7. Content Type and Transformation

To allow you to propagate information about the content type of produced messages, Spring Cloud Stream attaches, by default, a contentType header to outbound messages. For middleware that does not directly support headers, Spring Cloud Stream provides its own mechanism of automatically wrapping outbound messages in an envelope of its own. For middleware that does support headers, Spring Cloud Stream applications may receive messages with a given content type from non-Spring Cloud Stream applications.

Spring Cloud Stream can handle messages based on this information in two ways:

Spring Cloud Stream allows you to declaratively configure type conversion for inputs and outputs using the content-type property of a binding. Note that general type conversion may also be accomplished easily by using a transformer inside your application. Currently, Spring Cloud Stream natively supports the following type conversions commonly used in streams:

Where JSON represents either a byte array or String payload containing JSON. Currently, Objects may be converted from a JSON byte array or String. Converting to JSON always produces a String.

7.1 MIME types

content-type values are parsed as media types, e.g., application/json or text/plain;charset=UTF-8. MIME types are especially useful for indicating how to convert to String or byte[] content. Spring Cloud Stream also uses MIME type format to represent Java types, using the general type application/x-java-object with a type parameter. For example, application/x-java-object;type=java.util.Map or application/x-java-object;type=com.bar.Foo can be set as the content-type property of an input binding. In addition, Spring Cloud Stream provides custom MIME types, notably, application/x-spring-tuple to specify a Tuple.

7.2 MIME types and Java types

The type conversions Spring Cloud Stream provides out of the box are summarized in the following table:

Source PayloadTarget Payloadcontent-type headercontent-typeComments


JSON String





JSON String



JSON is tailored for Tuple


String (toString())


text/plain, java.lang.String



byte[] (java.io serialized)




JSON byte[] or String


application/json (or none)



byte[] or String





JSON byte[] or String


application/json (or none)






text/plain, java.lang.String

will apply any Charset specified in the content-type header





will apply any Charset specified in the content-type header

Conversion applies to payloads that require type conversion. For example, if a module produces an XML string with outputType=application/json, the payload will not be converted from XML to JSON. This is because the payload at the module’s output channel is already a String so no conversion will be applied at runtime.

While conversion is supported for both input and output channels, it is especially recommended to be used for the conversion of outbound messages. For the conversion of inbound messages, especially when the target is a POJO, the @StreamListener support will perform the conversion automatically.

7.3 @StreamListener and Message Conversion

The @StreamListener annotation provides a convenient way for converting incoming messages without the need to specify the content type of an input channel. During the dispatching process to methods annotated with @StreamListener, a conversion will be applied automatically if the argument requires it.

For example, let’s consider a message with the String content {"greeting":"Hello, world"} and a content-type header of application/json is received on the input channel. Let us consider the following application that receives it:

public class GreetingMessage {

  String greeting;

  public String getGreeting() {
    return greeting;

  public void setGreeting(String greeting) {
    this.greeting = greeting;

public static class GreetingSink {

		public void receive(Greeting greeting) {
			// handle Greeting

The argument of the method will be populated automatically with the POJO containing the unmarshalled form of the JSON String.