Annotation Interface N1qlJoin

@Target(FIELD) @Retention(RUNTIME) public @interface N1qlJoin
This annotation is targeted for entity field which is a list of the associated entities fetched by ANSI Join across the entities available from Couchbase Server 5.5
Subhashni Balakrishnan
  • Required Element Summary

    Required Elements
    Modifier and Type
    Required Element
    Join Criteria can be a simple equi join or multiple conditions combined using AND or OR.
  • Optional Element Summary

    Optional Elements
    Modifier and Type
    Optional Element
    Fetch type specifies how the associated entities are fetched FetchType
    Hash side specification for the associated entity for hash join Note: Supported on enterprise edition only
    Hint index for entity for indexed nested loop join
    Use keys query hint
    Hint index for associated entity for indexed nested loop join
    Where clause for the join.
  • Element Details

    • on

      String on
      Join Criteria can be a simple equi join or multiple conditions combined using AND or OR. Array based equi joins with unnest is also possible. To reference fields in entity use prefix "lks." (left key space) and for referencing fields in associated entities use "rks." (right key space)
    • fetchType

      FetchType fetchType
      Fetch type specifies how the associated entities are fetched FetchType
    • where

      String where
      Where clause for the join. To reference fields in entity use prefix "lks." and for referencing fields in associated entities use "rks."
    • index

      String index
      Hint index for entity for indexed nested loop join
    • rightIndex

      String rightIndex
      Hint index for associated entity for indexed nested loop join
    • hashside

      HashSide hashside
      Hash side specification for the associated entity for hash join Note: Supported on enterprise edition only
    • keys

      String[] keys
      Use keys query hint