Class DeploymentPropertiesUtils


public final class DeploymentPropertiesUtils extends Object
Provides utility methods for formatting and parsing deployment properties.
Eric Bottard, Mark Fisher, Janne Valkealahti, Christian Tzolov, Gunnar Hillert, Ilayaperumal Gopinathan, Glenn Renfro
  • Method Details

    • parse

      public static Map<String,String> parse(String s)
      Parses a String comprised of 0 or more comma-delimited key=value pairs where each key has the format: app.[appname].[key] or deployer.[appname].[key]. Values may themselves contain commas, since the split points will be based upon the key pattern.

      Logic of parsing key/value pairs from a string is based on few rules and assumptions 1. keys will not have commas or equals. 2. First raw split is done by commas which will need to be fixed later if value is a comma-delimited list.

      s - the string to parse
      the Map of parsed key value pairs
    • parseParamList

      public static List<String> parseParamList(String s, String delimiter)
      Parses a String comprised of 0 or more delimited key=value pairs where each key has the format: app.[appname].[key] or deployer.[appname].[key]. Values may themselves contain commas, since the split points will be based upon the key pattern.

      Logic of parsing key/value pairs from a string is based on few rules and assumptions 1. keys will not have commas or equals. 2. First raw split is done by commas which will need to be fixed later if value is a comma-delimited list.

      s - the string to parse
      delimiter - delimiter used to split the string into pairs
      the List key=value pairs
    • parseArgumentList

      public static List<String> parseArgumentList(String s, String delimiter)
      Parses a String comprised of 0 or more delimited key=value pairs where each key has the format: app.[appname].[key] or deployer.[appname].[key]. Values may themselves contain commas, since the split points will be based upon the key pattern.

      Logic of parsing key/value pairs from a string is based on few rules and assumptions 1. keys will not have commas or equals. 2. First raw split is done by commas which will need to be fixed later if value is a comma-delimited list.

      s - the string to parse
      delimiter - delimiter used to split the string into pairs
      the List key=value pairs
    • parseDeploymentProperties

      public static Map<String,String> parseDeploymentProperties(String deploymentProperties, File propertiesFile, int which) throws IOException
      Parses a deployment properties conditionally either from properties string or file which can be legacy properties file or yaml.
      deploymentProperties - the deployment properties string
      propertiesFile - the deployment properties file
      which - the flag to choose between properties or file
      the map of parsed properties
      IOException - if file loading errors
    • validateDeploymentProperties

      public static void validateDeploymentProperties(Map<String,String> properties)
      Ensure that deployment properties only have keys starting with app., deployer. or, In case non supported key is found IllegalArgumentException is thrown.
      properties - the properties to check
    • validateSkipperDeploymentProperties

      public static void validateSkipperDeploymentProperties(Map<String,String> properties)
      Ensure that deployment properties only have keys starting with app., deployer. or version.. In case non supported key is found IllegalArgumentException is thrown.
      properties - the properties to check
    • extractAndQualifyDeployerProperties

      public static Map<String,String> extractAndQualifyDeployerProperties(Map<String,String> input, String appName)
      Retain only properties that are meant for the deployer of a given app (those that start with deployer.[appname] or deployer.*) and qualify all property values with the prefix.
      input - the deplopyment properties
      appName - the app name
      deployment properties for the spepcific app name
    • qualifyDeployerProperties

      public static Map<String,String> qualifyDeployerProperties(Map<String,String> input, String appName)
      Retain all properties that are meant for the deployer of a given app (those that start with deployer.[appname] or deployer.* and qualify all property values with the prefix.
      input - the deplopyment properties
      appName - the app name
      deployment properties for the spepcific app name
    • format

      public static String format(Map<String,String> properties)
      Returns a String representation of deployment properties as a comma separated list of key=value pairs.
      properties - the properties to format
      the properties formatted as a String
    • convert

      public static Map<String,String> convert(Properties properties)
      Convert Properties to a Map with String keys and String values.
      properties - the properties object
      the equivalent Map<String,String>
    • removeQuoting

      public static List<String> removeQuoting(List<String> params)
      Parses a list of command line parameters and returns a list of parameters which doesn't contain any special quoting either for values or whole parameter.
      params - the params
      the list