Annotation Interface SASI.StandardAnalyzed
- Enclosing class:
public static @interface SASI.StandardAnalyzed
Apply standard analyzer to SASI indexing. This analyzer is used for analysis that involves stemming, case
normalization, case sensitivity, skipping common words like "and" and "the", and localization of the language used
to complete the analysis
Optional Element Summary
Optional ElementsModifier and TypeOptional ElementDescriptionboolean
Enable stemming of input text to reduce words to their base form, for example stemmer, stemming, stemmed are based on stem.Defines the locale for tokenization.Applies normalization to uppercase/lowercase.boolean
Skips stop words from indexing.Defines the locale for tokenization.
Element Details
Defines the locale for tokenization.- Default:
- "en"
Defines the locale for tokenization.- Default:
- "en"
boolean enableStemmingEnable stemming of input text to reduce words to their base form, for example stemmer, stemming, stemmed are based on stem.- Default:
- false
boolean skipStopWordsSkips stop words from indexing.- Default:
- false
SASI.Normalization normalizationApplies normalization to uppercase/lowercase.- Default: