Spring Cloud Task Reference Guide

Michael Minella, Glenn Renfro


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Table of Contents

I. Preface
1. About the documentation
2. Getting help
3. First Steps
II. Getting started
4. Introducing Spring Cloud Task
5. System Requirements
5.1. Database Requirements
6. Developing your first Spring Cloud Task application
6.1. Creating the POM
6.2. Adding classpath dependencies
6.3. Writing the code
6.3.1. The @EnableTask annotation
6.3.2. The main method
6.3.3. The CommandLineRunner
6.4. Running the example
III. Features
7. The lifecycle of a Spring Cloud Task
7.1. The TaskExecution
7.2. Mapping Exit Codes
8. Configuration
8.1. DataSource
8.2. TaskConfigurer
8.3. Task Name
8.4. Task Execution Listener
IV. Batch
9. Associating A Job Execution To The Task In Which It Was Executed
9.1. Overriding the TaskBatchExecutionListener
10. Remote Partitioning
11. Batch Informational Messages
V. Spring Cloud Stream Integration
12. Launching a task from a Spring Cloud Stream
12.1. Spring Cloud Data Flow
13. Spring Cloud Task Events
14. Spring Batch Events
VI. Appendices
15. Task repository schema
16. Building this documentation