Interface DataflowSqlPagingQueryProvider

All Superinterfaces:
All Known Implementing Classes:
AbstractSqlPagingQueryProvider, Db2PagingQueryProvider, DerbyPagingQueryProvider, H2PagingQueryProvider, HsqlPagingQueryProvider, MariaDBPagingQueryProvider, MySqlPagingQueryProvider, OraclePagingQueryProvider, PostgresPagingQueryProvider, SqlitePagingQueryProvider, SqlServerPagingQueryProvider, SqlWindowingPagingQueryProvider, SybasePagingQueryProvider

public interface DataflowSqlPagingQueryProvider extends org.springframework.batch.item.database.PagingQueryProvider
Thomas Risberg, Michael Minella, Corneil du Plessis
  • Method Summary

    Modifier and Type
    generateJumpToItemQuery(int itemIndex, int pageSize)
    Generate the query that will provide the jump to item query.

    Methods inherited from interface org.springframework.batch.item.database.PagingQueryProvider

    generateFirstPageQuery, generateRemainingPagesQuery, getParameterCount, getSortKeyPlaceHolder, getSortKeys, getSortKeysWithoutAliases, init, isUsingNamedParameters
  • Method Details

    • generateJumpToItemQuery

      String generateJumpToItemQuery(int itemIndex, int pageSize)
      Generate the query that will provide the jump to item query. The itemIndex provided could be in the middle of the page and together with the page size it will be used to calculate the last index of the preceding page to be able to retrieve the sort key for this row.
      itemIndex - the index for the next item to be read
      pageSize - number of rows to read for each page
      the generated query