Spring Cloud Skipper Reference Guide


Mark Pollack, Ilayaperumal Gopinathan, Janne Valkealahti, Gunnar Hillert, Sabby Anandan, Vinicius Carvalho, Jay Bryant


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Table of Contents

I. Preface
1. About the Documentation
2. Getting Help
II. Spring Cloud Skipper Overview
3. Features
4. Concepts
III. Getting Started
5. System Requirements
6. Installing Skipper
7. A Three-second Tour
IV. Three minute Tour
8. Local Machine
9. Cloud Foundry
10. Kuberenetes
V. Using Skipper
11. Skipper Shell
11.1. Shell Modes
12. Platforms
13. Packages
13.1. Package Format
13.2. Package with multiple applications
13.3. Package Metadata
13.4. Package Templates
13.4.1. HTTP Resources
13.4.2. Docker Resources
13.4.3. Maven Resources
13.5. Package Values
13.6. Package Upload
13.7. Creating Your Own Package
14. Repositories
VI. Installation
15. Installing on a Local Platform
15.1. Local Platform configuration
16. Installing on Cloud Foundry
16.1. Cloud Foundry Configuration
17. Installing on Kubernetes
17.1. Kuberenetes configuration
18. Database configuration
VII. Security
19. Enabling HTTPS
19.1. Using Self-Signed Certificates
19.2. Self-Signed Certificates and the Shell
19.2.1. Add the Self-signed Certificate to the JVM Truststore
19.2.2. Skip Certificate Validation
20. OAuth 2.0 Security
20.1. OAuth REST Endpoint Authorization
20.1.1. Users and Roles
20.2. OAuth Authentication Using the Spring Cloud Skipper Shell
20.3. OAuth2 Authentication Examples
20.3.1. Local OAuth2 Server
20.3.2. Authentication Using UAA
20.3.3. Authentication using GitHub
VIII. Skipper Commands
21. Package Commands
21.1. Search
21.2. Upload
21.3. Install
21.4. Delete
22. Release Commands
22.1. List
22.2. Status
22.3. Upgrade
22.4. Rollback
22.5. History
22.6. Delete
23. Manifest Commands
23.1. Get
24. Platform commands
24.1. List
25. Repository Commands
25.1. List
26. Skipper Server Commands
26.1. Config
26.2. Info
IX. Architecture
27. Overview
27.1. HTTP Verbs
27.2. HTTP Status Codes
27.3. Headers
27.4. Errors
27.5. Hypermedia
28. Resources
28.1. Index
28.1.1. Accessing the Index
Request Structure
Example Request
Example Response
28.2. Server
28.2.1. Server info
Request structure
Example request
Response structure
Response fields
28.3. Platforms
28.3.1. Find All
Request structure
Example request
Response structure
Response fields
28.4. Packages
28.4.1. Search
Request structure
Example request
Response structure
Response fields
28.4.2. Search summary
Request structure
Example request
Response structure
Response fields
28.4.3. Search with details
Request structure
Example request
Response structure
Response fields
28.4.4. Search by Package Name
Request structure
Example request
Response structure
Response fields
28.4.5. Search by Package Name, Ignoring Case
Request structure
Example request
Response structure
Response fields
28.5. Package
28.5.1. Upload
Request structure
Example request
Response structure
Response fields
28.5.2. Install
Request structure
Example request
Response structure
Response fields
28.5.3. Install with ID
Request structure
Example request
Response structure
Response fields
28.6. Repositories
28.6.1. Find All
Request structure
Example request
Response structure
Response fields
28.6.2. Find By Name
Request structure
Example request
Response structure
Response fields
28.7. Releases
28.7.1. Find all
Request structure
Example request
Response structure
Response fields
28.8. Release
28.8.1. List
List latest
List latest by name
28.8.2. Status
Get the status of a release
Status by version
28.8.3. Upgrade
Upgrade a release
28.8.4. Rollback
Rollback release
28.8.5. Manifest
Get manifest
Get manifest by version
28.8.6. Delete
Delete a release
Delete a release and uninstall package
XI. Appendices
A. Building
A.1. Documentation
A.2. Custom Server Build
A.3. Importing into eclipse
B. Contributing
B.1. Sign the Contributor License Agreement
B.2. Code Conventions and Housekeeping