19. Register a Stream App

Register a Stream App with the App Registry using the Spring Cloud Data Flow Shell app register command. You must provide a unique name, application type, and a URI that can be resolved to the app artifact. For the type, specify "source", "processor", or "sink". Here are a few examples:

dataflow:>app register --name mysource --type source --uri maven://com.example:mysource:0.0.1-SNAPSHOT

dataflow:>app register --name myprocessor --type processor --uri file:///Users/example/myprocessor-1.2.3.jar

dataflow:>app register --name mysink --type sink --uri http://example.com/mysink-2.0.1.jar

When providing a URI with the maven scheme, the format should conform to the following:


For example, if you would like to register the snapshot versions of the http and log applications built with the RabbitMQ binder, you could do the following:

dataflow:>app register --name http --type source --uri maven://org.springframework.cloud.stream.app:http-source-rabbit:1.0.0.BUILD-SNAPSHOT
dataflow:>app register --name log --type sink --uri maven://org.springframework.cloud.stream.app:log-sink-rabbit:1.0.0.BUILD-SNAPSHOT

If you would like to register multiple apps at one time, you can store them in a properties file where the keys are formatted as <type>.<name> and the values are the URIs.

For example, if you would like to register the snapshot versions of the http and log applications built with the RabbitMQ binder, you could have the following in a properties file [eg: stream-apps.properties]:


Then to import the apps in bulk, use the app import command and provide the location of the properties file via --uri:

dataflow:>app import --uri file:///<YOUR_FILE_LOCATION>/stream-apps.properties

For convenience, we have the static files with application-URIs (for both maven and docker) available for all the out-of-the-box Stream app-starters. You can point to this file and import all the application-URIs in bulk. Otherwise, as explained in previous paragraphs, you can register them individually or have your own custom property file with only the required application-URIs in it. It is recommended, however, to have a "focused" list of desired application-URIs in a custom property file.

List of available static property files:

For example, if you would like to register all out-of-the-box stream applications built with the RabbitMQ binder in bulk, you can with the following command.

dataflow:>app import --uri http://bit.ly/stream-applications-rabbit-maven

You can also pass the --local option (which is TRUE by default) to indicate whether the properties file location should be resolved within the shell process itself. If the location should be resolved from the Data Flow Server process, specify --local false.

When using either app register or app import, if a stream app is already registered with the provided name and type, it will not be overridden by default. If you would like to override the pre-existing stream app, then include the --force option.


In some cases the Resource is resolved on the server side, whereas in others the URI will be passed to a runtime container instance where it is resolved. Consult the specific documentation of each Data Flow Server for more detail.

19.1 Whitelisting application properties

Stream applications are Spring Boot applications which are aware of many Section 29.1, “Common application properties”, e.g. server.port but also families of properties such as those with the prefix spring.jmx and logging. When creating your own application it is desirable to whitelist properties so that the shell and the UI can display them first as primary properties when presenting options via TAB completion or in drop-down boxes.

To whitelist application properties create a file named spring-configuration-metadata-whitelist.properties in the META-INF resource directory. There are two property keys that can be used inside this file. The first key is named configuration-properties.classes. The value is a comma separated list of fully qualified @ConfigurationProperty class names. The second key is configuration-properties.names whose value is a comma separated list of property names. This can contain the full name of property, such as server.port or a partial name to whitelist a category of property names, e.g. spring.jmx.

The Spring Cloud Stream application starters are a good place to look for examples of usage. Here is a simple example of the file sink’s spring-configuration-metadata-whitelist.properties file


If we also wanted to add server.port to be white listed, then it would look like this:


As of Spring Cloud Data Flow 1.0.0.RELEASE the whitelisting of application properties is only explicitly supported for Spring Boot 1.3.x based application. Milestone releases of the upcoming Spring Boot 1.4.0 release are not explicitly supported, yet.

The spring-boot-maven-plugin used in 1.4.x has a different approach in handling the nested archives inside the jar. As a result you will notice that the application properties are not listed using app info command at all. As a temporary workaround, you can override the managed version of your app’s spring-boot-maven-plugin explicitly and revert to a version of the latest 1.3.x release:

For example, if your app’s pom.xml specifies to use Spring Boot 1.4.0.M3:


Then you can override the managed version of the spring-boot-maven-plugin with:

  <version>1.3.5.RELEASE</version>  1


Overriding the managed version 1.4.0.M3.

Also, if you have your own dataflow server built using @EnableDataflowServer and using Spring Boot 1.4.x in that, you would need to explicitly override the spring-boot-maven-plugin with any of 1.3.x releases.