Spring Cloud Data Flow Reference Guide

Sabby Anandan, Marius Bogoevici, Eric Bottard, Mark Fisher, Ilayaperumal Gopinathan, Gunnar Hillert, Mark Pollack, Patrick Peralta, Glenn Renfro, Thomas Risberg, Dave Syer, David Turanski, Janne Valkealahti


Copies of this document may be made for your own use and for distribution to others, provided that you do not charge any fee for such copies and further provided that each copy contains this Copyright Notice, whether distributed in print or electronically.

Table of Contents

I. Spring Cloud Data Flow Overview
1. About the documentation
2. Getting help
3. Introducing Spring Cloud Data Flow
3.1. Features
4. Spring Cloud Data Flow Architecture
4.1. Components
II. Getting started
5. System Requirements
6. Building Spring Cloud Data Flow
7. Deploying Spring Cloud Data Flow
7.1. Deploying 'local'
7.2. Deploying on Lattice
7.3. Deploying on Cloud Foundry
7.4. Deploying on YARN
III. Spring Cloud Stream Overview
8. Introducing Spring Cloud Stream
8.1. Multiple Input or Output Channels
8.2. Samples
8.3. Module or App
8.3.1. Fat JAR
8.4. Making Standalone Modules Talk to Each Other
IV. Using Spring Cloud Stream Modules
9. Sources
9.1. FTP (ftp)
9.1.1. Options
9.2. HTTP (http)
9.3. Time (time)
9.4. Twitter Stream (twitterstream)
10. Processors
10.1. Filter (filter)
10.1.1. Filter with SpEL expression
10.2. groovy-filter
10.3. groovy-transform
10.4. Transform (transform)
10.4.1. Transform with SpEL expression
11. Sinks
11.1. Counter (counter)
11.2. Hadoop (HDFS) (hdfs)
11.2.1. Options
11.2.2. Partition Path Expression
Accessing Properties
Custom Methods
11.3. Log (log)
11.4. Redis (redis)
11.4.1. Options
12. Tasks
12.1. Timestamp (timestamp)

Part I. Spring Cloud Data Flow Overview

This section provides a brief overview of the Spring Cloud Data Flow reference documentation. Think of it as map for the rest of the document. You can read this reference guide in a linear fashion, or you can skip sections if something doesn’t interest you.

1. About the documentation

The Spring Cloud Data Flow reference guide is available as html, pdf and epub documents. The latest copy is available at docs.spring.io/spring-cloud-dataflow/docs/current/reference.

Copies of this document may be made for your own use and for distribution to others, provided that you do not charge any fee for such copies and further provided that each copy contains this Copyright Notice, whether distributed in print or electronically.

2. Getting help

Having trouble with Spring Boot, We’d like to help!


All of Spring Cloud Data Flow is open source, including the documentation! If you find problems with the docs; or if you just want to improve them, please get involved.

3. Introducing Spring Cloud Data Flow

Spring Cloud Data Flow is a cloud native data framework that unifies stream and batch processing for data microservices, across the cloud or on-prem. It allows developers to create, orchestrate and refactor data pipelines with a single programming model for common use cases like data ingest, real time analytics, and data import/export.

Spring Cloud Data Flow defines the best practices for distributed stream and batch data processing.

Spring Cloud Data Flow is the cloud native redesign of Spring XD - a project that aimed to simplify Big Data application development. This redesign allows running stream and batch applications as data microservices and they can independently evolve in isolation.

3.1 Features

  • Orchestrate applications across a variety of distributed runtime platforms including: Cloud Foundry, Lattice, and Apache YARN
  • Separate runtime dependencies backed by ‘spring profiles’
  • Consume stream and batch microservices as maven dependency and push it to production
  • Develop using: DSL, Shell, REST-APIs, Admin-UI, and Flo
  • Take advantage of metrics, health checks and remote management functionalities
  • Scale stream and batch pipelines without interrupting data flows

4. Spring Cloud Data Flow Architecture

The architecture for Spring Cloud Data Flow is separated into a number of distinct components.

4.1 Components

The Core domain module includes the concept of a stream that is a composition of spring-cloud-stream modules in a linear pipeline from a source to a sink, optionally including processor modules in between. The domain also includes the concept of a task, which may be any process that does not run indefinitely, including Spring Batch jobs.

The Module Registry maintains the set of available modules, and their mappings to Maven coordinates.

The Module Deployer SPI provides the abstraction layer for deploying the modules of a given stream across a variety of runtime environments, including:

The Admin provides a REST API and UI. It is an executable Spring Boot application that is profile aware, so that the proper implementation of the Module Deployer SPI will be instantiated based on the environment within which the Admin application itself is running.

The Shell connects to the Admin’s REST API and supports a DSL that simplifies the process of defining a stream and managing its lifecycle.

Part II. Getting started

If you’re just getting started with Spring Cloud Data Flow, this is the section for you! Here we answer the basic “what?”, “how?” and “why?” questions. You’ll find a gentle introduction to Spring Cloud Data Flow along with installation instructions. We’ll then build our first Spring Cloud Data Flow application, discussing some core principles as we go.

5. System Requirements

You need Java installed (Java 7 or better, we recommend Java 8) and to build you need to have Maven installed as well.

You also need to have Redis installed and running if you plan on running a local system.

6. Building Spring Cloud Data Flow

Clone the GitHub repository:

git clone https://github.com/spring-cloud/spring-cloud-dataflow.git

Switch to the project directory:

cd spring-cloud-dataflow

Build the project:

mvn clean install -s .settings.xml

7. Deploying Spring Cloud Data Flow

7.1 Deploying 'local'

  1. start Redis locally via redis-server
  2. download the Spring Cloud Data Flow Admin and Shell apps:
wget http://repo.spring.io/milestone/org/springframework/cloud/spring-cloud-dataflow-admin/1.0.0.M1/spring-cloud-dataflow-admin-1.0.0.M1.jar
wget http://repo.spring.io/milestone/org/springframework/cloud/spring-cloud-dataflow-shell/1.0.0.M1/spring-cloud-dataflow-shell-1.0.0.M1.jar
  1. launch the admin:
$ java -jar spring-cloud-dataflow-admin-1.0.0.M1.jar
  1. launch the shell:
$ java -jar spring-cloud-dataflow-shell-1.0.0.M1.jar

thus far, only the following commands are supported in the shell when running singlenode:

  • stream list
  • stream create
  • stream deploy

7.2 Deploying on Lattice

  1. start Redis on Lattice (running as root):
ltc create redis redis -r
  1. launch the admin, with a mapping for port 9393 and extra memory (the default is 128MB):
ltc create admin springcloud/dataflow-admin -p 9393 -m 512
  1. launching the shell is the same as above, but once running must be configured to point to the admin that is running on Lattice:
server-unknown:>admin config server http://admin.
Successfully targeted http://admin.

all stream commands are supported in the shell when running on Lattice:

  • stream list
  • stream create
  • stream deploy
  • stream undeploy
  • stream all undeploy
  • stream destroy
  • stream all destroy

7.3 Deploying on Cloud Foundry

Spring Cloud Data Flow can be used to deploy modules in a Cloud Foundry environment. When doing so, the Admin application can either run itself on Cloud Foundry, or on another installation (e.g. a simple laptop).

The required configuration amounts to the same, and is merely related to providing credentials to the Cloud Foundry instance, so that the admin can spawn applications itself. Any Spring Boot compatible configuration mechanism can be used (passing program arguments, editing configuration files before building the application, using Spring Cloud Config, using environment variables, etc.), although although some may prove more adequate than others when running on Cloud Foundry.

  1. provision a redis service instance on Cloud Foundry. Your mileage may vary depending on your Cloud Foundry installation. Use cf marketplace to discover which plans are available to you. For example when using Pivotal Web Services:
cf create-service rediscloud 30mb redis
  1. download the Spring Cloud Data Flow Admin and Shell apps:
wget http://repo.spring.io/milestone/org/springframework/cloud/spring-cloud-dataflow-admin/1.0.0.M1/spring-cloud-dataflow-admin-1.0.0.M1.jar
wget http://repo.spring.io/milestone/org/springframework/cloud/spring-cloud-dataflow-shell/1.0.0.M1/spring-cloud-dataflow-shell-1.0.0.M1.jar

3a. push the admin application on Cloud Foundry, configure it (see below) and start it


You must use a unique name for your app that’s not already used by someone else or your deployment will fail

cf push s-c-dataflow-admin --no-start -p spring-cloud-dataflow-admin-1.0.0.M1.jar
cf bind-service s-c-dataflow-admin redis

Now we can configure the app. This configuration is for Pivotal Web Services. You need to fill in {org}, {space}, {email} and {password} before running these commands.

cf set-env s-c-dataflow-admin CLOUDFOUNDRY_API_ENDPOINT https://api.run.pivotal.io
cf set-env s-c-dataflow-admin CLOUDFOUNDRY_ORGANIZATION {org}
cf set-env s-c-dataflow-admin CLOUDFOUNDRY_SPACE {space}
cf set-env s-c-dataflow-admin CLOUDFOUNDRY_DOMAIN cfapps.io
cf set-env s-c-dataflow-admin CLOUDFOUNDRY_SERVICES redis
cf set-env s-c-dataflow-admin SECURITY_OAUTH2_CLIENT_USERNAME {email}
cf set-env s-c-dataflow-admin SECURITY_OAUTH2_CLIENT_PASSWORD {password}
cf set-env s-c-dataflow-admin SECURITY_OAUTH2_CLIENT_ACCESS_TOKEN_URI https://login.run.pivotal.io/oauth/token
cf set-env s-c-dataflow-admin SECURITY_OAUTH2_CLIENT_USER_AUTHORIZATION_URI https://login.run.pivotal.io/oauth/authorize

We are now ready to start the app.

cf start s-c-dataflow-admin


3b. run the admin application locally, targeting your Cloud Foundry installation (see below for configuration)

java -jar spring-cloud-dataflow-admin-1.0.0.M1.jar [--option1=value1] [--option2=value2] [etc.]
  1. run the shell and optionally target the Admin application if not running on the same host (will typically be the case if deployed on Cloud Foundry as 3a.)
$ java -jar spring-cloud-dataflow-shell-1.0.0.M1.jar
server-unknown:>admin config server http://s-c-dataflow-admin.cfapps.io
Successfully targeted http://s-c-dataflow-admin.cfapps.io

At step 3., either running on Cloud Foundry or targeting Cloud Foundry, the following pieces of configuration must be provided, for example using cf env s-c-dataflow-admin CLOUDFOUNDRY_DOMAIN mydomain.cfapps.io (note the use of underscores) when running in Cloud Foundry

# Default values cited after the equal sign.
# Example values, typical for Pivotal Web Services, cited as a comment

# url of the CF API (used when using cf login -a for example), e.g. https://api.run.pivotal.io
# (for setting env var use CLOUDFOUNDRY_API_ENDPOINT)

# name of the organization that owns the space above, e.g. youruser-org
# (for setting env var use CLOUDFOUNDRY_ORGANIZATION)

# name of the space into which modules will be deployed
# (for setting env var use CLOUDFOUNDRY_SPACE)
cloudfoundry.space=<same as admin when running on CF or 'development'>

# the root domain to use when mapping routes, e.g. cfapps.io
# (for setting env var use CLOUDFOUNDRY_DOMAIN)

# Comma separated set of service instance names to bind to the module.
# Amongst other things, this should include a service that will be used
# for Spring Cloud Stream binding
# (for setting env var use CLOUDFOUNDRY_SERVICES)

# url used for obtaining an OAuth2 token, e.g. https://uaa.run.pivotal.io/oauth/token
# (for setting env var use SECURITY_OAUTH2_CLIENT_ACCESS_TOKEN_URI)

# url used to grant user authorizations, e.g. https://login.run.pivotal.io/oauth/authorize

# username and password of the user to use to create apps (modules)

7.4 Deploying on YARN

Currently the YARN configuration is set to use localhost, meaning this can only be run against a local cluster. Also, all commands shown here need to be run from the project root.

  1. download the Spring Cloud Data Flow YARN and Shell apps:
wget http://repo.spring.io/milestone/org/springframework/cloud/spring-cloud-dataflow-yarn-appmaster/1.0.0.M1/spring-cloud-dataflow-yarn-appmaster-1.0.0.M1.jar
wget http://repo.spring.io/milestone/org/springframework/cloud/spring-cloud-dataflow-yarn-container/1.0.0.M1/spring-cloud-dataflow-yarn-container-1.0.0.M1.jar
wget http://repo.spring.io/milestone/org/springframework/cloud/spring-cloud-dataflow-yarn-client/1.0.0.M1/spring-cloud-dataflow-yarn-client-1.0.0.M1.jar
wget http://repo.spring.io/milestone/org/springframework/cloud/spring-cloud-dataflow-admin/1.0.0.M1/spring-cloud-dataflow-admin-1.0.0.M1.jar
wget http://repo.spring.io/milestone/org/springframework/cloud/spring-cloud-dataflow-shell/1.0.0.M1/spring-cloud-dataflow-shell-1.0.0.M1.jar
  1. start Redis locally via redis-server
  1. optionally wipe existing data on hdfs
$ hdfs dfs -rm -R /app/app
  1. start spring-cloud-dataflow-admin with yarn profile
$ java -Dspring.profiles.active=yarn -jar spring-cloud-dataflow-admin-1.0.0.M1.jar
  1. start spring-cloud-dataflow-shell
$ java -jar spring-cloud-dataflow-shell-1.0.0.M1.jar

dataflow:>stream create --name "ticktock" --definition "time --fixedDelay=5|log" --deploy

dataflow:>stream list
  Stream Name  Stream Definition        Status
  -----------  -----------------------  --------
  ticktock     time --fixedDelay=5|log  deployed

dataflow:>stream destroy --name "ticktock"
Destroyed stream 'ticktock'

YARN application is pushed and started automatically during a stream deployment process. This application instance is not automatically closed which can be done from CLI:

$ java -jar spring-cloud-dataflow-yarn-client-1.0.0.M1.jar shell
Spring YARN Cli (v2.3.0.M2)
Hit TAB to complete. Type 'help' and hit RETURN for help, and 'exit' to quit.

$ submitted
  APPLICATION ID                  USER          NAME                            QUEUE    TYPE       STARTTIME       FINISHTIME  STATE    FINALSTATUS  ORIGINAL TRACKING URL
  ------------------------------  ------------  ----------------------------------  -------  --------  --------------  ----------  -------  -----------  --------------------------
  application_1439803106751_0088  jvalkealahti  spring-cloud-dataflow-yarn-app_app  default  DATAFLOW  01/09/15 09:02  N/A         RUNNING  UNDEFINED

$ shutdown -a application_1439803106751_0088
shutdown requested

Properties dataflow.yarn.app.appmaster.path and dataflow.yarn.app.container.path can be used with both spring-cloud-dataflow-admin and and spring-cloud-dataflow-yarn-client to define directory for appmaster and container jars. Values for those default to . which then assumes all needed jars are in a same working directory.

Part III. Spring Cloud Stream Overview

This section goes into more detail about how you can work with Spring Cloud Stream. It covers topics such as creating and running stream modules.

If you’re just starting out with Spring Cloud Data Flow, you should probably read the Getting Started guide before diving into this section.

8. Introducing Spring Cloud Stream

The Spring Cloud Stream project allows a user to develop and run messaging microservices using Spring Integration and run them locally, or in the cloud, or even on Spring XD. Just add @EnableBinding and run your app as a Spring Boot app (single application context). You just need to connect to the physical broker for the bindings, which is automatic if the relevant binder implementation is available on the classpath. The sample uses Redis.

Here’s a sample source module (output channel only):

public class ModuleApplication {

  public static void main(String[] args) {
    SpringApplication.run(ModuleApplication.class, args);


public class TimerSource {

  private String format;

  @InboundChannelAdapter(value = Source.OUTPUT, poller = @Poller(fixedDelay = "${fixedDelay}", maxMessagesPerPoll = "1"))
  public MessageSource<String> timerMessageSource() {
    return () -> new GenericMessage<>(new SimpleDateFormat(format).format(new Date()));


@EnableBinding is parameterized by an interface (in this case Source) which declares input and output channels. Source, Sink and Processor are provided off the shelf, but you can define others. Here’s the definition of Source:

public interface Source {
  MessageChannel output();

The @Output annotation is used to identify output channels (messages leaving the module) and @Input is used to identify input channels (messages entering the module). It is optionally parameterized by a channel name - if the name is not provided the method name is used instead. An implementation of the interface is created for you and can be used in the application context by autowiring it, e.g. into a test case:

@SpringApplicationConfiguration(classes = ModuleApplication.class)
public class ModuleApplicationTests {

	private Source source

	public void contextLoads() {


In this case there is only one Source in the application context so there is no need to qualify it when it is autowired. If there is ambiguity, e.g. if you are composing one module from some others, you can use @Bindings qualifier to inject a specific channel set. The @Bindings qualifier takes a parameter which is the class that carries the @EnableBinding annotation (in this case the TimerSource).

8.1 Multiple Input or Output Channels

A module can have multiple input or output channels all defined either as @Input and @Output methods in an interface (preferrable) or as bean definitions. Instead of just one channel named "input" or "output" you can add multiple MessageChannel methods annotated @Input or @Output and the names are converted to external channel names on the broker. The external channel names can be specified as properties that consist of the channel names prefixed with spring.cloud.stream.bindings (e.g. spring.cloud.stream.bindings.input or spring.cloud.stream.bindings.output). External channel names can have a channel type as a colon-separated prefix, and the semantics of the external bus channel changes accordingly. For example, you can have two MessageChannels called "output" and "foo" in a module with spring.cloud.stream.bindings.output=bar and spring.cloud.stream.bindings.foo=topic:foo, and the result is 2 external channels called "bar" and "topic:foo".

8.2 Samples

There are several samples, all running on the redis transport (so you need redis running locally to test them).


The main set of samples are "vanilla" in the sense that they are not deployable as XD modules by the current generation (1.x) of XD. You can still interact with an XD system using the appropriate naming convention for input and output channel names (<stream>.<index> format).

  • source is a Java config version of the classic "timer" module from Spring XD. It has a "fixedDelay" option (in milliseconds) for the period between emitting messages.
  • sink is a Java config version of the classic "log" module from Spring XD. It has no options (but some could easily be added), and just logs incoming messages at INFO level.
  • transform is a simple pass through logging transformer (just logs the incoming message and passes it on).
  • double is a combination of 2 modules defined locally (a source and a sink, so the whole app is self contained).
  • extended is a multi-module mashup of source | transform | transform | sink, where the modules are defined in the other samples and referred to in this app just as dependencies.

If you run the source and the sink and point them at the same redis instance (e.g. do nothing to get the one on localhost, or the one they are both bound to as a service on Cloud Foundry) then they will form a "stream" and start talking to each other. All the samples have friendly JMX and Actuator endpoints for inspecting what is going on in the system.

8.3 Module or App

Code using this library can be deployed as a standalone app or as an XD module. In standalone mode you app will run happily as a service or in any PaaS (Cloud Foundry, Lattice, Heroku, Azure, etc.). Depending on whether your main aim is to develop an XD module and you just want to test it locally using the standalone mode, or if the ultimate goal is a standalone app, there are some things that you might do differently.

8.3.1 Fat JAR

You can run in standalone mode from your IDE for testing. To run in production you can create an executable (or "fat") JAR using the standard Spring Boot tooling.

8.4 Making Standalone Modules Talk to Each Other

The [input,output]ChannelName are used to create physical endpoints in the external broker (e.g. queue.<channelName> in Redis).

For an XD module the channel names are <group>.<index> and a source (output only) has index=0 (the default) and downstream modules have the same group but incremented index, with a sink module (input only) having the highest index. To listen to the output from a running XD module, just use the same "group" name and an index 1 larger than the app before it in the chain.

Note: since the same naming conventions are used in XD, you can steal messages from or send messages to an existing XD stream by copying the stream name (to spring.cloud.streams.group) and knowing the index of the XD module you want to interact with.

Part IV. Using Spring Cloud Stream Modules

This section dives into the details of using the modules from Spring Cloud Stream Modules with Spring Cloud Data Flow.

9. Sources

9.1 FTP (ftp)

This source module supports transfer of files using the FTP protocol. Files are transferred from the remote directory to the local directory where the module is deployed. Messages emitted by the source are provided as a byte array by default. However, this can be customized using the --mode option:

  • ref Provides a java.io.File reference
  • lines Will split files line-by-line and emit a new message for each line
  • contents The default. Provides the contents of a file as a byte array

When using --mode=lines, you can also provide the additional option --withMarkers=true. If set to true, the underlying FileSplitter will emit additional start-of-file and end-of-file marker messages before and after the actual data. The payload of these 2 additional marker messages is of type FileSplitter.FileMarker. The option withMarkers defaults to false if not explicitly set.

9.1.1 Options

The ftp source has the following options:

local directory must be auto created if it does not exist (boolean, default: true)
client mode to use : 2 for passive mode and 0 for active mode (int, default: 0)
delete remote files after transfer (boolean, default: false)
simple filename pattern to apply to the filter (String, default: *)
the rate at which to poll the remote directory (int, default: 1)
the host name for the FTP server (String, default: localhost)
an initial delay when using a fixed delay trigger, expressed in TimeUnits (seconds by default) (int, default: 0)
set the local directory the remote files are transferred to (String, default: /tmp/xd/ftp)
the maximum messages per poll; -1 for unlimited (long, default: -1)
specifies how the file is being read. By default the content of a file is provided as byte array (FileReadingMode, default: contents, possible values: ref,lines,contents)
the password for the FTP connection (Password, no default)
the port for the FTP server (int, default: 21)
whether to preserve the timestamp of files retrieved (boolean, default: true)
the remote directory to transfer the files from (String, default: /)
file separator to use on the remote side (String, default: /)
the time unit for the fixed and initial delays (String, default: SECONDS)
extension to use when downloading files (String, default: .tmp)
the username for the FTP connection (String, no default)
if true emits start of file/end of file marker messages before/after the data. Only valid with FileReadingMode 'lines' (Boolean, no default)

9.2 HTTP (http)

A source module that listens for HTTP requests and emits the body as a message payload. If the Content-Type matches 'text/*' or 'application/json', the payload will be a String, otherwise the payload will be a byte array.

To create a stream definition in the server using the XD shell

dataflow:> stream create --name httptest --definition "http | log" --deploy

Post some data to the http server on the default port of 9000

dataflow:> http post --target http://localhost:9000 --data "hello world"

See if the data ended up in the log.

9.3 Time (time)

The time source will simply emit a String with the current time every so often.

The time source has the following options:

time delay between messages, expressed in TimeUnits (seconds by default) (int, default: 1)
how to render the current time, using SimpleDateFormat (String, default: yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss)
an initial delay when using a fixed delay trigger, expressed in TimeUnits (seconds by default) (int, default: 0)
the time unit for the fixed and initial delays (String, default: SECONDS)

9.4 Twitter Stream (twitterstream)

This source ingests data from Twitter’s streaming API v1.1. It uses the sample and filter stream endpoints rather than the full "firehose" which needs special access. The endpoint used will depend on the parameters you supply in the stream definition (some are specific to the filter endpoint).

You need to supply all keys and secrets (both consumer and accessToken) to authenticate for this source, so it is easiest if you just add these as the following environment variables: CONSUMER_KEY, CONSUMER_SECRET, ACCESS_TOKEN and ACCESS_TOKEN_SECRET.

Stream creation is then straightforward:

dataflow:> stream create --name tweets --definition "twitterstream | log" --deploy

The twitterstream source has the following options:

a valid OAuth access token (String, no default)
an OAuth secret corresponding to the access token (String, no default)
a consumer key issued by twitter (String, no default)
consumer secret corresponding to the consumer key (String, no default)
language code e.g. 'en' (String, default: ``)

twittersearch emit JSON in the native Twitter format.

10. Processors

10.1 Filter (filter)

Use the filter module in a stream to determine whether a Message should be passed to the output channel.

The filter processor has the following options:

a SpEL expression used to transform messages (String, default: payload.toString())

10.1.1 Filter with SpEL expression

The simplest way to use the filter processor is to pass a SpEL expression when creating the stream. The expression should evaluate the message and return true or false. For example:

dataflow:> stream create --name filtertest --definition "http | filter --expression=payload=='good' | log" --deploy

This filter will only pass Messages to the log sink if the payload is the word "good". Try sending "good" to the HTTP endpoint and you should see it in the XD log:

dataflow:> http post --target http://localhost:9000 --data "good"

Alternatively, if you send the word "bad" (or anything else), you shouldn’t see the log entry.

10.2 groovy-filter

A Processor module that retains or discards messages according to a predicate, expressed as a Groovy script.

The groovy-filter processor has the following options:

The script resource location (String, default: ``)
Variable bindings as a comma delimited string of name-value pairs, e.g. 'foo=bar,baz=car' (String, default: ``)
The location of a properties file containing custom script variable bindings (String, default: ``)

10.3 groovy-transform

A Processor module that transforms messages using a Groovy script.

The groovy-filter processor has the following options:

The script resource location (String, default: ``)
Variable bindings as a comma delimited string of name-value pairs, e.g. 'foo=bar,baz=car' (String, default: ``)
The location of a properties file containing custom script variable bindings (String, default: ``)

10.4 Transform (transform)

Use the transform module in a stream to convert a Message’s content or structure.

The transform processor has the following options:

a SpEL expression used to transform messages (String, default: payload.toString())

10.4.1 Transform with SpEL expression

The simplest way to use the transform processor is to pass a SpEL expression when creating the stream. The expression should return the modified message or payload. For example:

dataflow:> stream create --name transformtest --definition "http --port=9003 | transform --expression=payload.toUpperCase() | log" --deploy

This transform will convert all message payloads to upper case. If sending the word "foo" to the HTTP endpoint and you should see "FOO" in the XD log:

dataflow:> http post --target http://localhost:9003 --data "foo"

As part of the SpEL expression you can make use of the pre-registered JSON Path function. The syntax is #jsonPath(payload,'<json path expression>')

11. Sinks

11.1 Counter (counter)

A simple module that counts messages received, using Spring Boot metrics abstraction.

The counter sink has the following options:

The name of the counter to increment. (String, default: counts)
A SpEL expression (against the incoming Message) to derive the name of the counter to increment. (String, default: ``)
The name of a store used to store the counter. (String, default: memory, possible values: memory, redis)

11.2 Hadoop (HDFS) (hdfs)

If you do not have Hadoop installed, you can install Hadoop as described in our separate guide. Spring XD supports 4 Hadoop distributions, see using Hadoop for more information on how to start Spring XD to target a specific distribution.

Once Hadoop is up and running, you can then use the hdfs sink when creating a stream

dataflow:> stream create --name myhdfsstream1 --definition "time | hdfs" --deploy

In the above example, we’ve scheduled time source to automatically send ticks to hdfs once in every second. If you wait a little while for data to accumuluate you can then list can then list the files in the hadoop filesystem using the shell’s built in hadoop fs commands. Before making any access to HDFS in the shell you first need to configure the shell to point to your name node. This is done using the hadoop config command.

dataflow:>hadoop config fs --namenode hdfs://localhost:8020

In this example the hdfs protocol is used but you may also use the webhdfs protocol. Listing the contents in the output directory (named by default after the stream name) is done by issuing the following command.

dataflow:>hadoop fs ls /xd/myhdfsstream1
Found 1 items
-rw-r--r--   3 jvalkealahti supergroup          0 2013-12-18 18:10 /xd/myhdfsstream1/myhdfsstream1-0.txt.tmp

While the file is being written to it will have the tmp suffix. When the data written exceeds the rollover size (default 1GB) it will be renamed to remove the tmp suffix. There are several options to control the in use file file naming options. These are --inUsePrefix and --inUseSuffix set the file name prefix and suffix respectfully.

When you destroy a stream

dataflow:>stream destroy --name myhdfsstream1

and list the stream directory again, in use file suffix doesn’t exist anymore.

dataflow:>hadoop fs ls /xd/myhdfsstream1
Found 1 items
-rw-r--r--   3 jvalkealahti supergroup        380 2013-12-18 18:10 /xd/myhdfsstream1/myhdfsstream1-0.txt

To list the list the contents of a file directly from a shell execute the hadoop cat command.

dataflow:> hadoop fs cat /xd/myhdfsstream1/myhdfsstream1-0.txt
2013-12-18 18:10:07
2013-12-18 18:10:08
2013-12-18 18:10:09

In the above examples we didn’t yet go through why the file was written in a specific directory and why it was named in this specific way. Default location of a file is defined as /xd/<stream name>/<stream name>-<rolling part>.txt. These can be changed using options --directory and --fileName respectively. Example is shown below.

dataflow:>stream create --name myhdfsstream2 --definition "time | hdfs --directory=/xd/tmp --fileName=data" --deploy
dataflow:>stream destroy --name myhdfsstream2
dataflow:>hadoop fs ls /xd/tmp
Found 1 items
-rw-r--r--   3 jvalkealahti supergroup        120 2013-12-18 18:31 /xd/tmp/data-0.txt

It is also possible to control the size of a files written into HDFS. The --rollover option can be used to control when file currently being written is rolled over and a new file opened by providing the rollover size in bytes, kilobytes, megatypes, gigabytes, and terabytes.

dataflow:>stream create --name myhdfsstream3 --definition "time | hdfs --rollover=100" --deploy
dataflow:>stream destroy --name myhdfsstream3
dataflow:>hadoop fs ls /xd/myhdfsstream3
Found 3 items
-rw-r--r--   3 jvalkealahti supergroup        100 2013-12-18 18:41 /xd/myhdfsstream3/myhdfsstream3-0.txt
-rw-r--r--   3 jvalkealahti supergroup        100 2013-12-18 18:41 /xd/myhdfsstream3/myhdfsstream3-1.txt
-rw-r--r--   3 jvalkealahti supergroup        100 2013-12-18 18:41 /xd/myhdfsstream3/myhdfsstream3-2.txt

Shortcuts to specify sizes other than bytes are written as --rollover=64M, --rollover=512G or --rollover=1T.

The stream can also be compressed during the write operation. Example of this is shown below.

dataflow:>stream create --name myhdfsstream4 --definition "time | hdfs --codec=gzip" --deploy
dataflow:>stream destroy --name myhdfsstream4
dataflow:>hadoop fs ls /xd/myhdfsstream4
Found 1 items
-rw-r--r--   3 jvalkealahti supergroup         80 2013-12-18 18:48 /xd/myhdfsstream4/myhdfsstream4-0.txt.gzip

From a native os shell we can use hadoop’s fs commands and pipe data into gunzip.

# bin/hadoop fs -cat /xd/myhdfsstream4/myhdfsstream4-0.txt.gzip | gunzip
2013-12-18 18:48:10
2013-12-18 18:48:11

Often a stream of data may not have a high enough rate to roll over files frequently, leaving the file in an opened state. This prevents users from reading a consistent set of data when running mapreduce jobs. While one can alleviate this problem by using a small rollover value, a better way is to use the idleTimeout option that will automatically close the file if there was no writes during the specified period of time. This feature is also useful in cases where burst of data is written into a stream and you’d like that data to become visible in HDFS.


The idleTimeout value should not exceed the timeout values set on the Hadoop cluster. These are typically configured using the dfs.socket.timeout and/or dfs.datanode.socket.write.timeout properties in the hdfs-site.xml configuration file.

dataflow:> stream create --name myhdfsstream5 --definition "http --port=8000 | hdfs --rollover=20 --idleTimeout=10000" --deploy

In the above example we changed a source to http order to control what we write into a hdfs sink. We defined a small rollover size and a timeout of 10 seconds. Now we can simply post data into this stream via source end point using a below command.

dataflow:> http post --target http://localhost:8000 --data "hello"

If we repeat the command very quickly and then wait for the timeout we should be able to see that some files are closed before rollover size was met and some were simply rolled because of a rollover size.

dataflow:>hadoop fs ls /xd/myhdfsstream5
Found 4 items
-rw-r--r--   3 jvalkealahti supergroup         12 2013-12-18 19:02 /xd/myhdfsstream5/myhdfsstream5-0.txt
-rw-r--r--   3 jvalkealahti supergroup         24 2013-12-18 19:03 /xd/myhdfsstream5/myhdfsstream5-1.txt
-rw-r--r--   3 jvalkealahti supergroup         24 2013-12-18 19:03 /xd/myhdfsstream5/myhdfsstream5-2.txt
-rw-r--r--   3 jvalkealahti supergroup         18 2013-12-18 19:03 /xd/myhdfsstream5/myhdfsstream5-3.txt

Files can be automatically partitioned using a partitionPath expression. If we create a stream with idleTimeout and partitionPath with simple format yyyy/MM/dd/HH/mm we should see writes ending into its own files within every minute boundary.

dataflow:>stream create --name myhdfsstream6 --definition "time|hdfs --idleTimeout=10000 --partitionPath=dateFormat('yyyy/MM/dd/HH/mm')" --deploy

Let a stream run for a short period of time and list files.

dataflow:>hadoop fs ls --recursive true --dir /xd/myhdfsstream6
drwxr-xr-x   - jvalkealahti supergroup          0 2014-05-28 09:42 /xd/myhdfsstream6/2014
drwxr-xr-x   - jvalkealahti supergroup          0 2014-05-28 09:42 /xd/myhdfsstream6/2014/05
drwxr-xr-x   - jvalkealahti supergroup          0 2014-05-28 09:42 /xd/myhdfsstream6/2014/05/28
drwxr-xr-x   - jvalkealahti supergroup          0 2014-05-28 09:45 /xd/myhdfsstream6/2014/05/28/09
drwxr-xr-x   - jvalkealahti supergroup          0 2014-05-28 09:43 /xd/myhdfsstream6/2014/05/28/09/42
-rw-r--r--   3 jvalkealahti supergroup        140 2014-05-28 09:43 /xd/myhdfsstream6/2014/05/28/09/42/myhdfsstream6-0.txt
drwxr-xr-x   - jvalkealahti supergroup          0 2014-05-28 09:44 /xd/myhdfsstream6/2014/05/28/09/43
-rw-r--r--   3 jvalkealahti supergroup       1200 2014-05-28 09:44 /xd/myhdfsstream6/2014/05/28/09/43/myhdfsstream6-0.txt
drwxr-xr-x   - jvalkealahti supergroup          0 2014-05-28 09:45 /xd/myhdfsstream6/2014/05/28/09/44
-rw-r--r--   3 jvalkealahti supergroup       1200 2014-05-28 09:45 /xd/myhdfsstream6/2014/05/28/09/44/myhdfsstream6-0.txt

Partitioning can also be based on defined lists. In a below example we simulate feeding data by using a time and a transform elements. Data passed to hdfs sink has a content APP0:foobar, APP1:foobar, APP2:foobar or APP3:foobar.

dataflow:>stream create --name myhdfsstream7 --definition "time | transform --expression=\"'APP'+T(Math).round(T(Math).random()*3)+':foobar'\" | hdfs --idleTimeout=10000 --partitionPath=path(dateFormat('yyyy/MM/dd/HH'),list(payload.split(':')[0],{{'0TO1','APP0','APP1'},{'2TO3','APP2','APP3'}}))" --deploy

Let the stream run few seconds, destroy it and check what got written in those partitioned files.

dataflow:>stream destroy --name myhdfsstream7
Destroyed stream 'myhdfsstream7'
dataflow:>hadoop fs ls --recursive true --dir /xd
drwxr-xr-x   - jvalkealahti supergroup          0 2014-05-28 19:24 /xd/myhdfsstream7
drwxr-xr-x   - jvalkealahti supergroup          0 2014-05-28 19:24 /xd/myhdfsstream7/2014
drwxr-xr-x   - jvalkealahti supergroup          0 2014-05-28 19:24 /xd/myhdfsstream7/2014/05
drwxr-xr-x   - jvalkealahti supergroup          0 2014-05-28 19:24 /xd/myhdfsstream7/2014/05/28
drwxr-xr-x   - jvalkealahti supergroup          0 2014-05-28 19:24 /xd/myhdfsstream7/2014/05/28/19
drwxr-xr-x   - jvalkealahti supergroup          0 2014-05-28 19:24 /xd/myhdfsstream7/2014/05/28/19/0TO1_list
-rw-r--r--   3 jvalkealahti supergroup        108 2014-05-28 19:24 /xd/myhdfsstream7/2014/05/28/19/0TO1_list/myhdfsstream7-0.txt
drwxr-xr-x   - jvalkealahti supergroup          0 2014-05-28 19:24 /xd/myhdfsstream7/2014/05/28/19/2TO3_list
-rw-r--r--   3 jvalkealahti supergroup        180 2014-05-28 19:24 /xd/myhdfsstream7/2014/05/28/19/2TO3_list/myhdfsstream7-0.txt
dataflow:>hadoop fs cat /xd/myhdfsstream7/2014/05/28/19/0TO1_list/myhdfsstream7-0.txt

Partitioning can also be based on defined ranges. In a below example we simulate feeding data by using a time and a transform elements. Data passed to hdfs sink has a content ranging from APP0 to APP15. We simple parse the number part and use it to do a partition with ranges {3,5,10}.

dataflow:>stream create --name myhdfsstream8 --definition "time | transform --expression=\"'APP'+T(Math).round(T(Math).random()*15)\" | hdfs --idleTimeout=10000 --partitionPath=path(dateFormat('yyyy/MM/dd/HH'),range(T(Integer).parseInt(payload.substring(3)),{3,5,10}))" --deploy

Let the stream run few seconds, destroy it and check what got written in those partitioned files.

dataflow:>stream destroy --name myhdfsstream8
Destroyed stream 'myhdfsstream8'
dataflow:>hadoop fs ls --recursive true --dir /xd
drwxr-xr-x   - jvalkealahti supergroup          0 2014-05-28 19:34 /xd/myhdfsstream8
drwxr-xr-x   - jvalkealahti supergroup          0 2014-05-28 19:34 /xd/myhdfsstream8/2014
drwxr-xr-x   - jvalkealahti supergroup          0 2014-05-28 19:34 /xd/myhdfsstream8/2014/05
drwxr-xr-x   - jvalkealahti supergroup          0 2014-05-28 19:34 /xd/myhdfsstream8/2014/05/28
drwxr-xr-x   - jvalkealahti supergroup          0 2014-05-28 19:34 /xd/myhdfsstream8/2014/05/28/19
drwxr-xr-x   - jvalkealahti supergroup          0 2014-05-28 19:34 /xd/myhdfsstream8/2014/05/28/19/10_range
-rw-r--r--   3 jvalkealahti supergroup         16 2014-05-28 19:34 /xd/myhdfsstream8/2014/05/28/19/10_range/myhdfsstream8-0.txt
drwxr-xr-x   - jvalkealahti supergroup          0 2014-05-28 19:34 /xd/myhdfsstream8/2014/05/28/19/3_range
-rw-r--r--   3 jvalkealahti supergroup         35 2014-05-28 19:34 /xd/myhdfsstream8/2014/05/28/19/3_range/myhdfsstream8-0.txt
drwxr-xr-x   - jvalkealahti supergroup          0 2014-05-28 19:34 /xd/myhdfsstream8/2014/05/28/19/5_range
-rw-r--r--   3 jvalkealahti supergroup          5 2014-05-28 19:34 /xd/myhdfsstream8/2014/05/28/19/5_range/myhdfsstream8-0.txt
dataflow:>hadoop fs cat /xd/myhdfsstream8/2014/05/28/19/3_range/myhdfsstream8-0.txt
dataflow:>hadoop fs cat /xd/myhdfsstream8/2014/05/28/19/5_range/myhdfsstream8-0.txt
dataflow:>hadoop fs cat /xd/myhdfsstream8/2014/05/28/19/10_range/myhdfsstream8-0.txt

Partition using a dateFormat can be based on content itself. This is a good use case if old log files needs to be processed where partitioning should happen based on timestamp of a log entry. We create a fake log data with a simple date string ranging from 1970-01-10 to 1970-01-13.

dataflow:>stream create --name myhdfsstream9 --definition "time | transform --expression=\"'1970-01-'+1+T(Math).round(T(Math).random()*3)\" | hdfs --idleTimeout=10000 --partitionPath=path(dateFormat('yyyy/MM/dd/HH',payload,'yyyy-MM-DD'))" --deploy

Let the stream run few seconds, destroy it and check what got written in those partitioned files. If you see the partition paths, those are based on year 1970, not present year.

dataflow:>stream destroy --name myhdfsstream9
Destroyed stream 'myhdfsstream9'
dataflow:>hadoop fs ls --recursive true --dir /xd
drwxr-xr-x   - jvalkealahti supergroup          0 2014-05-28 19:56 /xd/myhdfsstream9
drwxr-xr-x   - jvalkealahti supergroup          0 2014-05-28 19:56 /xd/myhdfsstream9/1970
drwxr-xr-x   - jvalkealahti supergroup          0 2014-05-28 19:56 /xd/myhdfsstream9/1970/01
drwxr-xr-x   - jvalkealahti supergroup          0 2014-05-28 19:56 /xd/myhdfsstream9/1970/01/10
drwxr-xr-x   - jvalkealahti supergroup          0 2014-05-28 19:57 /xd/myhdfsstream9/1970/01/10/00
-rw-r--r--   3 jvalkealahti supergroup         44 2014-05-28 19:57 /xd/myhdfsstream9/1970/01/10/00/myhdfsstream9-0.txt
drwxr-xr-x   - jvalkealahti supergroup          0 2014-05-28 19:56 /xd/myhdfsstream9/1970/01/11
drwxr-xr-x   - jvalkealahti supergroup          0 2014-05-28 19:57 /xd/myhdfsstream9/1970/01/11/00
-rw-r--r--   3 jvalkealahti supergroup         99 2014-05-28 19:57 /xd/myhdfsstream9/1970/01/11/00/myhdfsstream9-0.txt
drwxr-xr-x   - jvalkealahti supergroup          0 2014-05-28 19:56 /xd/myhdfsstream9/1970/01/12
drwxr-xr-x   - jvalkealahti supergroup          0 2014-05-28 19:57 /xd/myhdfsstream9/1970/01/12/00
-rw-r--r--   3 jvalkealahti supergroup         44 2014-05-28 19:57 /xd/myhdfsstream9/1970/01/12/00/myhdfsstream9-0.txt
drwxr-xr-x   - jvalkealahti supergroup          0 2014-05-28 19:56 /xd/myhdfsstream9/1970/01/13
drwxr-xr-x   - jvalkealahti supergroup          0 2014-05-28 19:57 /xd/myhdfsstream9/1970/01/13/00
-rw-r--r--   3 jvalkealahti supergroup         55 2014-05-28 19:57 /xd/myhdfsstream9/1970/01/13/00/myhdfsstream9-0.txt
dataflow:>hadoop fs cat /xd/myhdfsstream9/1970/01/10/00/myhdfsstream9-0.txt

11.2.1 Options

The hdfs sink has the following options:

timeout in ms, regardless of activity, after which file will be automatically closed (long, default: 0)
compression codec alias name (gzip, snappy, bzip2, lzo, or slzo) (String, default: ``)
where to output the files in the Hadoop FileSystem (String, default: /tmp/hdfs-sink)
the base filename extension to use for the created files (String, default: txt)
the base filename to use for the created files (String, default: <stream name>)
maximum number of file open attempts to find a path (int, default: 10)
whether file name should contain uuid (boolean, default: false)
the URI to use to access the Hadoop FileSystem (String, default: ${spring.hadoop.fsUri})
inactivity timeout in ms after which file will be automatically closed (long, default: 0)
prefix for files currently being written (String, default: ``)
suffix for files currently being written (String, default: .tmp)
whether writer is allowed to overwrite files in Hadoop FileSystem (boolean, default: false)
a SpEL expression defining the partition path (String, default: ``)
threshold in bytes when file will be automatically rolled over (String, default: 1G)

In the context of the fileOpenAttempts option, attempt is either one rollover request or failed stream open request for a path (if another writer came up with a same path and already opened it).

11.2.2 Partition Path Expression

SpEL expression is evaluated against a Spring Messaging Message passed internally into a HDFS writer. This allows expression to use headers and payload from that message. While you could do a custom processing within a stream and add custom headers, timestamp is always going to be there. Data to be written is then available in a payload.

Accessing Properties

Using a payload simply returns whatever is currently being written. Access to headers is via headers property. Any other property is automatically resolved from headers if found. For example headers.timestamp is equivalent to timestamp.

Custom Methods

Addition to a normal SpEL functionality, few custom methods has been added to make it easier to build partition paths. These custom methods can be used to work with a normal partition concepts like date formatting, lists, ranges and hashes.

path(String... paths)

Concatenates paths together with a delimiter /. This method can be used to make the expression less verbose than using a native SpEL functionality to combine path parts together. To create a path part1/part2, expression 'part1' + '/' + 'part2' is equivalent to path('part1','part2').


Any number of path parts

Return Value. Concatenated value of paths delimited with /.

dateFormat(String pattern)
dateFormat(String pattern, Long epoch)
dateFormat(String pattern, Date date)
dateFormat(String pattern, String datestring)
dateFormat(String pattern, String datestring, String dateformat)

Creates a path using date formatting. Internally this method delegates into SimpleDateFormat and needs a Date and a pattern. On default if no parameter used for conversion is given, timestamp is expected. Effectively dateFormat('yyyy') equals to dateFormat('yyyy', timestamp) or dateFormat('yyyy', headers.timestamp).

Method signature with three parameters can be used to create a custom Date object which is then passed to SimpleDateFormat conversion using a dateformat pattern. This is useful in use cases where partition should be based on a date or time string found from a payload content itself. Default dateformat pattern if omitted is yyyy-MM-dd.


Pattern compatible with SimpleDateFormat to produce a final output.
Timestamp as Long which is converted into a Date.
A Date to be formatted.
Secondary pattern to convert datestring into a Date.
Date as a String

Return Value. A path part representation which can be a simple file or directory name or a directory structure.

list(Object source, List<List<Object>> lists)

Creates a partition path part by matching a source against a lists denoted by lists.

Lets assume that data is being written and it’s possible to extrace an appid either from headers or payload. We can automatically do a list based partition by using a partition method list(headers.appid,{{'1TO3','APP1','APP2','APP3'},{'4TO6','APP4','APP5','APP6'}}). This method would create three partitions, 1TO3_list, 4TO6_list and list. Latter is used if no match is found from partition lists passed to lists.


An Object to be matched against lists.
A definition of list of lists.

Return Value. A path part prefixed with a matched key i.e. XXX_list or list if no match.

range(Object source, List<Object> list)

Creates a partition path part by matching a source against a list denoted by list using a simple binary search.

The partition method takes a source as first argument and list as a second argument. Behind the scenes this is using jvm’s binarySearch which works on an Object level so we can pass in anything. Remember that meaningful range match only works if passed in Object and types in list are of same type like Integer. Range is defined by a binarySearch itself so mostly it is to match against an upper bound except the last range in a list. Having a list of {1000,3000,5000} means that everything above 3000 will be matched with 5000. If that is an issue then simply adding Integer.MAX_VALUE as last range would overflow everything above 5000 into a new partition. Created partitions would then be 1000_range, 3000_range and 5000_range.


An Object to be matched against list.
A definition of list.

Return Value. A path part prefixed with a matched key i.e. XXX_range.

hash(Object source, int bucketcount)

Creates a partition path part by calculating hashkey using source`s hashCode and bucketcount. Using a partition method hash(timestamp,2) would then create partitions named 0_hash, 1_hash and 2_hash. Number suffixed with _hash is simply calculated using Object.hashCode() % bucketcount.


An Object which hashCode will be used.
A number of buckets

Return Value. A path part prefixed with a hash key i.e. XXX_hash.

11.3 Log (log)

Probably the simplest option for a sink is just to log the data. The log sink uses the application logger to output the data for inspection. The log level is set to WARN and the logger name is created from the stream name. To create a stream using a log sink you would use a command like

dataflow:> stream create --name mylogstream --definition "http --port=8000 | log" --deploy

You can then try adding some data. We’ve used the http source on port 8000 here, so run the following command to send a message

dataflow:> http post --target http://localhost:8000 --data "hello"

and you should see the following output in the XD container console.

13/06/07 16:12:18 INFO Received: hello

11.4 Redis (redis)

Redis sink can be used to ingest data into redis store. You can choose queue, topic or key with selcted collection type to point to a specific data store.

For example,

dataflow:>stream create store-into-redis --definition "http | redis --queue=myList" --deploy
dataflow:>Created and deployed new stream 'store-into-redis'

11.4.1 Options

The redis sink has the following options:

a SpEL expression to use for topic (String, no default)
a SpEL expression to use for queue (String, no default)
a SpEL expression to use for keyExpression (String, no default)
name for the key (String, no default)
name for the queue (String, no default)
name for the topic (String, no default)

12. Tasks

12.1 Timestamp (timestamp)

Executes a batch job that logs a timestamp.

The timestamp task has the following options:

The timestamp format (String, default: yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss.SSS)