Full name:
This goal allows you to generate `stubs-jar` or execute `spring-cloud-contract:run` with generated mappings.
Name | Type | Since | Description |
<contractDependency> | Dependency | - | (no description) User property is: contractDependency. |
<contractsDirectory> | File | - | Directory containing Spring Cloud Contract Verifier contracts
written using the GroovyDSL. Default value is: ${project.basedir}/src/test/resources/contracts. User property is: spring.cloud.contract.verifier.contractsDirectory. |
<contractsMode> | StubRunnerProperties$StubsMode | - | Picks the mode in which stubs will be found and registered. Default value is: CLASSPATH. User property is: contractsMode. |
<contractsPath> | String | - | The path in the JAR with all the contracts where contracts for this
particular service lay. If not provided will be resolved to
groupid/artifactid. Example: If groupid
is com.example and artifactid is
service then the resolved path will be
/com/example/artifactid User property is: contractsPath. |
<contractsProperties> | Map | - | Map of properties that can be passed to custom
StubDownloaderBuilder. User property is: contractsProperties. |
<contractsRepositoryPassword> | String | - | The password to be used to connect to the repo with contracts. User property is: contractsRepositoryPassword. |
<contractsRepositoryProxyHost> | String | - | The proxy host to be used to connect to the repo with contracts. User property is: contractsRepositoryProxyHost. |
<contractsRepositoryProxyPort> | Integer | - | The proxy port to be used to connect to the repo with contracts. User property is: contractsRepositoryProxyPort. |
<contractsRepositoryUrl> | String | - | The URL from which a JAR containing the contracts should get
downloaded. If not provided but artifactid / coordinates notation
was provided then the current Maven's build repositories will be
taken into consideration User property is: contractsRepositoryUrl. |
<contractsRepositoryUsername> | String | - | The user name to be used to connect to the repo with contracts. User property is: contractsRepositoryUsername. |
<contractsSnapshotCheckSkip> | boolean | - | Deprecated. - with 2.1.0 this option is redundant Default value is: false. User property is: contractsSnapshotCheckSkip. |
<convertToYaml> | boolean | - | If true then will convert contracts to a YAML
representation. Default value is: false. User property is: convertToYaml. |
<deleteStubsAfterTest> | boolean | - | If set to false will NOT delete stubs from a temporary
folder after running tests. Default value is: true. User property is: deleteStubsAfterTest. |
<destination> | File | - | (no description) Default value is: ${basedir}. User property is: stubsDirectory. |
<excludeBuildFolders> | boolean | - | If true then any file laying in a path that contains
build or target will get excluded in
further processing. Default value is: false. User property is: excludeBuildFolders. |
<failOnNoContracts> | boolean | - | When enabled, this flag will tell stub runner to throw an exception
when no stubs / contracts were found. Default value is: true. User property is: failOnNoContracts. |
<skip> | boolean | - | (no description) Default value is: false. User property is: spring.cloud.contract.verifier.skip. |
<source> | File | - | Directory containing contracts written using the GroovyDSL
This parameter is only used when goal is executed outside of maven project. Default value is: ${basedir}. User property is: contractsDirectory. |
<stubsDirectory> | File | - | Directory where the generated WireMock stubs from Groovy DSL should
be placed. You can then mention them in your packaging task to
create jar with stubs Default value is: ${project.build.directory}/stubs/. |
This parameter is only used when goal is executed outside of maven project.