41. Task Repository

Out of the box Spring Cloud Data Flow offers an embedded instance of the H2 database. The H2 is good for development purposes but is not recommended for production use.

41.1 Configuring the Task Execution Repository

To add a driver for the database that will store the Task Execution information, a dependency for the driver will need to be added to a maven pom file and the Spring Cloud Data Flow will need to be rebuilt. Since Spring Cloud Data Flow is comprised of an SPI for each environment it supports, please review the SPI’s documentation on which POM should be updated to add the dependency and how to build. This document will cover how to setup the dependency for local SPI.

41.1.1 Local

  1. Open the spring-cloud-dataflow-server-local/pom.xml in your IDE.
  2. In the dependencies section add the dependency for the database driver required. In the sample below postgresql has been chosen.
  1. Save the changed pom.xml
  2. Build the application as described here: Building Spring Cloud Data Flow

41.1.2 Task Application Repository

When launching a task application be sure that the database driver that is being used by Spring Cloud Data Flow is also a dependency on the task application. For example if your Spring Cloud Data Flow is set to use Postgresql, be sure that the task application also has Postgresql as a dependency.


When executing tasks externally (i.e. command line) and you wish for Spring Cloud Data Flow to show the TaskExecutions in its UI, be sure that common datasource settings are shared among the both. By default Spring Cloud Task will use a local H2 instance and the execution will not be recorded to the database used by Spring Cloud Data Flow.

41.2 Datasource

To configure the datasource Add the following properties to the dataflow-server.yml or via environment variables:

  1. spring.datasource.url
  2. spring.datasource.username
  3. spring.datasource.password
  4. spring.datasource.driver-class-name

For example adding postgres would look something like this:

  • Environment variables:
export spring_datasource_url=jdbc:postgresql://localhost:5432/mydb
export spring_datasource_username=myuser
export spring_datasource_password=mypass
export spring_datasource_driver-class-name="org.postgresql.Driver"
  • dataflow-server.yml
    url: jdbc:postgresql://localhost:5432/mydb
    username: myuser
    password: mypass