Uses of Package
Packages that use
Defines the operations of the Spring Cloud Data Flow REST Client.
Spring Cloud Data Flow REST HATEOAS Resource support.
Root package of Spring Cloud Data Flow Core.
Spring Cloud Data Flow Server configuration classes.
Spring Cloud Data Flow Server Controllers.
Contains supporting classes and utilities for the web controllers.
Contains supporting classes for the Dataflow Batch Job functionality.
Classes in used by resource for an app registration.REST representation of an app status.Represents a list of completion proposals for the DSL when using e.g. TAB completion in the Shell.A HATEOAS representation of a the currently running task executions and server limits.Extension of
that contains application options and other detailed application information.A HATEOAS representation of a JobExecution.A HATEOAS representation of a JobExecution without the StepExecutions.A HATEOAS representation of a JobInstance.A HATEOAS representation of aScheduleInfo
.Represents the step execution progress info resource.Resource representing status of the apps in a stream.A HATEOAS representation of aStreamDefinition
.A HATEOAS representation of a stream deployment.Resource representing status of the apps in a task.A HATEOAS representation of aTaskDefinition
.A HATEOAS representation of a TaskExecution.This resource is a match for AggregateTaskExecution and should satisfy UI paging. -
Classes in used by HATEOAS representation of a JobExecution.A HATEOAS representation of a JobExecution without the StepExecutions.A HATEOAS representation of a JobInstance.A HATEOAS representation of a TaskExecution.Represents the status of an
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Classes in used by representing the status of an app in a definition.REST representation for an AppInstanceStatus.Rest resource for an app registration.REST representation of an app status.Represents a completion proposal for the DSL when using e.g. TAB completion in the Shell.A HATEOAS representation of a the currently running task executions and server limits.Provides a typed enumeration of deployment statuses for Streams.A HATEOAS representation of a JobExecution.A HATEOAS representation of a TaskExecution.Represents the status of an
. -
Classes in used by resource for an app registration.A HATEOAS representation of a
.A HATEOAS representation of aTaskDefinition
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Classes in used by representation for an AppInstanceStatus.Rest resource for an app registration.REST representation of an app status.A HATEOAS representation of an
.Represents a list of completion proposals for the DSL when using e.g. TAB completion in the Shell.A HATEOAS representation of a the currently running task executions and server limits.Extension ofAppRegistrationResource
that contains application options and other detailed application information.A HATEOAS representation of a JobExecution.A HATEOAS representation of a JobExecution without the StepExecutions.A HATEOAS representation of a JobInstance.Describes the other available resource endpoints, as well as provides information about the server itself, such as API revision number.A HATEOAS representation of aScheduleInfo
.Represents the step execution progress info resource.Resource representing status of the apps in a stream.A HATEOAS representation of aStreamDefinition
.A HATEOAS representation of a stream deployment.A HATEOAS representation of aTaskDefinition
.A HATEOAS representation of a TaskExecution.An HATEOAS representation of a TaskExecutionsResource.This resource is a match for AggregateTaskExecution and should satisfy UI paging.Represents a response from the tools endpoint. -
Classes in used by resource for an app registration.A HATEOAS representation of a
.A HATEOAS representation of aTaskDefinition
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Classes in used by a typed enumeration of deployment statuses for Streams.