Class ServiceDefinitionDoesNotExistException

All Implemented Interfaces:

public class ServiceDefinitionDoesNotExistException extends ServiceBrokerException
Thrown to indicate that a request includes a service definition ID that does not exist in the service broker catalog.

Throwing this exception will result in an HTTP status code 400 BAD REQUEST being returned to the platform.

S Greenberg
See Also:
  • Constructor Details

    • ServiceDefinitionDoesNotExistException

      public ServiceDefinitionDoesNotExistException(String serviceDefinitionId)
      Construct an exception with a default message that includes the provided service definition ID.
      serviceDefinitionId - the service definition ID
    • ServiceDefinitionDoesNotExistException

      public ServiceDefinitionDoesNotExistException(String errorCode, String serviceDefinitionId)
      Construct an exception with an error code and default message that includes the provided service definition ID.
      errorCode - a single word in camel case that uniquely identifies the error condition
      serviceDefinitionId - the service definition ID