
public class TaskServiceUtils extends Object
Provides utility methods for setting up tasks for execution.
  • Constructor Details

    • TaskServiceUtils

      public TaskServiceUtils()
  • Method Details

    • isComposedTaskDefinition

      public static boolean isComposedTaskDefinition(String dsl)
      Parses the task DSL to see if it is a composed task definition
      dsl - task DSL
      true if composed, false otherwise.
    • createComposedTaskDefinition

      public static String createComposedTaskDefinition(String graph)
      Creates a properly formatted CTR definition based on the graph provided.
      graph - the graph for the CTR to execute.
      String containing the CTR task definition.
    • createComposedTaskDefinition

      public static String createComposedTaskDefinition(String alternateComposedTaskRunnerName, String graph)
      Creates a properly formatted CTR definition based on the graph provided.
      alternateComposedTaskRunnerName - a ctr name to be used instead of the default.
      graph - the graph for the CTR to execute. of the CTR app to be launched.
      String containing the CTR task definition.
    • establishComposedTaskProperties

      public static Map<String,String> establishComposedTaskProperties(Map<String,String> taskDeploymentProperties, taskNode)
      Establish the app and deployment properties to be used for a CTR.
      taskDeploymentProperties - properties to be parsed for the CTR.
      taskNode - containing the tasks apps to be executed by the CTR
      properties that can be consumed by the CTR.
    • updateTaskProperties

      public static TaskDefinition updateTaskProperties(TaskDefinition taskDefinition, org.springframework.boot.autoconfigure.jdbc.DataSourceProperties dataSourceProperties)
      Updates the task definition with the datasource properties.
      taskDefinition - the TaskDefinition to be updated.
      dataSourceProperties - the dataSource properties used by SCDF.
      the updated TaskDefinition
    • updateTaskProperties

      public static TaskDefinition updateTaskProperties(TaskDefinition taskDefinition, org.springframework.boot.autoconfigure.jdbc.DataSourceProperties dataSourceProperties, boolean setDatabaseCredentials)
      Updates the task definition with the datasource properties.
      taskDefinition - the TaskDefinition to be updated.
      dataSourceProperties - the dataSource properties used by SCDF.
      setDatabaseCredentials - if true database username and password that should be set in the TaskDefinition .
      the updated TaskDefinition
    • extractAppProperties

      public static Map<String,String> extractAppProperties(String name, Map<String,String> taskDeploymentProperties)
      Extract app properties from the deployment properties by task name.
      name - the task app name to search for in the deployment properties.
      taskDeploymentProperties - the properties for the task deployment.
      a map containing the app properties for a task.
    • extractAppProperties

      public static Map<String,String> extractAppProperties(String name, String label, Map<String,String> taskDeploymentProperties)
      Extract app properties from the deployment properties by task name.
      name - the task app name to search for in the deployment properties.
      label - the taks app label to search for in the deployment properties.
      taskDeploymentProperties - the properties for the task deployment.
      a map containing the app properties for a task.
    • mergeAndExpandAppProperties

      public static mergeAndExpandAppProperties(TaskDefinition original, Resource resource, Map<String,String> appDeploymentProperties, VisibleProperties visibleProperties)
      Return a copy of a given task definition where short form parameters have been expanded to their long form (amongst the visible properties of the app) if applicable.
      original - the task definition with the original set of properties.
      resource - the resource to be used for identifying included properties.
      appDeploymentProperties - the app deployment properties to be added to the AppDefinition.
      visibleProperties - util for formatting visible properties properly.
      fully qualified AppDefinition.
    • updateDataFlowUriIfNeeded

      public static void updateDataFlowUriIfNeeded(String dataflowServerUri, Map<String,String> appDeploymentProperties, List<String> commandLineArgs)
    • updateDataFlowUriIfNeeded

      public static void updateDataFlowUriIfNeeded(String dataFlowServerUriKey, String dataflowServerUri, Map<String,String> appDeploymentProperties, List<String> commandLineArgs)
    • labelForSimpleTask

      public static String labelForSimpleTask(String name, String dsl)
    • addDatabaseCredentials

      public static boolean addDatabaseCredentials(boolean useKubernetesSecrets, String platformType)
      Determines if a database credentials should be added to task properties.
      platformType - The type of platform.
      useKubernetesSecrets - User wants to use kubernetes secrets for user name and password.
      true if database credentials should be added to task properties.
    • contributeCommonProperties

      public static void contributeCommonProperties(Optional<Properties> defaultProperties, Map<String,String> appDeploymentProperties, String taskPlatformType)
      Merge the common properties defined via the file. Doesn't override existing properties! The placeholders defined in the task-resource file are not resolved by SCDF but passed to the apps as they are.
      defaultProperties - Default properties, if any, to contribute to the launch app properties.
      appDeploymentProperties - App deployment properties passed to the Task at launch.
      taskPlatformType - the platform type