11. Skipper Shell

The shell is based on the Spring Shell project. One of the shell’s best features is tab-completion and colorization of commands. Use the 'help' command or the --help argument when starting the shell to get help information. The output of using the --help argument is shown below

Skipper Options:

  --spring.cloud.skipper.client.serverUri=<uri>                        Address of the Skipper Server [default: http://localhost:7577].
  --spring.cloud.skipper.client.username=<USER>                        Username of the Skipper Server [no default].
  --spring.cloud.skipper.client.password=<PASSWORD>                    Password of the Skipper Server [no default].
  --spring.cloud.skipper.client.credentials-provider-command=<COMMAND> Executes an external command which must return an OAuth Access Token [no default].
  --spring.cloud.skipper.client.skip-ssl-validation=<true|false>       Accept any SSL certificate (even self-signed) [default: no].

  --spring.shell.historySize=<SIZE>                 Default size of the shell log file [default: 3000].
  --spring.shell.commandFile=<FILE>                 Skipper Shell executes commands read from the file(s) and then exits.

  --help                                            This message.

11.1 Shell Modes

The shell can be started either in interactive or non-interactive mode. In the case of the non-interactive mode, command line arguments are executed as Skipper commands and then the shell exits. If there are any arguments that do not have the prefix spring.cloud.skipper.client, they will be considered as skipper commands to execute.

For example,

java -jar spring-cloud-skipper-shell-1.0.0.RC2.jar --spring.cloud.skipper.client.serverUri=http://localhost:9123/api

Will bring up the interactive shell and connect to localhost:9123/api. However, the command

$ java -jar spring-cloud-skipper-shell-1.0.0.RC2.jar --spring.cloud.skipper.client.serverUri=http://localhost:9123/api search

Will connect to localhost:9123/api, execute the search command and then exit.

A more common use case would be to update a package from within a CI job. For example, in a Jenkins Stage.

stage ('Build') {
    steps {
            $class: 'GitSCM',
            branches: [
                [name: "*/master"]
            userRemoteConfigs: [
                [url: "https://github.com/markpollack/skipper-samples.git"]
        sh '''
            VERSION="1.0.0.M1-$(date +%Y%m%d_%H%M%S)-VERSION"
            mvn org.codehaus.mojo:versions-maven-plugin:2.3:set -DnewVersion="${VERSION}"
            mvn install
            java -jar /home/mpollack/software/skipper.jar upgrade --package-name helloworld --release-name helloworld-jenkins --properties version=${VERSION}