8. Local machine

Start up the server and shell as in the three second tour.

Let’s install and then update the hello world application.

skipper:>install --release-name helloworldlocal --package-name helloworld --package-version 1.0.0 --properties spec.applicationProperties.server.port=8099
Released helloworldlocal. Now at version v1.

You can now curl the greeting endpoint.

$ curl http://localhost:8099/greeting
Hello World!
$ curl http://localhost:8099/about
Hello World v1.0.0.RELEASE

We will use a YAML file to update the release. This application contains a Spring Boot @ConfigurationProperty named helloworld.greeting, so we will set that along with a standard Spring Boot property endpoints.sensitive=false. We will also bump the memory up to 2G, make the Boot actuator endpoint not sensitive and set the port to 8100.

The helloworld-upgrade-local.yml file contains

    server.port: 8100
    endpoints.sensitive: false
    helloworld.greeting: yo
    spring.cloud.deployer.memory: 2048m

The upgrade command

skipper:>upgrade --release-name helloworldlocal --package-name helloworld --package-version 1.0.1 --file /home/mpollack/helloworld-upgrade-local.yml
helloworldlocal has been upgraded.  Now at version v2.

The current upgrade strategy is very simple, if the new app is healthy, the old app is removed. There is not a rolling upgrade option, all new apps are deployed, checked for health, and then previous versions removed. More flexible upgrade strategies are planned along with the introduction of the Spring Cloud State Machine project to orchestrate the update process.

You can now curl the greeting endpoint and the about endpoint or view them in your browser.

$ curl http://localhost:8100/greeting
$ curl http://localhost:8100/about
Hello World v1.0.1.RELEASE

The list command shows you the current DEPLOYED and DELETED releases for every release name. In this case there is just one entry

║     Name      │Version│Last updated │ Status │ Package  │ Package │Platform │                  Platform Status                   ║
║               │       │             │        │   Name   │ Version │  Name   │                                                    ║
║helloworldlocal│2      │Fri Oct 27   │DEPLOYED│helloworld│1.0.1    │default  │[helloworldlocal.helloworld-v2], State =            ║
║               │       │16:39:03 IST │        │          │         │         │[helloworldlocal.helloworld-v2-0=deployed]          ║
║               │       │2017         │        │          │         │         │                                                    ║

You can get the full history of the release using the history command.

skipper:>history --release-name helloworldlocal
║Version│        Last updated        │ Status │Package Name│Package Version│  Description   ║
║2      │Fri Oct 27 16:39:03 IST 2017│DEPLOYED│helloworld  │1.0.1          │Upgrade complete║
║1      │Fri Oct 27 16:37:59 IST 2017│DELETED │helloworld  │1.0.0          │Delete complete ║

To see what changed, you can look at the Skipper manifest for each release using the manifest get command. A manifest diff command is coming in the next release.

skipper:>manifest get --release-name helloworldlocal --release-version 2

# Source: helloworld.yml
apiVersion: skipper.spring.io/v1
kind: SpringCloudDeployerApplication
  name: helloworld
  type: demo
  resource: maven://org.springframework.cloud.samples:spring-cloud-skipper-samples-helloworld:1.0.1.RELEASE
    server.port: 8100
    endpoints.sensitive: false
    helloworld.greeting: yo
    spring.cloud.deployer.memory: 2048m
    spring.cloud.deployer.count: 1


skipper:>manifest get --release-name helloworldlocal --release-version 1

# Source: helloworld.yml
apiVersion: skipper.spring.io/v1
kind: SpringCloudDeployerApplication
  name: helloworld
  type: demo
  resource: maven://org.springframework.cloud.samples:spring-cloud-skipper-samples-helloworld:1.0.0.RELEASE
    server.port: 8099

Next we will use the rollback command to deploy an older version of the application. Since we have the manifest for that version, we have all we need to redeploy an earlier release.

skipper:>rollback --release-name helloworldlocal --release-version 1
helloworldlocal has been rolled back.  Now at version v3.

The history now shows a new v3 version, even though it is identical in terms of app behavior to the v2 version.

skipper:>history --release-name helloworldlocal
║Version│        Last updated        │ Status │Package Name│Package Version│  Description   ║
║3      │Fri Oct 27 16:42:47 IST 2017│DEPLOYED│helloworld  │1.0.0          │Upgrade complete║
║2      │Fri Oct 27 16:39:03 IST 2017│DELETED │helloworld  │1.0.1          │Delete complete ║
║1      │Fri Oct 27 16:37:59 IST 2017│DELETED │helloworld  │1.0.0          │Delete complete ║

You can now curl the greeting endpoint.

$ curl http://localhost:8099/greeting
Hello World!
$ curl http://localhost:8099/about
Hello World v1.0.0.RELEASE