Class ServiceBrokerUpdateOperationInProgressException

All Implemented Interfaces:

public class ServiceBrokerUpdateOperationInProgressException extends ServiceBrokerOperationInProgressException
Thrown to indicate that a request to update a service instance was received while asynchronous updating of the identical service instance is in progress.

Throwing this exception will result in an HTTP status code 202 ACCEPTED being returned to the platform.

Roy Clarkson
See Also:
  • Constructor Details

    • ServiceBrokerUpdateOperationInProgressException

      public ServiceBrokerUpdateOperationInProgressException()
      Construct an exception with a default message.
    • ServiceBrokerUpdateOperationInProgressException

      public ServiceBrokerUpdateOperationInProgressException(String operation)
      Construct an exception with a default message that includes the provided operation description.
      operation - an identifier representing the operation in progress