Serialization/Deserialization package for converting Object to (and from) binary data.
ClassDescriptionGeneric Jackson 2-based
that mapsobjects
to and from JSON using dynamic typing.Generic String to byte[] (and back) serializer.Defines the contract for Object Mapping readers.Defines the contract for Object Mapping writers.Java SerializationRedisSerializer
.Serializer adapter on top of Spring's O/X Mapping.Strategy interface that specifies a deserializer that can deserialize a binary element representation stored in Redis into an object.Strategy interface that specifies a serializer that can serialize an element to its binary representation to be used as Redis protocol payload.Serialization context for reactive use.Builder forRedisSerializationContext
.Typed serialization tuple.Basic interface serialization and deserialization of Objects to byte arrays (binary data).Generic exception indicating a serialization/deserialization error.Utility class with various serialization-related methods.SimpleString
to byte[] (and back) serializer.