Interface TaskDeleteService

All Known Implementing Classes:

public interface TaskDeleteService
Provides task deletion services.
Daniel Serleg, Gunnar Hillert, Ilayaperumal Gopinathan
  • Method Details

    • cleanupExecution

      void cleanupExecution(long id)
      Cleanup the resources that resulted from running the task with the given execution id.
      id - the execution id
    • cleanupExecutions

      void cleanupExecutions(Set<TaskExecutionControllerDeleteAction> actionsAsSet, Set<Long> ids)
      Cleanup the resources that resulted from running the task with the given execution ids and actions.
      actionsAsSet - the actions
      ids - the id's
    • cleanupExecutions

      void cleanupExecutions(Set<TaskExecutionControllerDeleteAction> actionsAsSet, String taskName, boolean onlyCompleted)
      Clean up the resources that resulted from running the task with the given name.
      actionsAsSet - the actions to perform
      taskName - the task name
      onlyCompleted - whether to include only completed tasks
    • cleanupExecutions

      void cleanupExecutions(Set<TaskExecutionControllerDeleteAction> actionsAsSet, String taskName, boolean onlyCompleted, Integer includeTasksEndedMinDaysAgo)
      Clean up the resources that resulted from running the task with the given name.
      actionsAsSet - the actions to perform
      taskName - the task name
      onlyCompleted - whether to include only completed tasks (ignored when includeTasksEndedMinDaysAgo is specified)
      includeTasksEndedMinDaysAgo - only include tasks that have ended at least this many days ago
    • deleteTaskExecutions

      void deleteTaskExecutions(Set<Long> ids)
      Delete one or more Task executions.
      ids - Collection of task execution ids to delete. Must contain at least 1 id.
    • deleteTaskExecutions

      void deleteTaskExecutions(String taskName, boolean onlyCompleted)
      Delete task executions by name and execution state.
      taskName - the name of the task executions
      onlyCompleted - indicator to delete only completed tasks
    • deleteTaskDefinition

      void deleteTaskDefinition(String name)
      Destroy the task definition. If it is a Composed Task then the task definitions required for a ComposedTaskRunner task are also destroyed.
      name - The name of the task.
    • deleteTaskDefinition

      void deleteTaskDefinition(String name, boolean cleanup)
      Destroy the task definition. If it is a Composed Task then the task definitions required for a ComposedTaskRunner task are also destroyed. If the cleanup flag is set to true, delete all the task executions associated with the task definition.
      name - The name of the task.
      cleanup - the flag to indicate the cleanup of the task executions for the task definition.
    • deleteAll

      void deleteAll()
      Destroy all task definitions. If it is a Composed Task then the task definitions required for a ComposedTaskRunner tasks are also destroyed.