You can launch a task from a stream by using one of the available task-launcher
sinks. Currently the platforms supported
via the task-launcher
sinks are
Cloud Foundry, and
![]() | Note |
A task-launcher
sink expects a message containing a TaskLaunchRequest object in its payload. From the TaskLaunchRequest
object the task-launcher
will obtain the URI of the artifact to be launched as well as the environment properties, command line arguments, deployment properties and application name to be used by the task.
The task-launcher-local can be added to the available sinks by executing the app register command as follows (for the Rabbit Binder):
app register --name task-launcher-local --type sink --uri maven://
In the case of a maven based task that is to be launched, the task-launcher
application is responsible for downloading the artifact. You must configure the task-launcher
with the appropriate configuration of Maven Properties such as --maven.remote-repositories.repo1.url="
to resolve artifacts, in this case against a milestone repo. Note that this repo can be different than the one used to register the task-launcher
application itself.
One way to launch a task using the task-launcher
is to use the triggertask source. The triggertask
will emit a message with a TaskLaunchRequest
object containing the required launch information.
The triggertask
can be added to the available sources by executing the app register command as follows (for the Rabbit Binder):
app register --type source --name triggertask --uri maven://
An example of this would be to launch the timestamp task once every 60 seconds, the stream to implement this would look like:
stream create foo --definition "triggertask --triggertask.uri=maven:// --trigger.fixed-delay=60 --triggertask.environment-properties=spring.datasource.url=jdbc:h2:tcp://localhost:19092/mem:dataflow,spring.datasource.username=sa | task-launcher-local --maven.remote-repositories.repo1.url=" --deploy
If you execute runtime apps
you can find the log file for the task launcher sink. Tailing that file you can find the log file for the launched tasks. The setting of triggertask.environment-properties
is so that all the task executions can be collected in the same H2 database used in the local version of the Data Flow Server. You can then see the list of task executions using the shell command task execution list
dataflow:>task execution list ╔════════════════════╤══╤════════════════════════════╤════════════════════════════╤═════════╗ ║ Task Name │ID│ Start Time │ End Time │Exit Code║ ╠════════════════════╪══╪════════════════════════════╪════════════════════════════╪═════════╣ ║timestamp-task_26176│4 │Tue May 02 12:13:49 EDT 2017│Tue May 02 12:13:49 EDT 2017│0 ║ ║timestamp-task_32996│3 │Tue May 02 12:12:49 EDT 2017│Tue May 02 12:12:49 EDT 2017│0 ║ ║timestamp-task_58971│2 │Tue May 02 12:11:50 EDT 2017│Tue May 02 12:11:50 EDT 2017│0 ║ ║timestamp-task_13467│1 │Tue May 02 12:10:50 EDT 2017│Tue May 02 12:10:50 EDT 2017│0 ║ ╚════════════════════╧══╧════════════════════════════╧════════════════════════════╧═════════╝
Another option to start a task using the task-launcher
would be to create a stream using the
Tasklaunchrequest-transform processor to translate a message payload to a TaskLaunchRequest
The tasklaunchrequest-transform
can be added to the available processors by executing the app register command as follows (for the Rabbit Binder):
app register --type processor --name tasklaunchrequest-transform --uri maven://
For example:
stream create task-stream --definition "http --port=9000 | tasklaunchrequest-transform --uri=maven:// | task-launcher-local --maven.remote-repositories.repo1.url="