Class UnfinishedTaskAppNameExpansionStrategy

All Implemented Interfaces:

public class UnfinishedTaskAppNameExpansionStrategy extends Object implements TaskExpansionStrategy
Provides completions by finding apps whose name starts with a prefix (which was assumed to be a correct app name, but wasn't).
Eric Bottard, Mark Fisher, Andy Clement
  • Method Details

    • addProposals

      public boolean addProposals(String text, TaskDefinition taskDefinition, int detailLevel, List<CompletionProposal> collector)
      Description copied from interface: TaskExpansionStrategy
      For a given task DSL text and TaskDefinition,
      • Generate CompletionProposals that apply (if any) and add them to the provided collector list
      • Return true if no other strategies should be applied for the task DSL text (this strategy make take the liberty to erase already collected proposals)
      Specified by:
      addProposals in interface TaskExpansionStrategy
      text - DSL text for the task
      taskDefinition - task definition
      detailLevel - integer representing the amount of detail to include in the generated CompletionProposals (higher values mean more details. typical range is [1..5])
      collector - list of CompletionProposals to add/remove from if this strategy applies
      true if no other strategies should be applied for the task DSL text