Class CouchbaseTransactionStatus

All Implemented Interfaces:
Flushable, SavepointManager, TransactionExecution, TransactionStatus

public class CouchbaseTransactionStatus extends DefaultTransactionStatus
Couchbase transaction status for Spring Data transaction framework.
Graham Pople
  • Constructor Details

    • CouchbaseTransactionStatus

      public CouchbaseTransactionStatus(Object transaction, boolean newTransaction, boolean newSynchronization, boolean readOnly, boolean debug, Object suspendedResources)
      Create a new DefaultTransactionStatus instance.
      transaction - underlying transaction object that can hold state for the internal transaction implementation
      newTransaction - if the transaction is new, otherwise participating in an existing transaction
      newSynchronization - if a new transaction synchronization has been opened for the given transaction
      readOnly - whether the transaction is marked as read-only
      debug - should debug logging be enabled for the handling of this transaction? Caching it in here can prevent repeated calls to ask the logging system whether debug logging should be enabled.
      suspendedResources - a holder for resources that have been suspended