Class AbstractMappingContext<E extends MutablePersistentEntity<?,P>,P extends PersistentProperty<P>>

Type Parameters:
E - the concrete PersistentEntity type the MappingContext implementation creates
P - the concrete PersistentProperty type the MappingContext implementation creates
All Implemented Interfaces:
Aware, BeanFactoryAware, InitializingBean, ApplicationContextAware, ApplicationEventPublisherAware, EnvironmentAware, MappingContext<E,P>

public abstract class AbstractMappingContext<E extends MutablePersistentEntity<?,P>,P extends PersistentProperty<P>> extends Object implements MappingContext<E,P>, ApplicationEventPublisherAware, ApplicationContextAware, BeanFactoryAware, EnvironmentAware, InitializingBean
Base class to build mapping metadata and thus create instances of PersistentEntity and PersistentProperty.

The implementation uses a ReentrantReadWriteLock to make sure PersistentEntity are completely populated before accessing them from outside.

Jon Brisbin, Oliver Gierke, Michael Hunger, Thomas Darimont, Tomasz Wysocki, Mark Paluch, Mikael Klamra, Christoph Strobl