Appendix C. App Starter Naming Conventions

The spring-cloud-stream-app-maven-plugin (used to generate the Pre-build Apps) asserts a naming convention over certain starter’s resources.

Following diagram describes which resources are involved and how the convention is applied to them.


The [type] placeholder represents the application type and must be either Source, Processor or Sink values. The [my-app-name] placeholder represents the name of your app starter project. For multi-word app names, the hyphens (-) is used as word delimiter (e.g. my-app-name). Mind that for package names the hyphen delimiter is replaced by (.) character (e.g. Class name convention expects CamelCase names in place of any delimiters (e.g. MyAppNameSourceConfiguration.

The capital letters in the placeholders are relevant. For example the [type] refers to lower case names such as source, processor or sink types, while capitalized placeholder [Type] refers to names like Source, Processor and Sink.

The Configuration and Properties class suffixes are expected as well.

With the help of the maven plugin configuration all default conventions can be customized or replaced. More information about the maven plugin can be found here: