9. Cloud Foundry

Skipper uses a Relational Database to store state. In this tour we will just be using the embedded database. You can modify the example manifest file below to bind to a relational database service instead of using the embedded database. You can find an example here.

- name: mlp-skipper
  host: mlp-skipper
  memory: 1G
  disk_quota: 1G
  timeout: 180
  instances: 1
  path: spring-cloud-skipper-server-1.0.0.M2.jar

This defines cf-dev as a named Cloud Foundry account. You can define multiple Cloud Foundry accounts and reference them in the shell commands when ever there is a command option for --platform-name.

The deployment.deleteRoutes property is important if you are deploying HTTP apps. When doing an upgrade, setting this to false prevents the routes from disappearing after deleting the old application. The underlying Spring Cloud Deployer library for Cloud Foundry has this value set to true as the default.

Note you can also run the Skipper Server locally and deploy to Cloud Foundry. In this case, it is more convenient to specify the configuration as a skipper.yml file, shown below, and start the server with the option --spring.config.location=skipper.yml

        enableLocalPlatform: false
                  url: https://api.run.pivotal.io
                  org: scdf-ci
                  space: space-mark
                  username: <your-username>
                  password: <your-password>
                  skipSslValidation: false
                  deleteRoutes: false
                  domain: cfapps.io

When you start the Skipper shell, by default it tries to look for the Skipper server on the same (local) machine. To specify the Skipper server that is running on Cloud Foundry, use the CF route with the config command

skipper:>config --uri https://mlp-skipper.cfapps.io/api
Successfully targeted https://mlp-skipper.cfapps.io/api

The repo list command shows the experimental and local repositories, since they are configured by default.

skipper:>repo list
║    Name    │                            URL                            │Local│Order║
║experimental│http://skipper-repository.cfapps.io/repository/experimental│false│0    ║
║local       │http://d4d6d1b6-c7e5-4226-69ec-01d4:7577                   │true │1    ║

and the search command shows

║      Name       │Version│                                  Description                                   ║
║helloworld       │1.0.1  │The app has two endpoints, /about and /greeting in Portuguese.  Maven resource. ║
║helloworld       │1.0.0  │The app has two endpoints, /about and /greeting in English.  Maven resource.    ║
║helloworld-docker│1.0.1  │The app has two endpoints, /about and /greeting in Portuguese.  Docker resource.║
║helloworld-docker│1.0.0  │The app has two endpoints, /about and /greeting in English.  Docker resource.   ║

The command platform list shows which platforms the server has been configured with, in this case just one Cloud Foundry platform. Disabling the local platform with the property enableLocalPlatform = false is why the default local platform does not appear.

skipper:>platform list
║ Name │    Type    │                               Description                               ║
║cf-dev│cloudfoundry│org = [scdf-ci], space = [space-mark], url = [https://api.run.pivotal.io]║

Let’s install the Hello World app, specifically, the maven based artifact.

skipper:>install --release-name helloworldpcf --package-name helloworld --package-version 1.0.0 --platform-name cf-dev --properties spec.deploymentProperties.spring.cloud.deployer.cloudfoundry.route=helloworldpcf.cfapps.io
Released helloworldpcf. Now at version v1.

If you do not specify --platform-name cf-dev the command will fail since the command property defaults to a platform named default. Instead of specifying it, you can register this Cloud Foundry Platform account in the manifest with the name default instead of cf-dev.

You can monitor the process using the status command.

skipper:>status --release-name helloworldpcf
║Last Deployed  │Tue Oct 24 22:54:30 EDT 2017                    ║
║Status         │DEPLOYED                                        ║
║Platform Status│The applications are being deployed.            ║
║               │[helloworldpcf-helloworld-v1], State = [partial]║

Eventually the Platform Status will say All applications have been successfully deployed.

Note that the status DEPLOYED above indicates that Skipper has told the platform to deploy. Skipper does not keep track of the intermediate states 'deploying' or 'deleting'.

A cf apps command will now have a new listing for this deployed application.

$ cf apps
Getting apps in org scdf-ci / space space-mark as [email protected]...

name                          requested state   instances   memory   disk   urls
helloworldpcf-helloworld-v1   started           1/1         1G       1G     helloworldpcf.cfapps.io

You can now curl the greeting endpoint and the about endpoint.

$ curl http://helloworldpcf.cfapps.io/greeting
Hello World!
$ curl http://helloworldpcf.cfapps.io/about
Hello World v1.0.0.RELEASE

The name of the application is based on the convention <release-name>-<package-name>-v<incrementing-counter>.

Also note that we specified a route for this application that is different than the application’s name. The deployment property spring.cloud.deployer.cloudfoundry.route is set to something that will not change across the deployment of different versions of this application, in this case helloworldpcf.cfapps.io.

The package provides a means to template the application version, application properties and deployment properties that are used to deploy the application to Cloud Foundry. The manifest get command shows the final YAML file which is passed off to the Spring Cloud Deployer Library.

skipper:>manifest get --release-name helloworldpcf

# Source: helloworld.yml
apiVersion: skipper.spring.io/v1
kind: SpringCloudDeployerApplication
  name: helloworld
  type: demo
  resource: maven://org.springframework.cloud.samples:spring-cloud-skipper-samples-helloworld:1.0.0.RELEASE
    spring.cloud.deployer.cloudfoundry.route: helloworldpcf.cfapps.io

The manifest is in a Kubernetes Resource file inspired format. By looking at the manifest you can see which maven artifact was used and which properties were set before the final push to Cloud Foundry. The metadata values that are present will be used in the next release to support searching for releases based on those values.

Since it is somewhat awkward to specify multiple flattened out YAML values for the --properties argument in the shell, you can also specify the location of a YAML file when installing or upgrading. We will use a YAML file to update the release. This application contains a Spring Boot @ConfigurationProperty named helloworld.greeting, so we will set that along with a standard Spring Boot property endpoints.sensitive=false. We will also bump the memory up to 2G.

    endpoints.sensitive: false
    helloworld.greeting: yo
    spring.cloud.deployer.cloudfoundry.route: helloworldpcf.cfapps.io
    spring.cloud.deployer.memory: 2048m

The upgrade command

skipper:>upgrade --release-name helloworldpcf --package-name helloworld --package-version 1.0.0 --file /home/mpollack/helloworld-upgrade.yml
helloworldpcf has been upgraded.  Now at version v2.

Will start another instance of the hello world application. If you do not specify --package-version it will pick the latest version of the helloworld package. You do not need to specify the --platform-name as it will always be where the current application was deployed.

The cf apps and cf routes command shows

$ cf apps
Getting apps in org scdf-ci / space space-mark as [email protected]...

name                          requested state   instances   memory   disk   urls
helloworldpcf-helloworld-v1   started           1/1         1G       1G     helloworldpcf.cfapps.io
helloworldpcf-helloworld-v2   stopped           0/1         2G       1G     helloworldpcf.cfapps.io


$ cf routes
Getting routes for org scdf-ci / space space-mark as [email protected] ...

space        host                          domain      port   path   type   apps                                                      service
space-mark   helloworldpcf                 cfapps.io                        helloworldpcf-helloworld-v1,helloworldpcf-helloworld-v2

At this point Skipper is looking to see if the health endpoint of the Boot application is ok. The property spring.cloud.skipper.server.strategies.healthcheck.timeoutInMillis is the maximum time the upgrade process will wait for a healthy app. The default value is 5 minutes. Skipper will fail the deployment if it is not healthy within that time. The property spring.cloud.skipper.server.strategies.healthcheck.sleepInMillis is how long to sleep between health checks.

The current upgrade strategy is very simple, if the new app is healthy, the old app is removed. There is not a rolling upgrade option, all new apps are deployed, checked for health, and then previous versions removed. More flexible upgrade strategies are planned along with the introduction of the Spring Cloud State Machine project to orchestrate the update process.

You can now curl the greeting endpoint and the about endpoint.

$ curl http://helloworldpcf.cfapps.io/greeting
$ curl http://helloworldpcf.cfapps.io/about
Hello World v1.0.0.RELEASE

The list command shows you the current DEPLOYED and DELETED releases for every release name. In this case there is just one entry

║     Name     │Version│       Last updated       │ Status │  Package  │   Package    │  Platform  │                               Platform Status                                ║
║              │       │                          │        │   Name    │   Version    │    Name    │                                                                              ║
║helloworldpcf │2      │Tue Oct 24 22:57:02 EDT   │DEPLOYED│helloworld │1.0.0         │cf-dev      │ [helloworldpcf-helloworld-v2], State =                                       ║
║              │       │2017                      │        │           │              │            │ [helloworldpcf-helloworld-v2-0=deployed]                                     ║

You can get the full history of the release using the history command

skipper:>history --release-name helloworldpcf
║Version│        Last updated        │ Status │Package Name│Package Version│  Description   ║
║2      │Tue Oct 24 22:57:02 EDT 2017│DEPLOYED│helloworld  │1.0.0          │Upgrade complete║
║1      │Tue Oct 24 22:54:30 EDT 2017│DELETED │helloworld  │1.0.0          │Delete complete ║

A more typical upgrade process is not to change application properties, but to change the version of the application because the code has change. We will now upgrade the release to use a new maven artifact, version 1.0.1, which also corresponds to version 1.0.1 of the helloworld skipper package. In this case, we will not add any additional properties other than the route.

skipper:>upgrade --release-name helloworldpcf --package-name helloworld --package-version 1.0.1 --properties spec.deploymentProperties.spring.cloud.deployer.cloudfoundry.route=helloworldpcf.cfapps.io
helloworldpcf has been upgraded.  Now at version v3.

Note that the current release’s property values such as using 2G, or the greeting being yo are not carried over. In a future release we will introduce a --reuse-properties command that will carry the current release properties over to the next release to be made. You can monitor the status of the upgrade using the status command

skipper:>status --release-name helloworldpcf
║Last Deployed  │Tue Oct 24 23:09:39 EDT 2017                                                     ║
║Status         │DEPLOYED                                                                         ║
║Platform Status│All applications have been successfully deployed.                                ║
║               │[helloworldpcf-helloworld-v3], State = [helloworldpcf-helloworld-v3-0=deployed]  ║

And a curl command shows

curl http://helloworldpcf.cfapps.io/greeting
Olá Mundo!
$ curl http://helloworldpcf.cfapps.io/about
Hello World v1.0.1.RELEASE

Our history now looks like

skipper:>history --release-name helloworldpcf
║Version│        Last updated        │ Status │Package Name│Package Version│  Description   ║
║3      │Tue Oct 24 23:09:39 EDT 2017│DEPLOYED│helloworld  │1.0.1          │Upgrade complete║
║2      │Tue Oct 24 22:57:02 EDT 2017│DELETED │helloworld  │1.0.0          │Delete complete ║
║1      │Tue Oct 24 22:54:30 EDT 2017│DELETED │helloworld  │1.0.0          │Delete complete ║

Next we will use the rollback command to deploy an older version of the application. Since we have the manifest for that version, we have all we need to redeploy an earlier release.

skipper:>rollback --release-name helloworldpcf --release-version 2
helloworldpcf has been rolled back.  Now at version v4.

The history now shows a new v4 version, even though it is identical in terms of app behavior to the v2 version.

skipper:>history --release-name helloworldpcf
║Version│        Last updated        │ Status │Package Name│Package Version│  Description   ║
║4      │Tue Oct 24 23:15:01 EDT 2017│DEPLOYED│helloworld  │1.0.0          │Upgrade complete║
║3      │Tue Oct 24 23:09:39 EDT 2017│DELETED │helloworld  │1.0.1          │Delete complete ║
║2      │Tue Oct 24 22:57:02 EDT 2017│DELETED │helloworld  │1.0.0          │Delete complete ║
║1      │Tue Oct 24 22:54:30 EDT 2017│DELETED │helloworld  │1.0.0          │Delete complete ║

The curl commands show

$ curl http://helloworldpcf.cfapps.io/greeting
$ curl http://helloworldpcf.cfapps.io/about
Hello World v1.0.0.RELEASE