This section dives into the details of Spring Cloud Contract. Here you can learn about the key features that you may want to use and customize. If you have not already done so, you might want to read the "getting-started.html" and "using.html" sections, so that you have a good grounding of the basics.

1. Contract DSL

Spring Cloud Contract supports the DSLs written in the following languages:

  • Groovy

  • YAML

  • Java

  • Kotlin

Spring Cloud Contract supports defining multiple contracts in a single file.

The following example shows a contract definition:

groovy {
    request {
        method 'PUT'
        url '/api/12'
        headers {
            header 'Content-Type': 'application/'
        body '''\
        "created_at": "Sat Jul 26 09:38:57 +0000 2014",
        "id": 492967299297845248,
        "id_str": "492967299297845248",
        "text": "Gonna see you at Warsaw",
            "country":"United States",
            "full_name":"Washington, DC",
            "url": ""
    response {
        status OK()
description: Some description
name: some name
priority: 8
ignored: true
  url: /foo
    a: b
    b: c
  method: PUT
    foo: bar
    fooReq: baz
    foo: bar
      - path: $.foo
        type: by_regex
        value: bar
      - key: foo
        regex: bar
  status: 200
    foo2: bar
    foo3: foo33
    fooRes: baz
    foo2: bar
    foo3: baz
    nullValue: null
      - path: $.foo2
        type: by_regex
        value: bar
      - path: $.foo3
        type: by_command
        value: executeMe($it)
      - path: $.nullValue
        type: by_null
        value: null
      - key: foo2
        regex: bar
      - key: foo3
        command: andMeToo($it)
import java.util.Collection;
import java.util.Collections;
import java.util.function.Supplier;


class contract_rest implements Supplier<Collection<Contract>> {

    public Collection<Contract> get() {
        return Collections.singletonList(Contract.make(c -> {
            c.description("Some description");
  "some name");
            c.request(r -> {
                r.url("/foo", u -> {
                    u.queryParameters(q -> {
                        q.parameter("a", "b");
                        q.parameter("b", "c");
                r.headers(h -> {
                    h.header("foo", r.value(r.client(r.regex("bar")), r.server("bar")));
                    h.header("fooReq", "baz");
                r.body("foo", "bar"));
                r.bodyMatchers(m -> {
                    m.jsonPath("$.foo", m.byRegex("bar"));
            c.response(r -> {
                r.headers(h -> {
                    h.header("foo2", r.value(r.server(r.regex("bar")), r.client("bar")));
                    h.header("foo3", r.value(r.server(r.execute("andMeToo($it)")),
                    h.header("fooRes", "baz");
                r.body("foo2", "bar")
                        .entry("foo3", "baz").entry("nullValue", null));
                r.bodyMatchers(m -> {
                    m.jsonPath("$.foo2", m.byRegex("bar"));
                    m.jsonPath("$.foo3", m.byCommand("executeMe($it)"));
                    m.jsonPath("$.nullValue", m.byNull());


contract {
    name = "some name"
    description = "Some description"
    priority = 8
    ignored = true
    request {
        url = url("/foo") withQueryParameters  {
            parameter("a", "b")
            parameter("b", "c")
        method = PUT
        headers {
            header("foo", value(client(regex("bar")), server("bar")))
            header("fooReq", "baz")
        body = body(mapOf("foo" to "bar"))
        bodyMatchers {
            jsonPath("$.foo", byRegex("bar"))
    response {
        delay = fixedMilliseconds(1000)
        status = OK
        headers {
            header("foo2", value(server(regex("bar")), client("bar")))
            header("foo3", value(server(execute("andMeToo(\$it)")), client("foo33")))
            header("fooRes", "baz")
        body = body(mapOf(
                "foo" to "bar",
                "foo3" to "baz",
                "nullValue" to null
        bodyMatchers {
            jsonPath("$.foo2", byRegex("bar"))
            jsonPath("$.foo3", byCommand("executeMe(\$it)"))
            jsonPath("$.nullValue", byNull)

You can compile contracts to stubs mapping by using the following standalone Maven command:


1.1. Contract DSL in Groovy

If you are not familiar with Groovy, do not worry - you can use Java syntax in the Groovy DSL files as well.

If you decide to write the contract in Groovy, do not be alarmed if you have not used Groovy before. Knowledge of the language is not really needed, as the Contract DSL uses only a tiny subset of it (only literals, method calls, and closures). Also, the DSL is statically typed, to make it programmer-readable without any knowledge of the DSL itself.

Remember that, inside the Groovy contract file, you have to provide the fully qualified name to the Contract class and make static imports, such as { …​ }. You can also provide an import to the Contract class (import and then call Contract.make { …​ }.

1.2. Contract DSL in Java

To write a contract definition in Java, you need to create a class, that implements either the Supplier<Contract> interface for a single contract or Supplier<Collection<Contract>> for multiple contracts.

You can also write the contract definitions under src/test/java (e.g. src/test/java/contracts) so that you don’t have to modify the classpath of your project. In this case you’ll have to provide a new location of contract definitions to your Spring Cloud Contract plugin.

contracts {
    contractsDslDir = new File(project.rootDir, "src/test/java/contracts")

1.3. Contract DSL in Kotlin

To get started with writing contracts in Kotlin you would need to start with a (newly created) Kotlin Script file (.kts). Just like the with the Java DSL you can put your contracts in any directory of your choice. The Maven and Gradle plugins will look at the src/test/resources/contracts directory by default.

You need to explicitly pass the the spring-cloud-contract-spec-kotlin dependency to your project plugin setup.

        <!-- some config -->

        <!-- Remember to add this for the DSL support in the IDE and on the consumer side -->
buildscript {
    repositories {
        // ...
    dependencies {
        classpath "${scContractVersion}"
        // remember to add this:
        classpath "${scContractVersion}"

dependencies {
    // ...

    // Remember to add this for the DSL support in the IDE and on the consumer side
    testImplementation ""
Remember that, inside the Kotlin Script file, you have to provide the fully qualified name to the ContractDSL class. Generally you would use its contract function like this: { …​ }. You can also provide an import to the contract function (import and then call contract { …​ }.

1.4. Contract DSL in YML

In order to see a schema of a YAML contract, you can check out the YML Schema page.

1.5. Limitations

The support for verifying the size of JSON arrays is experimental. If you want to turn it on, set the value of the following system property to true: By default, this feature is set to false. You can also set the assertJsonSize property in the plugin configuration.
Because JSON structure can have any form, it can be impossible to parse it properly when using the Groovy DSL and the value(consumer(…​), producer(…​)) notation in GString. That is why you should use the Groovy Map notation.

1.6. Common Top-Level Elements

The following sections describe the most common top-level elements:

1.6.1. Description

You can add a description to your contract. The description is arbitrary text. The following code shows an example:

    An input
    Sth happens
description: Some description
name: some name
priority: 8
ignored: true
  url: /foo
    a: b
    b: c
  method: PUT
    foo: bar
    fooReq: baz
    foo: bar
      - path: $.foo
        type: by_regex
        value: bar
      - key: foo
        regex: bar
  status: 200
    foo2: bar
    foo3: foo33
    fooRes: baz
    foo2: bar
    foo3: baz
    nullValue: null
      - path: $.foo2
        type: by_regex
        value: bar
      - path: $.foo3
        type: by_command
        value: executeMe($it)
      - path: $.nullValue
        type: by_null
        value: null
      - key: foo2
        regex: bar
      - key: foo3
        command: andMeToo($it)
Contract.make(c -> {
    c.description("Some description");
contract {
    description = """
    An input
    Sth happens

1.6.2. Name

You can provide a name for your contract. Assume that you provided the following name: should register a user. If you do so, the name of the autogenerated test is validate_should_register_a_user. Also, the name of the stub in a WireMock stub is should_register_a_user.json.

You must ensure that the name does not contain any characters that make the generated test not compile. Also, remember that, if you provide the same name for multiple contracts, your autogenerated tests fail to compile and your generated stubs override each other.

The following example shows how to add a name to a contract:

groovy {
name: some name
Contract.make(c -> {"some name");
contract {
    name = "some_special_name"

1.6.3. Ignoring Contracts

If you want to ignore a contract, you can either set a value for ignored contracts in the plugin configuration or set the ignored property on the contract itself. The following example shows how to do so:

groovy {
ignored: true
Contract.make(c -> {
contract {
    ignored = true

1.6.4. Contracts in Progress

A contract in progress will not generate tests on the producer side, but will allow generation of stubs.

Use this feature with caution as it may lead to false positives. You generate stubs for your consumers to use without actually having the implementation in place!

If you want to set a contract in progress the following example shows how to do so:

groovy {
inProgress: true
Contract.make(c -> {
contract {
    inProgress = true

You can set the value of the failOnInProgress Spring Cloud Contract plugin property to ensure that your build will break when at least one contract in progress remains in your sources.

1.6.5. Passing Values from Files

Starting with version 1.2.0, you can pass values from files. Assume that you have the following resources in your project:

└── src
    └── test
        └── resources
            └── contracts
                ├── readFromFile.groovy
                ├── request.json
                └── response.json

Further assume that your contract is as follows:

 * Copyright 2013-2020 the original author or authors.
 * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
 * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
 * You may obtain a copy of the License at
 * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
 * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
 * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
 * limitations under the License.


Contract.make {
    request {
        headers {
    response {
        status OK()
        headers {
  method: GET
  url: /foo
  bodyFromFile: request.json
  status: 200
  bodyFromFile: response.json
import java.util.Collection;
import java.util.Collections;
import java.util.function.Supplier;


class contract_rest_from_file implements Supplier<Collection<Contract>> {

    public Collection<Contract> get() {
        return Collections.singletonList(Contract.make(c -> {
            c.request(r -> {
            c.response(r -> {


contract {
    request {
        url = url("/1")
        method = PUT
        headers {
            contentType = APPLICATION_JSON
        body = bodyFromFile("request.json")
    response {
        status = OK
        body = bodyFromFile("response.json")
        headers {
            contentType = APPLICATION_JSON

Further assume that the JSON files is as follows:

  "status": "REQUEST"
  "status": "RESPONSE"

When test or stub generation takes place, the contents of the request.json and response.json files are passed to the body of a request or a response. The name of the file needs to be a file with location relative to the folder in which the contract lays.

If you need to pass the contents of a file in binary form, you can use the fileAsBytes method in the coded DSL or a bodyFromFileAsBytes field in YAML.

The following example shows how to pass the contents of binary files:


Contract.make {
    request {
        headers {
    response {
        status 200
        headers {
  url: /1
  method: PUT
    Content-Type: application/octet-stream
  bodyFromFileAsBytes: request.pdf
  status: 200
  bodyFromFileAsBytes: response.pdf
    Content-Type: application/octet-stream
import java.util.Collection;
import java.util.Collections;
import java.util.function.Supplier;


class contract_rest_from_pdf implements Supplier<Collection<Contract>> {

    public Collection<Contract> get() {
        return Collections.singletonList(Contract.make(c -> {
            c.request(r -> {
                r.headers(h -> {
            c.response(r -> {
                r.headers(h -> {


contract {
    request {
        url = url("/1")
        method = PUT
        headers {
            contentType = APPLICATION_OCTET_STREAM
        body = bodyFromFileAsBytes("contracts/request.pdf")
    response {
        status = OK
        body = bodyFromFileAsBytes("contracts/response.pdf")
        headers {
            contentType = APPLICATION_OCTET_STREAM
You should use this approach whenever you want to work with binary payloads, both for HTTP and messaging.

2. Contracts for HTTP

Spring Cloud Contract lets you verify applications that use REST or HTTP as a means of communication. Spring Cloud Contract verifies that, for a request that matches the criteria from the request part of the contract, the server provides a response that is in keeping with the response part of the contract. Subsequently, the contracts are used to generate WireMock stubs that, for any request matching the provided criteria, provide a suitable response.

2.1. HTTP Top-Level Elements

You can call the following methods in the top-level closure of a contract definition:

  • request: Mandatory

  • response : Mandatory

  • priority: Optional

The following example shows how to define an HTTP request contract:

groovy {
    // Definition of HTTP request part of the contract
    // (this can be a valid request or invalid depending
    // on type of contract being specified).
    request {
        method GET()
        url "/foo"

    // Definition of HTTP response part of the contract
    // (a service implementing this contract should respond
    // with following response after receiving request
    // specified in "request" part above).
    response {
        status 200

    // Contract priority, which can be used for overriding
    // contracts (1 is highest). Priority is optional.
    priority 1
priority: 8
java -> {
    // Definition of HTTP request part of the contract
    // (this can be a valid request or invalid depending
    // on type of contract being specified).
    c.request(r -> {
        // ...

    // Definition of HTTP response part of the contract
    // (a service implementing this contract should respond
    // with following response after receiving request
    // specified in "request" part above).
    c.response(r -> {
        // ...

    // Contract priority, which can be used for overriding
    // contracts (1 is highest). Priority is optional.
contract {
    // Definition of HTTP request part of the contract
    // (this can be a valid request or invalid depending
    // on type of contract being specified).
    request {
        method = GET
        url = url("/foo")
        // ...

    // Definition of HTTP response part of the contract
    // (a service implementing this contract should respond
    // with following response after receiving request
    // specified in "request" part above).
    response {
        status = OK
        // ...

    // Contract priority, which can be used for overriding
    // contracts (1 is highest). Priority is optional.
    priority = 1
If you want to make your contract have a higher priority, you need to pass a lower number to the priority tag or method. For example, a priority with a value of 5 has higher priority than a priority with a value of 10.

2.2. HTTP Request

The HTTP protocol requires only the method and the URL to be specified in a request. The same information is mandatory in request definition of the contract.

The following example shows a contract for a request:

groovy {
    request {
        // HTTP request method (GET/POST/PUT/DELETE).
        method 'GET'

        // Path component of request URL is specified as follows.

    response {
        status 200
method: PUT
url: /foo
java -> {
    c.request(r -> {
        // HTTP request method (GET/POST/PUT/DELETE).

        // Path component of request URL is specified as follows.

    c.response(r -> {
        // ...
contract {
    request {
        // HTTP request method (GET/POST/PUT/DELETE).
        method = method("GET")

        // Path component of request URL is specified as follows.
        urlPath = path("/users")
    response {
        // ...
        status = code(200)

You can specify an absolute rather than a relative url, but using urlPath is the recommended way, as doing so makes the tests be host-independent.

The following example uses url:

groovy {
    request {
        method 'GET'

        // Specifying `url` and `urlPath` in one contract is illegal.

    response {
        status 200
  method: PUT
  urlPath: /foo
java -> {
    c.request(r -> {

        // Specifying `url` and `urlPath` in one contract is illegal.

    c.response(r -> {
        // ...
contract {
    request {
        method = GET

        // Specifying `url` and `urlPath` in one contract is illegal.
    response {
        // ...
        status = OK

request may contain query parameters, as the following example (which uses urlPath) shows:

groovy {
    request {
        method GET()

        urlPath('/users') {

            // Each parameter is specified in form
            // `'paramName' : paramValue` where parameter value
            // may be a simple literal or one of matcher functions,
            // all of which are used in this example.
            queryParameters {

                // If a simple literal is used as value
                // default matcher function is used (equalTo)
                parameter 'limit': 100

                // `equalTo` function simply compares passed value
                // using identity operator (==).
                parameter 'filter': equalTo("email")

                // `containing` function matches strings
                // that contains passed substring.
                parameter 'gender': value(consumer(containing("[mf]")), producer('mf'))

                // `matching` function tests parameter
                // against passed regular expression.
                parameter 'offset': value(consumer(matching("[0-9]+")), producer(123))

                // `notMatching` functions tests if parameter
                // does not match passed regular expression.
                parameter 'loginStartsWith': value(consumer(notMatching(".{0,2}")), producer(3))


    response {
        status 200
  a: b
  b: c
java -> {
    c.request(r -> {
        // ...

        r.urlPath("/users", u -> {

            // Each parameter is specified in form
            // `'paramName' : paramValue` where parameter value
            // may be a simple literal or one of matcher functions,
            // all of which are used in this example.
            u.queryParameters(q -> {

                // If a simple literal is used as value
                // default matcher function is used (equalTo)
                q.parameter("limit", 100);

                // `equalTo` function simply compares passed value
                // using identity operator (==).
                q.parameter("filter", r.equalTo("email"));

                // `containing` function matches strings
                // that contains passed substring.

                // `matching` function tests parameter
                // against passed regular expression.

                // `notMatching` functions tests if parameter
                // does not match passed regular expression.

        // ...

    c.response(r -> {
        // ...
contract {
    request {
        // ...
        method = GET

        // Each parameter is specified in form
        // `'paramName' : paramValue` where parameter value
        // may be a simple literal or one of matcher functions,
        // all of which are used in this example.
        urlPath = path("/users") withQueryParameters {
            // If a simple literal is used as value
            // default matcher function is used (equalTo)
            parameter("limit", 100)

            // `equalTo` function simply compares passed value
            // using identity operator (==).
            parameter("filter", equalTo("email"))

            // `containing` function matches strings
            // that contains passed substring.
            parameter("gender", value(consumer(containing("[mf]")), producer("mf")))

            // `matching` function tests parameter
            // against passed regular expression.
            parameter("offset", value(consumer(matching("[0-9]+")), producer(123)))

            // `notMatching` functions tests if parameter
            // does not match passed regular expression.
            parameter("loginStartsWith", value(consumer(notMatching(".{0,2}")), producer(3)))

        // ...
    response {
        // ...
        status = code(200)

request can contain additional request headers, as the following example shows:

groovy {
    request {
        method GET()
        url "/foo"

        // Each header is added in form `'Header-Name' : 'Header-Value'`.
        // there are also some helper methods
        headers {
            header 'key': 'value'


    response {
        status 200
  foo: bar
  fooReq: baz
java -> {
    c.request(r -> {
        // ...

        // Each header is added in form `'Header-Name' : 'Header-Value'`.
        // there are also some helper methods
        r.headers(h -> {
            h.header("key", "value");

        // ...

    c.response(r -> {
        // ...
contract {
    request {
        // ...
        method = GET
        url = url("/foo")

        // Each header is added in form `'Header-Name' : 'Header-Value'`.
        // there are also some helper variables
        headers {
            header("key", "value")
            contentType = APPLICATION_JSON

        // ...
    response {
        // ...
        status = OK

request may contain additional request cookies, as the following example shows:

groovy {
    request {
        method GET()
        url "/foo"

        // Each Cookies is added in form `'Cookie-Key' : 'Cookie-Value'`.
        // there are also some helper methods
        cookies {
            cookie 'key': 'value'
            cookie('another_key', 'another_value')


    response {
        status 200
  foo: bar
  fooReq: baz
java -> {
    c.request(r -> {
        // ...

        // Each Cookies is added in form `'Cookie-Key' : 'Cookie-Value'`.
        // there are also some helper methods
        r.cookies(ck -> {
            ck.cookie("key", "value");
            ck.cookie("another_key", "another_value");

        // ...

    c.response(r -> {
        // ...
contract {
    request {
        // ...
        method = GET
        url = url("/foo")

        // Each Cookies is added in form `'Cookie-Key' : 'Cookie-Value'`.
        // there are also some helper methods
        cookies {
            cookie("key", "value")
            cookie("another_key", "another_value")

        // ...

    response {
        // ...
        status = code(200)

request may contain a request body, as the following example shows:

groovy {
    request {
        method GET()
        url "/foo"

        // Currently only JSON format of request body is supported.
        // Format will be determined from a header or body's content.
        body '''{ "login" : "john", "name": "John The Contract" }'''

    response {
        status 200
  foo: bar
java -> {
    c.request(r -> {
        // ...

        // Currently only JSON format of request body is supported.
        // Format will be determined from a header or body's content.
        r.body("{ \"login\" : \"john\", \"name\": \"John The Contract\" }");

    c.response(r -> {
        // ...
contract {
    request {
        // ...
        method = GET
        url = url("/foo")

        // Currently only JSON format of request body is supported.
        // Format will be determined from a header or body's content.
        body = body("{ \"login\" : \"john\", \"name\": \"John The Contract\" }")
    response {
        // ...
        status = OK

request can contain multipart elements. To include multipart elements, use the multipart method/section, as the following examples show:

groovy contractDsl = {
    request {
        method 'PUT'
        url '/multipart'
        headers {
                // key (parameter name), value (parameter value) pair
                formParameter: $(c(regex('".+"')), p('"formParameterValue"')),
                someBooleanParameter: $(c(regex(anyBoolean())), p('true')),
                // a named parameter (e.g. with `file` name) that represents file with
                // `name` and `content`. You can also call `named("fileName", "fileContent")`
                file: named(
                        // name of the file
                        name: $(c(regex(nonEmpty())), p('filename.csv')),
                        // content of the file
                        content: $(c(regex(nonEmpty())), p('file content')),
                        // content type for the part
                        contentType: $(c(regex(nonEmpty())), p('application/json')))
    response {
        status OK()
} contractDsl = {
    request {
        method "PUT"
        url "/multipart"
        headers {
                file: named(
                        name: value(stub(regex('.+')), test('file')),
                        content: value(stub(regex('.+')), test([100, 117, 100, 97] as byte[]))
    response {
        status 200
  method: PUT
  url: /multipart
    Content-Type: multipart/form-data;boundary=AaB03x
      # key (parameter name), value (parameter value) pair
      formParameter: '"formParameterValue"'
      someBooleanParameter: true
      - paramName: file
        fileName: filename.csv
        fileContent: file content
        - key: formParameter
          regex: ".+"
        - key: someBooleanParameter
          predefined: any_boolean
        - paramName: file
            predefined: non_empty
            predefined: non_empty
  status: 200
import java.util.Collection;
import java.util.Collections;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.function.Supplier;


class contract_multipart implements Supplier<Collection<Contract>> {

    private static Map<String, DslProperty> namedProps(Request r) {
        Map<String, DslProperty> map = new HashMap<>();
        // name of the file
        map.put("name", r.$(r.c(r.regex(r.nonEmpty())), r.p("filename.csv")));
        // content of the file
        map.put("content", r.$(r.c(r.regex(r.nonEmpty())), r.p("file content")));
        // content type for the part
        map.put("contentType", r.$(r.c(r.regex(r.nonEmpty())), r.p("application/json")));
        return map;

    public Collection<Contract> get() {
        return Collections.singletonList(Contract.make(c -> {
            c.request(r -> {
                r.headers(h -> {
                        // key (parameter name), value (parameter value) pair
                                r.$(r.c(r.regex(r.anyBoolean())), r.p("true")))
                        // a named parameter (e.g. with `file` name) that represents file
                        // with
                        // `name` and `content`. You can also call `named("fileName",
                        // "fileContent")`
                        .entry("file", r.named(namedProps(r))));
            c.response(r -> {


contract {
    request {
        method = PUT
        url = url("/multipart")
        multipart {
            field("formParameter", value(consumer(regex("\".+\"")), producer("\"formParameterValue\"")))
            field("someBooleanParameter", value(consumer(anyBoolean), producer("true")))
                    // name of the file
                    value(consumer(regex(nonEmpty)), producer("filename.csv")),
                    // content of the file
                    value(consumer(regex(nonEmpty)), producer("file content")),
                    // content type for the part
                    value(consumer(regex(nonEmpty)), producer("application/json"))
        headers {
            contentType = "multipart/form-data;boundary=AaB03x"
    response {
        status = OK

In the preceding example, we define parameters in either of two ways:

Coded DSL
  • Directly, by using the map notation, where the value can be a dynamic property (such as formParameter: $(consumer(…​), producer(…​))).

  • By using the named(…​) method that lets you set a named parameter. A named parameter can set a name and content. You can call it either by using a method with two arguments, such as named("fileName", "fileContent"), or by using a map notation, such as named(name: "fileName", content: "fileContent").

  • The multipart parameters are set in the multipart.params section.

  • The named parameters (the fileName and fileContent for a given parameter name) can be set in the multipart.named section. That section contains the paramName (the name of the parameter), fileName (the name of the file), fileContent (the content of the file) fields.

  • The dynamic bits can be set via the matchers.multipart section.

    • For parameters, use the params section, which can accept regex or a predefined regular expression.

    • for named params, use the named section where first you define the parameter name with paramName. Then you can pass the parametrization of either fileName or fileContent in a regex or in a predefined regular expression.

From the contract in the preceding example, the generated test and stubs look as follows:

// given:
  MockMvcRequestSpecification request = given()
    .header("Content-Type", "multipart/form-data;boundary=AaB03x")
    .param("formParameter", "\"formParameterValue\"")
    .param("someBooleanParameter", "true")
    .multiPart("file", "filename.csv", "file content".getBytes());

 // when:
  ResponseOptions response = given().spec(request)

 // then:
  "request" : {
    "url" : "/multipart",
    "method" : "PUT",
    "headers" : {
      "Content-Type" : {
        "matches" : "multipart/form-data;boundary=AaB03x.*"
    "bodyPatterns" : [ {
        "matches" : ".*--(.*)\\r?\\nContent-Disposition: form-data; name=\\"formParameter\\"\\r?\\n(Content-Type: .*\\r?\\n)?(Content-Transfer-Encoding: .*\\r?\\n)?(Content-Length: \\\\d+\\r?\\n)?\\r?\\n\\".+\\"\\r?\\n--.*"
    }, {
        "matches" : ".*--(.*)\\r?\\nContent-Disposition: form-data; name=\\"someBooleanParameter\\"\\r?\\n(Content-Type: .*\\r?\\n)?(Content-Transfer-Encoding: .*\\r?\\n)?(Content-Length: \\\\d+\\r?\\n)?\\r?\\n(true|false)\\r?\\n--.*"
    }, {
      "matches" : ".*--(.*)\\r?\\nContent-Disposition: form-data; name=\\"file\\"; filename=\\"[\\\\S\\\\s]+\\"\\r?\\n(Content-Type: .*\\r?\\n)?(Content-Transfer-Encoding: .*\\r?\\n)?(Content-Length: \\\\d+\\r?\\n)?\\r?\\n[\\\\S\\\\s]+\\r?\\n--.*"
    } ]
  "response" : {
    "status" : 200,
    "transformers" : [ "response-template", "foo-transformer" ]

2.3. HTTP Response

The response must contain an HTTP status code and may contain other information. The following code shows an example:

groovy {
    request {
        method GET()
        url "/foo"
    response {
        // Status code sent by the server
        // in response to request specified above.
        status OK()
status: 200
java -> {
    c.request(r -> {
        // ...
    c.response(r -> {
        // Status code sent by the server
        // in response to request specified above.
contract {
    request {
        // ...
        method = GET
        url =url("/foo")
    response {
        // Status code sent by the server
        // in response to request specified above.
        status = OK

Besides status, the response may contain headers, cookies, and a body, which are specified the same way as in the request (see HTTP Request).

In the Groovy DSL, you can reference the methods to provide a meaningful status instead of a digit. For example, you can call OK() for a status 200 or BAD_REQUEST() for 400.

2.4. Dynamic properties

The contract can contain some dynamic properties: timestamps, IDs, and so on. You do not want to force the consumers to stub their clocks to always return the same value of time so that it gets matched by the stub.

For the Groovy DSL, you can provide the dynamic parts in your contracts in two ways: pass them directly in the body or set them in a separate section called bodyMatchers.

Before 2.0.0, these were set by using testMatchers and stubMatchers. See the migration guide for more information.

For YAML, you can use only the matchers section.

Entries inside the matchers must reference existing elements of the payload. For more information check this issue.

2.4.1. Dynamic Properties inside the Body

This section is valid only for the Coded DSL (Groovy, Java etc.). Check out the Dynamic Properties in the Matchers Sections section for YAML examples of a similar feature.

You can set the properties inside the body either with the value method or, if you use the Groovy map notation, with $(). The following example shows how to set dynamic properties with the value method:

value(consumer(...), producer(...))
value(c(...), p(...))
value(stub(...), test(...))
value(client(...), server(...))
$(consumer(...), producer(...))
$(c(...), p(...))
$(stub(...), test(...))
$(client(...), server(...))

Both approaches work equally well. The stub and client methods are aliases over the consumer method. Subsequent sections take a closer look at what you can do with those values.

2.4.2. Regular Expressions

This section is valid only for Groovy DSL. Check out the Dynamic Properties in the Matchers Sections section for YAML examples of a similar feature.

You can use regular expressions to write your requests in the contract DSL. Doing so is particularly useful when you want to indicate that a given response should be provided for requests that follow a given pattern. Also, you can use regular expressions when you need to use patterns and not exact values both for your tests and your server-side tests.

Make sure that regex matches a whole region of a sequence, as, internally, a call to Pattern.matches() is called. For instance, abc does not match aabc, but .abc does. There are several additional known limitations as well.

The following example shows how to use regular expressions to write a request:

groovy {
    request {
        url $(consumer(~/\/[0-9]{2}/), producer('/12'))
    response {
        status OK()
                id: $(anyNumber()),
                surname: $(
                name: 'Jan',
                created: $(consumer('2014-02-02 12:23:43'), producer(execute('currentDate(it)'))),
                correlationId: value(consumer('5d1f9fef-e0dc-4f3d-a7e4-72d2220dd827'),
        headers {
            header 'Content-Type': 'text/plain'
java -> {
    c.request(r -> {
        r.url(r.$(r.consumer(r.regex("\\/[0-9]{2}")), r.producer("/12")));
    c.response(r -> {
        r.body("id", r.$(r.anyNumber()))
                .entry("surname", r.$(r.consumer("Kowalsky"),
        r.headers(h -> {
            h.header("Content-Type", "text/plain");
contract {
    request {
        method = method("GET")
        url = url(v(consumer(regex("\\/[0-9]{2}")), producer("/12")))
    response {
        status = OK
                "id" to v(anyNumber),
                "surname" to v(consumer("Kowalsky"), producer(regex("[a-zA-Z]+")))
        headers {
            header("Content-Type", "text/plain")

You can also provide only one side of the communication with a regular expression. If you do so, then the contract engine automatically provides the generated string that matches the provided regular expression. The following code shows an example for Groovy: {
    request {
        method 'PUT'
        url value(consumer(regex('/foo/[0-9]{5}')))
                requestElement: $(consumer(regex('[0-9]{5}')))
        headers {
            header('header', $(consumer(regex('application\\/vnd\\.fraud\\.v1\\+json;.*'))))
    response {
        status OK()
                responseElement: $(producer(regex('[0-9]{7}')))
        headers {

In the preceding example, the opposite side of the communication has the respective data generated for request and response.

Spring Cloud Contract comes with a series of predefined regular expressions that you can use in your contracts, as the following example shows:

public static RegexProperty onlyAlphaUnicode() {
    return new RegexProperty(ONLY_ALPHA_UNICODE).asString();

public static RegexProperty alphaNumeric() {
    return new RegexProperty(ALPHA_NUMERIC).asString();

public static RegexProperty number() {
    return new RegexProperty(NUMBER).asDouble();

public static RegexProperty positiveInt() {
    return new RegexProperty(POSITIVE_INT).asInteger();

public static RegexProperty anyBoolean() {
    return new RegexProperty(TRUE_OR_FALSE).asBooleanType();

public static RegexProperty anInteger() {
    return new RegexProperty(INTEGER).asInteger();

public static RegexProperty aDouble() {
    return new RegexProperty(DOUBLE).asDouble();

public static RegexProperty ipAddress() {
    return new RegexProperty(IP_ADDRESS).asString();

public static RegexProperty hostname() {
    return new RegexProperty(HOSTNAME_PATTERN).asString();

public static RegexProperty email() {
    return new RegexProperty(EMAIL).asString();

public static RegexProperty url() {
    return new RegexProperty(URL).asString();

public static RegexProperty httpsUrl() {
    return new RegexProperty(HTTPS_URL).asString();

public static RegexProperty uuid() {
    return new RegexProperty(UUID).asString();

public static RegexProperty isoDate() {
    return new RegexProperty(ANY_DATE).asString();

public static RegexProperty isoDateTime() {
    return new RegexProperty(ANY_DATE_TIME).asString();

public static RegexProperty isoTime() {
    return new RegexProperty(ANY_TIME).asString();

public static RegexProperty iso8601WithOffset() {
    return new RegexProperty(ISO8601_WITH_OFFSET).asString();

public static RegexProperty nonEmpty() {
    return new RegexProperty(NON_EMPTY).asString();

public static RegexProperty nonBlank() {
    return new RegexProperty(NON_BLANK).asString();

In your contract, you can use it as follows (example for the Groovy DSL):

Contract dslWithOptionalsInString = Contract.make {
    priority 1
    request {
        method POST()
        url '/users/password'
        headers {
                email: $(consumer(optional(regex(email()))), producer('[email protected]')),
                callback_url: $(consumer(regex(hostname())), producer(''))
    response {
        status 404
        headers {
                code: value(consumer("123123"), producer(optional("123123"))),
                message: "User not found by email = [${value(producer(regex(email())), consumer('[email protected]'))}]"

To make matters even simpler, you can use a set of predefined objects that automatically assume that you want a regular expression to be passed. All of those methods start with the any prefix, as follows:

T anyAlphaUnicode();

T anyAlphaNumeric();

T anyNumber();

T anyInteger();

T anyPositiveInt();

T anyDouble();

T anyHex();

T aBoolean();

T anyIpAddress();

T anyHostname();

T anyEmail();

T anyUrl();

T anyHttpsUrl();

T anyUuid();

T anyDate();

T anyDateTime();

T anyTime();

T anyIso8601WithOffset();

T anyNonBlankString();

T anyNonEmptyString();

T anyOf(String... values);

The following example shows how you can reference those methods:

Contract contractDsl = Contract.make {
    name "foo"
    label 'trigger_event'
    input {
    outputMessage {
        sentTo 'topic.rateablequote'
                alpha            : $(anyAlphaUnicode()),
                number           : $(anyNumber()),
                anInteger        : $(anyInteger()),
                positiveInt      : $(anyPositiveInt()),
                aDouble          : $(anyDouble()),
                aBoolean         : $(aBoolean()),
                ip               : $(anyIpAddress()),
                hostname         : $(anyHostname()),
                email            : $(anyEmail()),
                url              : $(anyUrl()),
                httpsUrl         : $(anyHttpsUrl()),
                uuid             : $(anyUuid()),
                date             : $(anyDate()),
                dateTime         : $(anyDateTime()),
                time             : $(anyTime()),
                iso8601WithOffset: $(anyIso8601WithOffset()),
                nonBlankString   : $(anyNonBlankString()),
                nonEmptyString   : $(anyNonEmptyString()),
                anyOf            : $(anyOf('foo', 'bar'))
contract {
    name = "foo"
    label = "trigger_event"
    input {
        triggeredBy = "toString()"
    outputMessage {
        sentTo = sentTo("topic.rateablequote")
                "alpha" to v(anyAlphaUnicode),
                "number" to v(anyNumber),
                "anInteger" to v(anyInteger),
                "positiveInt" to v(anyPositiveInt),
                "aDouble" to v(anyDouble),
                "aBoolean" to v(aBoolean),
                "ip" to v(anyIpAddress),
                "hostname" to v(anyAlphaUnicode),
                "email" to v(anyEmail),
                "url" to v(anyUrl),
                "httpsUrl" to v(anyHttpsUrl),
                "uuid" to v(anyUuid),
                "date" to v(anyDate),
                "dateTime" to v(anyDateTime),
                "time" to v(anyTime),
                "iso8601WithOffset" to v(anyIso8601WithOffset),
                "nonBlankString" to v(anyNonBlankString),
                "nonEmptyString" to v(anyNonEmptyString),
                "anyOf" to v(anyOf('foo', 'bar'))
        headers {
            header("Content-Type", "text/plain")
Due to certain limitations of the Xeger library that generates a string out of a regex, do not use the $ and ^ signs in your regex if you rely on automatic generation. See Issue 899.
Do not use a LocalDate instance as a value for $ (for example, $(consumer( It causes a java.lang.StackOverflowError. Use $(consumer( instead. See Issue 900.

2.4.3. Passing Optional Parameters

This section is valid only for Groovy DSL. Check out the Dynamic Properties in the Matchers Sections section for YAML examples of a similar feature.

You can provide optional parameters in your contract. However, you can provide optional parameters only for the following:

  • The STUB side of the Request

  • The TEST side of the Response

The following example shows how to provide optional parameters:

groovy {
    priority 1
    name "optionals"
    request {
        method 'POST'
        url '/users/password'
        headers {
                email: $(consumer(optional(regex(email()))), producer('[email protected]')),
                callback_url: $(consumer(regex(hostname())), producer(''))
    response {
        status 404
        headers {
            header 'Content-Type': 'application/json'
                code: value(consumer("123123"), producer(optional("123123")))
java -> {
    c.request(r -> {
        r.headers(h -> {
                                r.producer("[email protected]")))
                .entry("callback_url", r.$(r.consumer(r.regex(r.hostname())),
    c.response(r -> {
        r.headers(h -> {
            h.header("Content-Type", "application/json");
        r.body("code", r.value(
                r.consumer("123123"), r.producer(r.optional("123123")))));
contract { c ->
    priority = 1
    name = "optionals"
    request {
        method = POST
        url = url("/users/password")
        headers {
            contentType = APPLICATION_JSON
        body = body(mapOf(
                "email" to v(consumer(optional(regex(email))), producer("[email protected]")),
                "callback_url" to v(consumer(regex(hostname)), producer(""))
    response {
        status = NOT_FOUND
        headers {
            header("Content-Type", "application/json")
                "code" to value(consumer("123123"), producer(optional("123123")))

By wrapping a part of the body with the optional() method, you create a regular expression that must be present 0 or more times.

If you use Spock, the following test would be generated from the previous example:

package com.example

import com.jayway.jsonpath.DocumentContext
import com.jayway.jsonpath.JsonPath
import spock.lang.Specification
import io.restassured.module.mockmvc.specification.MockMvcRequestSpecification
import io.restassured.response.ResponseOptions

import static
import static*
import static com.toomuchcoding.jsonassert.JsonAssertion.assertThatJson
import static io.restassured.module.mockmvc.RestAssuredMockMvc.*

class FooSpec extends Specification {

\tdef validate_optionals() throws Exception {
\t\t\tMockMvcRequestSpecification request = given()
\t\t\t\t\t.header("Content-Type", "application/json")
\t\t\t\t\t.body('''{"email":"[email protected]","callback_url":""}''')

\t\t\tResponseOptions response = given().spec(request)

\t\t\tresponse.statusCode() == 404
\t\t\tresponse.header("Content-Type") == 'application/json'

\t\t\tDocumentContext parsedJson = JsonPath.parse(response.body.asString())


The following stub would also be generated:

  "request" : {
    "url" : "/users/password",
    "method" : "POST",
    "bodyPatterns" : [ {
      "matchesJsonPath" : "$[?(@.['email'] =~ /([a-zA-Z0-9._%+-]+@[a-zA-Z0-9.-]+\\\\.[a-zA-Z]{2,6})?/)]"
    }, {
      "matchesJsonPath" : "$[?(@.['callback_url'] =~ /((http[s]?|ftp):\\\\/)\\\\/?([^:\\\\/\\\\s]+)(:[0-9]{1,5})?/)]"
    } ],
    "headers" : {
      "Content-Type" : {
        "equalTo" : "application/json"
  "response" : {
    "status" : 404,
    "body" : "{\\"code\\":\\"123123\\",\\"message\\":\\"User not found by email == [[email protected]]\\"}",
    "headers" : {
      "Content-Type" : "application/json"
  "priority" : 1

2.4.4. Executing Custom Methods on the Server Side

This section is valid only for Groovy DSL. Check out the Dynamic Properties in the Matchers Sections section for YAML examples of a similar feature.

You can define a method call that runs on the server side during the test. Such a method can be added to the class defined as baseClassForTests in the configuration. The following code shows an example of the contract portion of the test case:

method GET()
method = GET

The following code shows the base class portion of the test case:

abstract class BaseMockMvcSpec extends Specification {

    def setup() {
        RestAssuredMockMvc.standaloneSetup(new PairIdController())

    void isProperCorrelationId(Integer correlationId) {
        assert correlationId == 123456

    void isEmpty(String value) {
        assert value == null

You cannot use both a String and execute to perform concatenation. For example, calling header('Authorization', 'Bearer ' + execute('authToken()')) leads to improper results. Instead, call header('Authorization', execute('authToken()')) and ensure that the authToken() method returns everything you need.

The type of the object read from the JSON can be one of the following, depending on the JSON path:

  • String: If you point to a String value in the JSON.

  • JSONArray: If you point to a List in the JSON.

  • Map: If you point to a Map in the JSON.

  • Number: If you point to Integer, Double, and other numeric type in the JSON.

  • Boolean: If you point to a Boolean in the JSON.

In the request part of the contract, you can specify that the body should be taken from a method.

You must provide both the consumer and the producer side. The execute part is applied for the whole body, not for parts of it.

The following example shows how to read an object from JSON:

Contract contractDsl = Contract.make {
    request {
        method 'GET'
        url '/something'
                $(c('foo'), p(execute('hashCode()')))
    response {
        status OK()

The preceding example results in calling the hashCode() method in the request body. It should resemble the following code:

// given:
 MockMvcRequestSpecification request = given()

// when:
 ResponseOptions response = given().spec(request)

// then:

2.4.5. Referencing the Request from the Response

The best situation is to provide fixed values, but sometimes you need to reference a request in your response.

If you write contracts in the Groovy DSL, you can use the fromRequest() method, which lets you reference a bunch of elements from the HTTP request. You can use the following options:

  • fromRequest().url(): Returns the request URL and query parameters.

  • fromRequest().query(String key): Returns the first query parameter with a given name.

  • fromRequest().query(String key, int index): Returns the nth query parameter with a given name.

  • fromRequest().path(): Returns the full path.

  • fromRequest().path(int index): Returns the nth path element.

  • fromRequest().header(String key): Returns the first header with a given name.

  • fromRequest().header(String key, int index): Returns the nth header with a given name.

  • fromRequest().body(): Returns the full request body.

  • fromRequest().body(String jsonPath): Returns the element from the request that matches the JSON Path.

If you use the YAML contract definition or the Java one, you have to use the Handlebars {{{ }}} notation with custom Spring Cloud Contract functions to achieve this. In that case, you can use the following options:

  • {{{ request.url }}}: Returns the request URL and query parameters.

  • {{{ request.query.key.[index] }}}: Returns the nth query parameter with a given name. For example, for a key of thing, the first entry is {{{ request.query.thing.[0] }}}

  • {{{ request.path }}}: Returns the full path.

  • {{{ request.path.[index] }}}: Returns the nth path element. For example, the first entry is `{{{ request.path.[0] }}}

  • {{{ request.headers.key }}}: Returns the first header with a given name.

  • {{{ request.headers.key.[index] }}}: Returns the nth header with a given name.

  • {{{ request.body }}}: Returns the full request body.

  • {{{ jsonpath this 'your.json.path' }}}: Returns the element from the request that matches the JSON Path. For example, for a JSON path of $.here, use {{{ jsonpath this '$.here' }}}

Consider the following contract:

Contract contractDsl = Contract.make {
    request {
        method 'GET'
        url('/api/v1/xxxx') {
            queryParameters {
                parameter('foo', 'bar')
                parameter('foo', 'bar2')
        headers {
            header(authorization(), 'secret')
            header(authorization(), 'secret2')
        body(foo: 'bar', baz: 5)
    response {
        status OK()
        headers {
            header(authorization(), "foo ${fromRequest().header(authorization())} bar")
                url: fromRequest().url(),
                path: fromRequest().path(),
                pathIndex: fromRequest().path(1),
                param: fromRequest().query('foo'),
                paramIndex: fromRequest().query('foo', 1),
                authorization: fromRequest().header('Authorization'),
                authorization2: fromRequest().header('Authorization', 1),
                fullBody: fromRequest().body(),
                responseFoo: fromRequest().body('$.foo'),
                responseBaz: fromRequest().body('$.baz'),
                responseBaz2: "Bla bla ${fromRequest().body('$.foo')} bla bla",
                rawUrl: fromRequest().rawUrl(),
                rawPath: fromRequest().rawPath(),
                rawPathIndex: fromRequest().rawPath(1),
                rawParam: fromRequest().rawQuery('foo'),
                rawParamIndex: fromRequest().rawQuery('foo', 1),
                rawAuthorization: fromRequest().rawHeader('Authorization'),
                rawAuthorization2: fromRequest().rawHeader('Authorization', 1),
                rawResponseFoo: fromRequest().rawBody('$.foo'),
                rawResponseBaz: fromRequest().rawBody('$.baz'),
                rawResponseBaz2: "Bla bla ${fromRequest().rawBody('$.foo')} bla bla"
Contract contractDsl = Contract.make {
    request {
        method 'GET'
        url('/api/v1/xxxx') {
            queryParameters {
                parameter('foo', 'bar')
                parameter('foo', 'bar2')
        headers {
            header(authorization(), 'secret')
            header(authorization(), 'secret2')
        body(foo: "bar", baz: 5)
    response {
        status OK()
        headers {
                    "responseFoo": "{{{ jsonPath request.body '$.foo' }}}",
                    "responseBaz": {{{ jsonPath request.body '$.baz' }}},
                    "responseBaz2": "Bla bla {{{ jsonPath request.body '$.foo' }}} bla bla"
  method: GET
  url: /api/v1/xxxx
      - bar
      - bar2
      - secret
      - secret2
    foo: bar
    baz: 5
  status: 200
    Authorization: "foo {{{ request.headers.Authorization.0 }}} bar"
    url: "{{{ request.url }}}"
    path: "{{{ request.path }}}"
    pathIndex: "{{{ request.path.1 }}}"
    param: "{{{ }}}"
    paramIndex: "{{{ }}}"
    authorization: "{{{ request.headers.Authorization.0 }}}"
    authorization2: "{{{ request.headers.Authorization.1 }}"
    fullBody: "{{{ request.body }}}"
    responseFoo: "{{{ jsonpath this '$.foo' }}}"
    responseBaz: "{{{ jsonpath this '$.baz' }}}"
    responseBaz2: "Bla bla {{{ jsonpath this '$.foo' }}} bla bla"

import java.util.function.Supplier;


import static;

class shouldReturnStatsForAUser implements Supplier<Contract> {

    public Contract get() {
        return Contract.make(c -> {
            c.request(r -> {
                r.body(map().entry("name", r.anyAlphaUnicode()));
                r.headers(h -> {
            c.response(r -> {
                                "Dear {{{jsonPath request.body '$.name'}}} thanks for your interested in drinking beer")
                        .entry("quantity", r.$(r.c(5), r.p(r.anyNumber()))));
                r.headers(h -> {



contract {
    request {
        method = method("POST")
        url = url("/stats")
            "name" to anyAlphaUnicode
        headers {
            contentType = APPLICATION_JSON
    response {
        status = OK
            "text" to "Don't worry ${fromRequest().body("$.name")} thanks for your interested in drinking beer",
            "quantity" to v(c(5), p(anyNumber))
        headers {
            contentType = fromRequest().header(CONTENT_TYPE)

Running a JUnit test generation leads to a test that resembles the following example:

// given:
 MockMvcRequestSpecification request = given()
   .header("Authorization", "secret")
   .header("Authorization", "secret2")

// when:
 ResponseOptions response = given().spec(request)

// then:
 assertThat(response.header("Authorization")).isEqualTo("foo secret bar");
// and:
 DocumentContext parsedJson = JsonPath.parse(response.getBody().asString());
 assertThatJson(parsedJson).field("['responseBaz2']").isEqualTo("Bla bla bar bla bla");

As you can see, elements from the request have been properly referenced in the response.

The generated WireMock stub should resemble the following example:

  "request" : {
    "urlPath" : "/api/v1/xxxx",
    "method" : "POST",
    "headers" : {
      "Authorization" : {
        "equalTo" : "secret2"
    "queryParameters" : {
      "foo" : {
        "equalTo" : "bar2"
    "bodyPatterns" : [ {
      "matchesJsonPath" : "$[?(@.['baz'] == 5)]"
    }, {
      "matchesJsonPath" : "$[?(@.['foo'] == 'bar')]"
    } ]
  "response" : {
    "status" : 200,
    "body" : "{\"authorization\":\"{{{request.headers.Authorization.[0]}}}\",\"path\":\"{{{request.path}}}\",\"responseBaz\":{{{jsonpath this '$.baz'}}} ,\"param\":\"{{{[0]}}}\",\"pathIndex\":\"{{{request.path.[1]}}}\",\"responseBaz2\":\"Bla bla {{{jsonpath this '$.foo'}}} bla bla\",\"responseFoo\":\"{{{jsonpath this '$.foo'}}}\",\"authorization2\":\"{{{request.headers.Authorization.[1]}}}\",\"fullBody\":\"{{{escapejsonbody}}}\",\"url\":\"{{{request.url}}}\",\"paramIndex\":\"{{{[1]}}}\"}",
    "headers" : {
      "Authorization" : "{{{request.headers.Authorization.[0]}}};foo"
    "transformers" : [ "response-template" ]

Sending a request such as the one presented in the request part of the contract results in sending the following response body:

  "url" : "/api/v1/xxxx?foo=bar&foo=bar2",
  "path" : "/api/v1/xxxx",
  "pathIndex" : "v1",
  "param" : "bar",
  "paramIndex" : "bar2",
  "authorization" : "secret",
  "authorization2" : "secret2",
  "fullBody" : "{\"foo\":\"bar\",\"baz\":5}",
  "responseFoo" : "bar",
  "responseBaz" : 5,
  "responseBaz2" : "Bla bla bar bla bla"
This feature works only with WireMock versions greater than or equal to 2.5.1. The Spring Cloud Contract Verifier uses WireMock’s response-template response transformer. It uses Handlebars to convert the Mustache {{{ }}} templates into proper values. Additionally, it registers two helper functions:
  • escapejsonbody: Escapes the request body in a format that can be embedded in a JSON.

  • jsonpath: For a given parameter, find an object in the request body.

2.4.6. Dynamic Properties in the Matchers Sections

If you work with Pact, the following discussion may seem familiar. Quite a few users are used to having a separation between the body and setting the dynamic parts of a contract.

You can use the bodyMatchers section for two reasons:

  • Define the dynamic values that should end up in a stub. You can set it in the request or inputMessage part of your contract.

  • Verify the result of your test. This section is present in the response or outputMessage side of the contract.

Currently, Spring Cloud Contract Verifier supports only JSON path-based matchers with the following matching possibilities:

Coded DSL
  • For the stubs (in tests on the consumer’s side):

    • byEquality(): The value taken from the consumer’s request in the provided JSON path must be equal to the value provided in the contract.

    • byRegex(…​): The value taken from the consumer’s request in the provided JSON path must match the regex. You can also pass the type of the expected matched value (for example, asString(), asLong(), and so on).

    • byDate(): The value taken from the consumer’s request in the provided JSON path must match the regex for an ISO Date value.

    • byTimestamp(): The value taken from the consumer’s request in the provided JSON path must match the regex for an ISO DateTime value.

    • byTime(): The value taken from the consumer’s request in the provided JSON path must match the regex for an ISO Time value.

  • For the verification (in generated tests on the Producer’s side):

    • byEquality(): The value taken from the producer’s response in the provided JSON path must be equal to the provided value in the contract.

    • byRegex(…​): The value taken from the producer’s response in the provided JSON path must match the regex.

    • byDate(): The value taken from the producer’s response in the provided JSON path must match the regex for an ISO Date value.

    • byTimestamp(): The value taken from the producer’s response in the provided JSON path must match the regex for an ISO DateTime value.

    • byTime(): The value taken from the producer’s response in the provided JSON path must match the regex for an ISO Time value.

    • byType(): The value taken from the producer’s response in the provided JSON path needs to be of the same type as the type defined in the body of the response in the contract. byType can take a closure, in which you can set minOccurrence and maxOccurrence. For the request side, you should use the closure to assert size of the collection. That way, you can assert the size of the flattened collection. To check the size of an unflattened collection, use a custom method with the byCommand(…​) testMatcher.

    • byCommand(…​): The value taken from the producer’s response in the provided JSON path is passed as an input to the custom method that you provide. For example, byCommand('thing($it)') results in calling a thing method to which the value matching the JSON Path gets passed. The type of the object read from the JSON can be one of the following, depending on the JSON path:

      • String: If you point to a String value.

      • JSONArray: If you point to a List.

      • Map: If you point to a Map.

      • Number: If you point to Integer, Double, or another kind of number.

      • Boolean: If you point to a Boolean.

    • byNull(): The value taken from the response in the provided JSON path must be null.

See the Groovy section for detailed explanation of what the types mean.

For YAML, the structure of a matcher resembles the following example:

- path: $.thing1
  type: by_regex
  value: thing2
  regexType: as_string

Alternatively, if you want to use one of the predefined regular expressions [only_alpha_unicode, number, any_boolean, ip_address, hostname, email, url, uuid, iso_date, iso_date_time, iso_time, iso_8601_with_offset, non_empty, non_blank], you can use something similar to the following example:

- path: $.thing1
  type: by_regex
  predefined: only_alpha_unicode

The following list shows the allowed list of type values:

  • For stubMatchers:

    • by_equality

    • by_regex

    • by_date

    • by_timestamp

    • by_time

    • by_type

      • Two additional fields (minOccurrence and maxOccurrence) are accepted.

  • For testMatchers:

    • by_equality

    • by_regex

    • by_date

    • by_timestamp

    • by_time

    • by_type

      • Two additional fields (minOccurrence and maxOccurrence) are accepted.

    • by_command

    • by_null

You can also define which type the regular expression corresponds to in the regexType field. The following list shows the allowed regular expression types:

  • as_integer

  • as_double

  • as_float

  • as_long

  • as_short

  • as_boolean

  • as_string

Consider the following example:

Contract contractDsl = Contract.make {
    request {
        method 'GET'
        urlPath '/get'
                duck                : 123,
                alpha               : 'abc',
                number              : 123,
                aBoolean            : true,
                date                : '2017-01-01',
                dateTime            : '2017-01-01T01:23:45',
                time                : '01:02:34',
                valueWithoutAMatcher: 'foo',
                valueWithTypeMatch  : 'string',
                key                 : [
                        'complex.key': 'foo'
        bodyMatchers {
            jsonPath('$.duck', byRegex("[0-9]{3}").asInteger())
            jsonPath('$.duck', byEquality())
            jsonPath('$.alpha', byRegex(onlyAlphaUnicode()).asString())
            jsonPath('$.alpha', byEquality())
            jsonPath('$.number', byRegex(number()).asInteger())
            jsonPath('$.aBoolean', byRegex(anyBoolean()).asBooleanType())
            jsonPath('$.date', byDate())
            jsonPath('$.dateTime', byTimestamp())
            jsonPath('$.time', byTime())
            jsonPath("\$.['key'].['complex.key']", byEquality())
        headers {
    response {
        status OK()
                duck                 : 123,
                alpha                : 'abc',
                number               : 123,
                positiveInteger      : 1234567890,
                negativeInteger      : -1234567890,
                positiveDecimalNumber: 123.4567890,
                negativeDecimalNumber: -123.4567890,
                aBoolean             : true,
                date                 : '2017-01-01',
                dateTime             : '2017-01-01T01:23:45',
                time                 : "01:02:34",
                valueWithoutAMatcher : 'foo',
                valueWithTypeMatch   : 'string',
                valueWithMin         : [
                        1, 2, 3
                valueWithMax         : [
                        1, 2, 3
                valueWithMinMax      : [
                        1, 2, 3
                valueWithMinEmpty    : [],
                valueWithMaxEmpty    : [],
                key                  : [
                        'complex.key': 'foo'
                nullValue            : null
        bodyMatchers {
            // asserts the jsonpath value against manual regex
            jsonPath('$.duck', byRegex("[0-9]{3}").asInteger())
            // asserts the jsonpath value against the provided value
            jsonPath('$.duck', byEquality())
            // asserts the jsonpath value against some default regex
            jsonPath('$.alpha', byRegex(onlyAlphaUnicode()).asString())
            jsonPath('$.alpha', byEquality())
            jsonPath('$.number', byRegex(number()).asInteger())
            jsonPath('$.positiveInteger', byRegex(anInteger()).asInteger())
            jsonPath('$.negativeInteger', byRegex(anInteger()).asInteger())
            jsonPath('$.positiveDecimalNumber', byRegex(aDouble()).asDouble())
            jsonPath('$.negativeDecimalNumber', byRegex(aDouble()).asDouble())
            jsonPath('$.aBoolean', byRegex(anyBoolean()).asBooleanType())
            // asserts vs inbuilt time related regex
            jsonPath('$.date', byDate())
            jsonPath('$.dateTime', byTimestamp())
            jsonPath('$.time', byTime())
            // asserts that the resulting type is the same as in response body
            jsonPath('$.valueWithTypeMatch', byType())
            jsonPath('$.valueWithMin', byType {
                // results in verification of size of array (min 1)
            jsonPath('$.valueWithMax', byType {
                // results in verification of size of array (max 3)
            jsonPath('$.valueWithMinMax', byType {
                // results in verification of size of array (min 1 & max 3)
            jsonPath('$.valueWithMinEmpty', byType {
                // results in verification of size of array (min 0)
            jsonPath('$.valueWithMaxEmpty', byType {
                // results in verification of size of array (max 0)
            // will execute a method `assertThatValueIsANumber`
            jsonPath('$.duck', byCommand('assertThatValueIsANumber($it)'))
            jsonPath("\$.['key'].['complex.key']", byEquality())
            jsonPath('$.nullValue', byNull())
        headers {
            header('Some-Header', $(c('someValue'), p(regex('[a-zA-Z]{9}'))))
  method: GET
  urlPath: /get/1
    Content-Type: application/json
    foo: 2
    bar: 3
    limit: 10
    offset: 20
    filter: 'email'
    sort: name
    search: 55
    age: 99
    name: John.Doe
    email: '[email protected]'
    duck: 123
    alpha: "abc"
    number: 123
    aBoolean: true
    date: "2017-01-01"
    dateTime: "2017-01-01T01:23:45"
    time: "01:02:34"
    valueWithoutAMatcher: "foo"
    valueWithTypeMatch: "string"
      "complex.key": 'foo'
    nullValue: null
      - 1
      - 2
      - 3
      - 1
      - 2
      - 3
      - 1
      - 2
      - 3
    valueWithMinEmpty: []
    valueWithMaxEmpty: []
      regex: /get/[0-9]
      # predefined:
      # execute a method
      #command: 'equals($it)'
      - key: limit
        type: equal_to
        value: 20
      - key: offset
        type: containing
        value: 20
      - key: sort
        type: equal_to
        value: name
      - key: search
        type: not_matching
        value: '^[0-9]{2}$'
      - key: age
        type: not_matching
        value: '^\\w*$'
      - key: name
        type: matching
        value: 'John.*'
      - key: hello
        type: absent
      - key: foo
        regex: '[0-9]'
      - key: bar
        command: 'equals($it)'
      - key: Content-Type
        regex: "application/json.*"
      - path: $.duck
        type: by_regex
        value: "[0-9]{3}"
      - path: $.duck
        type: by_equality
      - path: $.alpha
        type: by_regex
        predefined: only_alpha_unicode
      - path: $.alpha
        type: by_equality
      - path: $.number
        type: by_regex
        predefined: number
      - path: $.aBoolean
        type: by_regex
        predefined: any_boolean
      - path: $.date
        type: by_date
      - path: $.dateTime
        type: by_timestamp
      - path: $.time
        type: by_time
      - path: "$.['key'].['complex.key']"
        type: by_equality
      - path: $.nullvalue
        type: by_null
      - path: $.valueWithMin
        type: by_type
        minOccurrence: 1
      - path: $.valueWithMax
        type: by_type
        maxOccurrence: 3
      - path: $.valueWithMinMax
        type: by_type
        minOccurrence: 1
        maxOccurrence: 3
  status: 200
    foo: 1
    bar: 2
    duck: 123
    alpha: "abc"
    number: 123
    aBoolean: true
    date: "2017-01-01"
    dateTime: "2017-01-01T01:23:45"
    time: "01:02:34"
    valueWithoutAMatcher: "foo"
    valueWithTypeMatch: "string"
      - 1
      - 2
      - 3
      - 1
      - 2
      - 3
      - 1
      - 2
      - 3
    valueWithMinEmpty: []
    valueWithMaxEmpty: []
      'complex.key': 'foo'
    nulValue: null
      - key: Content-Type
        regex: "application/json.*"
      - key: foo
        regex: '[0-9]'
      - key: bar
        command: 'equals($it)'
      - path: $.duck
        type: by_regex
        value: "[0-9]{3}"
      - path: $.duck
        type: by_equality
      - path: $.alpha
        type: by_regex
        predefined: only_alpha_unicode
      - path: $.alpha
        type: by_equality
      - path: $.number
        type: by_regex
        predefined: number
      - path: $.aBoolean
        type: by_regex
        predefined: any_boolean
      - path: $.date
        type: by_date
      - path: $.dateTime
        type: by_timestamp
      - path: $.time
        type: by_time
      - path: $.valueWithTypeMatch
        type: by_type
      - path: $.valueWithMin
        type: by_type
        minOccurrence: 1
      - path: $.valueWithMax
        type: by_type
        maxOccurrence: 3
      - path: $.valueWithMinMax
        type: by_type
        minOccurrence: 1
        maxOccurrence: 3
      - path: $.valueWithMinEmpty
        type: by_type
        minOccurrence: 0
      - path: $.valueWithMaxEmpty
        type: by_type
        maxOccurrence: 0
      - path: $.duck
        type: by_command
        value: assertThatValueIsANumber($it)
      - path: $.nullValue
        type: by_null
        value: null
    Content-Type: application/json

In the preceding example, you can see the dynamic portions of the contract in the matchers sections. For the request part, you can see that, for all fields but valueWithoutAMatcher, the values of the regular expressions that the stub should contain are explicitly set. For the valueWithoutAMatcher, the verification takes place in the same way as without the use of matchers. In that case, the test performs an equality check.

For the response side in the bodyMatchers section, we define the dynamic parts in a similar manner. The only difference is that the byType matchers are also present. The verifier engine checks four fields to verify whether the response from the test has a value for which the JSON path matches the given field, is of the same type as the one defined in the response body, and passes the following check (based on the method being called):

  • For $.valueWithTypeMatch, the engine checks whether the type is the same.

  • For $.valueWithMin, the engine checks the type and asserts whether the size is greater than or equal to the minimum occurrence.

  • For $.valueWithMax, the engine checks the type and asserts whether the size is smaller than or equal to the maximum occurrence.

  • For $.valueWithMinMax, the engine checks the type and asserts whether the size is between the minimum and maximum occurrence.

The resulting test resembles the following example (note that an and section separates the autogenerated assertions and the assertion from matchers):

// given:
 MockMvcRequestSpecification request = given()
   .header("Content-Type", "application/json")

// when:
 ResponseOptions response = given().spec(request)

// then:
// and:
 DocumentContext parsedJson = JsonPath.parse(response.getBody().asString());
// and:
 assertThat("$.duck", String.class)).matches("[0-9]{3}");
 assertThat("$.duck", Integer.class)).isEqualTo(123);
 assertThat("$.alpha", String.class)).matches("[\\p{L}]*");
 assertThat("$.alpha", String.class)).isEqualTo("abc");
 assertThat("$.number", String.class)).matches("-?(\\d*\\.\\d+|\\d+)");
 assertThat("$.aBoolean", String.class)).matches("(true|false)");
 assertThat("$.date", String.class)).matches("(\\d\\d\\d\\d)-(0[1-9]|1[012])-(0[1-9]|[12][0-9]|3[01])");
 assertThat("$.dateTime", String.class)).matches("([0-9]{4})-(1[0-2]|0[1-9])-(3[01]|0[1-9]|[12][0-9])T(2[0-3]|[01][0-9]):([0-5][0-9]):([0-5][0-9])");
 assertThat("$.time", String.class)).matches("(2[0-3]|[01][0-9]):([0-5][0-9]):([0-5][0-9])");
 assertThat((java.lang.Iterable)"$.valueWithMin", java.util.Collection.class)).as("$.valueWithMin").hasSizeGreaterThanOrEqualTo(1);
 assertThat((java.lang.Iterable)"$.valueWithMax", java.util.Collection.class)).as("$.valueWithMax").hasSizeLessThanOrEqualTo(3);
 assertThat((java.lang.Iterable)"$.valueWithMinMax", java.util.Collection.class)).as("$.valueWithMinMax").hasSizeBetween(1, 3);
 assertThat((java.lang.Iterable)"$.valueWithMinEmpty", java.util.Collection.class)).as("$.valueWithMinEmpty").hasSizeGreaterThanOrEqualTo(0);
 assertThat((java.lang.Iterable)"$.valueWithMaxEmpty", java.util.Collection.class)).as("$.valueWithMaxEmpty").hasSizeLessThanOrEqualTo(0);
 assertThat("$.['key'].['complex.key']", String.class)).isEqualTo("foo");
Notice that, for the byCommand method, the example calls the assertThatValueIsANumber. This method must be defined in the test base class or be statically imported to your tests. Notice that the byCommand call was converted to assertThatValueIsANumber("$.duck"));. That means that the engine took the method name and passed the proper JSON path as a parameter to it.

The resulting WireMock stub is in the following example:

  "request" : {
    "urlPath" : "/get",
    "method" : "POST",
    "headers" : {
      "Content-Type" : {
        "matches" : "application/json.*"
    "bodyPatterns" : [ {
      "matchesJsonPath" : "$.['list'].['some'].['nested'][?(@.['anothervalue'] == 4)]"
    }, {
      "matchesJsonPath" : "$[?(@.['valueWithoutAMatcher'] == 'foo')]"
    }, {
      "matchesJsonPath" : "$[?(@.['valueWithTypeMatch'] == 'string')]"
    }, {
      "matchesJsonPath" : "$.['list'].['someother'].['nested'][?(@.['json'] == 'with value')]"
    }, {
      "matchesJsonPath" : "$.['list'].['someother'].['nested'][?(@.['anothervalue'] == 4)]"
    }, {
      "matchesJsonPath" : "$[?( =~ /([0-9]{3})/)]"
    }, {
      "matchesJsonPath" : "$[?( == 123)]"
    }, {
      "matchesJsonPath" : "$[?(@.alpha =~ /([\\\\p{L}]*)/)]"
    }, {
      "matchesJsonPath" : "$[?(@.alpha == 'abc')]"
    }, {
      "matchesJsonPath" : "$[?(@.number =~ /(-?(\\\\d*\\\\.\\\\d+|\\\\d+))/)]"
    }, {
      "matchesJsonPath" : "$[?(@.aBoolean =~ /((true|false))/)]"
    }, {
      "matchesJsonPath" : "$[?( =~ /((\\\\d\\\\d\\\\d\\\\d)-(0[1-9]|1[012])-(0[1-9]|[12][0-9]|3[01]))/)]"
    }, {
      "matchesJsonPath" : "$[?(@.dateTime =~ /(([0-9]{4})-(1[0-2]|0[1-9])-(3[01]|0[1-9]|[12][0-9])T(2[0-3]|[01][0-9]):([0-5][0-9]):([0-5][0-9]))/)]"
    }, {
      "matchesJsonPath" : "$[?(@.time =~ /((2[0-3]|[01][0-9]):([0-5][0-9]):([0-5][0-9]))/)]"
    }, {
      "matchesJsonPath" : "$.list.some.nested[?(@.json =~ /(.*)/)]"
    }, {
      "matchesJsonPath" : "$[?(@.valueWithMin.size() >= 1)]"
    }, {
      "matchesJsonPath" : "$[?(@.valueWithMax.size() <= 3)]"
    }, {
      "matchesJsonPath" : "$[?(@.valueWithMinMax.size() >= 1 && @.valueWithMinMax.size() <= 3)]"
    }, {
      "matchesJsonPath" : "$[?(@.valueWithOccurrence.size() >= 4 && @.valueWithOccurrence.size() <= 4)]"
    } ]
  "response" : {
    "status" : 200,
    "body" : "{\\"duck\\":123,\\"alpha\\":\\"abc\\",\\"number\\":123,\\"aBoolean\\":true,\\"date\\":\\"2017-01-01\\",\\"dateTime\\":\\"2017-01-01T01:23:45\\",\\"time\\":\\"01:02:34\\",\\"valueWithoutAMatcher\\":\\"foo\\",\\"valueWithTypeMatch\\":\\"string\\",\\"valueWithMin\\":[1,2,3],\\"valueWithMax\\":[1,2,3],\\"valueWithMinMax\\":[1,2,3],\\"valueWithOccurrence\\":[1,2,3,4]}",
    "headers" : {
      "Content-Type" : "application/json"
    "transformers" : [ "response-template" ]
If you use a matcher, the part of the request and response that the matcher addresses with the JSON Path gets removed from the assertion. In the case of verifying a collection, you must create matchers for all the elements of the collection.

Consider the following example:

Contract.make {
    request {
        method 'GET'
    response {
        status OK()
        body(events: [[
                                 operation          : 'EXPORT',
                                 eventId            : '16f1ed75-0bcc-4f0d-a04d-3121798faf99',
                                 status             : 'OK'
                         ], [
                                 operation          : 'INPUT_PROCESSING',
                                 eventId            : '3bb4ac82-6652-462f-b6d1-75e424a0024a',
                                 status             : 'OK'
        bodyMatchers {
            jsonPath('$.events[0].operation', byRegex('.+'))
            jsonPath('$.events[0].eventId', byRegex('^([a-fA-F0-9]{8}-[a-fA-F0-9]{4}-[a-fA-F0-9]{4}-[a-fA-F0-9]{4}-[a-fA-F0-9]{12})$'))
            jsonPath('$.events[0].status', byRegex('.+'))

The preceding code leads to creating the following test (the code block shows only the assertion section):

    DocumentContext parsedJson = JsonPath.parse(response.body.asString())
    assertThat("\$.events[0].operation", String.class)).matches(".+")
    assertThat("\$.events[0].eventId", String.class)).matches("^([a-fA-F0-9]{8}-[a-fA-F0-9]{4}-[a-fA-F0-9]{4}-[a-fA-F0-9]{4}-[a-fA-F0-9]{12})\$")
    assertThat("\$.events[0].status", String.class)).matches(".+")

As you can see, the assertion is malformed. Only the first element of the array got asserted. In order to fix this, you should apply the assertion to the whole $.events collection and assert it with the byCommand(…​) method.

2.5. Asynchronous Support

If you use asynchronous communication on the server side (your controllers are returning Callable, DeferredResult, and so on), then, inside your contract, you must provide an async() method in the response section. The following code shows an example:

groovy {
    request {
        method GET()
        url '/get'
    response {
        status OK()
        body 'Passed'
    async: true
class contract implements Supplier<Collection<Contract>> {

    public Collection<Contract> get() {
        return Collections.singletonList(Contract.make(c -> {
            c.request(r -> {
                // ...
            c.response(r -> {
                // ...


contract {
    request {
        // ...
    response {
        async = true
        // ...

You can also use the fixedDelayMilliseconds method or property to add delay to your stubs. The following example shows how to do so:

groovy {
    request {
        method GET()
        url '/get'
    response {
        status 200
        body 'Passed'
        fixedDelayMilliseconds 1000
    fixedDelayMilliseconds: 1000
class contract implements Supplier<Collection<Contract>> {

    public Collection<Contract> get() {
        return Collections.singletonList(Contract.make(c -> {
            c.request(r -> {
                // ...
            c.response(r -> {
                // ...


contract {
    request {
        // ...
    response {
        delay = fixedMilliseconds(1000)
        // ...

2.6. XML Support for HTTP

For HTTP contracts, we also support using XML in the request and response body. The XML body has to be passed within the body element as a String or GString. Also, body matchers can be provided for both the request and the response. In place of the jsonPath(…​) method, the method should be used, with the desired xPath provided as the first argument and the appropriate MatchingType as second. All the body matchers apart from byType() are supported.

The following example shows a Groovy DSL contract with XML in the response body:

                    Contract.make {
                        request {
                            method GET()
                            urlPath '/get'
                            headers {
                        response {
                            headers {
                            body """
<duck type='xtype'>123</duck>
                            bodyMatchers {
                                xPath('/test/duck/text()', byRegex("[0-9]{3}"))
                                xPath('/test/duck/text()', byCommand('equals($it)'))
                                xPath('/test/duck/xxx', byNull())
                                xPath('/test/duck/text()', byEquality())
                                xPath('/test/alpha/text()', byRegex(onlyAlphaUnicode()))
                                xPath('/test/alpha/text()', byEquality())
                                xPath('/test/number/text()', byRegex(number()))
                                xPath('/test/date/text()', byDate())
                                xPath('/test/dateTime/text()', byTimestamp())
                                xPath('/test/time/text()', byTime())
                                xPath('/test/*/complex/text()', byEquality())
                                xPath('/test/duck/@type', byEquality())
import java.util.function.Supplier;


class contract_xml implements Supplier<Contract> {

    public Contract get() {
        return Contract.make(c -> {
            c.request(r -> {
                r.headers(h -> {
            c.response(r -> {
                r.headers(h -> {
                r.body("<test>\n" + "<duck type='xtype'>123</duck>\n"
                        + "<alpha>abc</alpha>\n" + "<list>\n" + "<elem>abc</elem>\n"
                        + "<elem>def</elem>\n" + "<elem>ghi</elem>\n" + "</list>\n"
                        + "<number>123</number>\n" + "<aBoolean>true</aBoolean>\n"
                        + "<date>2017-01-01</date>\n"
                        + "<dateTime>2017-01-01T01:23:45</dateTime>\n"
                        + "<time>01:02:34</time>\n"
                        + "<valueWithoutAMatcher>foo</valueWithoutAMatcher>\n"
                        + "<key><complex>foo</complex></key>\n" + "</test>");
                r.bodyMatchers(m -> {
                    m.xPath("/test/duck/text()", m.byRegex("[0-9]{3}"));
                    m.xPath("/test/duck/text()", m.byCommand("equals($it)"));
                    m.xPath("/test/duck/xxx", m.byNull());
                    m.xPath("/test/duck/text()", m.byEquality());
                    m.xPath("/test/alpha/text()", m.byRegex(r.onlyAlphaUnicode()));
                    m.xPath("/test/alpha/text()", m.byEquality());
                    m.xPath("/test/number/text()", m.byRegex(r.number()));
                    m.xPath("/test/date/text()", m.byDate());
                    m.xPath("/test/dateTime/text()", m.byTimestamp());
                    m.xPath("/test/time/text()", m.byTime());
                    m.xPath("/test/*/complex/text()", m.byEquality());
                    m.xPath("/test/duck/@type", m.byEquality());


contract {
    request {
        method = GET
        urlPath = path("/get")
        headers {
            contentType = APPLICATION_XML
    response {
        status = OK
        headers {
            contentType =APPLICATION_XML
        body = body("<test>\n" + "<duck type='xtype'>123</duck>\n"
                + "<alpha>abc</alpha>\n" + "<list>\n" + "<elem>abc</elem>\n"
                + "<elem>def</elem>\n" + "<elem>ghi</elem>\n" + "</list>\n"
                + "<number>123</number>\n" + "<aBoolean>true</aBoolean>\n"
                + "<date>2017-01-01</date>\n"
                + "<dateTime>2017-01-01T01:23:45</dateTime>\n"
                + "<time>01:02:34</time>\n"
                + "<valueWithoutAMatcher>foo</valueWithoutAMatcher>\n"
                + "<key><complex>foo</complex></key>\n" + "</test>")
        bodyMatchers {
            xPath("/test/duck/text()", byRegex("[0-9]{3}"))
            xPath("/test/duck/text()", byCommand("equals(\$it)"))
            xPath("/test/duck/xxx", byNull)
            xPath("/test/duck/text()", byEquality)
            xPath("/test/alpha/text()", byRegex(onlyAlphaUnicode))
            xPath("/test/alpha/text()", byEquality)
            xPath("/test/number/text()", byRegex(number))
            xPath("/test/date/text()", byDate)
            xPath("/test/dateTime/text()", byTimestamp)
            xPath("/test/time/text()", byTime)
            xPath("/test/*/complex/text()", byEquality)
            xPath("/test/duck/@type", byEquality)

The following example shows an automatically generated test for XML in the response body:

public void validate_xmlMatches() throws Exception {
    // given:
    MockMvcRequestSpecification request = given()
                .header("Content-Type", "application/xml");

    // when:
    ResponseOptions response = given().spec(request).get("/get");

    // then:
    // and:
    DocumentBuilder documentBuilder = DocumentBuilderFactory.newInstance()
    Document parsedXml = documentBuilder.parse(new InputSource(
                new StringReader(response.getBody().asString())));
    // and:
    assertThat(valueFromXPath(parsedXml, "/test/list/elem/text()")).isEqualTo("abc");
    assertThat(valueFromXPath(parsedXml, "/test/duck/text()")).matches("[0-9]{3}");
    assertThat(nodeFromXPath(parsedXml, "/test/duck/xxx")).isNull();
    assertThat(valueFromXPath(parsedXml, "/test/alpha/text()")).matches("[\\p{L}]*");
    assertThat(valueFromXPath(parsedXml, "/test/*/complex/text()")).isEqualTo("foo");
    assertThat(valueFromXPath(parsedXml, "/test/duck/@type")).isEqualTo("xtype");

2.7. Multiple Contracts in One File

You can define multiple contracts in one file. Such a contract might resemble the following example:


    Contract.make {
        name("should post a user")
        request {
            method 'POST'
        response {
            status OK()
    Contract.make {
        request {
            method 'POST'
        response {
            status OK()
name: should post a user
  method: POST
  url: /users/1
  status: 200
  method: POST
  url: /users/2
  status: 200
  method: POST
  url: /users/3
  status: 200
class contract implements Supplier<Collection<Contract>> {

    public Collection<Contract> get() {
        return Arrays.asList(
            Contract.make(c -> {
      "should post a user");
                // ...
            }), Contract.make(c -> {
                // ...
            }), Contract.make(c -> {
                // ...


    contract {
        name("should post a user")
        // ...
    contract {
        // ...
    contract {
        // ...

In the preceding example, one contract has the name field and the other does not. This leads to generation of two tests that look more or less like the following:


import com.example.TestBase;
import com.jayway.jsonpath.DocumentContext;
import com.jayway.jsonpath.JsonPath;
import com.jayway.restassured.module.mockmvc.specification.MockMvcRequestSpecification;
import com.jayway.restassured.response.ResponseOptions;
import org.junit.Test;

import static com.jayway.restassured.module.mockmvc.RestAssuredMockMvc.*;
import static com.toomuchcoding.jsonassert.JsonAssertion.assertThatJson;
import static org.assertj.core.api.Assertions.assertThat;

public class V1Test extends TestBase {

    public void validate_should_post_a_user() throws Exception {
        // given:
            MockMvcRequestSpecification request = given();

        // when:
            ResponseOptions response = given().spec(request)

        // then:

    public void validate_withList_1() throws Exception {
        // given:
            MockMvcRequestSpecification request = given();

        // when:
            ResponseOptions response = given().spec(request)

        // then:


Notice that, for the contract that has the name field, the generated test method is named validate_should_post_a_user. The one that does not have the name field is called validate_withList_1. It corresponds to the name of the file WithList.groovy and the index of the contract in the list.

The generated stubs are shown in the following example:

should post a user.json

The first file got the name parameter from the contract. The second got the name of the contract file (WithList.groovy) prefixed with the index (in this case, the contract had an index of 1 in the list of contracts in the file).

It is much better to name your contracts, because doing so makes your tests far more meaningful.

2.8. Stateful Contracts

Stateful contracts (known also as scenarios) are contract definitions that should be read in order. This might be useful in the following situations:

  • You want to execute the contract in a precisely defined order, since you use Spring Cloud Contract to test your stateful application

We really discourage you from doing that, since contract tests should be stateless.
  • You want the same endpoint to return different results for the same request.

To create stateful contracts (or scenarios), you need to use the proper naming convention while creating your contracts. The convention requires including an order number followed by an underscore. This works regardless of whether you work with YAML or Groovy. The following listing shows an example:


Such a tree causes Spring Cloud Contract Verifier to generate WireMock’s scenario with a name of scenario1 and the three following steps:

  1. login, marked as Started pointing to…​

  2. showCart, marked as Step1 pointing to…​

  3. logout, marked as Step2 (which closes the scenario).

You can find more details about WireMock scenarios at

3. Integrations

3.1. JAX-RS

The Spring Cloud Contract supports the JAX-RS 2 Client API. The base class needs to define protected WebTarget webTarget and server initialization. The only option for testing JAX-RS API is to start a web server. Also, a request with a body needs to have a content type be set. Otherwise, the default of application/octet-stream gets used.

In order to use JAX-RS mode, use the following settings:

testMode = 'JAXRSCLIENT'

The following example shows a generated test API:

package com.example;

import com.jayway.jsonpath.DocumentContext;
import com.jayway.jsonpath.JsonPath;
import org.junit.Test;
import org.junit.Rule;

import static;
import static*;
import static com.toomuchcoding.jsonassert.JsonAssertion.assertThatJson;
import static*;

public class FooTest {
\tWebTarget webTarget;

\tpublic void validate_() throws Exception {

\t\t// when:
\t\t\tResponse response = webTarget
\t\t\t\t\t\t\t.queryParam("limit", "10")
\t\t\t\t\t\t\t.queryParam("offset", "20")
\t\t\t\t\t\t\t.queryParam("filter", "email")
\t\t\t\t\t\t\t.queryParam("sort", "name")
\t\t\t\t\t\t\t.queryParam("search", "55")
\t\t\t\t\t\t\t.queryParam("age", "99")
\t\t\t\t\t\t\t.queryParam("name", "Denis.Stepanov")
\t\t\t\t\t\t\t.queryParam("email", "[email protected]")
\t\t\tString responseAsString = response.readEntity(String.class);

\t\t// then:

\t\t// and:
\t\t\tDocumentContext parsedJson = JsonPath.parse(responseAsString);



3.2. WebFlux with WebTestClient

You can work with WebFlux by using WebTestClient. The following listing shows how to configure WebTestClient as the test mode:

contracts {
        testMode = 'WEBTESTCLIENT'

The following example shows how to set up a WebTestClient base class and RestAssured for WebFlux:

import io.restassured.module.webtestclient.RestAssuredWebTestClient;
import org.junit.Before;

public abstract class BeerRestBase {

    public void setup() {
        new ProducerController(personToCheck -> personToCheck.age >= 20));
The WebTestClient mode is faster than the EXPLICIT mode.

3.3. WebFlux with Explicit Mode

You can also use WebFlux with the explicit mode in your generated tests to work with WebFlux. The following example shows how to configure using explicit mode:

contracts {
        testMode = 'EXPLICIT'

The following example shows how to set up a base class and RestAssured for Web Flux:

@SpringBootTest(classes = BeerRestBase.Config.class,
        webEnvironment = SpringBootTest.WebEnvironment.RANDOM_PORT,
        properties = "server.port=0")
public abstract class BeerRestBase {

    // your tests go here

    // in this config class you define all controllers and mocked services
static class Config {

    PersonCheckingService personCheckingService()  {
        return personToCheck -> personToCheck.age >= 20;

    ProducerController producerController() {
        return new ProducerController(personCheckingService());


3.4. Working with Context Paths

Spring Cloud Contract supports context paths.

The only change needed to fully support context paths is the switch on the producer side. Also, the autogenerated tests must use explicit mode. The consumer side remains untouched. In order for the generated test to pass, you must use explicit mode. The following example shows how to set the test mode to EXPLICIT:

contracts {
        testMode = 'EXPLICIT'

That way, you generate a test that does not use MockMvc. It means that you generate real requests and you need to set up your generated test’s base class to work on a real socket.

Consider the following contract: {
    request {
        method 'GET'
        url '/my-context-path/url'
    response {
        status OK()

The following example shows how to set up a base class and RestAssured:

import io.restassured.RestAssured;
import org.junit.Before;
import org.springframework.boot.web.server.LocalServerPort;
import org.springframework.boot.test.context.SpringBootTest;

@SpringBootTest(classes = ContextPathTestingBaseClass.class, webEnvironment = SpringBootTest.WebEnvironment.RANDOM_PORT)
class ContextPathTestingBaseClass {

    @LocalServerPort int port;

    public void setup() {
        RestAssured.baseURI = "http://localhost";
        RestAssured.port = this.port;

If you do it this way:

  • All of your requests in the autogenerated tests are sent to the real endpoint with your context path included (for example, /my-context-path/url).

  • Your contracts reflect that you have a context path. Your generated stubs also have that information (for example, in the stubs, you have to call /my-context-path/url).

3.5. Working with REST Docs

You can use Spring REST Docs to generate documentation (for example, in Asciidoc format) for an HTTP API with Spring MockMvc, WebTestClient, or RestAssured. At the same time that you generate documentation for your API, you can also generate WireMock stubs by using Spring Cloud Contract WireMock. To do so, write your normal REST Docs test cases and use @AutoConfigureRestDocs to have stubs be automatically generated in the REST Docs output directory.

rest docs

The following example uses MockMvc:

@AutoConfigureRestDocs(outputDir = "target/snippets")
public class ApplicationTests {

    private MockMvc mockMvc;

    public void contextLoads() throws Exception {
                .andExpect(content().string("Hello World"))

This test generates a WireMock stub at target/snippets/stubs/resource.json. It matches all GET requests to the /resource path. The same example with WebTestClient (used for testing Spring WebFlux applications) would be as follows:

@AutoConfigureRestDocs(outputDir = "target/snippets")
public class ApplicationTests {

    private WebTestClient client;

    public void contextLoads() throws Exception {
                .expectBody(String.class).isEqualTo("Hello World")

Without any additional configuration, these tests create a stub with a request matcher for the HTTP method and all headers except host and content-length. To match the request more precisely (for example, to match the body of a POST or PUT), we need to explicitly create a request matcher. Doing so has two effects:

  • Creating a stub that matches only in the way you specify.

  • Asserting that the request in the test case also matches the same conditions.

The main entry point for this feature is WireMockRestDocs.verify(), which can be used as a substitute for the document() convenience method, as the following example shows:

import static;

@AutoConfigureRestDocs(outputDir = "target/snippets")
public class ApplicationTests {

    private MockMvc mockMvc;

    public void contextLoads() throws Exception {
                .content("{\"id\":\"123456\",\"message\":\"Hello World\"}"))

The preceding contract specifies that any valid POST with an id field receives the response defined in this test. You can chain together calls to .jsonPath() to add additional matchers. If JSON Path is unfamiliar, the JayWay documentation can help you get up to speed. The WebTestClient version of this test has a similar verify() static helper that you insert in the same place.

Instead of the jsonPath and contentType convenience methods, you can also use the WireMock APIs to verify that the request matches the created stub, as the following example shows:

public void contextLoads() throws Exception {
            .content("{\"id\":\"123456\",\"message\":\"Hello World\"}"))

The WireMock API is rich. You can match headers, query parameters, and the request body by regex as well as by JSON path. You can use these features to create stubs with a wider range of parameters. The preceding example generates a stub resembling the following example:

  "request" : {
    "url" : "/resource",
    "method" : "POST",
    "bodyPatterns" : [ {
      "matchesJsonPath" : "$.id"
  "response" : {
    "status" : 200,
    "body" : "Hello World",
    "headers" : {
      "X-Application-Context" : "application:-1",
      "Content-Type" : "text/plain"
You can use either the wiremock() method or the jsonPath() and contentType() methods to create request matchers, but you cannot use both approaches.

On the consumer side, you can make the resource.json generated earlier in this section available on the classpath (by Publishing Stubs as JARs, for example). After that, you can create a stub that uses WireMock in a number of different ways, including by using @AutoConfigureWireMock(stubs="classpath:resource.json"), as described earlier in this document.

3.5.1. Generating Contracts with REST Docs

You can also generate Spring Cloud Contract DSL files and documentation with Spring REST Docs. If you do so in combination with Spring Cloud WireMock, you get both the contracts and the stubs.

Why would you want to use this feature? Some people in the community asked questions about a situation in which they would like to move to DSL-based contract definition, but they already have a lot of Spring MVC tests. Using this feature lets you generate the contract files that you can later modify and move to folders (defined in your configuration) so that the plugin finds them.

You might wonder why this functionality is in the WireMock module. The functionality is there because it makes sense to generate both the contracts and the stubs.

Consider the following test:

                        .content("{\"foo\": 23, \"bar\" : \"baz\" }"))
                // first WireMock
                .andDo(WireMockRestDocs.verify().jsonPath("$[?( >= 20)]")
                        .jsonPath("$[?( in ['baz','bazz','bazzz'])]")
                // then Contract DSL documentation
                .andDo(document("index", SpringCloudContractRestDocs.dslContract()));

The preceding test creates the stub presented in the previous section, generating both the contract and a documentation file.

The contract is called index.groovy and might resemble the following example:


Contract.make {
    request {
        method 'POST'
        url '/foo'
            {"foo": 23 }
        headers {
            header('''Accept''', '''application/json''')
            header('''Content-Type''', '''application/json''')
    response {
        status OK()
        headers {
            header('''Content-Type''', '''application/json;charset=UTF-8''')
            header('''Content-Length''', '''3''')
        bodyMatchers {
            jsonPath('$[?( >= 20)]', byType())

The generated document (formatted in Asciidoc in this case) contains a formatted contract. The location of this file would be index/dsl-contract.adoc.

4. Messaging

Spring Cloud Contract lets you verify applications that use messaging as a means of communication. All of the integrations shown in this document work with Spring, but you can also create one of your own and use that.

4.1. Messaging DSL Top-Level Elements

The DSL for messaging looks a little bit different than the one that focuses on HTTP. The following sections explain the differences:

4.1.1. Output Triggered by a Method

The output message can be triggered by calling a method (such as a Scheduler when a contract was started and a message was sent), as shown in the following example:

def dsl = Contract.make {
    // Human readable description
    description 'Some description'
    // Label by means of which the output message can be triggered
    label 'some_label'
    // input to the contract
    input {
        // the contract will be triggered by a method
    // output message of the contract
    outputMessage {
        // destination to which the output message will be sent
        // the body of the output message
        body('''{ "bookName" : "foo" }''')
        // the headers of the output message
        headers {
            header('BOOK-NAME', 'foo')
# Human readable description
description: Some description
# Label by means of which the output message can be triggered
label: some_label
  # the contract will be triggered by a method
  triggeredBy: bookReturnedTriggered()
# output message of the contract
  # destination to which the output message will be sent
  sentTo: output
  # the body of the output message
    bookName: foo
  # the headers of the output message
    BOOK-NAME: foo

In the previous example case, the output message is sent to output if a method called bookReturnedTriggered is executed. On the message publisher’s side, we generate a test that calls that method to trigger the message. On the consumer side, you can use the some_label to trigger the message.

4.1.2. Output Triggered by a Message

The output message can be triggered by receiving a message, as shown in the following example:

def dsl = Contract.make {
    description 'Some Description'
    label 'some_label'
    // input is a message
    input {
        // the message was received from this destination
        // has the following body
                bookName: 'foo'
        // and the following headers
        messageHeaders {
            header('sample', 'header')
    outputMessage {
                bookName: 'foo'
        headers {
            header('BOOK-NAME', 'foo')
# Human readable description
description: Some description
# Label by means of which the output message can be triggered
label: some_label
# input is a message
  messageFrom: input
  # has the following body
    bookName: 'foo'
  # and the following headers
    sample: 'header'
# output message of the contract
  # destination to which the output message will be sent
  sentTo: output
  # the body of the output message
    bookName: foo
  # the headers of the output message
    BOOK-NAME: foo

In the preceding example, the output message is sent to output if a proper message is received on the input destination. On the message publisher’s side, the engine generates a test that sends the input message to the defined destination. On the consumer side, you can either send a message to the input destination or use a label (some_label in the example) to trigger the message.

4.1.3. Consumer/Producer

This section is valid only for Groovy DSL.

In HTTP, you have a notion of client/stub and `server/test notation. You can also use those paradigms in messaging. In addition, Spring Cloud Contract Verifier also provides the consumer and producer methods, as presented in the following example (note that you can use either $ or value methods to provide consumer and producer parts):

                    Contract.make {
                name "foo"
                        label 'some_label'
                        input {
                            messageFrom value(consumer('jms:output'), producer('jms:input'))
                                    bookName: 'foo'
                            messageHeaders {
                                header('sample', 'header')
                        outputMessage {
                            sentTo $(consumer('jms:input'), producer('jms:output'))
                                    bookName: 'foo'

4.1.4. Common

In the input or outputMessage section, you can call assertThat with the name of a method (for example, assertThatMessageIsOnTheQueue()) that you have defined in the base class or in a static import. Spring Cloud Contract runs that method in the generated test.

4.2. Integrations

You can use one of the following four integration configurations:

  • Apache Camel

  • Spring Integration

  • Spring Cloud Stream

  • Spring AMQP

  • Spring JMS (requires embedded broker)

  • Spring Kafka (requires embedded broker)

Since we use Spring Boot, if you have added one of these libraries to the classpath, all the messaging configuration is automatically set up.

Remember to put @AutoConfigureMessageVerifier on the base class of your generated tests. Otherwise, the messaging part of Spring Cloud Contract does not work.

If you want to use Spring Cloud Stream, remember to add a dependency on, as follows:

testCompile ""

4.2.1. Manual Integration Testing

The main interface used by the tests is It defines how to send and receive messages. You can create your own implementation to achieve the same goal.

In a test, you can inject a ContractVerifierMessageExchange to send and receive messages that follow the contract. Then add @AutoConfigureMessageVerifier to your test. The following example shows how to do so:

public static class MessagingContractTests {

  private MessageVerifier verifier;
If your tests require stubs as well, then @AutoConfigureStubRunner includes the messaging configuration, so you only need the one annotation.

4.3. Producer Side Messaging Test Generation

Having the input or outputMessage sections in your DSL results in creation of tests on the publisher’s side. By default, JUnit 4 tests are created. However, there is also a possibility to create JUnit 5, TestNG, or Spock tests.

There are three main scenarios that we should take into consideration:

  • Scenario 1: There is no input message that produces an output message. The output message is triggered by a component inside the application (for example, a scheduler).

  • Scenario 2: The input message triggers an output message.

  • Scenario 3: The input message is consumed, and there is no output message.

The destination passed to messageFrom or sentTo can have different meanings for different messaging implementations. For Stream and Integration, it is first resolved as a destination of a channel. Then, if there is no such destination it is resolved as a channel name. For Camel, that’s a certain component (for example, jms).

4.3.1. Scenario 1: No Input Message

Consider the following contract:

def contractDsl = Contract.make {
    name "foo"
    label 'some_label'
    input {
    outputMessage {
        body('''{ "bookName" : "foo" }''')
        headers {
            header('BOOK-NAME', 'foo')
label: some_label
  triggeredBy: bookReturnedTriggered
  sentTo: activemq:output
    bookName: foo
    BOOK-NAME: foo
    contentType: application/json

For the preceding example, the following test would be created:

package com.example;

import com.jayway.jsonpath.DocumentContext;
import com.jayway.jsonpath.JsonPath;
import org.junit.Test;
import org.junit.Rule;
import javax.inject.Inject;

import static;
import static*;
import static com.toomuchcoding.jsonassert.JsonAssertion.assertThatJson;
import static;
import static;

public class FooTest {
\t@Inject ContractVerifierMessaging contractVerifierMessaging;
\t@Inject ContractVerifierObjectMapper contractVerifierObjectMapper;

\tpublic void validate_foo() throws Exception {
\t\t// when:

\t\t// then:
\t\t\tContractVerifierMessage response = contractVerifierMessaging.receive("activemq:output");

\t\t// and:

\t\t// and:
\t\t\tDocumentContext parsedJson = JsonPath.parse(contractVerifierObjectMapper.writeValueAsString(response.getPayload()));


package com.example

import com.jayway.jsonpath.DocumentContext
import com.jayway.jsonpath.JsonPath
import spock.lang.Specification
import javax.inject.Inject

import static
import static*
import static com.toomuchcoding.jsonassert.JsonAssertion.assertThatJson
import static
import static

class FooSpec extends Specification {
\t@Inject ContractVerifierMessaging contractVerifierMessaging
\t@Inject ContractVerifierObjectMapper contractVerifierObjectMapper

\tdef validate_foo() throws Exception {

\t\t\tContractVerifierMessage response = contractVerifierMessaging.receive("activemq:output")
\t\t\tresponse != null

\t\t\tresponse.getHeader("BOOK-NAME") != null
\t\t\tresponse.getHeader("BOOK-NAME").toString() == 'foo'
\t\t\tresponse.getHeader("contentType") != null
\t\t\tresponse.getHeader("contentType").toString() == 'application/json'

\t\t\tDocumentContext parsedJson = JsonPath.parse(contractVerifierObjectMapper.writeValueAsString(response.getPayload()))



4.3.2. Scenario 2: Output Triggered by Input

Consider the following contract:

def contractDsl = Contract.make {
    name "foo"
    label 'some_label'
    input {
                bookName: 'foo'
        messageHeaders {
            header('sample', 'header')
    outputMessage {
                bookName: 'foo'
        headers {
            header('BOOK-NAME', 'foo')
label: some_label
  messageFrom: jms:input
    bookName: 'foo'
    sample: header
  sentTo: jms:output
    bookName: foo
    BOOK-NAME: foo

For the preceding contract, the following test would be created:

package com.example;

import com.jayway.jsonpath.DocumentContext;
import com.jayway.jsonpath.JsonPath;
import org.junit.Test;
import org.junit.Rule;
import javax.inject.Inject;

import static;
import static*;
import static com.toomuchcoding.jsonassert.JsonAssertion.assertThatJson;
import static;
import static;

public class FooTest {
\t@Inject ContractVerifierMessaging contractVerifierMessaging;
\t@Inject ContractVerifierObjectMapper contractVerifierObjectMapper;

\tpublic void validate_foo() throws Exception {
\t\t// given:
\t\t\tContractVerifierMessage inputMessage = contractVerifierMessaging.create(
\t\t\t\t\t\t, headers()
\t\t\t\t\t\t\t.header("sample", "header")

\t\t// when:
\t\t\tcontractVerifierMessaging.send(inputMessage, "jms:input");

\t\t// then:
\t\t\tContractVerifierMessage response = contractVerifierMessaging.receive("jms:output");

\t\t// and:

\t\t// and:
\t\t\tDocumentContext parsedJson = JsonPath.parse(contractVerifierObjectMapper.writeValueAsString(response.getPayload()));


package com.example

import com.jayway.jsonpath.DocumentContext
import com.jayway.jsonpath.JsonPath
import spock.lang.Specification
import javax.inject.Inject

import static
import static*
import static com.toomuchcoding.jsonassert.JsonAssertion.assertThatJson
import static
import static

class FooSpec extends Specification {
\t@Inject ContractVerifierMessaging contractVerifierMessaging
\t@Inject ContractVerifierObjectMapper contractVerifierObjectMapper

\tdef validate_foo() throws Exception {
\t\t\tContractVerifierMessage inputMessage = contractVerifierMessaging.create(
\t\t\t\t\t\t, headers()
\t\t\t\t\t\t\t.header("sample", "header")

\t\t\tcontractVerifierMessaging.send(inputMessage, "jms:input")

\t\t\tContractVerifierMessage response = contractVerifierMessaging.receive("jms:output")
\t\t\tresponse != null

\t\t\tresponse.getHeader("BOOK-NAME") != null
\t\t\tresponse.getHeader("BOOK-NAME").toString() == 'foo'

\t\t\tDocumentContext parsedJson = JsonPath.parse(contractVerifierObjectMapper.writeValueAsString(response.getPayload()))



4.3.3. Scenario 3: No Output Message

Consider the following contract:

def contractDsl = Contract.make {
    name "foo"
    label 'some_label'
    input {
                bookName: 'foo'
        messageHeaders {
            header('sample', 'header')
label: some_label
  messageFrom: jms:delete
    bookName: 'foo'
    sample: header
  assertThat: bookWasDeleted()

For the preceding contract, the following test would be created:

package com.example;

import com.jayway.jsonpath.DocumentContext;
import com.jayway.jsonpath.JsonPath;
import org.junit.Test;
import org.junit.Rule;
import javax.inject.Inject;

import static;
import static*;
import static com.toomuchcoding.jsonassert.JsonAssertion.assertThatJson;
import static;
import static;

public class FooTest {
\t@Inject ContractVerifierMessaging contractVerifierMessaging;
\t@Inject ContractVerifierObjectMapper contractVerifierObjectMapper;

\tpublic void validate_foo() throws Exception {
\t\t// given:
\t\t\tContractVerifierMessage inputMessage = contractVerifierMessaging.create(
\t\t\t\t\t\t, headers()
\t\t\t\t\t\t\t.header("sample", "header")

\t\t// when:
\t\t\tcontractVerifierMessaging.send(inputMessage, "jms:delete");



package com.example

import com.jayway.jsonpath.DocumentContext
import com.jayway.jsonpath.JsonPath
import spock.lang.Specification
import javax.inject.Inject

import static
import static*
import static com.toomuchcoding.jsonassert.JsonAssertion.assertThatJson
import static
import static

class FooSpec extends Specification {
\t@Inject ContractVerifierMessaging contractVerifierMessaging
\t@Inject ContractVerifierObjectMapper contractVerifierObjectMapper

\tdef validate_foo() throws Exception {
\t\t\tContractVerifierMessage inputMessage = contractVerifierMessaging.create(
\t\t\t\t\t\t, headers()
\t\t\t\t\t\t\t.header("sample", "header")

\t\t\tcontractVerifierMessaging.send(inputMessage, "jms:delete")



4.4. Consumer Stub Generation

Unlike in the HTTP part, in messaging, we need to publish the contract definition inside the JAR with a stub. Then it is parsed on the consumer side, and proper stubbed routes are created.

If you have multiple frameworks on the classpath, Stub Runner needs to define which one should be used. Assume that you have AMQP, Spring Cloud Stream, and Spring Integration on the classpath and that you want to use Spring AMQP. Then you need to set and stubrunner.integration.enabled=false. That way, the only remaining framework is Spring AMQP.

4.4.1. Stub triggering

To trigger a message, use the StubTrigger interface, as the following example shows:


import java.util.Collection;
import java.util.Map;

 * Contract for triggering stub messages.
 * @author Marcin Grzejszczak
public interface StubTrigger {

     * Triggers an event by a given label for a given {@code groupid:artifactid} notation.
     * You can use only {@code artifactId} too.
     * Feature related to messaging.
     * @param ivyNotation ivy notation of a stub
     * @param labelName name of the label to trigger
     * @return true - if managed to run a trigger
    boolean trigger(String ivyNotation, String labelName);

     * Triggers an event by a given label.
     * Feature related to messaging.
     * @param labelName name of the label to trigger
     * @return true - if managed to run a trigger
    boolean trigger(String labelName);

     * Triggers all possible events.
     * Feature related to messaging.
     * @return true - if managed to run a trigger
    boolean trigger();

     * Feature related to messaging.
     * @return a mapping of ivy notation of a dependency to all the labels it has.
    Map<String, Collection<String>> labels();


For convenience, the StubFinder interface extends StubTrigger, so you only need one or the other in your tests.

StubTrigger gives you the following options to trigger a message:

4.4.2. Trigger by Label

The following example shows how to trigger a message with a label:


4.4.3. Trigger by Group and Artifact Ids

stubFinder.trigger('', 'return_book_1')

4.4.4. Trigger by Artifact IDs

The following example shows how to trigger a message from artifact IDs:

stubFinder.trigger('streamService', 'return_book_1')

4.4.5. Trigger All Messages

The following example shows how to trigger all messages:


4.5. Consumer Side Messaging With Apache Camel

Spring Cloud Contract Stub Runner’s messaging module gives you an easy way to integrate with Apache Camel. For the provided artifacts, it automatically downloads the stubs and registers the required routes.

4.5.1. Adding Apache Camel to the Project

You can have both Apache Camel and Spring Cloud Contract Stub Runner on the classpath. Remember to annotate your test class with @AutoConfigureStubRunner.

4.5.2. Disabling the Functionality

If you need to disable this functionality, set the stubrunner.camel.enabled=false property.

4.5.3. Examples

Assume that we have the following Maven repository with deployed stubs for the camelService application.

└── .m2
    └── repository
        └── io
            └── codearte
                └── accurest
                    └── stubs
                        └── camelService
                            ├── 0.0.1-SNAPSHOT
                            │   ├── camelService-0.0.1-SNAPSHOT.pom
                            │   ├── camelService-0.0.1-SNAPSHOT-stubs.jar
                            │   └── maven-metadata-local.xml
                            └── maven-metadata-local.xml

Further assume that the stubs contain the following structure:

└── repository
    ├── accurest
    │   ├── bookDeleted.groovy
    │   ├── bookReturned1.groovy
    │   └── bookReturned2.groovy
    └── mappings

Now consider the following contracts (we number them 1 and 2):

Contract.make {
    label 'return_book_1'
    input {
    outputMessage {
        body('''{ "bookName" : "foo" }''')
        headers {
            header('BOOK-NAME', 'foo')
Contract.make {
    label 'return_book_2'
    input {
                bookName: 'foo'
        messageHeaders {
            header('sample', 'header')
    outputMessage {
                bookName: 'foo'
        headers {
            header('BOOK-NAME', 'foo')
Scenario 1 (No Input Message)

To trigger a message from the return_book_1 label, we use the StubTrigger interface, as follows:


Next, we want to listen to the output of the message sent to jms:output:

Exchange receivedMessage = consumerTemplate.receive('jms:output', 5000)

The received message would then pass the following assertions:

receivedMessage != null
assertThatBodyContainsBookNameFoo('BOOK-NAME') == 'foo'
Scenario 2 (Output Triggered by Input)

Since the route is set for you, you can send a message to the jms:output destination.

        sendBodyAndHeaders('jms:input', new BookReturned('foo'), [sample: 'header'])

Next, we want to listen to the output of the message sent to jms:output, as follows:

Exchange receivedMessage = consumerTemplate.receive('jms:output', 5000)

The received message would pass the following assertions:

receivedMessage != null
assertThatBodyContainsBookNameFoo('BOOK-NAME') == 'foo'
Scenario 3 (Input with No Output)

Since the route is set for you, you can send a message to the jms:output destination, as follows:

        sendBodyAndHeaders('jms:delete', new BookReturned('foo'), [sample: 'header'])

4.6. Consumer Side Messaging with Spring Integration

Spring Cloud Contract Stub Runner’s messaging module gives you an easy way to integrate with Spring Integration. For the provided artifacts, it automatically downloads the stubs and registers the required routes.

4.6.1. Adding the Runner to the Project

You can have both Spring Integration and Spring Cloud Contract Stub Runner on the classpath. Remember to annotate your test class with @AutoConfigureStubRunner.

4.6.2. Disabling the Functionality

If you need to disable this functionality, set the stubrunner.integration.enabled=false property.

4.6.3. Examples

Assume that you have the following Maven repository with deployed stubs for the integrationService application:

└── .m2
    └── repository
        └── io
            └── codearte
                └── accurest
                    └── stubs
                        └── integrationService
                            ├── 0.0.1-SNAPSHOT
                            │   ├── integrationService-0.0.1-SNAPSHOT.pom
                            │   ├── integrationService-0.0.1-SNAPSHOT-stubs.jar
                            │   └── maven-metadata-local.xml
                            └── maven-metadata-local.xml

Further assume the stubs contain the following structure:

└── repository
    ├── accurest
    │   ├── bookDeleted.groovy
    │   ├── bookReturned1.groovy
    │   └── bookReturned2.groovy
    └── mappings

Consider the following contracts (numbered 1 and 2):

Contract.make {
    label 'return_book_1'
    input {
    outputMessage {
        body('''{ "bookName" : "foo" }''')
        headers {
            header('BOOK-NAME', 'foo')
Contract.make {
    label 'return_book_2'
    input {
                bookName: 'foo'
        messageHeaders {
            header('sample', 'header')
    outputMessage {
                bookName: 'foo'
        headers {
            header('BOOK-NAME', 'foo')

Now consider the following Spring Integration Route:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<beans:beans xmlns:xsi=""

    <bridge input-channel="output"

    <channel id="outputTest">


These examples lend themselves to three scenarios:

Scenario 1 (No Input Message)

To trigger a message from the return_book_1 label, use the StubTrigger interface, as follows:


The following listing shows how to listen to the output of the message sent to jms:output:

Message<?> receivedMessage = messaging.receive('outputTest')

The received message would pass the following assertions:

receivedMessage != null
receivedMessage.headers.get('BOOK-NAME') == 'foo'
Scenario 2 (Output Triggered by Input)

Since the route is set for you, you can send a message to the jms:output destination, as follows:

messaging.send(new BookReturned('foo'), [sample: 'header'], 'input')

The following listing shows how to listen to the output of the message sent to jms:output:

Message<?> receivedMessage = messaging.receive('outputTest')

The received message passes the following assertions:

receivedMessage != null
receivedMessage.headers.get('BOOK-NAME') == 'foo'
Scenario 3 (Input with No Output)

Since the route is set for you, you can send a message to the jms:input destination, as follows:

messaging.send(new BookReturned('foo'), [sample: 'header'], 'delete')

4.7. Consumer Side Messaging With Spring Cloud Stream

Spring Cloud Contract Stub Runner’s messaging module gives you an easy way to integrate with Spring Stream. For the provided artifacts, it automatically downloads the stubs and registers the required routes.

If Stub Runner’s integration with the Stream messageFrom or sentTo strings are resolved first as the destination of a channel and no such destination exists, the destination is resolved as a channel name.

If you want to use Spring Cloud Stream, remember to add a dependency on, as follows:

testCompile ""

4.7.1. Adding the Runner to the Project

You can have both Spring Cloud Stream and Spring Cloud Contract Stub Runner on the classpath. Remember to annotate your test class with @AutoConfigureStubRunner.

4.7.2. Disabling the Functionality

If you need to disable this functionality, set the property.

4.7.3. Examples

Assume that you have the following Maven repository with deployed stubs for the streamService application:

└── .m2
    └── repository
        └── io
            └── codearte
                └── accurest
                    └── stubs
                        └── streamService
                            ├── 0.0.1-SNAPSHOT
                            │   ├── streamService-0.0.1-SNAPSHOT.pom
                            │   ├── streamService-0.0.1-SNAPSHOT-stubs.jar
                            │   └── maven-metadata-local.xml
                            └── maven-metadata-local.xml

Further assume the stubs contain the following structure:

└── repository
    ├── accurest
    │   ├── bookDeleted.groovy
    │   ├── bookReturned1.groovy
    │   └── bookReturned2.groovy
    └── mappings

Consider the following contracts (numbered 1 and 2):

Contract.make {
    label 'return_book_1'
    input { triggeredBy('bookReturnedTriggered()') }
    outputMessage {
        body('''{ "bookName" : "foo" }''')
        headers { header('BOOK-NAME', 'foo') }
Contract.make {
    label 'return_book_2'
    input {
                bookName: 'foo'
        messageHeaders { header('sample', 'header') }
    outputMessage {
                bookName: 'foo'
        headers { header('BOOK-NAME', 'foo') }

Now consider the following Spring configuration:

stubrunner.repositoryRoot: classpath:m2repo/repository/
stubrunner.stubs-mode: remote
          destination: returnBook
          destination: bookStorage

  port: 0

debug: true

These examples lend themselves to three scenarios:

Scenario 1 (No Input Message)

To trigger a message from the return_book_1 label, use the StubTrigger interface as follows:


The following example shows how to listen to the output of the message sent to a channel whose destination is returnBook:

Message<?> receivedMessage = messaging.receive('returnBook')

The received message passes the following assertions:

receivedMessage != null
receivedMessage.headers.get('BOOK-NAME') == 'foo'
Scenario 2 (Output Triggered by Input)

Since the route is set for you, you can send a message to the bookStorage destination, as follows:

messaging.send(new BookReturned('foo'), [sample: 'header'], 'bookStorage')

The following example shows how to listen to the output of the message sent to returnBook:

Message<?> receivedMessage = messaging.receive('returnBook')

The received message passes the following assertions:

receivedMessage != null
receivedMessage.headers.get('BOOK-NAME') == 'foo'
Scenario 3 (Input with No Output)

Since the route is set for you, you can send a message to the jms:output destination, as follows:

messaging.send(new BookReturned('foo'), [sample: 'header'], 'delete')

4.8. Consumer Side Messaging With Spring AMQP

Spring Cloud Contract Stub Runner’s messaging module provides an easy way to integrate with Spring AMQP’s Rabbit Template. For the provided artifacts, it automatically downloads the stubs and registers the required routes.

The integration tries to work standalone (that is, without interaction with a running RabbitMQ message broker). It expects a RabbitTemplate on the application context and uses it as a spring boot test named @SpyBean. As a result, it can use the Mockito spy functionality to verify and inspect messages sent by the application.

On the message consumer side, the stub runner considers all @RabbitListener annotated endpoints and all SimpleMessageListenerContainer objects on the application context.

As messages are usually sent to exchanges in AMQP, the message contract contains the exchange name as the destination. Message listeners on the other side are bound to queues. Bindings connect an exchange to a queue. If message contracts are triggered, the Spring AMQP stub runner integration looks for bindings on the application context that matches this exchange. Then it collects the queues from the Spring exchanges and tries to find message listeners bound to these queues. The message is triggered for all matching message listeners.

If you need to work with routing keys, you can pass them by using the amqp_receivedRoutingKey messaging header.

4.8.1. Adding the Runner to the Project

You can have both Spring AMQP and Spring Cloud Contract Stub Runner on the classpath and set the property stubrunner.amqp.enabled=true. Remember to annotate your test class with @AutoConfigureStubRunner.

If you already have Stream and Integration on the classpath, you need to disable them explicitly by setting the and stubrunner.integration.enabled=false properties.

4.8.2. Examples

Assume that you have the following Maven repository with a deployed stubs for the spring-cloud-contract-amqp-test application:

└── .m2
    └── repository
        └── com
            └── example
                └── spring-cloud-contract-amqp-test
                    ├── 0.4.0-SNAPSHOT
                    │   ├── spring-cloud-contract-amqp-test-0.4.0-SNAPSHOT.pom
                    │   ├── spring-cloud-contract-amqp-test-0.4.0-SNAPSHOT-stubs.jar
                    │   └── maven-metadata-local.xml
                    └── maven-metadata-local.xml

Further assume that the stubs contain the following structure:

└── contracts
    └── shouldProduceValidPersonData.groovy

Then consider the following contract:

Contract.make {
    // Human readable description
    description 'Should produce valid person data'
    // Label by means of which the output message can be triggered
    label 'contract-test.person.created.event'
    // input to the contract
    input {
        // the contract will be triggered by a method
    // output message of the contract
    outputMessage {
        // destination to which the output message will be sent
        sentTo ''
        headers {
            header('contentType': 'application/json')
            header('__TypeId__': '')
        // the body of the output message
                id  : $(consumer(9), producer(regex("[0-9]+"))),
                name: "me"

Now consider the following Spring configuration:

  repositoryRoot: classpath:m2repo/repository/
  stubs-mode: remote
    enabled: true
  port: 0
Triggering the Message

To trigger a message using the contract in the preceding section, use the StubTrigger interface as follows:


The message has a destination of, so the Spring AMQP stub runner integration looks for bindings related to this exchange, as the following example shows:

public Binding binding() {
    return BindingBuilder.bind(new Queue("test.queue"))
            .to(new DirectExchange("")).with("#");

The binding definition binds the queue called test.queue. As a result, the following listener definition is matched and invoked with the contract message:

public SimpleMessageListenerContainer simpleMessageListenerContainer(
        ConnectionFactory connectionFactory,
        MessageListenerAdapter listenerAdapter) {
    SimpleMessageListenerContainer container = new SimpleMessageListenerContainer();

    return container;

Also, the following annotated listener matches and is invoked:

@RabbitListener(bindings = @QueueBinding(value = @Queue("test.queue"),
        exchange = @Exchange(value = "",
                ignoreDeclarationExceptions = "true")))
public void handlePerson(Person person) {
    this.person = person;
The message is directly handed over to the onMessage method of the MessageListener associated with the matching SimpleMessageListenerContainer.
Spring AMQP Test Configuration

In order to avoid Spring AMQP trying to connect to a running broker during our tests, we configure a mock ConnectionFactory.

To disable the mocked ConnectionFactory, set the following property: stubrunner.amqp.mockConnection=false, as follows:

    mockConnection: false

4.9. Consumer Side Messaging With Spring JMS

Spring Cloud Contract Stub Runner’s messaging module provides an easy way to integrate with Spring JMS.

The integration assumes that you have a running instance of a JMS broker (e.g. activemq embedded broker).

4.9.1. Adding the Runner to the Project

You need to have both Spring JMS and Spring Cloud Contract Stub Runner on the classpath. Remember to annotate your test class with @AutoConfigureStubRunner.

4.9.2. Examples

Assume that the stub structure looks as follows:

├── stubs
    ├── bookDeleted.groovy
    ├── bookReturned1.groovy
    └── bookReturned2.groovy

Further assume the following test configuration:

  repository-root: stubs:classpath:/stubs/
  ids: my:stubs
  stubs-mode: remote
    send-timeout: 1000
      receive-timeout: 1000

Now consider the following contracts (we number them 1 and 2):

Contract.make {
    label 'return_book_1'
    input {
    outputMessage {
        body('''{ "bookName" : "foo" }''')
        headers {
            header('BOOK-NAME', 'foo')
Contract.make {
    label 'return_book_2'
    input {
                bookName: 'foo'
        messageHeaders {
            header('sample', 'header')
    outputMessage {
                bookName: 'foo'
        headers {
            header('BOOK-NAME', 'foo')
Scenario 1 (No Input Message)

To trigger a message from the return_book_1 label, we use the StubTrigger interface, as follows:


Next, we want to listen to the output of the message sent to output:

TextMessage receivedMessage = (TextMessage) jmsTemplate.receive('output')

The received message would then pass the following assertions:

receivedMessage != null
receivedMessage.getStringProperty('BOOK-NAME') == 'foo'
Scenario 2 (Output Triggered by Input)

Since the route is set for you, you can send a message to the output destination.

        convertAndSend('input', new BookReturned('foo'), new MessagePostProcessor() {
            Message postProcessMessage(Message message) throws JMSException {
                message.setStringProperty("sample", "header")
                return message

Next, we want to listen to the output of the message sent to output, as follows:

TextMessage receivedMessage = (TextMessage) jmsTemplate.receive('output')

The received message would pass the following assertions:

receivedMessage != null
receivedMessage.getStringProperty('BOOK-NAME') == 'foo'
Scenario 3 (Input with No Output)

Since the route is set for you, you can send a message to the output destination, as follows:

        convertAndSend('delete', new BookReturned('foo'), new MessagePostProcessor() {
            Message postProcessMessage(Message message) throws JMSException {
                message.setStringProperty("sample", "header")
                return message

4.10. Consumer Side Messaging With Spring Kafka

Spring Cloud Contract Stub Runner’s messaging module provides an easy way to integrate with Spring Kafka.

The integration assumes that you have a running instance of a embedded Kafka broker (via the spring-kafka-test dependency).

4.10.1. Adding the Runner to the Project

You need to have both Spring Kafka, Spring Kafka Test (to run the @EmbeddedBroker) and Spring Cloud Contract Stub Runner on the classpath. Remember to annotate your test class with @AutoConfigureStubRunner.

With Kafka integration, in order to poll for a single message we need to register a consumer upon Spring context startup. That may lead to a situation that, when you’re on the consumer side, Stub Runner can register an additional consumer for the same group id and topic. That could lead to a situation that only one of the components would actually poll for the message. Since on the consumer side you have both the Spring Cloud Contract Stub Runner and Spring Cloud Contract Verifier classpath, we need to be able to switch off such behaviour. That’s done automatically via the stubrunner.kafka.initializer.enabled flag, that will disable the Contact Verifier consumer registration. If your application is both the consumer and the producer of a kafka message, you might need to manually toggle that property to false in the base class of your generated tests.

4.10.2. Examples

Assume that the stub structure looks as follows:

├── stubs
    ├── bookDeleted.groovy
    ├── bookReturned1.groovy
    └── bookReturned2.groovy

Further assume the following test configuration (notice the spring.kafka.bootstrap-servers pointing to the embedded broker’s IP via ${spring.embedded.kafka.brokers}):

  repository-root: stubs:classpath:/stubs/
  ids: my:stubs
  stubs-mode: remote
    bootstrap-servers: ${spring.embedded.kafka.brokers}
        "spring.json.trusted.packages": "*"
        "spring.json.trusted.packages": "*"
      group-id: groupId
If your application uses non-integer record keys you will need to set the spring.kafka.producer.key-serializer and spring.kafka.consumer.key-deserializer properties accordingly because the Kafka de/serialization expects non-null record keys to be of integer type.

Now consider the following contracts (we number them 1 and 2):

Scenario 1 (No Input Message)

To trigger a message from the return_book_1 label, we use the StubTrigger interface, as follows:


Next, we want to listen to the output of the message sent to output:

Message receivedMessage = receiveFromOutput()

The received message would then pass the following assertions:

assert receivedMessage != null
assert assertThatBodyContainsBookNameFoo(receivedMessage.getPayload())
assert receivedMessage.getHeaders().get('BOOK-NAME') == 'foo'
Scenario 2 (Output Triggered by Input)

Since the route is set for you, you can send a message to the output destination.

Message message = MessageBuilder.createMessage(new BookReturned('foo'), new MessageHeaders([sample: "header",]))
Message message = MessageBuilder.createMessage(new BookReturned('bar'), new MessageHeaders([kafka_messageKey: "bar5150",]))

Next, we want to listen to the output of the message sent to output, as follows:

Message receivedMessage = receiveFromOutput()
Message receivedMessage = receiveFromOutput()

The received message would pass the following assertions:

assert receivedMessage != null
assert assertThatBodyContainsBookNameFoo(receivedMessage.getPayload())
assert receivedMessage.getHeaders().get('BOOK-NAME') == 'foo'
assert receivedMessage != null
assert assertThatBodyContainsBookName(receivedMessage.getPayload(), 'bar')
assert receivedMessage.getHeaders().get('BOOK-NAME') == 'bar'
assert receivedMessage.getHeaders().get("kafka_receivedMessageKey") == 'bar5150'
Scenario 3 (Input with No Output)

Since the route is set for you, you can send a message to the output destination, as follows:

Message message = MessageBuilder.createMessage(new BookReturned('foo'), new MessageHeaders([sample: "header",]))

5. Spring Cloud Contract Stub Runner

One of the issues that you might encounter while using Spring Cloud Contract Verifier is passing the generated WireMock JSON stubs from the server side to the client side (or to various clients). The same takes place in terms of client-side generation for messaging.

Copying the JSON files and setting the client side for messaging manually is out of the question. That is why we introduced Spring Cloud Contract Stub Runner. It can automatically download and run the stubs for you.

5.1. Snapshot Versions

You can add the additional snapshot repository to your build.gradle file to use snapshot versions, which are automatically uploaded after every successful build, as follows:

        <name>Spring Snapshots</name>
        <name>Spring Milestones</name>
        <name>Spring Releases</name>
        <name>Spring Snapshots</name>
        <name>Spring Milestones</name>
        <name>Spring Releases</name>
 We need to use the [buildscript {}] section when we have to modify
 the classpath for the plugins. If that's not the case this section
 can be skipped.

 If you don't need to modify the classpath (e.g. add a Pact dependency),
 then you can just set the [pluginManagement {}] section in [settings.gradle] file.

 // settings.gradle
 pluginManagement {
    repositories {
        // for snapshots
        maven {url ""}
        // for milestones
        maven {url ""}
        // for GA versions

buildscript {
    repositories {
        maven { url "" }
        maven { url "" }
        maven { url "" }

5.2. Publishing Stubs as JARs

The easiest approach to publishing stubs as jars is to centralize the way stubs are kept. For example, you can keep them as jars in a Maven repository.

For both Maven and Gradle, the setup comes ready to work. However, you can customize it if you want to.

The following example shows how to publish stubs as jars:

<!-- First disable the default jar setup in the properties section -->
<!-- we don't want the verifier to do a jar for us -->

<!-- Next add the assembly plugin to your build -->
<!-- we want the assembly plugin to generate the JAR -->

<!-- Finally setup your assembly. Below you can find the contents of src/main/assembly/stub.xml -->
ext {
    contractsDir = file("mappings")
    stubsOutputDirRoot = file("${project.buildDir}/production/${}-stubs/")

// Automatically added by plugin:
// copyContracts - copies contracts to the output folder from which JAR will be created
// verifierStubsJar - JAR with a provided stub suffix
// the presented publication is also added by the plugin but you can modify it as you wish

publishing {
    publications {
        stubs(MavenPublication) {
            artifactId "${}-stubs"
            artifact verifierStubsJar

5.3. Stub Runner Core

The stub runner core runs stubs for service collaborators. Treating stubs as contracts of services lets you use stub-runner as an implementation of Consumer-driven Contracts.

Stub Runner lets you automatically download the stubs of the provided dependencies (or pick those from the classpath), start WireMock servers for them, and feed them with proper stub definitions. For messaging, special stub routes are defined.

5.3.1. Retrieving stubs

You can pick from the following options of acquiring stubs:

  • Aether-based solution that downloads JARs with stubs from Artifactory or Nexus

  • Classpath-scanning solution that searches the classpath with a pattern to retrieve stubs

  • Writing your own implementation of the for full customization

The latter example is described in the Custom Stub Runner section.

Downloading Stubs

You can control the downloading of stubs with the stubsMode switch. It picks value from the StubRunnerProperties.StubsMode enumeration. You can use the following options:

  • StubRunnerProperties.StubsMode.CLASSPATH (default value): Picks stubs from the classpath

  • StubRunnerProperties.StubsMode.LOCAL: Picks stubs from a local storage (for example, .m2)

  • StubRunnerProperties.StubsMode.REMOTE: Picks stubs from a remote location

The following example picks stubs from a local location:

@AutoConfigureStubRunner(repositoryRoot="", ids = "com.example:beer-api-producer:+:stubs:8095", stubsMode = StubRunnerProperties.StubsMode.LOCAL)
Classpath scanning

If you set the stubsMode property to StubRunnerProperties.StubsMode.CLASSPATH (or set nothing since CLASSPATH is the default value), the classpath is scanned. Consider the following example:

@AutoConfigureStubRunner(ids = {

You can add the dependencies to your classpath, as follows:

testCompile("com.example:beer-api-producer-restdocs:0.0.1-SNAPSHOT:stubs") {
    transitive = false
testCompile("com.example.thing1:thing2:1.0.0:superstubs") {
    transitive = false

Then the specified locations on your classpath get scanned. For com.example:beer-api-producer-restdocs, the following locations are scanned:

  • /META-INF/com.example/beer-api-producer-restdocs/*/.*

  • /contracts/com.example/beer-api-producer-restdocs/*/.*

  • /mappings/com.example/beer-api-producer-restdocs/*/.*

For com.example.thing1:thing2, the following locations are scanned:

  • /META-INF/com.example.thing1/thing2/*/.*

  • /contracts/com.example.thing1/thing2/*/.*

  • /mappings/com.example.thing1/thing2/*/.*

You have to explicitly provide the group and artifact IDs when you package the producer stubs.

To achieve proper stub packaging, the producer would set up the contracts as follows:

└── src
    └── test
        └── resources
            └── contracts
                └── com.example
                    └── beer-api-producer-restdocs
                        └── nested
                            └── contract3.groovy

By using the Maven assembly plugin or Gradle Jar task, you have to create the following structure in your stubs jar:

    └── com.example
        └── beer-api-producer-restdocs
            └── 2.0.0
                ├── contracts
                │   └── nested
                │       └── contract2.groovy
                └── mappings
                    └── mapping.json

By maintaining this structure, the classpath gets scanned and you can profit from the messaging or HTTP stubs without the need to download artifacts.

Configuring HTTP Server Stubs

Stub Runner has a notion of a HttpServerStub that abstracts the underlying concrete implementation of the HTTP server (for example, WireMock is one of the implementations). Sometimes, you need to perform some additional tuning (which is concrete for the given implementation) of the stub servers. To do that, Stub Runner gives you the httpServerStubConfigurer property that is available in the annotation and the JUnit rule and is accessible through system properties, where you can provide your implementation of the interface. The implementations can alter the configuration files for the given HTTP server stub.

Spring Cloud Contract Stub Runner comes with an implementation that you can extend for WireMock: In the configure method, you can provide your own custom configuration for the given stub. The use case might be starting WireMock for the given artifact ID, on an HTTPS port. The following example shows how to do so:

Example 1. WireMockHttpServerStubConfigurer implementation
static class HttpsForFraudDetection extends WireMockHttpServerStubConfigurer {

    private static final Log log = LogFactory.getLog(HttpsForFraudDetection)

    WireMockConfiguration configure(WireMockConfiguration httpStubConfiguration, HttpServerStubConfiguration httpServerStubConfiguration) {
        if (httpServerStubConfiguration.stubConfiguration.artifactId == "fraudDetectionServer") {
            int httpsPort = SocketUtils.findAvailableTcpPort()
  "Will set HTTPs port [" + httpsPort + "] for fraud detection server")
            return httpStubConfiguration
        return httpStubConfiguration

You can then reuse it with the @AutoConfigureStubRunner annotation, as follows:

@AutoConfigureStubRunner(mappingsOutputFolder = "target/outputmappings/",
        httpServerStubConfigurer = HttpsForFraudDetection)

Whenever an HTTPS port is found, it takes precedence over the HTTP port.

5.3.2. Running stubs

This section describes how to run stubs. It contains the following topics:

HTTP Stubs

Stubs are defined in JSON documents, whose syntax is defined in WireMock documentation

The following example defines a stub in JSON:

    "request": {
        "method": "GET",
        "url": "/ping"
    "response": {
        "status": 200,
        "body": "pong",
        "headers": {
            "Content-Type": "text/plain"
Viewing Registered Mappings

Every stubbed collaborator exposes a list of defined mappings under the __/admin/ endpoint.

You can also use the mappingsOutputFolder property to dump the mappings to files. For the annotation-based approach, it would resembling the following example:

mappingsOutputFolder = "target/outputmappings/")

For the JUnit approach, it resembles the following example:

@ClassRule @Shared StubRunnerRule rule = new StubRunnerRule()
            .downloadStub("a.b.c", "loanIssuance")

Then, if you check out the target/outputmappings folder, you would see the following structure;

├── fraudDetectionServer_13705
└── loanIssuance_12255

That means that there were two stubs registered. fraudDetectionServer was registered at port 13705 and loanIssuance at port 12255. If we take a look at one of the files, we would see (for WireMock) the mappings available for the given server:

  "id" : "f9152eb9-bf77-4c38-8289-90be7d10d0d7",
  "request" : {
    "url" : "/name",
    "method" : "GET"
  "response" : {
    "status" : 200,
    "body" : "fraudDetectionServer"
  "uuid" : "f9152eb9-bf77-4c38-8289-90be7d10d0d7"
Messaging Stubs

Depending on the provided Stub Runner dependency and the DSL, the messaging routes are automatically set up.

5.4. Stub Runner JUnit Rule and Stub Runner JUnit5 Extension

Stub Runner comes with a JUnit rule that lets you can download and run stubs for a given group and artifact ID, as the following example shows:

public static StubRunnerRule rule = new StubRunnerRule().repoRoot(repoRoot())

public static void setupProps() {

A StubRunnerExtension is also available for JUnit 5. StubRunnerRule and StubRunnerExtension work in a very similar fashion. After the rule or extension is executed, Stub Runner connects to your Maven repository and, for the given list of dependencies, tries to:

  • Download them

  • Cache them locally

  • Unzip them to a temporary folder

  • Start a WireMock server for each Maven dependency on a random port from the provided range of ports or the provided port

  • Feed the WireMock server with all JSON files that are valid WireMock definitions

  • Send messages (remember to pass an implementation of MessageVerifier interface)

Stub Runner uses the Eclipse Aether mechanism to download the Maven dependencies. Check their docs for more information.

Since the StubRunnerRule and StubRunnerExtension implement the StubFinder they let you find the started stubs, as the following example shows:


import java.util.Collection;
import java.util.Map;


 * Contract for finding registered stubs.
 * @author Marcin Grzejszczak
public interface StubFinder extends StubTrigger {

     * For the given groupId and artifactId tries to find the matching URL of the running
     * stub.
     * @param groupId - might be null. In that case a search only via artifactId takes
     * place
     * @param artifactId - artifact id of the stub
     * @return URL of a running stub or throws exception if not found
     * @throws StubNotFoundException in case of not finding a stub
    URL findStubUrl(String groupId, String artifactId) throws StubNotFoundException;

     * For the given Ivy notation {@code [groupId]:artifactId:[version]:[classifier]}
     * tries to find the matching URL of the running stub. You can also pass only
     * {@code artifactId}.
     * @param ivyNotation - Ivy representation of the Maven artifact
     * @return URL of a running stub or throws exception if not found
     * @throws StubNotFoundException in case of not finding a stub
    URL findStubUrl(String ivyNotation) throws StubNotFoundException;

     * @return all running stubs
    RunningStubs findAllRunningStubs();

     * @return the list of Contracts
    Map<StubConfiguration, Collection<Contract>> getContracts();


The following examples provide more detail about using Stub Runner:

StubRunnerRule rule = new StubRunnerRule()
        .downloadStub("", "loanIssuance")

def 'should start WireMock servers'() {
    expect: 'WireMocks are running'
        rule.findStubUrl('', 'loanIssuance') != null
        rule.findStubUrl('loanIssuance') != null
        rule.findStubUrl('loanIssuance') == rule.findStubUrl('', 'loanIssuance')
        rule.findStubUrl('') != null
        rule.findAllRunningStubs().isPresent('', 'fraudDetectionServer')
    and: 'Stubs were registered'
        "${rule.findStubUrl('loanIssuance').toString()}/name".toURL().text == 'loanIssuance'
        "${rule.findStubUrl('fraudDetectionServer').toString()}/name".toURL().text == 'fraudDetectionServer'

def 'should output mappings to output folder'() {
        def url = rule.findStubUrl('fraudDetectionServer')
        new File("target/outputmappingsforrule", "fraudDetectionServer_${url.port}").exists()
junit 4
public void should_start_wiremock_servers() throws Exception {
    // expect: 'WireMocks are running'
            "", "loanIssuance"));
    // and:
    // and: 'Stubs were registered'
    then(httpGet(rule.findStubUrl("loanIssuance").toString() + "/name"))
    then(httpGet(rule.findStubUrl("fraudDetectionServer").toString() + "/name"))
junit 5
// Visible for Junit
static StubRunnerExtension stubRunnerExtension = new StubRunnerExtension()

static void setupProps() {

private static String repoRoot() {
    try {
        return StubRunnerRuleJUnitTest.class.getResource("/m2repo/repository/")
    catch (Exception e) {
        return "";

See the Common Properties for JUnit and Spring for more information on how to apply global configuration of Stub Runner.

To use the JUnit rule or JUnit 5 extension together with messaging, you have to provide an implementation of the MessageVerifier interface to the rule builder (for example, rule.messageVerifier(new MyMessageVerifier())). If you do not do this, then, whenever you try to send a message, an exception is thrown.

5.4.1. Maven Settings

The stub downloader honors Maven settings for a different local repository folder. Authentication details for repositories and profiles are currently not taken into account, so you need to specify it by using the properties mentioned above.

5.4.2. Providing Fixed Ports

You can also run your stubs on fixed ports. You can do it in two different ways. One is to pass it in the properties, and the other is to use the fluent API of JUnit rule.

5.4.3. Fluent API

When using the StubRunnerRule or StubRunnerExtension, you can add a stub to download and then pass the port for the last downloaded stub. The following example shows how to do so:

public static StubRunnerRule rule = new StubRunnerRule().repoRoot(repoRoot())

public static void setupProps() {

For the preceding example, the following test is valid:


5.4.4. Stub Runner with Spring

Stub Runner with Spring sets up Spring configuration of the Stub Runner project.

By providing a list of stubs inside your configuration file, Stub Runner automatically downloads and registers in WireMock the selected stubs.

If you want to find the URL of your stubbed dependency, you can autowire the StubFinder interface and use its methods, as follows:

@ContextConfiguration(classes = Config, loader = SpringBootContextLoader)
@SpringBootTest(properties = ["",
@AutoConfigureStubRunner(mappingsOutputFolder = "target/outputmappings/",
        httpServerStubConfigurer = HttpsForFraudDetection)
class StubRunnerConfigurationSpec extends Specification {

    StubFinder stubFinder
    Environment environment
    int fraudDetectionServerPort
    int fraudDetectionServerPortWithGroupId
    Integer foo

    void setupProps() {

    def 'should mark all ports as random'() {

    def 'should start WireMock servers'() {
        expect: 'WireMocks are running'
            stubFinder.findStubUrl('', 'loanIssuance') != null
            stubFinder.findStubUrl('loanIssuance') != null
            stubFinder.findStubUrl('loanIssuance') == stubFinder.findStubUrl('', 'loanIssuance')
            stubFinder.findStubUrl('loanIssuance') == stubFinder.findStubUrl('')
            stubFinder.findStubUrl('') == stubFinder.findStubUrl('')
            stubFinder.findStubUrl('') != null
            stubFinder.findAllRunningStubs().isPresent('', 'fraudDetectionServer')
        and: 'Stubs were registered'
            "${stubFinder.findStubUrl('loanIssuance').toString()}/name".toURL().text == 'loanIssuance'
            "${stubFinder.findStubUrl('fraudDetectionServer').toString()}/name".toURL().text == 'fraudDetectionServer'
        and: 'Fraud Detection is an HTTPS endpoint'

    def 'should throw an exception when stub is not found'() {
            stubFinder.findStubUrl('nonExistingGroupId', 'nonExistingArtifactId')

    def 'should register started servers as environment variables'() {
            environment.getProperty("stubrunner.runningstubs.loanIssuance.port") != null
            stubFinder.findAllRunningStubs().getPort("loanIssuance") == (environment.getProperty("stubrunner.runningstubs.loanIssuance.port") as Integer)
            environment.getProperty("stubrunner.runningstubs.fraudDetectionServer.port") != null
            stubFinder.findAllRunningStubs().getPort("fraudDetectionServer") == (environment.getProperty("stubrunner.runningstubs.fraudDetectionServer.port") as Integer)
            environment.getProperty("stubrunner.runningstubs.fraudDetectionServer.port") != null
            stubFinder.findAllRunningStubs().getPort("fraudDetectionServer") == (environment.getProperty("") as Integer)

    def 'should be able to interpolate a running stub in the passed test property'() {
            int fraudPort = stubFinder.findAllRunningStubs().getPort("fraudDetectionServer")
            fraudPort > 0
            environment.getProperty("foo", Integer) == fraudPort
            environment.getProperty("fooWithGroup", Integer) == fraudPort
            foo == fraudPort

    def 'should be able to retrieve the port of a running stub via an annotation'() {
            int fraudPort = stubFinder.findAllRunningStubs().getPort("fraudDetectionServer")
            fraudPort > 0
            fraudDetectionServerPort == fraudPort
            fraudDetectionServerPortWithGroupId == fraudPort

    def 'should dump all mappings to a file'() {
            def url = stubFinder.findStubUrl("fraudDetectionServer")
            new File("target/outputmappings/", "fraudDetectionServer_${url.port}").exists()

    static class Config {}

    static class HttpsForFraudDetection extends WireMockHttpServerStubConfigurer {

        private static final Log log = LogFactory.getLog(HttpsForFraudDetection)

        WireMockConfiguration configure(WireMockConfiguration httpStubConfiguration, HttpServerStubConfiguration httpServerStubConfiguration) {
            if (httpServerStubConfiguration.stubConfiguration.artifactId == "fraudDetectionServer") {
                int httpsPort = SocketUtils.findAvailableTcpPort()
      "Will set HTTPs port [" + httpsPort + "] for fraud detection server")
                return httpStubConfiguration
            return httpStubConfiguration

Doing so depends on the following configuration file:

  repositoryRoot: classpath:m2repo/repository/
  stubs-mode: remote

Instead of using the properties, you can also use the properties inside the @AutoConfigureStubRunner. The following example achieves the same result by setting values on the annotation:

        ids = ["",
        stubsMode = StubRunnerProperties.StubsMode.REMOTE,
        repositoryRoot = "classpath:m2repo/repository/")

Stub Runner Spring registers environment variables in the following manner for every registered WireMock server. The following example shows Stub Runner IDs for com.example:thing1 and com.example:thing2:

  • stubrunner.runningstubs.thing1.port


  • stubrunner.runningstubs.thing2.port


You can reference these values in your code.

You can also use the @StubRunnerPort annotation to inject the port of a running stub. The value of the annotation can be the groupid:artifactid or just the artifactid. The following example works shows Stub Runner IDs for com.example:thing1 and com.example:thing2.

int thing1Port;
int thing2Port;

5.5. Stub Runner Spring Cloud

Stub Runner can integrate with Spring Cloud.

For real life examples, see:

5.5.1. Stubbing Service Discovery

The most important feature of Stub Runner Spring Cloud is the fact that it stubs:

  • DiscoveryClient

  • Ribbon ServerList

That means that, regardless of whether you use Zookeeper, Consul, Eureka, or anything else, you do not need that in your tests. We are starting WireMock instances of your dependencies and we are telling your application, whenever you use Feign, to load a balanced RestTemplate or DiscoveryClient directly, to call those stubbed servers instead of calling the real Service Discovery tool.

For example, the following test passes:

def 'should make service discovery work'() {
    expect: 'WireMocks are running'
        "${stubFinder.findStubUrl('loanIssuance').toString()}/name".toURL().text == 'loanIssuance'
        "${stubFinder.findStubUrl('fraudDetectionServer').toString()}/name".toURL().text == 'fraudDetectionServer'
    and: 'Stubs can be reached via load service discovery'
        restTemplate.getForObject('http://loanIssuance/name', String) == 'loanIssuance'
        restTemplate.getForObject('http://someNameThatShouldMapFraudDetectionServer/name', String) == 'fraudDetectionServer'

Note that the preceding example requires the following configuration file:

    ivyNotation: someValueInsideYourCode
    fraudDetectionServer: someNameThatShouldMapFraudDetectionServer
Test Profiles and Service Discovery

In your integration tests, you typically do not want to call either a discovery service (such as Eureka) or Config Server. That is why you create an additional test configuration in which you want to disable these features.

Due to certain limitations of spring-cloud-commons, to achieve this, you have to disable these properties in a static block such as the following example (for Eureka):

    //Hack to work around
    static {
        System.setProperty("eureka.client.enabled", "false");
        System.setProperty("", "false");

5.5.2. Additional Configuration

You can match the artifactId of the stub with the name of your application by using the stubrunner.idsToServiceIds: map. You can disable Stub Runner Ribbon support by setting to false You can disable Stub Runner support by setting to false

By default, all service discovery is stubbed. This means that, regardless of whether you have an existing DiscoveryClient, its results are ignored. However, if you want to reuse it, you can set to true, and then your existing DiscoveryClient results are merged with the stubbed ones.

The default Maven configuration used by Stub Runner can be tweaked either by setting the following system properties or by setting the corresponding environment variables:

  • maven.repo.local: Path to the custom maven local repository location

  • org.apache.maven.user-settings: Path to custom maven user settings location

  • Path to maven global settings location

5.6. Using the Stub Runner Boot Application

Spring Cloud Contract Stub Runner Boot is a Spring Boot application that exposes REST endpoints to trigger the messaging labels and to access WireMock servers.

One of the use cases is to run some smoke (end-to-end) tests on a deployed application. You can check out the Spring Cloud Pipelines project for more information.

5.6.1. Stub Runner Server

To use the Stub Runner Server, add the following dependency:

compile ""

Then annotate a class with @EnableStubRunnerServer, build a fat jar, and it is ready to work.

For the properties, see the Stub Runner Spring section.

5.6.2. Stub Runner Server Fat Jar

You can download a standalone JAR from Maven (for example, for version 2.0.1.RELEASE) by running the following commands:

$ wget -O stub-runner.jar ''
$ java -jar stub-runner.jar --stubrunner.ids=... --stubrunner.repositoryRoot=...

5.6.3. Spring Cloud CLI

Starting from the 1.4.0.RELEASE version of the Spring Cloud CLI project, you can start Stub Runner Boot by running spring cloud stubrunner.

In order to pass the configuration, you can create a stubrunner.yml file in the current working directory, in a subdirectory called config, or in ~/.spring-cloud. The file could resemble the following example for running stubs installed locally:

Example 2. stubrunner.yml
  stubsMode: LOCAL
    - com.example:beer-api-producer:+:9876

Then you can call spring cloud stubrunner from your terminal window to start the Stub Runner server. It is available at port 8750.

5.6.4. Endpoints

Stub Runner Boot offers two endpoints:


For HTTP, Stub Runner Boot makes the following endpoints available:

  • GET /stubs: Returns a list of all running stubs in ivy:integer notation

  • GET /stubs/{ivy}: Returns a port for the given ivy notation (when calling the endpoint ivy can also be artifactId only)


For Messaging, Stub Runner Boot makes the following endpoints available:

  • GET /triggers: Returns a list of all running labels in ivy : [ label1, label2 …​] notation

  • POST /triggers/{label}: Runs a trigger with label

  • POST /triggers/{ivy}/{label}: Runs a trigger with a label for the given ivy notation (when calling the endpoint, ivy can also be artifactId only)

5.6.5. Example

The following example shows typical usage of Stub Runner Boot:

@ContextConfiguration(classes = StubRunnerBoot, loader = SpringBootContextLoader)
@SpringBootTest(properties = "")
class StubRunnerBootSpec extends Specification {

    StubRunning stubRunning

    def setup() {
        RestAssuredMockMvc.standaloneSetup(new HttpStubsController(stubRunning),
                new TriggerController(stubRunning))

    def 'should return a list of running stub servers in "full ivy:port" notation'() {
            String response = RestAssuredMockMvc.get('/stubs').body.asString()
            def root = new JsonSlurper().parseText(response)
            root.'' instanceof Integer

    def 'should return a port on which a [#stubId] stub is running'() {
            def response = RestAssuredMockMvc.get("/stubs/${stubId}")
            response.statusCode == 200
            Integer.valueOf(response.body.asString()) > 0
            stubId << ['',

    def 'should return 404 when missing stub was called'() {
            def response = RestAssuredMockMvc.get("/stubs/a:b:c:d")
            response.statusCode == 404

    def 'should return a list of messaging labels that can be triggered when version and classifier are passed'() {
            String response = RestAssuredMockMvc.get('/triggers').body.asString()
            def root = new JsonSlurper().parseText(response)
            root.''?.containsAll(["delete_book", "return_book_1", "return_book_2"])

    def 'should trigger a messaging label'() {
            StubRunning stubRunning = Mock()
            RestAssuredMockMvc.standaloneSetup(new HttpStubsController(stubRunning), new TriggerController(stubRunning))
            def response ="/triggers/delete_book")
            response.statusCode == 200
            1 * stubRunning.trigger('delete_book')

    def 'should trigger a messaging label for a stub with [#stubId] ivy notation'() {
            StubRunning stubRunning = Mock()
            RestAssuredMockMvc.standaloneSetup(new HttpStubsController(stubRunning), new TriggerController(stubRunning))
            def response ="/triggers/$stubId/delete_book")
            response.statusCode == 200
            1 * stubRunning.trigger(stubId, 'delete_book')
            stubId << ['', '', 'bootService']

    def 'should throw exception when trigger is missing'() {
            Exception e = thrown(Exception)
            e.message.contains("Exception occurred while trying to return [missing_label] label.")
            e.message.contains("Available labels are")


5.6.6. Stub Runner Boot with Service Discovery

One way to use Stub Runner Boot is to use it as a feed of stubs for “smoke tests”. What does that mean? Assume that you do not want to deploy 50 microservices to a test environment in order to see whether your application works. You have already executed a suite of tests during the build process, but you would also like to ensure that the packaging of your application works. You can deploy your application to an environment, start it, and run a couple of tests on it to see whether it works. We can call those tests “smoke tests”, because their purpose is to check only a handful of testing scenarios.

The problem with this approach is thatm if you use microservices, you most likely also use a service discovery tool. Stub Runner Boot lets you solve this issue by starting the required stubs and registering them in a service discovery tool. Consider the following example of such a setup with Eureka (assume that Eureka is already running):

public class StubRunnerBootEurekaExample {

    public static void main(String[] args) {, args);


We want to start a Stub Runner Boot server (@EnableStubRunnerServer), enable the Eureka client (@EnableEurekaClient), and have the stub runner feature turned on (@AutoConfigureStubRunner).

Now assume that we want to start this application so that the stubs get automatically registered. We can do so by running the application with java -jar ${SYSTEM_PROPS} stub-runner-boot-eureka-example.jar, where ${SYSTEM_PROPS} contains the following list of properties:

* -Dstubrunner.repositoryRoot= (1)
* (2)
* cloud.contract.verifier.stubs:bootService (3)
* -Dstubrunner.idsToServiceIds.fraudDetectionServer=
* someNameThatShouldMapFraudDetectionServer (4)
* (1) - we tell Stub Runner where all the stubs reside (2) - we don't want the default
* behaviour where the discovery service is stubbed. That's why the stub registration will
* be picked (3) - we provide a list of stubs to download (4) - we provide a list of

That way, your deployed application can send requests to started WireMock servers through service discovery. Most likely, points 1 through 3 could be set by default in application.yml, because they are not likely to change. That way, you can provide only the list of stubs to download whenever you start the Stub Runner Boot.

5.7. Consumer-Driven Contracts: Stubs Per Consumer

There are cases in which two consumers of the same endpoint want to have two different responses.

This approach also lets you immediately know which consumer uses which part of your API. You can remove part of a response that your API produces and see which of your autogenerated tests fails. If none fails, you can safely delete that part of the response, because nobody uses it.

Consider the following example of a contract defined for the producer called producer, which has two consumers (foo-consumer and bar-consumer):

Consumer foo-service
request {
   url '/foo'
   method GET()
response {
    status OK()
       foo: "foo"
Consumer bar-service
request {
   url '/bar'
   method GET()
response {
    status OK()
       bar: "bar"

You cannot produce two different responses for the same request. That is why you can properly package the contracts and then profit from the stubsPerConsumer feature.

On the producer side, the consumers can have a folder that contains contracts related only to them. By setting the stubrunner.stubs-per-consumer flag to true, we no longer register all stubs but only those that correspond to the consumer application’s name. In other words, we scan the path of every stub and, if it contains a subfolder with name of the consumer in the path, only then is it registered.

On the foo producer side the contracts would look like this

└── contracts
    ├── bar-consumer
    │   ├── bookReturnedForBar.groovy
    │   └── shouldCallBar.groovy
    └── foo-consumer
        ├── bookReturnedForFoo.groovy
        └── shouldCallFoo.groovy

The bar-consumer consumer can either set the or the stubrunner.consumer-name to bar-consumer Alternatively, you can set the test as follows:

@ContextConfiguration(classes = Config, loader = SpringBootContextLoader)
@SpringBootTest(properties = [""])
@AutoConfigureStubRunner(ids = "",
        repositoryRoot = "classpath:m2repo/repository/",
        stubsMode = StubRunnerProperties.StubsMode.REMOTE,
        stubsPerConsumer = true)
class StubRunnerStubsPerConsumerSpec extends Specification {

Then only the stubs registered under a path that contains bar-consumer in its name (that is, those from the src/test/resources/contracts/bar-consumer/some/contracts/…​ folder) are allowed to be referenced.

You can also set the consumer name explicitly, as follows:

@ContextConfiguration(classes = Config, loader = SpringBootContextLoader)
@AutoConfigureStubRunner(ids = "",
        repositoryRoot = "classpath:m2repo/repository/",
        consumerName = "foo-consumer",
        stubsMode = StubRunnerProperties.StubsMode.REMOTE,
        stubsPerConsumer = true)
class StubRunnerStubsPerConsumerWithConsumerNameSpec extends Specification {

Then only the stubs registered under a path that contains the foo-consumer in its name (that is, those from the src/test/resources/contracts/foo-consumer/some/contracts/…​ folder) are allowed to be referenced.

See issue 224 for more information about the reasons behind this change.

5.8. Fetching Stubs or Contract Definitions From A Location

Instead of picking the stubs or contract definitions from Artifactory / Nexus or Git, one can just want to point to a location on drive or classpath. This can be especially useful in a multimodule project, where one module wants to reuse stubs or contracts from another module without the need to actually install those in a local maven repository ot commit those changes to Git.

In order to achieve this it’s enough to use the stubs:// protocol when the repository root parameter is set either in Stub Runner or in a Spring Cloud Contract plugin.

In this example the producer project has been successfully built and stubs were generated under the target/stubs folder. As a consumer one can setup the Stub Runner to pick the stubs from that location using the stubs:// protocol.

stubsMode = StubRunnerProperties.StubsMode.REMOTE,
        repositoryRoot = "stubs://file://location/to/the/producer/target/stubs/",
        ids = "com.example:some-producer")
JUnit 4 Rule
    public StubRunnerRule rule = new StubRunnerRule()
JUnit 5 Extension
    public StubRunnerExtension stubRunnerExtension = new StubRunnerExtension()

Contracts and stubs may be stored in a location, where each producer has its own, dedicated folder for contracts and stub mappings. Under that folder each consumer can have its own setup. To make Stub Runner find the dedicated folder from the provided ids one can pass a property stubs.find-producer=true or a system property stubrunner.stubs.find-producer=true .

└── com.example (1)
    ├── some-artifact-id (2)
    │   └── 0.0.1
    │       ├── contracts (3)
    │       │   └── shouldReturnStuffForArtifactId.groovy
    │       └── mappings (4)
    │           └── shouldReturnStuffForArtifactId.json
    └── some-other-artifact-id (5)
        ├── contracts
        │   └── shouldReturnStuffForOtherArtifactId.groovy
        └── mappings
            └── shouldReturnStuffForOtherArtifactId.json
1 group id of the consumers
2 consumer with artifact id [some-artifact-id]
3 contracts for the consumer with artifact id [some-artifact-id]
4 mappings for the consumer with artifact id [some-artifact-id]
5 consumer with artifact id [some-other-artifact-id]
stubsMode = StubRunnerProperties.StubsMode.REMOTE,
        repositoryRoot = "stubs://file://location/to/the/contracts/directory",
        ids = "com.example:some-producer",
JUnit 4 Rule
    static Map<String, String> contractProperties() {
        Map<String, String> map = new HashMap<>();
        map.put("stubs.find-producer", "true");
        return map;

    public StubRunnerRule rule = new StubRunnerRule()
JUnit 5 Extension
    static Map<String, String> contractProperties() {
        Map<String, String> map = new HashMap<>();
        map.put("stubs.find-producer", "true");
        return map;

    public StubRunnerExtension stubRunnerExtension = new StubRunnerExtension()

5.9. Generating Stubs at Runtime

As a consumer, you might not want to wait for the producer to finish its implementation and then publish their stubs. A solution to this problem can be generation of stubs at runtime.

As a producer, when a contract is defined, you are required to make the generated tests pass in order for the stubs to be published. There are cases where you would like to unblock the consumers so that they can fetch the stubs before your tests are actually passing. In this case you should set such contracts as in progress. You can read more about this under the Contracts in Progress section. That way your tests will not be generated, but the stubs will.

As a consumer, you can toggle a switch to generate stubs at runtime. Stub Runner will ignore all the existing stub mappings and will generate new ones for all the contract definitions. Another option is to pass the stubrunner.generate-stubs system property. Below you can find an example of such setup.

stubsMode = StubRunnerProperties.StubsMode.REMOTE,
        repositoryRoot = "stubs://file://location/to/the/contracts",
        ids = "com.example:some-producer",
        generateStubs = true)
JUnit 4 Rule
    public StubRunnerRule rule = new StubRunnerRule()
JUnit 5 Extension
    public StubRunnerExtension stubRunnerExtension = new StubRunnerExtension()

5.10. Fail On No Stubs

By default Stub Runner will fail if no stubs were found. In order to change that behaviour, just set to false the failOnNoStubs property in the annotation or call the withFailOnNoStubs(false) method on a JUnit Rule or Extension.

stubsMode = StubRunnerProperties.StubsMode.REMOTE,
        repositoryRoot = "stubs://file://location/to/the/contracts",
        ids = "com.example:some-producer",
        failOnNoStubs = false)
JUnit 4 Rule
    public StubRunnerRule rule = new StubRunnerRule()
JUnit 5 Extension
    public StubRunnerExtension stubRunnerExtension = new StubRunnerExtension()

5.11. Common Properties

This section briefly describes common properties, including:

5.11.1. Common Properties for JUnit and Spring

You can set repetitive properties by using system properties or Spring configuration properties. The following table shows their names with their default values:

Property name Default value Description



Minimum value of a port for a started WireMock with stubs.



Maximum value of a port for a started WireMock with stubs.


Maven repo URL. If blank, then call the local Maven repo.



Default classifier for the stub artifacts.



The way you want to fetch and register the stubs


Array of Ivy notation stubs to download.


Optional username to access the tool that stores the JARs with stubs.


Optional password to access the tool that stores the JARs with stubs.



Set to true if you want to use different stubs for each consumer instead of registering all stubs for every consumer.


If you want to use a stub for each consumer and want to override the consumer name, change this value.

5.11.2. Stub Runner Stubs IDs

You can set the stubs to download in the stubrunner.ids system property. They use the following pattern:


Note that version, classifier, and port are optional.

  • If you do not provide the port, a random one is picked.

  • If you do not provide the classifier, the default is used. (Note that you can pass an empty classifier this way: groupId:artifactId:version:).

  • If you do not provide the version, then + is passed, and the latest one is downloaded.

port means the port of the WireMock server.

Starting with version 1.0.4, you can provide a range of versions that you would like the Stub Runner to take into consideration. You can read more about the Aether versioning ranges here.

6. Spring Cloud Contract WireMock

The Spring Cloud Contract WireMock modules let you use WireMock in a Spring Boot application. Check out the samples for more details.

If you have a Spring Boot application that uses Tomcat as an embedded server (which is the default with spring-boot-starter-web), you can add spring-cloud-starter-contract-stub-runner to your classpath and add @AutoConfigureWireMock to use Wiremock in your tests. Wiremock runs as a stub server, and you can register stub behavior by using a Java API or by using static JSON declarations as part of your test. The following code shows an example:

@SpringBootTest(webEnvironment = WebEnvironment.RANDOM_PORT)
@AutoConfigureWireMock(port = 0)
public class WiremockForDocsTests {

    // A service that calls out over HTTP
    private Service service;

    public void setup() {
                + this.environment.getProperty("wiremock.server.port"));

    // Using the WireMock APIs in the normal way:
    public void contextLoads() throws Exception {
        // Stubbing WireMock
                .withHeader("Content-Type", "text/plain").withBody("Hello World!")));
        // We're asserting if WireMock responded properly
        assertThat(this.service.go()).isEqualTo("Hello World!");


To start the stub server on a different port, use (for example), @AutoConfigureWireMock(port=9999). For a random port, use a value of 0. The stub server port can be bound in the test application context with the "wiremock.server.port" property. Using @AutoConfigureWireMock adds a bean of type WiremockConfiguration to your test application context, where it is cached between methods and classes having the same context. The same is true for Spring integration tests. Also, you can inject a bean of type WireMockServer into your test. The registered WireMock server is reset after each test class, however, if you need to reset it after each test method, just set the wiremock.reset-mappings-after-each-test property to true.

6.1. Registering Stubs Automatically

If you use @AutoConfigureWireMock, it registers WireMock JSON stubs from the file system or classpath (by default, from file:src/test/resources/mappings). You can customize the locations by using the stubs attribute in the annotation, which can be an Ant-style resource pattern or a directory. In the case of a directory, */.json is appended. The following code shows an example:

public class WiremockImportApplicationTests {

    private Service service;

    public void contextLoads() throws Exception {
        assertThat(this.service.go()).isEqualTo("Hello World!");

Actually, WireMock always loads mappings from src/test/resources/mappings as well as the custom locations in the stubs attribute. To change this behavior, you can also specify a files root, as described in the next section of this document.
Also, the mappings in the stubs location are not considered part of Wiremock’s "default mappings" and calls to com.github.tomakehurst.wiremock.client.WireMock.resetToDefaultMappings during a test do not result in the mappings in the stubs location being included. However, the does reset the mappings (including adding the ones from the stubs location) after every test class and, optionally, after every test method (guarded by the wiremock.reset-mappings-after-each-test property).

If you use Spring Cloud Contract’s default stub jars, your stubs are stored in the /META-INF/group-id/artifact-id/versions/mappings/ folder. If you want to register all stubs from that location, from all embedded JARs, you can use the following syntax:

@AutoConfigureWireMock(port = 0, stubs = "classpath*:/META-INF/**/mappings/**/*.json")

6.2. Using Files to Specify the Stub Bodies

WireMock can read response bodies from files on the classpath or the file system. In the case of the file system, you can see in the JSON DSL that the response has a bodyFileName instead of a (literal) body. The files are resolved relative to a root directory (by default, src/test/resources/__files). To customize this location, you can set the files attribute in the @AutoConfigureWireMock annotation to the location of the parent directory (in other words, __files is a subdirectory). You can use Spring resource notation to refer to file:…​ or classpath:…​ locations. Generic URLs are not supported. A list of values can be given — in which case, WireMock resolves the first file that exists when it needs to find a response body.

When you configure the files root, it also affects the automatic loading of stubs, because they come from the root location in a subdirectory called mappings. The value of files has no effect on the stubs loaded explicitly from the stubs attribute.

6.3. Alternative: Using JUnit Rules

For a more conventional WireMock experience, you can use JUnit @Rules to start and stop the server. To do so, use the WireMockSpring convenience class to obtain an Options instance, as the following example shows:

@SpringBootTest(webEnvironment = WebEnvironment.RANDOM_PORT)
public class WiremockForDocsClassRuleTests {

    // Start WireMock on some dynamic port
    // for some reason `dynamicPort()` is not working properly
    public static WireMockClassRule wiremock = new WireMockClassRule(

    // A service that calls out over HTTP to wiremock's port
    private Service service;

    public void setup() {
        this.service.setBase("http://localhost:" + wiremock.port());

    // Using the WireMock APIs in the normal way:
    public void contextLoads() throws Exception {
        // Stubbing WireMock
                .withHeader("Content-Type", "text/plain").withBody("Hello World!")));
        // We're asserting if WireMock responded properly
        assertThat(this.service.go()).isEqualTo("Hello World!");


The @ClassRule means that the server shuts down after all the methods in this class have been run.

6.4. Relaxed SSL Validation for Rest Template

WireMock lets you stub a “secure” server with an https URL protocol. If your application wants to contact that stub server in an integration test, it will find that the SSL certificates are not valid (the usual problem with self-installed certificates). The best option is often to re-configure the client to use http. If that is not an option, you can ask Spring to configure an HTTP client that ignores SSL validation errors (do so only for tests, of course).

To make this work with minimum fuss, you need to use the Spring Boot RestTemplateBuilder in your application, as the following example shows:

public RestTemplate restTemplate(RestTemplateBuilder builder) {

You need RestTemplateBuilder because the builder is passed through callbacks to initialize it, so the SSL validation can be set up in the client at that point. This happens automatically in your test if you use the @AutoConfigureWireMock annotation or the stub runner. If you use the JUnit @Rule approach, you need to add the @AutoConfigureHttpClient annotation as well, as the following example shows:

public class WiremockHttpsServerApplicationTests {

    public static WireMockClassRule wiremock = new WireMockClassRule(

If you use spring-boot-starter-test, you have the Apache HTTP client on the classpath, and it is selected by the RestTemplateBuilder and configured to ignore SSL errors. If you use the default client, you do not need the annotation (but it does no harm). There is currently no support for other clients, but it may be added in future releases.

To disable the custom RestTemplateBuilder, set the property to false.

6.5. WireMock and Spring MVC Mocks

Spring Cloud Contract provides a convenience class that can load JSON WireMock stubs into a Spring MockRestServiceServer. The following code shows an example:

@SpringBootTest(webEnvironment = WebEnvironment.NONE)
public class WiremockForDocsMockServerApplicationTests {

    private RestTemplate restTemplate;

    private Service service;

    public void contextLoads() throws Exception {
        // will read stubs classpath
        MockRestServiceServer server = WireMockRestServiceServer.with(this.restTemplate)
        // We're asserting if WireMock responded properly
        assertThat(this.service.go()).isEqualTo("Hello World");


The baseUrl value is prepended to all mock calls, and the stubs() method takes a stub path resource pattern as an argument. In the preceding example, the stub defined at /stubs/resource.json is loaded into the mock server. If the RestTemplate is asked to visit, it gets the responses as being declared at that URL. More than one stub pattern can be specified, and each one can be a directory (for a recursive list of all .json), a fixed filename (as in the preceding example), or an Ant-style pattern. The JSON format is the normal WireMock format, which you can read about at the WireMock website.

Currently, the Spring Cloud Contract Verifier supports Tomcat, Jetty, and Undertow as Spring Boot embedded servers, and Wiremock itself has “native” support for a particular version of Jetty (currently 9.2). To use the native Jetty, you need to add the native Wiremock dependencies and exclude the Spring Boot container (if there is one).

7. Build Tools Integration

You can run test generation and stub execution in various ways. The most common ones are as follows:

8. What to Read Next

If you want to learn more about any of the classes discussed in this section, you can browse the source code directly. If you have specific questions, see the how-to section.

If you are comfortable with Spring Cloud Contract’s core features, you can continue on and read about Spring Cloud Contract’s advanced features.