The index provides the entry point into Spring Cloud Skipper’s REST API.
request is used to access the index
HTTP/1.1 200 OK Content-Type: application/hal+json;charset=UTF-8 Content-Length: 2149 { "_links" : { "packageMetadata" : { "href" : "http://localhost:7577/api/packageMetadata{?page,size,sort,projection}", "templated" : true }, "appDeployerDatas" : { "href" : "http://localhost:7577/api/appDeployerDatas{?page,size,sort}", "templated" : true }, "releases" : { "href" : "http://localhost:7577/api/releases{?page,size,sort}", "templated" : true }, "deployers" : { "href" : "http://localhost:7577/api/deployers{?page,size,sort}", "templated" : true }, "repositories" : { "href" : "http://localhost:7577/api/repositories{?page,size,sort}", "templated" : true }, "about" : { "href" : "http://localhost:7577/api/about" }, "upload" : { "href" : "http://localhost:7577/api/upload" }, "install" : { "href" : "http://localhost:7577/api/install" }, "install/id" : { "href" : "http://localhost:7577/api/install/{id}", "templated" : true }, "status/name" : { "href" : "http://localhost:7577/api/status/{name}", "templated" : true }, "status/name/version" : { "href" : "http://localhost:7577/api/status/{name}/123", "templated" : true }, "manifest" : { "href" : "http://localhost:7577/api/manifest/{name}", "templated" : true }, "manifest/name/version" : { "href" : "http://localhost:7577/api/manifest/{name}/123", "templated" : true }, "upgrade" : { "href" : "http://localhost:7577/api/upgrade" }, "rollback" : { "href" : "http://localhost:7577/api/rollback/{name}/123", "templated" : true }, "delete" : { "href" : "http://localhost:7577/api/delete/{name}", "templated" : true }, "history" : { "href" : "http://localhost:7577/api/history/{name}/123", "templated" : true }, "list" : { "href" : "http://localhost:7577/api/list" }, "list/name" : { "href" : "http://localhost:7577/api/list/{name}", "templated" : true }, "profile" : { "href" : "http://localhost:7577/api/profile" } } }
The main element of the index are the links as they allow you to traverse the API and execute the desired functionality:
Relation | Description |
| Provides meta information of the server |
| Uploads a package |
| Installs a package |
| Installs a package by also providing the package id |
| Exposes App Deployer Data |
| Exposes package repositories |
| Exposes deployer |
| Exposes release information |
| Provides details for Package Metadata |
| Entrypoint to provide ALPS metadata defining simple descriptions of application-level semantics |
| Get the status for the last known release version of the release by the given release name |
| Get the status for the release by the given release name and version |
| Get a release’s manifest |
| Get a release’s manifest by providing name and version |
| Upgrade a release |
| Rollback the release to a previous or a specific release |
| Delete the release |
| List the history of versions for a given release |
| List the latest version of releases with status of deployed or failed |
| List the latest version of releases by release name with status of deployed or failed |
request will return meta information for Spring Cloud Skipper. This includes:
HTTP/1.1 200 OK Content-Type: application/json;charset=UTF-8 Content-Length: 39 { "name" : null, "version" : null }
Upload a package into a configured local
HTTP/1.1 201 Created Content-Type: application/json;charset=UTF-8 Content-Length: 526 { "apiVersion" : "v1", "origin" : null, "repositoryId" : 2, "kind" : "skipper", "name" : "log", "version" : "9.9.9", "packageSourceUrl" : "", "packageHomeUrl" : "", "tags" : "logging, sink", "maintainer" : "", "description" : "The log sink uses the application logger to output the data for inspection.", "sha256" : null, "iconUrl" : null }
Path | Type | Description |
| The Package Index spec version this file is based on |
| Indicates the origin of the repository (free form text) |
| The repository ID this Package Index file belongs to |
| What type of package system is being used |
| The name of the package |
| The version of the package |
| Location to source code for this package |
| The home page of the package |
| A comma separated list of tags to use for searching |
| Who is maintaining this package |
| Brief description of the package |
| Hash of package binary that will be downloaded using SHA256 hash algorithm |
| Url location of a icon |
Install a package (identified by the InstallRequest) into the target platform.
POST /api/install HTTP/1.1 Content-Type: application/json;charset=UTF-8 Accept: application/json Host: localhost:7577 Content-Length: 223 { "packageIdentifier" : { "repositoryName" : "notused", "packageName" : "log", "packageVersion" : "1.0.0" }, "installProperties" : { "releaseName" : "myLogRelease", "platformName" : "default" } }
$ curl 'http://localhost:7577/api/install' -i -X POST \ -H 'Content-Type: application/json;charset=UTF-8' \ -H 'Accept: application/json' \ -d '{ "packageIdentifier" : { "repositoryName" : "notused", "packageName" : "log", "packageVersion" : "1.0.0" }, "installProperties" : { "releaseName" : "myLogRelease", "platformName" : "default" } }'
HTTP/1.1 201 Created Content-Type: application/json;charset=UTF-8 Content-Length: 2925 { "name" : "myLogRelease", "version" : 1, "info" : { "status" : { "statusCode" : "DEPLOYED", "platformStatus" : "[{\"deploymentId\":\"myLogRelease.log-v1\",\"instances\":{\"myLogRelease.log-v1-0\":{\"instanceNumber\":0,\"baseUrl\":\"\",\"process\":{\"errorStream\":{},\"outputStream\":{},\"alive\":true,\"inputStream\":{}},\"attributes\":{\"guid\":\"9104\",\"pid\":\"24188\",\"port\":\"9104\",\"stderr\":\"/tmp/spring-cloud-dataflow-1413426972131752375/myLogRelease-1511285948310/myLogRelease.log-v1/stderr_0.log\",\"stdout\":\"/tmp/spring-cloud-dataflow-1413426972131752375/myLogRelease-1511285948310/myLogRelease.log-v1/stdout_0.log\",\"url\":\"\",\"working.dir\":\"/tmp/spring-cloud-dataflow-1413426972131752375/myLogRelease-1511285948310/myLogRelease.log-v1\"},\"id\":\"myLogRelease.log-v1-0\",\"state\":\"deploying\"}},\"state\":\"deploying\"}]" }, "firstDeployed" : 1511285948299, "lastDeployed" : 1511285948299, "deleted" : null, "description" : "Install complete" }, "pkg" : { "metadata" : { "apiVersion" : "", "origin" : "samples-package-repository", "repositoryId" : 1, "kind" : "SkipperPackageMetadata", "name" : "log", "version" : "1.0.0", "packageSourceUrl" : "", "packageHomeUrl" : "", "tags" : "logging, sink", "maintainer" : "", "description" : "The log sink uses the application logger to output the data for inspection.", "sha256" : null, "iconUrl" : null }, "templates" : [ { "name" : "log.yml", "data" : "apiVersion:\nkind: SpringCloudDeployerApplication\nmetadata:\n name: log\n type: sink\nspec:\n resource: maven://\n version: {{version}}\n applicationProperties:\n {{#spec.applicationProperties.entrySet}}\n {{key}}: {{value}}\n {{/spec.applicationProperties.entrySet}}\n deploymentProperties:\n {{#spec.deploymentProperties.entrySet}}\n {{key}}: {{value}}\n {{/spec.deploymentProperties.entrySet}}\n" } ], "dependencies" : [ ], "configValues" : { "raw" : "# Default values for {{name}}\n# This is a YAML-formatted file.\n# Declare variables to be passed into your templates\nversion: 1.2.0.RC1\n" }, "fileHolders" : [ ] }, "configValues" : { "raw" : null }, "manifest" : "\n---\n# Source: log.yml\napiVersion:\nkind: SpringCloudDeployerApplication\nmetadata:\n name: log\n type: sink\nspec:\n resource: maven://\n version: 1.2.0.RC1\n applicationProperties:\n deploymentProperties:\n", "platformName" : "default" }
Path | Type | Description |
| Name of the release |
| Version of the release |
| StatusCode of the release’s status (UNKNOWN,DEPLOYED,DELETED,FAILED) |
| Status from the underlying platform |
| Date/Time of first deployment |
| Date/Time of last deployment |
| Date/Time of when the release was deleted |
| Human-friendly 'log entry' about this release |
| Indicates the origin of the repository (free form text) |
| The Package Index spec version this file is based on |
| The repository ID this Package Index file belongs to |
| What type of package system is being used |
| The name of the package |
| The version of the package |
| Location to source code for this package |
| The home page of the package |
| A comma separated list of tags to use for searching |
| Who is maintaining this package |
| Brief description of the package |
| Hash of package binary that will be downloaded using SHA256 hash algorithm |
| Url location of a icon |
| Name is the path-like name of the template |
| Data is the template as string data |
| The packages that this package depends upon |
| The raw YAML string of configuration values |
| Miscellaneous files in a package, e.g. README, LICENSE, etc. |
| The raw YAML string of configuration values |
| The manifest of the release |
| Platform name of the release |
Install a package identified by its ID into the target platform.
POST /api/install/2 HTTP/1.1 Content-Type: application/json;charset=UTF-8 Accept: application/json Host: localhost:7577 Content-Length: 87 { "releaseName" : "myLogReleaseWithInstallProperties", "platformName" : "default" }
$ curl 'http://localhost:7577/api/install/2' -i -X POST \ -H 'Content-Type: application/json;charset=UTF-8' \ -H 'Accept: application/json' \ -d '{ "releaseName" : "myLogReleaseWithInstallProperties", "platformName" : "default" }'
HTTP/1.1 201 Created Content-Type: application/json;charset=UTF-8 Content-Length: 3137 { "name" : "myLogReleaseWithInstallProperties", "version" : 1, "info" : { "status" : { "statusCode" : "DEPLOYED", "platformStatus" : "[{\"deploymentId\":\"myLogReleaseWithInstallProperties.log-v1\",\"instances\":{\"myLogReleaseWithInstallProperties.log-v1-0\":{\"instanceNumber\":0,\"baseUrl\":\"\",\"process\":{\"errorStream\":{},\"outputStream\":{},\"alive\":true,\"inputStream\":{}},\"attributes\":{\"guid\":\"8461\",\"pid\":\"24263\",\"port\":\"8461\",\"stderr\":\"/tmp/spring-cloud-dataflow-1413426972131752375/myLogReleaseWithInstallProperties-1511285963563/myLogReleaseWithInstallProperties.log-v1/stderr_0.log\",\"stdout\":\"/tmp/spring-cloud-dataflow-1413426972131752375/myLogReleaseWithInstallProperties-1511285963563/myLogReleaseWithInstallProperties.log-v1/stdout_0.log\",\"url\":\"\",\"working.dir\":\"/tmp/spring-cloud-dataflow-1413426972131752375/myLogReleaseWithInstallProperties-1511285963563/myLogReleaseWithInstallProperties.log-v1\"},\"id\":\"myLogReleaseWithInstallProperties.log-v1-0\",\"state\":\"deploying\"}},\"state\":\"deploying\"}]" }, "firstDeployed" : 1511285963553, "lastDeployed" : 1511285963553, "deleted" : null, "description" : "Install complete" }, "pkg" : { "metadata" : { "apiVersion" : "", "origin" : "samples-package-repository", "repositoryId" : 1, "kind" : "SkipperPackageMetadata", "name" : "log", "version" : "1.1.0", "packageSourceUrl" : "", "packageHomeUrl" : "", "tags" : "logging, sink", "maintainer" : "", "description" : "The log sink uses the application logger to output the data for inspection.", "sha256" : null, "iconUrl" : null }, "templates" : [ { "name" : "log.yml", "data" : "apiVersion:\nkind: SpringCloudDeployerApplication\nmetadata:\n name: log\n type: sink\nspec:\n resource: maven://\n version: {{version}}\n applicationProperties:\n {{#spec.applicationProperties.entrySet}}\n {{key}}: {{value}}\n {{/spec.applicationProperties.entrySet}}\n deploymentProperties:\n {{#spec.deploymentProperties.entrySet}}\n {{key}}: {{value}}\n {{/spec.deploymentProperties.entrySet}}\n" } ], "dependencies" : [ ], "configValues" : { "raw" : "# Default values for {{name}}\n# This is a YAML-formatted file.\n# Declare variables to be passed into your templates\nversion: 1.3.0.M1\n" }, "fileHolders" : [ ] }, "configValues" : { "raw" : null }, "manifest" : "\n---\n# Source: log.yml\napiVersion:\nkind: SpringCloudDeployerApplication\nmetadata:\n name: log\n type: sink\nspec:\n resource: maven://\n version: 1.3.0.M1\n applicationProperties:\n deploymentProperties:\n", "platformName" : "default" }
Path | Type | Description |
| Name of the release |
| Version of the release |
| StatusCode of the release’s status (UNKNOWN,DEPLOYED,DELETED,FAILED) |
| Status from the underlying platform |
| Date/Time of first deployment |
| Date/Time of last deployment |
| Date/Time of when the release was deleted |
| Human-friendly 'log entry' about this release |
| The Package Index spec version this file is based on |
| Indicates the origin of the repository (free form text) |
| The repository ID this Package Index file belongs to |
| What type of package system is being used |
| The name of the package |
| The version of the package |
| Location to source code for this package |
| The home page of the package |
| A comma separated list of tags to use for searching |
| Who is maintaining this package |
| Brief description of the package |
| Hash of package binary that will be downloaded using SHA256 hash algorithm |
| Url location of a icon |
| Name is the path-like name of the template |
| Data is the template as string data |
| The packages that this package depends upon |
| The raw YAML string of configuration values |
| Miscellaneous files in a package, e.g. README, LICENSE, etc. |
| The raw YAML string of configuration values |
| The manifest of the release |
| Platform name of the release |
This REST endpoint provides the status for the last known release version.
HTTP/1.1 200 OK Content-Type: application/json;charset=UTF-8 Content-Length: 990 { "status" : { "statusCode" : "DEPLOYED", "platformStatus" : "[{\"deploymentId\":\"myLogRelease.log-v1\",\"instances\":{\"myLogRelease.log-v1-0\":{\"instanceNumber\":0,\"baseUrl\":\"\",\"process\":{\"errorStream\":{},\"outputStream\":{},\"alive\":true,\"inputStream\":{}},\"attributes\":{\"guid\":\"50703\",\"pid\":\"23641\",\"port\":\"50703\",\"stderr\":\"/tmp/spring-cloud-dataflow-1491938219718964030/myLogRelease-1511285790028/myLogRelease.log-v1/stderr_0.log\",\"stdout\":\"/tmp/spring-cloud-dataflow-1491938219718964030/myLogRelease-1511285790028/myLogRelease.log-v1/stdout_0.log\",\"url\":\"\",\"working.dir\":\"/tmp/spring-cloud-dataflow-1491938219718964030/myLogRelease-1511285790028/myLogRelease.log-v1\"},\"id\":\"myLogRelease.log-v1-0\",\"state\":\"deployed\"}},\"state\":\"deployed\"}]" }, "firstDeployed" : 1511285790010, "lastDeployed" : 1511285790010, "deleted" : null, "description" : "Install complete" }
Path | Type | Description |
| StatusCode of the release’s status (UNKNOWN,DEPLOYED,DELETED,FAILED) |
| Status from the underlying platform |
| Date/Time of first deployment |
| Date/Time of last deployment |
| Date/Time of when the release was deleted |
| Human-friendly 'log entry' about this release |
This REST endpoint provides the status for a specific release version.
HTTP/1.1 200 OK Content-Type: application/json;charset=UTF-8 Content-Length: 999 { "status" : { "statusCode" : "DEPLOYED", "platformStatus" : "[{\"deploymentId\":\"myLogRelease2.log-v1\",\"instances\":{\"myLogRelease2.log-v1-0\":{\"instanceNumber\":0,\"baseUrl\":\"\",\"process\":{\"errorStream\":{},\"outputStream\":{},\"alive\":true,\"inputStream\":{}},\"attributes\":{\"guid\":\"31425\",\"pid\":\"23709\",\"port\":\"31425\",\"stderr\":\"/tmp/spring-cloud-dataflow-1491938219718964030/myLogRelease2-1511285805638/myLogRelease2.log-v1/stderr_0.log\",\"stdout\":\"/tmp/spring-cloud-dataflow-1491938219718964030/myLogRelease2-1511285805638/myLogRelease2.log-v1/stdout_0.log\",\"url\":\"\",\"working.dir\":\"/tmp/spring-cloud-dataflow-1491938219718964030/myLogRelease2-1511285805638/myLogRelease2.log-v1\"},\"id\":\"myLogRelease2.log-v1-0\",\"state\":\"deployed\"}},\"state\":\"deployed\"}]" }, "firstDeployed" : 1511285805618, "lastDeployed" : 1511285805618, "deleted" : null, "description" : "Install complete" }
Path | Type | Description |
| StatusCode of the release’s status (UNKNOWN,DEPLOYED,DELETED,FAILED) |
| Status from the underlying platform |
| Date/Time of first deployment |
| Date/Time of last deployment |
| Date/Time of when the release was deleted |
| Human-friendly 'log entry' about this release |
REST endpoint that returns the manifest for the last known release version.
GET /api/manifest/myLogRelease HTTP/1.1 Content-Type: application/json;charset=UTF-8 Accept: application/json Host: localhost:7577
$ curl 'http://localhost:7577/api/manifest/myLogRelease' -i \ -H 'Content-Type: application/json;charset=UTF-8' \ -H 'Accept: application/json'
HTTP/1.1 200 OK Content-Type: application/json;charset=ISO-8859-1 Content-Length: 277 --- # Source: log.yml apiVersion: kind: SpringCloudDeployerApplication metadata: name: log type: sink spec: resource: maven:// version: 1.2.0.RC1 applicationProperties: deploymentProperties:
REST endpoint that returns the manifest for a specific release version.
HTTP/1.1 200 OK Content-Type: text/plain;charset=ISO-8859-1 Content-Length: 277 --- # Source: log.yml apiVersion: kind: SpringCloudDeployerApplication metadata: name: log type: sink spec: resource: maven:// version: 1.2.0.RC1 applicationProperties: deploymentProperties:
Upgrade an existing release using the configured package and config values from the UpgradeRequest.
POST /api/upgrade HTTP/1.1 Content-Type: application/json;charset=UTF-8 Accept: application/json Host: localhost:7577 Content-Length: 157 { "packageIdentifier" : { "packageName" : "log", "packageVersion" : "1.1.0" }, "upgradeProperties" : { "releaseName" : "myLogRelease" } }
$ curl 'http://localhost:7577/api/upgrade' -i -X POST \ -H 'Content-Type: application/json;charset=UTF-8' \ -H 'Accept: application/json' \ -d '{ "packageIdentifier" : { "packageName" : "log", "packageVersion" : "1.1.0" }, "upgradeProperties" : { "releaseName" : "myLogRelease" } }'
HTTP/1.1 201 Created Content-Type: application/json;charset=UTF-8 Content-Length: 2154 { "name" : "myLogRelease", "version" : 2, "info" : { "status" : { "statusCode" : "UNKNOWN", "platformStatus" : null }, "firstDeployed" : 1511285859776, "lastDeployed" : 1511285859776, "deleted" : null, "description" : "Upgrade install underway" }, "pkg" : { "metadata" : { "apiVersion" : "", "origin" : "samples-package-repository", "repositoryId" : 1, "kind" : "SkipperPackageMetadata", "name" : "log", "version" : "1.1.0", "packageSourceUrl" : "", "packageHomeUrl" : "", "tags" : "logging, sink", "maintainer" : "", "description" : "The log sink uses the application logger to output the data for inspection.", "sha256" : null, "iconUrl" : null }, "templates" : [ { "name" : "log.yml", "data" : "apiVersion:\nkind: SpringCloudDeployerApplication\nmetadata:\n name: log\n type: sink\nspec:\n resource: maven://\n version: {{version}}\n applicationProperties:\n {{#spec.applicationProperties.entrySet}}\n {{key}}: {{value}}\n {{/spec.applicationProperties.entrySet}}\n deploymentProperties:\n {{#spec.deploymentProperties.entrySet}}\n {{key}}: {{value}}\n {{/spec.deploymentProperties.entrySet}}\n" } ], "dependencies" : [ ], "configValues" : { "raw" : "# Default values for {{name}}\n# This is a YAML-formatted file.\n# Declare variables to be passed into your templates\nversion: 1.3.0.M1\n" }, "fileHolders" : [ ] }, "configValues" : { "raw" : null }, "manifest" : "\n---\n# Source: log.yml\napiVersion:\nkind: SpringCloudDeployerApplication\nmetadata:\n name: log\n type: sink\nspec:\n resource: maven://\n version: 1.3.0.M1\n applicationProperties:\n deploymentProperties:\n", "platformName" : "default" }
Path | Type | Description |
| Name of the release |
| Version of the release |
| StatusCode of the release’s status (UNKNOWN,DEPLOYED,DELETED,FAILED) |
| Status from the underlying platform |
| Date/Time of first deployment |
| Date/Time of last deployment |
| Date/Time of when the release was deleted |
| Human-friendly 'log entry' about this release |
| The Package Index spec version this file is based on |
| Indicates the origin of the repository (free form text) |
| The repository ID this Package Index file belongs to |
| What type of package system is being used |
| The name of the package |
| The version of the package |
| Location to source code for this package |
| The home page of the package |
| A comma separated list of tags to use for searching |
| Who is maintaining this package |
| Brief description of the package |
| Hash of package binary that will be downloaded using SHA256 hash algorithm |
| Url location of a icon |
| Name is the path-like name of the template |
| Data is the template as string data |
| The packages that this package depends upon |
| The raw YAML string of configuration values |
| Miscellaneous files in a package, e.g. README, LICENSE, etc. |
| The raw YAML string of configuration values |
| The manifest of the release |
| Platform name of the release |
Rollback the release to a previous or a specific release.
HTTP/1.1 201 Created Content-Type: application/json;charset=UTF-8 Content-Length: 2152 { "name" : "myLogRelease", "version" : 3, "info" : { "status" : { "statusCode" : "UNKNOWN", "platformStatus" : null }, "firstDeployed" : 1511285720700, "lastDeployed" : 1511285720700, "deleted" : null, "description" : "Initial install underway" }, "pkg" : { "metadata" : { "apiVersion" : "", "origin" : "samples-package-repository", "repositoryId" : 1, "kind" : "SkipperPackageMetadata", "name" : "log", "version" : "1.0.0", "packageSourceUrl" : "", "packageHomeUrl" : "", "tags" : "logging, sink", "maintainer" : "", "description" : "The log sink uses the application logger to output the data for inspection.", "sha256" : null, "iconUrl" : null }, "templates" : [ { "name" : "log.yml", "data" : "apiVersion:\nkind: SpringCloudDeployerApplication\nmetadata:\n name: log\n type: sink\nspec:\n resource: maven://\n version: {{version}}\n applicationProperties:\n {{#spec.applicationProperties.entrySet}}\n {{key}}: {{value}}\n {{/spec.applicationProperties.entrySet}}\n deploymentProperties:\n {{#spec.deploymentProperties.entrySet}}\n {{key}}: {{value}}\n {{/spec.deploymentProperties.entrySet}}\n" } ], "dependencies" : [ ], "configValues" : { "raw" : "# Default values for {{name}}\n# This is a YAML-formatted file.\n# Declare variables to be passed into your templates\nversion: 1.2.0.RC1\n" }, "fileHolders" : [ ] }, "configValues" : { "raw" : null }, "manifest" : "\n---\n# Source: log.yml\napiVersion:\nkind: SpringCloudDeployerApplication\nmetadata:\n name: log\n type: sink\nspec:\n resource: maven://\n version: 1.2.0.RC1\n applicationProperties:\n deploymentProperties:\n", "platformName" : "default" }
Path | Type | Description |
| Name of the release |
| Version of the release |
| StatusCode of the release’s status (UNKNOWN,DEPLOYED,DELETED,FAILED) |
| Status from the underlying platform |
| Date/Time of first deployment |
| Date/Time of last deployment |
| Date/Time of when the release was deleted |
| Human-friendly 'log entry' about this release |
| The Package Index spec version this file is based on |
| Indicates the origin of the repository (free form text) |
| The repository ID this Package Index file belongs to |
| What type of package system is being used |
| The name of the package |
| The version of the package |
| Location to source code for this package |
| The home page of the package |
| A comma separated list of tags to use for searching |
| Who is maintaining this package |
| Brief description of the package |
| Hash of package binary that will be downloaded using SHA256 hash algorithm |
| Url location of a icon |
| Name is the path-like name of the template |
| Data is the template as string data |
| The packages that this package depends upon |
| The raw YAML string of configuration values |
| Miscellaneous files in a package, e.g. README, LICENSE, etc. |
| The raw YAML string of configuration values |
| The manifest of the release |
| Platform name of the release |
Delete an existing release by uninstalling the installed packages corresponding to the release.
HTTP/1.1 201 Created Content-Type: application/json;charset=UTF-8 Content-Length: 2143 { "name" : "myLogRelease", "version" : 1, "info" : { "status" : { "statusCode" : "DELETED", "platformStatus" : null }, "firstDeployed" : 1511285748657, "lastDeployed" : 1511285748657, "deleted" : null, "description" : "Delete complete" }, "pkg" : { "metadata" : { "apiVersion" : "", "origin" : "samples-package-repository", "repositoryId" : 1, "kind" : "SkipperPackageMetadata", "name" : "log", "version" : "1.0.0", "packageSourceUrl" : "", "packageHomeUrl" : "", "tags" : "logging, sink", "maintainer" : "", "description" : "The log sink uses the application logger to output the data for inspection.", "sha256" : null, "iconUrl" : null }, "templates" : [ { "name" : "log.yml", "data" : "apiVersion:\nkind: SpringCloudDeployerApplication\nmetadata:\n name: log\n type: sink\nspec:\n resource: maven://\n version: {{version}}\n applicationProperties:\n {{#spec.applicationProperties.entrySet}}\n {{key}}: {{value}}\n {{/spec.applicationProperties.entrySet}}\n deploymentProperties:\n {{#spec.deploymentProperties.entrySet}}\n {{key}}: {{value}}\n {{/spec.deploymentProperties.entrySet}}\n" } ], "dependencies" : [ ], "configValues" : { "raw" : "# Default values for {{name}}\n# This is a YAML-formatted file.\n# Declare variables to be passed into your templates\nversion: 1.2.0.RC1\n" }, "fileHolders" : [ ] }, "configValues" : { "raw" : null }, "manifest" : "\n---\n# Source: log.yml\napiVersion:\nkind: SpringCloudDeployerApplication\nmetadata:\n name: log\n type: sink\nspec:\n resource: maven://\n version: 1.2.0.RC1\n applicationProperties:\n deploymentProperties:\n", "platformName" : "default" }
Path | Type | Description |
| Name of the release |
| Version of the release |
| StatusCode of the release’s status (UNKNOWN,DEPLOYED,DELETED,FAILED) |
| Status from the underlying platform |
| Date/Time of first deployment |
| Date/Time of last deployment |
| Date/Time of when the release was deleted |
| Human-friendly 'log entry' about this release |
| The Package Index spec version this file is based on |
| Indicates the origin of the repository (free form text) |
| The repository ID this Package Index file belongs to |
| What type of package system is being used |
| The name of the package |
| The version of the package |
| Location to source code for this package |
| The home page of the package |
| A comma separated list of tags to use for searching |
| Who is maintaining this package |
| Brief description of the package |
| Hash of package binary that will be downloaded using SHA256 hash algorithm |
| Url location of a icon |
| Name is the path-like name of the template |
| Data is the template as string data |
| The packages that this package depends upon |
| The raw YAML string of configuration values |
| Miscellaneous files in a package, e.g. README, LICENSE, etc. |
| The raw YAML string of configuration values |
| The manifest of the release |
| Platform name of the release |
List the history of versions for a given release.
HTTP/1.1 200 OK Content-Type: application/json;charset=UTF-8 Content-Length: 2928 [ { "name" : "myLogRelease", "version" : 1, "info" : { "status" : { "statusCode" : "DEPLOYED", "platformStatus" : "[{\"deploymentId\":\"myLogRelease.log-v1\",\"instances\":{\"myLogRelease.log-v1-0\":{\"instanceNumber\":0,\"baseUrl\":\"\",\"process\":{\"errorStream\":{},\"outputStream\":{},\"alive\":true,\"inputStream\":{}},\"attributes\":{\"guid\":\"22907\",\"pid\":\"24407\",\"port\":\"22907\",\"stderr\":\"/tmp/spring-cloud-dataflow-515494028651329151/myLogRelease-1511285999733/myLogRelease.log-v1/stderr_0.log\",\"stdout\":\"/tmp/spring-cloud-dataflow-515494028651329151/myLogRelease-1511285999733/myLogRelease.log-v1/stdout_0.log\",\"url\":\"\",\"working.dir\":\"/tmp/spring-cloud-dataflow-515494028651329151/myLogRelease-1511285999733/myLogRelease.log-v1\"},\"id\":\"myLogRelease.log-v1-0\",\"state\":\"deployed\"}},\"state\":\"deployed\"}]" }, "firstDeployed" : 1511285999723, "lastDeployed" : 1511285999723, "deleted" : null, "description" : "Install complete" }, "pkg" : { "metadata" : { "apiVersion" : "", "origin" : "samples-package-repository", "repositoryId" : 1, "kind" : "SkipperPackageMetadata", "name" : "log", "version" : "1.0.0", "packageSourceUrl" : "", "packageHomeUrl" : "", "tags" : "logging, sink", "maintainer" : "", "description" : "The log sink uses the application logger to output the data for inspection.", "sha256" : null, "iconUrl" : null }, "templates" : [ { "name" : "log.yml", "data" : "apiVersion:\nkind: SpringCloudDeployerApplication\nmetadata:\n name: log\n type: sink\nspec:\n resource: maven://\n version: {{version}}\n applicationProperties:\n {{#spec.applicationProperties.entrySet}}\n {{key}}: {{value}}\n {{/spec.applicationProperties.entrySet}}\n deploymentProperties:\n {{#spec.deploymentProperties.entrySet}}\n {{key}}: {{value}}\n {{/spec.deploymentProperties.entrySet}}\n" } ], "dependencies" : [ ], "configValues" : { "raw" : "# Default values for {{name}}\n# This is a YAML-formatted file.\n# Declare variables to be passed into your templates\nversion: 1.2.0.RC1\n" }, "fileHolders" : [ ] }, "configValues" : { "raw" : null }, "manifest" : "\n---\n# Source: log.yml\napiVersion:\nkind: SpringCloudDeployerApplication\nmetadata:\n name: log\n type: sink\nspec:\n resource: maven://\n version: 1.2.0.RC1\n applicationProperties:\n deploymentProperties:\n", "platformName" : "default" } ]
Path | Type | Description |
| Name of the release |
| Version of the release |
| StatusCode of the release’s status (UNKNOWN,DEPLOYED,DELETED,FAILED) |
| Status from the underlying platform |
| Date/Time of first deployment |
| Date/Time of last deployment |
| Date/Time of when the release was deleted |
| Human-friendly 'log entry' about this release |
| The Package Index spec version this file is based on |
| Indicates the origin of the repository (free form text) |
| The repository ID this Package Index file belongs to |
| What type of package system is being used |
| The name of the package |
| The version of the package |
| Location to source code for this package |
| The home page of the package |
| A comma separated list of tags to use for searching |
| Who is maintaining this package |
| Brief description of the package |
| Hash of package binary that will be downloaded using SHA256 hash algorithm |
| Url location of a icon |
| Name is the path-like name of the template |
| Data is the template as string data |
| The packages that this package depends upon |
| The raw YAML string of configuration values |
| Miscellaneous files in a package, e.g. README, LICENSE, etc. |
| The raw YAML string of configuration values |
| The manifest of the release |
| Platform name of the release |
List the latest version of releases with status of deployed or failed.
HTTP/1.1 200 OK Content-Type: application/json;charset=UTF-8 Content-Length: 2931 [ { "name" : "myLogRelease", "version" : 1, "info" : { "status" : { "statusCode" : "DEPLOYED", "platformStatus" : "[{\"deploymentId\":\"myLogRelease.log-v1\",\"instances\":{\"myLogRelease.log-v1-0\":{\"instanceNumber\":0,\"baseUrl\":\"\",\"process\":{\"errorStream\":{},\"outputStream\":{},\"alive\":true,\"inputStream\":{}},\"attributes\":{\"guid\":\"63358\",\"pid\":\"24110\",\"port\":\"63358\",\"stderr\":\"/tmp/spring-cloud-dataflow-1944039479738131527/myLogRelease-1511285931330/myLogRelease.log-v1/stderr_0.log\",\"stdout\":\"/tmp/spring-cloud-dataflow-1944039479738131527/myLogRelease-1511285931330/myLogRelease.log-v1/stdout_0.log\",\"url\":\"\",\"working.dir\":\"/tmp/spring-cloud-dataflow-1944039479738131527/myLogRelease-1511285931330/myLogRelease.log-v1\"},\"id\":\"myLogRelease.log-v1-0\",\"state\":\"deployed\"}},\"state\":\"deployed\"}]" }, "firstDeployed" : 1511285931318, "lastDeployed" : 1511285931318, "deleted" : null, "description" : "Install complete" }, "pkg" : { "metadata" : { "apiVersion" : "", "origin" : "samples-package-repository", "repositoryId" : 1, "kind" : "SkipperPackageMetadata", "name" : "log", "version" : "1.0.0", "packageSourceUrl" : "", "packageHomeUrl" : "", "tags" : "logging, sink", "maintainer" : "", "description" : "The log sink uses the application logger to output the data for inspection.", "sha256" : null, "iconUrl" : null }, "templates" : [ { "name" : "log.yml", "data" : "apiVersion:\nkind: SpringCloudDeployerApplication\nmetadata:\n name: log\n type: sink\nspec:\n resource: maven://\n version: {{version}}\n applicationProperties:\n {{#spec.applicationProperties.entrySet}}\n {{key}}: {{value}}\n {{/spec.applicationProperties.entrySet}}\n deploymentProperties:\n {{#spec.deploymentProperties.entrySet}}\n {{key}}: {{value}}\n {{/spec.deploymentProperties.entrySet}}\n" } ], "dependencies" : [ ], "configValues" : { "raw" : "# Default values for {{name}}\n# This is a YAML-formatted file.\n# Declare variables to be passed into your templates\nversion: 1.2.0.RC1\n" }, "fileHolders" : [ ] }, "configValues" : { "raw" : null }, "manifest" : "\n---\n# Source: log.yml\napiVersion:\nkind: SpringCloudDeployerApplication\nmetadata:\n name: log\n type: sink\nspec:\n resource: maven://\n version: 1.2.0.RC1\n applicationProperties:\n deploymentProperties:\n", "platformName" : "default" } ]
Path | Type | Description |
| Name of the release |
| Version of the release |
| StatusCode of the release’s status (UNKNOWN,DEPLOYED,DELETED,FAILED) |
| Status from the underlying platform |
| Date/Time of first deployment |
| Date/Time of last deployment |
| Date/Time of when the release was deleted |
| Human-friendly 'log entry' about this release |
| The Package Index spec version this file is based on |
| Indicates the origin of the repository (free form text) |
| The repository ID this Package Index file belongs to |
| What type of package system is being used |
| The name of the package |
| The version of the package |
| Location to source code for this package |
| The home page of the package |
| A comma separated list of tags to use for searching |
| Who is maintaining this package |
| Brief description of the package |
| Hash of package binary that will be downloaded using SHA256 hash algorithm |
| Url location of a icon |
| Name is the path-like name of the template |
| Data is the template as string data |
| The packages that this package depends upon |
| The raw YAML string of configuration values |
| Miscellaneous files in a package, e.g. README, LICENSE, etc. |
| The raw YAML string of configuration values |
| The manifest of the release |
| Platform name of the release |
List the latest version of releases with status of deployed or failed by the given release name.
HTTP/1.1 200 OK Content-Type: application/json;charset=UTF-8 Content-Length: 2941 [ { "name" : "myLogRelease2", "version" : 1, "info" : { "status" : { "statusCode" : "DEPLOYED", "platformStatus" : "[{\"deploymentId\":\"myLogRelease2.log-v1\",\"instances\":{\"myLogRelease2.log-v1-0\":{\"instanceNumber\":0,\"baseUrl\":\"\",\"process\":{\"errorStream\":{},\"outputStream\":{},\"alive\":true,\"inputStream\":{}},\"attributes\":{\"guid\":\"35587\",\"pid\":\"24045\",\"port\":\"35587\",\"stderr\":\"/tmp/spring-cloud-dataflow-1944039479738131527/myLogRelease2-1511285915846/myLogRelease2.log-v1/stderr_0.log\",\"stdout\":\"/tmp/spring-cloud-dataflow-1944039479738131527/myLogRelease2-1511285915846/myLogRelease2.log-v1/stdout_0.log\",\"url\":\"\",\"working.dir\":\"/tmp/spring-cloud-dataflow-1944039479738131527/myLogRelease2-1511285915846/myLogRelease2.log-v1\"},\"id\":\"myLogRelease2.log-v1-0\",\"state\":\"deployed\"}},\"state\":\"deployed\"}]" }, "firstDeployed" : 1511285915835, "lastDeployed" : 1511285915835, "deleted" : null, "description" : "Install complete" }, "pkg" : { "metadata" : { "apiVersion" : "", "origin" : "samples-package-repository", "repositoryId" : 1, "kind" : "SkipperPackageMetadata", "name" : "log", "version" : "1.0.0", "packageSourceUrl" : "", "packageHomeUrl" : "", "tags" : "logging, sink", "maintainer" : "", "description" : "The log sink uses the application logger to output the data for inspection.", "sha256" : null, "iconUrl" : null }, "templates" : [ { "name" : "log.yml", "data" : "apiVersion:\nkind: SpringCloudDeployerApplication\nmetadata:\n name: log\n type: sink\nspec:\n resource: maven://\n version: {{version}}\n applicationProperties:\n {{#spec.applicationProperties.entrySet}}\n {{key}}: {{value}}\n {{/spec.applicationProperties.entrySet}}\n deploymentProperties:\n {{#spec.deploymentProperties.entrySet}}\n {{key}}: {{value}}\n {{/spec.deploymentProperties.entrySet}}\n" } ], "dependencies" : [ ], "configValues" : { "raw" : "# Default values for {{name}}\n# This is a YAML-formatted file.\n# Declare variables to be passed into your templates\nversion: 1.2.0.RC1\n" }, "fileHolders" : [ ] }, "configValues" : { "raw" : null }, "manifest" : "\n---\n# Source: log.yml\napiVersion:\nkind: SpringCloudDeployerApplication\nmetadata:\n name: log\n type: sink\nspec:\n resource: maven://\n version: 1.2.0.RC1\n applicationProperties:\n deploymentProperties:\n", "platformName" : "default" } ]
Path | Type | Description |
| Name of the release |
| Version of the release |
| StatusCode of the release’s status (UNKNOWN,DEPLOYED,DELETED,FAILED) |
| Status from the underlying platform |
| Date/Time of first deployment |
| Date/Time of last deployment |
| Date/Time of when the release was deleted |
| Human-friendly 'log entry' about this release |
| The Package Index spec version this file is based on |
| Indicates the origin of the repository (free form text) |
| The repository ID this Package Index file belongs to |
| What type of package system is being used |
| The name of the package |
| The version of the package |
| Location to source code for this package |
| The home page of the package |
| A comma separated list of tags to use for searching |
| Who is maintaining this package |
| Brief description of the package |
| Hash of package binary that will be downloaded using SHA256 hash algorithm |
| Url location of a icon |
| Name is the path-like name of the template |
| Data is the template as string data |
| The packages that this package depends upon |
| The raw YAML string of configuration values |
| Miscellaneous files in a package, e.g. README, LICENSE, etc. |
| The raw YAML string of configuration values |
| The manifest of the release |
| Platform name of the release |
request will return a paginated list for all Spring Cloud Skipper repositories.
HTTP/1.1 200 OK Content-Type: application/hal+json;charset=UTF-8 Content-Length: 1321 { "_embedded" : { "repositories" : [ { "name" : "test", "url" : "classpath:/repositories/binaries/test", "sourceUrl" : null, "local" : false, "description" : "test repository with a few packages", "repoOrder" : null, "_links" : { "self" : { "href" : "http://localhost:7577/api/repositories/1" }, "repository" : { "href" : "http://localhost:7577/api/repositories/1" } } }, { "name" : "local", "url" : "http://localhost:7577", "sourceUrl" : null, "local" : true, "description" : "Default local database backed repository", "repoOrder" : null, "_links" : { "self" : { "href" : "http://localhost:7577/api/repositories/2" }, "repository" : { "href" : "http://localhost:7577/api/repositories/2" } } } ] }, "_links" : { "self" : { "href" : "http://localhost:7577/api/repositories{&sort}", "templated" : true }, "profile" : { "href" : "http://localhost:7577/api/profile/repositories" }, "search" : { "href" : "http://localhost:7577/api/repositories/search" } }, "page" : { "size" : 10, "totalElements" : 2, "totalPages" : 1, "number" : 0 } }
Path | Type | Description |
| Pagination properties |
| The size of the page being returned |
| Total elements available for pagination |
| Total amount of pages |
| Page number of the page returned (zero-based) |
| Contains a collection of Repositories |
| Name of the Repository |
| Url of the Repository |
| Source Url of the repository |
| Description of the Repository |
| Is the repo local? |
| Order of the Repository |
request will return a single Spring Cloud Skipper repositories.
HTTP/1.1 200 OK ETag: "0" Content-Type: application/hal+json;charset=UTF-8 Content-Length: 377 { "name" : "test", "url" : "classpath:/repositories/binaries/test", "sourceUrl" : null, "local" : false, "description" : "test repository with a few packages", "repoOrder" : null, "_links" : { "self" : { "href" : "http://localhost:7577/api/repositories/1" }, "repository" : { "href" : "http://localhost:7577/api/repositories/1" } } }
request will return a paginated list for all Spring Cloud Skipper app deployer data.
HTTP/1.1 200 OK Content-Type: application/hal+json;charset=UTF-8 Content-Length: 471 { "_embedded" : { "appDeployerDatas" : [ ] }, "_links" : { "self" : { "href" : "http://localhost:7577/api/appDeployerDatas{&sort}", "templated" : true }, "profile" : { "href" : "http://localhost:7577/api/profile/appDeployerDatas" }, "search" : { "href" : "http://localhost:7577/api/appDeployerDatas/search" } }, "page" : { "size" : 10, "totalElements" : 0, "totalPages" : 0, "number" : 0 } }
Path | Type | Description |
| Pagination properties |
| The size of the page being returned |
| Total elements available for pagination |
| Total amount of pages |
| Page number of the page returned (zero-based) |
| Array of App Deployer Data objects. |
request will return a paginated list for all the Spring Cloud Skipper application deployers.
HTTP/1.1 200 OK Content-Type: application/hal+json;charset=UTF-8 Content-Length: 983 { "_embedded" : { "deployers" : [ { "name" : "default", "type" : "local", "description" : "ShutdownTimeout = [30], EnvVarsToInherit = [TMP,LANG,LANGUAGE,LC_.*,PATH], JavaCmd = [/opt/jdk1.8.0_144/jre/bin/java], WorkingDirectoriesRoot = [/tmp], DeleteFilesOnExit = [true]", "_links" : { "self" : { "href" : "http://localhost:7577/api/deployers/7009c1c4-a104-4247-82f2-01ad9ba23901" }, "deployer" : { "href" : "http://localhost:7577/api/deployers/7009c1c4-a104-4247-82f2-01ad9ba23901" } } } ] }, "_links" : { "self" : { "href" : "http://localhost:7577/api/deployers{&sort}", "templated" : true }, "profile" : { "href" : "http://localhost:7577/api/profile/deployers" }, "search" : { "href" : "http://localhost:7577/api/deployers/search" } }, "page" : { "size" : 10, "totalElements" : 1, "totalPages" : 1, "number" : 0 } }
Path | Type | Description |
| Pagination properties |
| The size of the page being returned |
| Total elements available for pagination |
| Total amount of pages |
| Page number of the page returned (zero-based) |
| Array containing Deployer objects |
| Name of the deployer |
| Type of the deployer (e.g. 'local') |
| Description providing some deployer properties |
request will return a paginated list for all Spring Cloud Skipper releases.
HTTP/1.1 200 OK Content-Type: application/hal+json;charset=UTF-8 Content-Length: 439 { "_embedded" : { "releases" : [ ] }, "_links" : { "self" : { "href" : "http://localhost:7577/api/releases{&sort}", "templated" : true }, "profile" : { "href" : "http://localhost:7577/api/profile/releases" }, "search" : { "href" : "http://localhost:7577/api/releases/search" } }, "page" : { "size" : 10, "totalElements" : 0, "totalPages" : 0, "number" : 0 } }
Path | Type | Description |
| Pagination properties |
| The size of the page being returned |
| Total elements available for pagination |
| Total amount of pages |
| Page number of the page returned (zero-based) |
| Provides a list of releases |
request will return a paginated list for all Spring Cloud Skipper package metadata.
HTTP/1.1 200 OK Content-Type: application/hal+json;charset=UTF-8 Content-Length: 8320 { "_embedded" : { "packageMetadata" : [ { "apiVersion" : "", "origin" : "samples-package-repository", "repositoryId" : 1, "kind" : "SkipperPackageMetadata", "name" : "log", "version" : "1.0.0", "packageSourceUrl" : "", "packageHomeUrl" : "", "tags" : "logging, sink", "maintainer" : "", "description" : "The log sink uses the application logger to output the data for inspection.", "sha256" : null, "iconUrl" : null, "_links" : { "self" : { "href" : "http://localhost:7577/api/packageMetadata/1" }, "packageMetadata" : { "href" : "http://localhost:7577/api/packageMetadata/1{?projection}", "templated" : true }, "install" : { "href" : "http://localhost:7577/api/install/1" } } }, { "apiVersion" : "", "origin" : "samples-package-repository", "repositoryId" : 1, "kind" : "SkipperPackageMetadata", "name" : "log", "version" : "1.1.0", "packageSourceUrl" : "", "packageHomeUrl" : "", "tags" : "logging, sink", "maintainer" : "", "description" : "The log sink uses the application logger to output the data for inspection.", "sha256" : null, "iconUrl" : null, "_links" : { "self" : { "href" : "http://localhost:7577/api/packageMetadata/2" }, "packageMetadata" : { "href" : "http://localhost:7577/api/packageMetadata/2{?projection}", "templated" : true }, "install" : { "href" : "http://localhost:7577/api/install/2" } } }, { "apiVersion" : "", "origin" : "samples-package-repository", "repositoryId" : 1, "kind" : "SkipperPackageMetadata", "name" : "log", "version" : "2.0.0", "packageSourceUrl" : "", "packageHomeUrl" : "", "tags" : "logging, sink", "maintainer" : "", "description" : "The log sink uses the application logger to output the data for inspection.", "sha256" : null, "iconUrl" : null, "_links" : { "self" : { "href" : "http://localhost:7577/api/packageMetadata/3" }, "packageMetadata" : { "href" : "http://localhost:7577/api/packageMetadata/3{?projection}", "templated" : true }, "install" : { "href" : "http://localhost:7577/api/install/3" } } }, { "apiVersion" : "", "origin" : "samples-package-repository", "repositoryId" : 1, "kind" : "SkipperPackageMetadata", "name" : "time", "version" : "2.0.0", "packageSourceUrl" : "", "packageHomeUrl" : "", "tags" : "time, source", "maintainer" : "", "description" : "The time source periodically emits a timestamp string.", "sha256" : null, "iconUrl" : null, "_links" : { "self" : { "href" : "http://localhost:7577/api/packageMetadata/4" }, "packageMetadata" : { "href" : "http://localhost:7577/api/packageMetadata/4{?projection}", "templated" : true }, "install" : { "href" : "http://localhost:7577/api/install/4" } } }, { "apiVersion" : "", "origin" : "samples-package-repository", "repositoryId" : 1, "kind" : "SkipperPackageMetadata", "name" : "ticktock", "version" : "1.0.0", "packageSourceUrl" : "", "packageHomeUrl" : "", "tags" : "stream, time, log", "maintainer" : "", "description" : "The ticktock stream sends a time stamp and logs the value.", "sha256" : null, "iconUrl" : null, "_links" : { "self" : { "href" : "http://localhost:7577/api/packageMetadata/5" }, "packageMetadata" : { "href" : "http://localhost:7577/api/packageMetadata/5{?projection}", "templated" : true }, "install" : { "href" : "http://localhost:7577/api/install/5" } } }, { "apiVersion" : "", "origin" : "samples-package-repository", "repositoryId" : 1, "kind" : "SkipperPackageMetadata", "name" : "log-docker", "version" : "1.0.0", "packageSourceUrl" : "", "packageHomeUrl" : "", "tags" : "logging, sink", "maintainer" : "", "description" : "Docker version of the log sink application", "sha256" : null, "iconUrl" : null, "_links" : { "self" : { "href" : "http://localhost:7577/api/packageMetadata/6" }, "packageMetadata" : { "href" : "http://localhost:7577/api/packageMetadata/6{?projection}", "templated" : true }, "install" : { "href" : "http://localhost:7577/api/install/6" } } }, { "apiVersion" : "", "origin" : "samples-package-repository", "repositoryId" : 1, "kind" : "SkipperPackageMetadata", "name" : "log-docker", "version" : "2.0.0", "packageSourceUrl" : "", "packageHomeUrl" : "", "tags" : "logging, sink", "maintainer" : "", "description" : "Docker version of the log sink application", "sha256" : null, "iconUrl" : null, "_links" : { "self" : { "href" : "http://localhost:7577/api/packageMetadata/7" }, "packageMetadata" : { "href" : "http://localhost:7577/api/packageMetadata/7{?projection}", "templated" : true }, "install" : { "href" : "http://localhost:7577/api/install/7" } } }, { "apiVersion" : "", "origin" : "samples-package-repository", "repositoryId" : 1, "kind" : "SkipperPackageMetadata", "name" : "helloworld-docker", "version" : "1.0.0", "packageSourceUrl" : "", "packageHomeUrl" : "", "tags" : "helloworld", "maintainer" : "", "description" : "The hello world app says hello.", "sha256" : null, "iconUrl" : null, "_links" : { "self" : { "href" : "http://localhost:7577/api/packageMetadata/8" }, "packageMetadata" : { "href" : "http://localhost:7577/api/packageMetadata/8{?projection}", "templated" : true }, "install" : { "href" : "http://localhost:7577/api/install/8" } } } ] }, "_links" : { "self" : { "href" : "http://localhost:7577/api/packageMetadata{&sort,projection}", "templated" : true }, "profile" : { "href" : "http://localhost:7577/api/profile/packageMetadata" }, "search" : { "href" : "http://localhost:7577/api/packageMetadata/search" } }, "page" : { "size" : 10, "totalElements" : 8, "totalPages" : 1, "number" : 0 } }
Path | Type | Description |
| Pagination properties |
| The size of the page being returned |
| Total elements available for pagination |
| Total amount of pages |
| Page number of the page returned (zero-based) |
| Contains a collection of Package Metadata items |
| The Package Index spec version this file is based on |
| Indicates the origin of the repository (free form text) |
| The repository ID this Package Index file belongs to |
| What type of package system is being used |
| The name of the package |
| The version of the package |
| Location to source code for this package |
| The home page of the package |
| A comma separated list of tags to use for searching |
| Who is maintaining this package |
| Brief description of the package |
| Hash of package binary that will be downloaded using SHA256 hash algorithm |
| Url location of a icon |
request will return details of a package using the id of the package.
HTTP/1.1 200 OK ETag: "1" Content-Type: application/hal+json;charset=UTF-8 Content-Length: 892 { "apiVersion" : "", "origin" : "samples-package-repository", "repositoryId" : 1, "kind" : "SkipperPackageMetadata", "name" : "log", "version" : "1.0.0", "packageSourceUrl" : "", "packageHomeUrl" : "", "tags" : "logging, sink", "maintainer" : "", "description" : "The log sink uses the application logger to output the data for inspection.", "sha256" : null, "iconUrl" : null, "_links" : { "self" : { "href" : "http://localhost:7577/api/packageMetadata/1" }, "packageMetadata" : { "href" : "http://localhost:7577/api/packageMetadata/1{?projection}", "templated" : true }, "install" : { "href" : "http://localhost:7577/api/install/1" } } }
Path | Type | Description |
| The Package Index spec version this file is based on |
| Indicates the origin of the repository (free form text) |
| The repository ID this Package Index file belongs to |
| What type of package system is being used |
| The name of the package |
| The version of the package |
| Location to source code for this package |
| The home page of the package |
| A comma separated list of tags to use for searching |
| Who is maintaining this package |
| Brief description of the package |
| Hash of package binary that will be downloaded using SHA256 hash algorithm |
| Url location of a icon |