All Classes and Interfaces

Base class for Spring Data Cassandra configuration using JavaConfig.
Base class for CassandraConverter implementations.
Base class to implement domain specific ApplicationListeners for CassandraMappingEvent.
Base class for RepositoryQuery implementations for Cassandra.
Base class for delete events.
Extension to AbstractCassandraConfiguration providing Spring Data Cassandra configuration for Spring Data's Reactive Cassandra support using JavaConfig.
Base class for reactive RepositoryQuery implementations for Cassandra.
Convenient converter that can be used to convert a single-row-single-column, single-row-multi-column, or multi-row ResultSet into the given value of a given type.
Thin wrapper that allows subclasses to delegate conversion of the given value to a DefaultConversionService.
Abstract SessionFactory implementation that routes AbstractRoutingSessionFactory.getSession() calls to one of various target factories based on a lookup key.
Spring Configuration class used to configure a Cassandra client application CqlSession connected to a Cassandra cluster.
Event encapsulating Cassandra CQL statement.
CQL generator for generating an ADD clause of an ALTER TABLE statement.
Value object representing a specification to add a column.
Event to be triggered after converting a Row into an entity.
Event being thrown after a single or a set of rows has/have been deleted.
Event to be triggered after loading Rows to be mapped onto a given type.
CassandraMappingEvent triggered after save of an object.
Annotation to declare filtering for a derived query.
CQL generator for generating an ALTER column clause of an ALTER TABLE statement.
Value object representing a specification to alter a column.
CQL generator for generating ALTER TABLE statements.
Object to configure a ALTER KEYSPACE specification.
CQL generator for generating ALTER TABLE statements.
Object to configure a ALTER TABLE specification.
CQL generator for generating ALTER TYPE statements.
Object to configure a ALTER TYPE specification.
Simple adapter for PreparedStatementBinder that applies a given array of arguments.
Interface specifying a basic set of asynchronous Cassandra operations.
Deprecated, for removal: This API element is subject to removal in a future version.
since 4.0, use the CompletableFuture-based variant AsyncCassandraTemplate.
Primary implementation of AsyncCassandraOperations.
Deprecated, for removal: This API element is subject to removal in a future version.
since 4.0, use the CompletableFuture-based variant AsyncCassandraTemplate.
General callback interface used to create and bind prepared CQL statements.
General callback interface used to create and bind prepared CQL statements.
Utility class to prepare a SimpleStatement and bind values associated with the statement to a BoundStatement.
Interface specifying a basic set of CQL asynchronously executed operations.
Deprecated, for removal: This API element is subject to removal in a future version.
since 4.0, use the CompletableFuture-based variant AsyncCqlOperations.
This is the central class in the CQL core package for asynchronous Cassandra data access. It simplifies the use of CQL and helps to avoid common errors.
Deprecated, for removal: This API element is subject to removal in a future version.
since 4.0, use the CompletableFuture-based variant AsyncCqlTemplate.
Adapter to enable use of a RowCallbackHandler inside a ResultSetExtractor.
Adapter to enable use of a RowCallbackHandler inside a ResultSetExtractor.
One of the two central callback interfaces used by the AsyncCqlTemplate class.
Deprecated, for removal: This API element is subject to removal in a future version.
since 4.0, use the CompletableFuture-based variant.
Callback interface used by AsyncCqlTemplate's query methods.
Deprecated, for removal: This API element is subject to removal in a future version.
since 4.0, use the CompletableFuture-based variant.
Adapter implementation of the ResultSetExtractor interface that delegates to a RowMapper which is supposed to create an object for each row.
Deprecated, for removal: This API element is subject to removal in a future version.
since 4.0, use the CompletableFuture-based variant.
Generic callback interface for code that operates asynchronously on a Cassandra CqlSession.
Deprecated, for removal: This API element is subject to removal in a future version.
since 4.0, use the CompletableFuture-based variant.
EntityCallback to populate auditing related fields on an entity about to be saved.
since 2.0.
Cassandra specific BasicPersistentEntity implementation that adds Cassandra specific metadata.
Default implementation for Cassandra Persistent Entity Verification.
Cassandra specific AnnotationBasedPersistentProperty implementation.
Cassandra Tuple-specific PersistentEntity for a mapped tuples.
Cassandra Tuple specific CassandraPersistentProperty implementation.
since 3.0, use directly RowValueProvider.
Simple implementation of MapId.
SessionFactoryLookup implementation based on a Spring BeanFactory.
RowMapper implementation that converts a Row into a new instance of the specified mapped target class.
Callback being invoked before a domain object is converted to be persisted.
Event thrown before a row or a set of rows is deleted.
Entity callback invoked before inserting or updating a row in the database.
Mapping event triggered before inserting or updating a row in the database.
since 2.0.
since 3.2, the Cassandra driver has a built-in prepared statement cache with makes external caching of prepared statements superfluous.
BasicCassandraPersistentProperty that pre-computes primary key and embedded flags.
Thrown by ScriptUtils if a CQL script cannot be read.
CassandraAccessor provides access to a Cassandra SessionFactory and the CassandraExceptionTranslator.
Operations for managing a Cassandra keyspace.
Default implementation of CassandraAdminOperations.
BeanDefinitionParser to register a AuditingEntityCallback to transparently set auditing information on an entity.
Spring data access exception for a Cassandra authentication failure.
Batch operations for insert/update/delete actions on a table.
since 3.0 without replacement.
Descriptor for a Cassandra column type exposing a DataType.
Spring data access exception for Cassandra when no host is available.
Central Cassandra specific converter interface from Object to Row.
since 3.0, use CqlSessionFactoryBean directly.
Factory for configuring a CqlTemplate.
Value object to capture custom conversion.
Scans packages for Cassandra entities.
Cassandra specific EntityInformation.
Extension of EntityMetadata to additionally expose the table name an entity shall be persisted to.
Simple PersistenceExceptionTranslator for Cassandra.
since 3.0, use CompletableFuture directly.
Spring data access exception for Cassandra when insufficient replicas are available for a given consistency level.
Spring data access exception for a Cassandra internal error.
Spring data access exception for a Cassandra query that is syntactically correct but has an invalid configuration clause.
Spring data access exception for a Cassandra query that's syntactically correct but invalid.
Helper class to register JodaTime specific Converter implementations in case the library is present on the classpath.
Simple singleton to convert Dates to their Cassandra Instant representation for the CQL Timestamp type.
Simple singleton to convert LocalTimes to their Long representation.
Simple singleton to convert Longs to their LocalTime representation.
Spring data access exception for Cassandra when a keyspace being created already exists.
Cassandra-specific extension to ManagedTypes.
Default implementation of a MappingContext for Cassandra using CassandraPersistentEntity and CassandraPersistentProperty as primary abstractions.
Base ApplicationEvent triggered by Spring Data Cassandra.
Namespace handler for spring-data-cassandra.
A Observation.Context for CqlSession.
ObservationConvention for Cassandra.
Returns the Cassandra Observation.
Interface specifying a basic set of Cassandra operations.
Cassandra-specific PageRequest implementation providing access to paging state.
Cassandra-specific ParameterAccessor exposing a Cassandra types that are supported by the driver and parameter type.
Custom extension of Parameters discovering additional properties of query method parameters.
Cassandra-specific ParameterAccessor exposing Cassandra types that are supported by the driver and parameter type.
Cassandra specific PersistentEntity abstraction.
Interface for Cassandra Persistent Entity Mapping Verification.
Schema creation support for Cassandra based on CassandraMappingContext and CassandraPersistentEntity.
Schema drop support for Cassandra based on CassandraMappingContext and CassandraPersistentEntity.
Cassandra specific PersistentProperty extension.
Comparator implementation that orders CassandraPersistentProperty instances.
Comparator implementation that uses, in order, the...
Cassandra specific implementation of QueryMethod.
Spring data access exception for a Cassandra query syntax error.
Cassandra-specific exception for a server-side timeout during a read query.
ImportBeanDefinitionRegistrar to setup Cassandra repositories via EnableCassandraRepositories.
Cassandra-specific extension of the CrudRepository interface that allows the specification of a type for the identity of the @Table (or @Persistable) type.
A bean which represents a Cassandra repository.
A portable CDI extension which registers beans for Spring Data Cassandra repositories.
Factory to create CassandraRepository instances.
FactoryBean to create CassandraRepository instances.
Base class for Cassandra RepositoryQuery implementations providing common infrastructure such as EntityInstantiators and QueryStatementCreator.
CassandraValueProvider providing values based on a Row.
Spring data access exception for when Cassandra schema element being created already exists.
since 3.0, use CqlSessionFactoryBean directly.
Simple constant holder for a SimpleTypeHolder enriched with Cassandra specific simple types.
Spring data access exception for when a Cassandra table being created already exists.
Primary implementation of CassandraOperations.
Utility class to prepare a SimpleStatement and bind values associated with the statement to a BoundStatement.
Factory for configuring a CassandraTemplate.
Spring data access exception for a Cassandra trace retrieval exception.
Spring data access exception for a Cassandra truncate exception.
since 3.0, use TupleValueProvider directly.
Specifies the Cassandra type of the annotated property or parameter when used in query methods.
Cassandra Protocol types.
Spring data access exception for a Cassandra type mismatch exception.
since 3.0, use UdtValueProvider directly.
Spring data access exception for when access to a Cassandra element is denied.
Spring data access exception for an uncategorized Cassandra exception.
PersistentEntity for a mapped user-defined type (UDT).
Spring data access exception for a Cassandra write timeout.
since 3.0, use SimpleTupleTypeFactory instead.
Annotation to define custom metadata for document fields.
Base class for column change CQL generators.
Base value object class for column change specifications.
RowMapper implementation that creates a java.util.Map for each row, representing all columns as key-value pairs: one entry for each column, with the column name as key.
Value object representing a column name.
Value object to abstract column names involved in a CQL query.
Column selection.
Function call selector with alias support.
Strategy interface to render a column selection.
Object to configure a CQL column specification.
Interface to access column type information.
Base value object class for column changes that include DataType information.
Resolves ColumnType for properties, TypeInformation, and values.
Composite CassandraPersistentEntityMetadataVerifier to verify persistent entities and primary key classes.
Composite KeyspacePopulator that delegates to a list of given KeyspacePopulator implementations, executing all scripts.
Simple enumeration for the various compression types.
Annotation to declare a ConsistencyLevel for CQL queries executed through query methods.
Annotation to declare count queries directly on repository methods.
Strategy interface for translating between driver exceptions and Spring's data access strategy-agnostic DataAccessException hierarchy.
since 3.0, use CqlIdentifier instead.
Namespace handler for spring-cassandra.
Interface specifying a basic set of CQL operations.
Interface to be implemented by objects that can provide CQL strings.
Factory for creating and configuring a Cassandra CqlSession, which is a thread-safe singleton.
This is the central class in the CQL core package. It simplifies the use of CQL and helps to avoid common errors.
Adapter to enable use of a RowCallbackHandler inside a ResultSetExtractor.
CQL generator for generating a CREATE INDEX statement.
Object to configure a CREATE INDEX specification.
Column functions to specify indexing behavior.
CQL generator for generating a CREATE TABLE statement.
Object to configure a CREATE KEYSPACE specification.
CQL generator for generating a CREATE TABLE statement.
Object to configure a CREATE TABLE specification.
CQL generator for generating a CREATE TYPE statement.
Object to configure a CREATE TYPE specification.
Basic class for creating queries.
Criteria definition for a ColumnName exposing a CriteriaDefinition.Predicate.
Strategy interface to represent a CQL predicate operator.
Commonly used CQL operators.
Represents an operator associated with its value.
Value object representing replication factor for a given data center.
RowMapper implementation that converts a row into a new instance of the specified mapped target class.
Default implementation of a ReactiveSession.
A default implementation of Option.
Default implementation of ReactiveSessionFactory.
Default SessionFactory implementation.
Extension to WriteOptions for use with DELETE operations.
Builder for DeleteOptions.
Callback interface that can be implemented by beans wishing to customize the ProgrammaticDriverConfigLoaderBuilder via a DriverConfigLoaderBuilderConfigurer whilst retaining default configuration.
CQL generator for generating a DROP column clause of an ALTER TABLE statement.
Value object representing a specification to drop a column.
CQL generator for generating a DROP INDEX statement.
Value object representing a DROP INDEX specification.
CQL generator for generating a DROP TABLE statement.
Object to configure a DROP KEYSPACE specification.
CQL generator for generating a DROP TABLE statement.
Object to configure a DROP TABLE specification.
CQL generator for generating a DROP TYPE statement.
Object to configure a DROP TYPE specification.
Annotation to define an ordinal element index within a tuple.
The annotation to configure a value object as embedded in the current table.
Shortcut for an empty embedded property.
Shortcut for a nullable embedded property.
Load strategy to be used Embedded.onEmpty().
Support methods to obtain PersistentProperty and PersistentEntity for embedded properties.
Annotation to enable auditing in Cassandra via annotation configuration.
Annotation to enable Cassandra repositories.
Annotation to enable auditing in Cassandra using reactive infrastructure via annotation configuration.
Annotation to activate reactive Cassandra repositories.
Mapping information for an individual entity class.
The result of a write operation for an entity.
ExecutableDeleteOperation allows creation and execution of Cassandra DELETE operations in a fluent API style.
Filtering (optional).
Table override (optional).
the ExecutableDeleteOperation.ExecutableDelete interface provides methods for constructing DELETE operations in a fluent way.
Trigger DELETE execution by calling one of the terminating methods.
ExecutableInsertOperation allows creation and execution of Cassandra INSERT insert operations in a fluent API style.
The ExecutableInsertOperation.ExecutableInsert interface provides methods for constructing INSERT operations in a fluent way.
Apply InsertOptions (optional).
Table override (optional).
Trigger INSERT execution by calling one of the terminating methods.
The ExecutableSelectOperation interface allows creation and execution of Cassandra SELECT operations in a fluent API style.
The ExecutableSelectOperation.ExecutableSelect interface provides methods for constructing SELECT query operations in a fluent way.
Result type override (optional).
Filtering (optional).
Table override (optional).
Trigger SELECT query execution by calling one of the terminating methods.
ExecutableUpdateOperation allows creation and execution of Cassandra UPDATE operation in a fluent API style.
The ExecutableUpdateOperation.ExecutableUpdate interface provides methods for constructing UPDATE operations in a fluent way.
Set the Update to apply and execute the complete Cassandra Update statement.
Filtering (optional).
Table override (optional).
Resolver for a DriverExecutionProfile used with Statement.setExecutionProfileName(String) or Statement.setExecutionProfile(DriverExecutionProfile).
Annotation to declare exists queries directly on repository methods.
Base value object class to specify user type fields.
Filter consisting of CriteriaDefinitions to be used with SELECT, UPDATE and DELETE queries.
Stripped down interface providing access to a fluent API that specifies a basic set of Cassandra operations.
Indicates that a persistent property should use a frozen column type.
An interface used by CqlTemplate for mapping Nodes of metadata on a per-item basis..
Exception thrown on incorrect mapping of an Id interface.
Aggregator of multiple violations for convenience when verifying id interfaces.
Data access exception thrown when a result set did not have the correct column count, for example when expecting a single column but getting 0 or more than 1 columns.
Describes an index.
Identifies a secondary index in the table on a single column.
Base class for Index CQL generators.
Abstract builder class to support the construction of an index.
Extension to WriteOptions for use with INSERT operations.
Builder for InsertOptions.
Available actions for Keyspace Specifications.
Base value object to support the construction of keyspace specifications.
A single keyspace XML Element can result in multiple actions.
Keyspace attributes.
Describes a Keyspace.
since 3.0, use CqlIdentifier.
Base class for Keyspace CQL generators.
Known Replication Strategy options.
Base class that contains behavior common to CQL generation for table operations.
Abstract builder class to support the construction of table specifications that have table options, that is, those options normally specified by WITH ... AND ....
Strategy used to populate, initialize, or clean up a Cassandra keyspace.
Builder for maps, which also conveniently implements Map via delegation for convenience so you don't have to actually build() it.
Interface that represents the id of a persistent entity, where the keys correspond to the entity's JavaBean properties.
Cassandra repository interface using MapId to represent Ids.
Interface that entity classes may choose to implement in order to allow a client of the entity to easily get the entity's MapId.
Factory class for producing implementations of given id interfaces.
CassandraConverter that uses a MappingContext to do sophisticated mapping of domain objects to Row.
Conversion context holding references to simple MappingCassandraConverter.ConversionContext.ValueConverter and MappingCassandraConverter.ConversionContext.ContainerValueConverter.
CassandraEntityInformation implementation using a CassandraPersistentEntity instance to lookup the necessary information.
since 3.2, the Cassandra driver has a built-in prepared statement cache with makes external caching of prepared statements superfluous.
MapPreparedStatementCache.CacheKey for PreparedStatement caching.
Simple SessionFactoryLookup implementation that relies on a map for doing lookups.
Interface and default implementation of a naming strategy.
Factory to wrap a CqlSession with a CqlSessionObservationInterceptor.
Factory bean to construct a CqlSession integrated with given ObservationRegistry.
Instrumented ReactiveSession for observability.
Factory bean to construct a ReactiveSession integrated with given ObservationRegistry.
Trace implementation of the RequestTracker.
Interface to represent option types.
Enum for Cassandra primary key column ordering.
RepositoryQuery implementation for Cassandra.
Simple helper to be able to wire the MappingContext from a CassandraConverter bean available in the application context.
Utility to translate a CassandraPersistentProperty into a corresponding property from a different CassandraPersistentEntity by looking it up by name.
General callback interface used by the CqlTemplate and ReactiveCqlTemplate classes.
since 3.2, the Cassandra driver has a built-in prepared statement cache with makes external caching of prepared statements superfluous.
Generic callback interface for code that operates on a PreparedStatement.
One of the two central callback interfaces used by the CqlTemplate class.
Identifies the primary key field of the entity, which may be of a basic type or of a type that represents a composite primary key class.
Annotates a type that represents the identity type of another class whose instances are stored in a table.
Identifies the annotated field of a composite primary key class as a primary key field that is either a partition or cluster key field.
Values representing primary key column types.
Mapping between a persistent entity's property and its column.
Query object representing CriteriaDefinitions, Columns, Sort, paging state and QueryOptions for a CQL query.
Annotation to declare finder queries directly on repository methods.
Enumeration to define statement idempotency.
Utility to extract CQL queries from a Statement.
Map Query to CQL-specific data types.
Value object to represent a field and its meta-information.
Extension of QueryMapper.Field to be backed with mapping metadata.
Cassandra Query Options for queries.
Builder for QueryOptions.
Utility class to associate QueryOptions and WriteOptions with QueryBuilder Statements.
Reactive EntityCallback to populate auditing related fields on an entity about to be saved.
Callback being invoked before a domain object is converted to be persisted.
Entity callback invoked before inserting or updating a row in the database.
Base class for ReactiveCqlTemplate and other CQL-accessing DAO helpers, defining common properties such as ReactiveSessionFactory and exception translator.
Reactive Batch operations for insert/update/delete actions on a table.
Interface specifying a basic set of reactive Cassandra operations.
Reactive specific implementation of CassandraQueryMethod.
Cassandra specific Repository interface with reactive support.
Factory to create ReactiveCassandraRepository instances.
Primary implementation of ReactiveCassandraOperations.
Utility class to prepare a SimpleStatement and bind values associated with the statement to a BoundStatement.
General callback interface used to create and bind prepared CQL statements.
Interface specifying a basic set of CQL operations executed in a reactive fashion.
This is the central class in the CQL core package for reactive Cassandra data access. It simplifies the use of CQL and helps to avoid common errors.
The ReactiveDeleteOperation interface allows creation and execution of Cassandra DELETE operations in a fluent API style.
Required filter.
Table override (optional).
The ReactiveDeleteOperation.ReactiveDelete interface provides methods for constructing DELETE operations in a fluent way.
Trigger DELETE operation by calling one of the terminating methods.
Stripped down interface providing access to a fluent API that specifies a basic set of reactive Cassandra operations.
The ReactiveInsertOperation interface allows creation and execution of Cassandra INSERT operations in a fluent API style.
Apply InsertOptions (optional).
Table override (optional).
The ReactiveInsertOperation.ReactiveInsert interface provides methods for constructing INSERT operations in a fluent way.
Trigger INSERT execution by calling one of the terminating methods.
Reactive PartTree RepositoryQuery implementation for Cassandra.
Generic callback interface for code that operates on a PreparedStatement.
One of the two central callback interfaces used by the ReactiveCqlTemplate class.
The reactive result of a query.
Callback interface used by ReactiveCqlTemplate's query methods.
Adapter implementation of the ReactiveResultSetExtractor interface that delegates to a RowMapper which is supposed to create an object for each row.
The ReactiveSelectOperation interface allows creation and execution of Cassandra SELECT operations in a fluent API style.
The ReactiveSelectOperation.ReactiveSelect interface provides methods for constructing SELECT operations in a fluent way.
Result type override (optional).
Define a Query used as the filter for the SELECT.
Table override (optional).
Trigger SELECT execution by calling one of the terminating methods.
A session holds connections to a Cassandra cluster, allowing it to be queried.
Generic callback interface for code that operates on a CQL ReactiveSession.
Strategy interface to produce ReactiveSession instances.
Generic callback interface for code that operates on a CQL Statement.
String-based AbstractReactiveCassandraQuery implementation.
The ReactiveUpdateOperation interface allows creation and execution of Cassandra UPDATE operations in a fluent API style.
The ReactiveUpdateOperation.ReactiveUpdate interface provides methods for constructing UPDATE operations in a fluent way.
Trigger UPDATE execution by calling one of the terminating methods.
Define a Query used as the filter for the Update.
Table override (optional).
CQL generator for generating an RENAME column clause of an ALTER TABLE statement.
ColumnChangeSpecification to rename a column.
since 3.0 without replacement.
Populates, initializes, or cleans up a keyspace using CQL scripts defined in external resources.
Callback interface used by CqlTemplate's query methods.
Converter from ResultSet to Object array.
Converter from ResultSet to a single BigDecimal value.
Converter from ResultSet to a single BigInteger value.
Converter from ResultSet to a single Boolean value.
Converter from ResultSet to a single ByteBuffer value.
Converter from ResultSet to a single Date value.
Converter from ResultSet to a single Double value.
Converter from ResultSet to a single Float value.
Converter from ResultSet to a single InetAddress value.
Converter from ResultSet to a single Integer value.
Converter from ResultSet to Map.
Converter from ResultSet to a List of String.
Converter from ResultSet to a single Long value.
Converter from ResultSet to a single String value.
Converter from ResultSet to a single UUID value.
Domain object representing a Cassandra host.
HostMapper to to map hosts into RingMember objects.
An interface used by CqlTemplate for processing rows of a ResultSet on a per-row basis.
An interface used by CqlTemplate for mapping rows of a ResultSet on a per-row basis.
Adapter implementation of the ResultSetExtractor interface that delegates to a RowMapper which is supposed to create an object for each row.
Converter to convert Row to Object array.
Converter to convert Rows to a List of Object representation.
Converter to convert Rows to a Map of String/Object representation.
Generic utility methods for working with Cassandra.
CassandraValueProvider to read property values from a Row.
Identifies a secondary index using SASI indexing on a single column.
Apply non-tokenizing analyzer to SASI indexing.
Apply standard analyzer to SASI indexing.
Enum identifying any schema actions to take at startup.
Factory for Cassandra Schema objects such as user-defined types, tables and indexes.
Root of the hierarchy of data access exceptions that are related to processing of CQL scripts.
Thrown by ScriptUtils if a CQL script cannot be properly parsed.
Thrown by ScriptUtils if a statement in an CQL script failed when executing it against the target database.
Generic utility methods for working with CQL scripts.
Configuration callback to allow users to implement and apply additional configuration logic to the CqlSessionBuilder.
Generic callback interface for code that operates on a Cassandra CqlSession.
A factory for Apache Cassandra sessions.
Factory to create and configure a Cassandra SessionFactory with support for executing CQL and initializing the database schema (a.k.a. keyspace).
Used to set up a keyspace during initialization and clean up a keyspace during destruction.
Strategy interface for looking up SessionFactory by name.
Exception to be thrown by a SessionFactoryLookup implementation, indicating that the specified SessionFactory could not be obtained.
Repository base implementation for Cassandra.
Trivial implementation of PreparedStatementCreator.
Reactive repository base implementation for Cassandra.
CodecRegistry-based TupleTypeFactory using DefaultTupleType to create tuple types.
Default implementation of UserTypeResolver that resolves a UserDefinedType by its name from Metadata.
RowMapper implementation that converts a single column into a single result value per row.
An implementation of SessionFactoryLookup that simply wraps a single given SessionFactory, returned for any session factory name.
Naming strategy that renders CamelCase name parts to snake_case.
FactoryBean implementation that takes a list of location Strings and creates a sorted array of Resource instances.
Evaluates a SpEL expression.
StatementBuilder<S extends com.datastax.oss.driver.api.querybuilder.BuildableQuery>
Functional builder for Cassandra statements.
Binding function.
Enumeration to represent how parameters are rendered.
Factory to render Statement objects from Query and Update objects.
String-based AbstractCassandraQuery implementation.
Identifies a domain object to be persisted to Cassandra as a table.
Describes a table.
Base class for Table CQL generators.
Abstract builder class to support the construction of table specifications.
Enumeration that represents all known table options.
Known caching options.
Known compaction options.
Known compression options.
Known KeyCaching Options
Base class that contains behavior common to CQL generation for table operations.
Abstract builder class to support the construction of table specifications that have table options, that is, those options normally specified by WITH ... AND ....
Object to support the configuration of table specifications that have columns.
Factory for Term objects encapsulating a binding value.
NamingStrategy that applies a transformation Function after invoking a delegate NamingStrategy.
Identifies a domain object as Cassandra Tuple.
since 3.0
CassandraValueProvider to read property values from a TupleValue.
CassandraValueProvider to read property values from a UdtValue.
Thrown when we cannot determine anything more specific than "something went wrong while processing a CQL script": for example, a Exception from Cassandra that we cannot pinpoint more precisely.
Update object representing a set of update operations.
Builder to add a single element/multiple elements to a collection associated with a ColumnName.
Add element(s) to Map operation.
Add element(s) to collection operation.
Abstract class for an update assignment related to a specific ColumnName.
Increment operation.
Builder to remove a single element/multiple elements from a collection associated with a ColumnName.
Remove operation.
Set at index operation.
Set at map key operation.
Builder to associate a single value with a collection at a given index at ColumnName.
Set operation.
Builder to associate a single value with a collection at a given index at ColumnName.
Map Update to CQL-specific data types.
Extension to WriteOptions for use with UPDATE operations.
Builder for UpdateOptions.
Identifies a domain object as Cassandra User Defined type (UDT).
Abstract class to support User type CQL generation.
Base value object builder class to construction of user type specifications.
Strategy interface to resolve UserDefinedType by name.
Object to support the configuration of user type specifications that have columns.
Aggregator of multiple MappingException for convenience when verifying persistent entities.
Cassandra Write Options are an extension to QueryOptions for write operations.
Builder for WriteOptions.
The result of a write operation.