Class CompletionController


@RestController @Validated @RequestMapping("/completions") @ExposesResourceFor(CompletionProposalsResource.class) public class CompletionController extends Object
Exposes the DSL completion features of StreamCompletionProvider and TaskCompletionProvider as a REST API.
Eric Bottard, Andy Clement
  • Constructor Details

  • Method Details

    • completions

      @RequestMapping("/stream") public CompletionProposalsResource completions(@RequestParam String start, @RequestParam(defaultValue="1") @Min(value=1L,message="The provided detail level must be greater than zero.") @jakarta.validation.constraints.Min(value=1L, message="The provided detail level must be greater than zero.") int detailLevel)
      Return a list of possible completions given a prefix string that the user has started typing.
      start - the amount of text written so far
      detailLevel - the level of detail the user wants in completions, starting at 1. Higher values request more detail, with values typically in the range [1..5]
      the list of completion proposals
    • taskCompletions

      @RequestMapping("/task") public CompletionProposalsResource taskCompletions(@RequestParam String start, @RequestParam(defaultValue="1") @Min(value=1L,message="The provided detail level must be greater than zero.") @jakarta.validation.constraints.Min(value=1L, message="The provided detail level must be greater than zero.") int detailLevel)
      Return a list of possible completions given a prefix string that the user has started typing.
      start - the amount of text written so far
      detailLevel - the level of detail the user wants in completions, starting at 1. Higher values request more detail, with values typically in the range [1..5]
      the list of completion proposals