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Package Summary
Spring Data's Cassandra abstraction.
Ahead of Time processing utilities for Spring Data Cassandra.
Spring Data Cassandra factory beans and configuration.
Apache Cassandra core support.
Spring Data Cassandra specific converter infrastructure.
CQL core support.
CQL specific converters.
CQL generators for Keyspace object actions.
Keyspace object action specifications such as CREATE TABLE, DROP INDEX.
CQL legacy core asynchronous support for easier migration.
Provides utility classes for simple CqlSession access and various session implementations.
Provides extensible support for initializing databases through scripts.
Provides a strategy for looking up SessionFactory.
Support classes for the CQL framework.
Utility classes for basic CQL interaction.
Apache Cassandra legacy asynchronous support for easier migration.
Infrastructure for the Apache Cassandra row-to-object mapping subsystem.
Event callback infrastructure for Cassandra mapping subsystem.
Apache Cassandra specific query and update support.
Infrastructure to provide driver observability using Micrometer.
Apache Cassandra specific repository implementation.
CDI support for Apache Cassandra specific repository implementation.
Support infrastructure for the configuration of Apache Cassandra specific repositories.
Query derivation mechanism for Apache Cassandra specific repositories.
Support infrastructure for query derivation of Apache Cassandra specific repositories.
Map and SpEL utility infrastructure.