12. Batch Job Exit Codes

As discussed earlier, Spring Cloud Task applications support the ability to record the exit code of a task execution. However, in cases where you run a Spring Batch Job within a task, regardless of how the Batch Job Execution completes, the result of the task is always zero when using the default Batch/Boot behavior. Keep in mind that a task is a boot application and that the exit code returned from the task is the same as a boot application. To override this behavior and allow the task to return an exit code other than zero when a batch job returns an ExitStatus of FAILED, set spring.cloud.task.batch.failOnJobFailure to true. Then the exit code can be 1 (the default) or be based on the specified ExitCodeGenerator)

This functionality uses a new CommandLineRunner that replaces the one provided by Spring Boot. By default, it is configured with the same order. However, if you want to customize the order in which the CommandLineRunner is run, you can set its order by setting the spring.cloud.task.batch.commandLineRunnerOrder property. To have your task return the exit code based on the result of the batch job execution, you need to write your own CommandLineRunner.