Interface CouchbaseConverter

All Superinterfaces:
CouchbaseWriter<Object,CouchbaseDocument>, EntityConverter<CouchbasePersistentEntity<?>,CouchbasePersistentProperty,Object,CouchbaseDocument>, EntityReader<Object,CouchbaseDocument>, EntityWriter<Object,CouchbaseDocument>
All Known Implementing Classes:
AbstractCouchbaseConverter, MappingCouchbaseConverter

Marker interface for the converter, identifying the types to and from that can be converted.
Michael Nitschinger, Simon Baslé, Michael Reiche
  • Method Details

    • convertForWriteIfNeeded

      Object convertForWriteIfNeeded(Object value)
      Convert the value if necessary to the class that would actually be stored, or leave it as is if no conversion needed.
      value - the value to be converted to the class that would actually be stored.
      the converted value (or the same value if no conversion necessary).
    • getWriteClassFor

      Class<?> getWriteClassFor(Class<?> clazz)
      Return the Class that would actually be stored for a given Class.
      clazz - the source class.
      the target class that would actually be stored.
      See Also:
    • getTypeKey

      String getTypeKey()
      the name of the field that will hold type information.
    • getTypeAlias

      Alias getTypeAlias(TypeInformation<?> info)
      the alias value for the type