When deploying streams in Cloud Foundry, you can take advantage of application specific service bindings, so not all services are globally configured for all the apps orchestrated by Spring Cloud Data Flow.
For instance, if you’d like to provide mysql
service binding only for the jdbc
application in the following stream
definition, you can pass the service binding as a deployment property.
dataflow:>stream create --name httptojdbc --definition "http | jdbc" dataflow:>stream deploy --name httptojdbc --properties "deployer.jdbc.cloudfoundry.services=mysqlService"
Where, mysqlService
is the name of the service specifically only bound to jdbc
application and the http
application wouldn’t get the binding by this method.
If you have more than one service to bind, they can be passed as comma separated items
(eg: deployer.jdbc.cloudfoundry.services=mysqlService,someService