which a contracts should get downloaded. If not provided but artifactid / coordinates notation was provided then the current Maven's build repositories will be taken into consideration.
User property is: contractsRepositoryUrl.
<contractsRepositoryUsername> String - The user name to be used to connect to the repo with contracts.
User property is: contractsRepositoryUsername.
<deleteStubsAfterTest> boolean - If set to false will NOT delete stubs from a temporary folder after running tests.
Default value is: true.
User property is: deleteStubsAfterTest.
<outputDirectory> File - (no description)
Default value is: ${}/stubs.
User property is: stubsDirectory.
<skip> boolean - Set this to "true" to bypass the whole Verifier execution.
Default value is: false.
User property is:
<taskSkip> boolean - Set this to "true" to bypass only JAR creation.
Default value is: false.
User property is:

Parameter Details


Picks the mode in which stubs will be found and registered.
  • Type:$StubsMode
  • Required: No
  • User Property: contractsMode
  • Default: CLASSPATH


Map of properties that can be passed to custom StubDownloaderBuilder.
  • Type: java.util.Map
  • Required: No
  • User Property: contractsProperties


The password to be used to connect to the repo with contracts.
  • Type: java.lang.String
  • Required: No
  • User Property: contractsRepositoryPassword


The URL from which a contracts should get downloaded. If not provided but artifactid / coordinates notation was provided then the current Maven's build repositories will be taken into consideration.
  • Type: java.lang.String
  • Required: No
  • User Property: contractsRepositoryUrl


The user name to be used to connect to the repo with contracts.
  • Type: java.lang.String
  • Required: No
  • User Property: contractsRepositoryUsername


If set to false will NOT delete stubs from a temporary folder after running tests.
  • Type: boolean
  • Required: No
  • User Property: deleteStubsAfterTest
  • Default: true


(no description)
  • Type:
  • Required: No
  • User Property: stubsDirectory
  • Default: ${}/stubs


Set this to "true" to bypass the whole Verifier execution.
  • Type: boolean
  • Required: No
  • User Property:
  • Default: false


Set this to "true" to bypass only JAR creation.
  • Type: boolean
  • Required: No
  • User Property:
  • Default: false