Chapter 14. Spring Batch Events

When executing a Spring Batch job via a task, Spring Cloud Task can be configured to emit informational messages based on the Spring Batch listeners available in Spring Batch. Specifically the following Spring Batch listeners are autoconfigured into each batch job and emit messages on the associated Spring Cloud Stream channels when run via Spring Cloud Task:

  • JobExecutionListener - job-execution-events
  • StepExecutionListener - step-execution-events
  • ChunkListener - chunk-events
  • ItemReadListener - item-read-events
  • ItemProcessListener - item-process-events
  • ItemWriteListener - item-write-events
  • SkipListener - skip-events

The above listeners are autoconfigured into any AbstractJob when the appropriate beans exist in the context (a Job and a TaskLifecycleListener). Configuration to listen to these events is handled the same way binding to any other Spring Cloud Stream channel is done. Our task (the one running the batch job) serves as a Source, with the listening applications serving as either a Processor or Sink.

An example could be to have an application listening to the job-execution-events channel for the start and stop of a job. To configure the listening application, you’d configure the input to be job-execution-events as follows


A binder implementation is also required to be on the classpath.

To disable the listener functionality, use the following configuration: