Uses of Package
Packages that use
Spring Data Cassandra
factory beans
and configuration.Apache Cassandra core support.
Apache Cassandra legacy asynchronous support for easier migration.
CDI support for Apache Cassandra specific repository implementation.
Query derivation mechanism for Apache Cassandra specific repositories.
Support infrastructure for query derivation of Apache Cassandra specific repositories.
Classes in used by implementation of
.Primary implementation ofCassandraOperations
.Primary implementation ofReactiveCassandraOperations
. -
Classes in used by specifying a basic set of asynchronous Cassandra operations.General callback interface used to create and bind prepared CQL statements.Operations for managing a Cassandra keyspace.Batch operations for insert/update/delete actions on a table.Interface specifying a basic set of Cassandra operations.Primary implementation of
.Utility class to prepare aSimpleStatement
and bind values associated with the statement to aBoundStatement
.Extension toWriteOptions
for use withDELETE
operations.Builder forDeleteOptions
.The result of a write operation for an entity.ExecutableDeleteOperation
allows creation and execution of CassandraDELETE
operations in a fluent API style.Filtering (optional).Table override (optional).theExecutableDeleteOperation.ExecutableDelete
interface provides methods for constructingDELETE
operations in a fluent way.TriggerDELETE
execution by calling one of the terminating methods.ExecutableInsertOperation
allows creation and execution of CassandraINSERT
insert operations in a fluent API style.TheExecutableInsertOperation.ExecutableInsert
interface provides methods for constructingINSERT
operations in a fluent way.ApplyInsertOptions
(optional).Table override (optional).TriggerINSERT
execution by calling one of the terminating methods.TheExecutableSelectOperation
interface allows creation and execution of CassandraSELECT
operations in a fluent API style.TheExecutableSelectOperation.ExecutableSelect
interface provides methods for constructingSELECT
query operations in a fluent way.Result type override (optional).Filtering (optional).Table override (optional).TriggerSELECT
query execution by calling one of the terminating methods.ExecutableUpdateOperation
allows creation and execution of CassandraUPDATE
operation in a fluent API style.TheExecutableUpdateOperation.ExecutableUpdate
interface provides methods for constructingUPDATE
operations in a fluent way.Filtering (optional).Table override (optional).Stripped down interface providing access to a fluent API that specifies a basic set of Cassandra operations.Extension toWriteOptions
for use withINSERT
operations.Builder forInsertOptions
.Reactive Batch operations for insert/update/delete actions on a table.Interface specifying a basic set of reactive Cassandra operations.General callback interface used to create and bind prepared CQL statements.TheReactiveDeleteOperation
interface allows creation and execution of CassandraDELETE
operations in a fluent API style.Requiredfilter
.Table override (optional).TheReactiveDeleteOperation.ReactiveDelete
interface provides methods for constructingDELETE
operations in a fluent way.TriggerDELETE
operation by calling one of the terminating methods.Stripped down interface providing access to a fluent API that specifies a basic set of reactive Cassandra operations.TheReactiveInsertOperation
interface allows creation and execution of CassandraINSERT
operations in a fluent API style.ApplyInsertOptions
(optional).Table override (optional).TheReactiveInsertOperation.ReactiveInsert
interface provides methods for constructingINSERT
operations in a fluent way.TriggerINSERT
execution by calling one of the terminating methods.TheReactiveSelectOperation
interface allows creation and execution of CassandraSELECT
operations in a fluent API style.TheReactiveSelectOperation.ReactiveSelect
interface provides methods for constructingSELECT
operations in a fluent way.Result type override (optional).Define aQuery
used as the filter for theSELECT
.Table override (optional).TriggerSELECT
execution by calling one of the terminating methods.TheReactiveUpdateOperation
interface allows creation and execution of CassandraUPDATE
operations in a fluent API style.TheReactiveUpdateOperation.ReactiveUpdate
interface provides methods for constructingUPDATE
operations in a fluent way.TriggerUPDATE
execution by calling one of the terminating methods.Table override (optional).Extension toWriteOptions
for use withUPDATE
operations.Builder forUpdateOptions
.The result of a write operation. -
Classes in used by to
for use withDELETE
operations.The result of a write operation for an entity.Extension toWriteOptions
for use withINSERT
operations.Extension toWriteOptions
for use withUPDATE
operations.The result of a write operation. -
Classes in used by specifying a basic set of Cassandra operations.Interface specifying a basic set of reactive Cassandra operations.
Classes in used by specifying a basic set of Cassandra operations.Primary implementation of
.Interface specifying a basic set of reactive Cassandra operations.