Spring Data Document Changelog
Changes in version 1.0.0.M3 MongoDB (2011-06-02)
* [DATADOC-92] - Exception translation to catch RuntimeException instead of MongoException
* [DATADOC-111] - Ensure all MongoTemplate methods execute within the context of a callback method.
* [DATADOC-120] - Remove MongoReaderWriter
* [DATADOC-160] - Review MongoOperations and make the parameter ordering more consistent across methods
Core Data Access
* [DATADOC-80] - Rename addConverters to setCustomConverters in MappingMongoConverter and SimpleMongoConverter
* [DATADOC-89] - Support setting slaveOk in MongoTemplate per query
* [DATADOC-108] - Add findById method to MongoTemplate.
* [DATADOC-112] - Storing a DBRef uses the wrong collection name
* [DATADOC-116] - Nesting DBRefs doesn't work > 1 layers
* [DATADOC-117] - Remove the default collection name on the MongoTemplate
* [DATADOC-118] - Remove MongoTemplate methods that take a Reader/Writer parameter
* [DATADOC-121] - Deprecate SimpleMongoConverter
* [DATADOC-124] - Add method to MappingContext to get the collection name used for a specific type
* [DATADOC-127] - @Document(collection="SOME_COLLECTION_NAME") doesn't take effect
* [DATADOC-141] - Provide a prepareCollection protected method in MongoTemplate to allow customization of behavior such as slaveOk or writeConcern via a subclass
* [DATADOC-142] - Change constructors in MongoTemplate that take Mongo object
* [DATADOC-143] - MappingMongoConverter should be MongoTemplate's default converter
* [DATADOC-149] - Remove setter for MongoDbFactory from MappingMongoConverter
* [DATADOC-157] - MongoTemplate updateFirst/updateMulti methods to take java.lang.Class parameter as last in method param list to be consistent with other usage
* [DATADOC-158] - Change default conventions of java.lang.Class to collection name in MappingMongoConverter to be first letter lower case camel casing.
* [DATADOC-42] - Provide option for configuring replica sets using the Mongo namespace
* [DATADOC-88] - Create MongoDbFactory to consolidate DB, Server location, and user credentials into one location
* [DATADOC-119] - Modify XML schema and @Configuration base class to make it easy to register custom Spring converters with the mapper.
* [DATADOC-133] - Support Property Placeholder as MongoDB Port Number in Application Context Configuration
* [DATADOC-135] - should use - instead of camel case to be consistent with other attribute names
* [DATADOC-138] - Expose all properties of the MongoOptions class in Mongo namespace
Querying / Updating
* [DATADOC-43] - Query creator should support Near and Within keyword
* [DATADOC-96] - Query#or(Query) does not work
* [DATADOC-102] - Update does not let you $set across multiple fields
* [DATADOC-106] - Add additional mongo operators to Criteria class
* [DATADOC-107] - Criteria "in" operator should correctly handle passing in a collection instead of an array.
* [DATADOC-113] - NotNull/IsNotNull not implemented in MongoQueryCreator
* [DATADOC-146] - Advanced Regexp Queries
* [DATADOC-95] - Can not save an object that has not had any of its properties set
* [DATADOC-97] - ID replacement not working correctly when using updateFirst/updateMulti
* [DATADOC-98] - Collection or Object[][] doesn't save correctly
* [DATADOC-109] - Add MappingContext to MongoConverter interface
* [DATADOC-110] - Improve implementation of substituteMappedIdIfNecessary
* [DATADOC-101] - Explicit Converters only registered one way.
* [DATADOC-114] - UpdateFirst/Multi operations on MongoTemplate not properly using converter to store objects.
* [DATADOC-122] - Use same default collection name for MappingMongoConverter and SimpleMongoConverter
* [DATADOC-123] - Use the same id/_id mapping for MappingMongoConverter and SimpleMongoConverter
* [DATADOC-128] - Support inheritance with Document mappings
* [DATADOC-130] - Problem with Converters (java.util.Locale)
* [DATADOC-144] - Add an @Key annotation to allow defining the key a property is stored under
* [DATADOC-145] - MappingMongoConverter does not convert objects for collections of interfaces
* [DATADOC-155] - Need to support plain POJOs with non-ObjectId-compatible ID properties
* [DATADOC-156] - MongoOperations.find(query(where("id").in(ids)) fails where ids aren't ObjectIds
* [DATADOC-159] - Saving the same Entity multiple times creates multiple entries in the database
* [DATADOC-161] - MappingMongoConverter now supports nested Maps
* [DATADOC-115] - Upgrade to QueryDsl 2.2.0-beta4
* [DATADOC-137] - Parameter values in MongoDB JSON Query are not being replaced properly
* [DATADOC-99] - Reference documentation shows invalid field spec for @Query usage with repositories
Changes in version 1.0.0.M2 MongoDB (2011-04-09)
* Spring configuration support using Java based @Configuration classes
Core Data Access
* Persistence and mapping lifecycle events
* GeoSpatial integration
* [DATADOC-76] - Add support for findAndRemove to MongoTemplate/MongoOperations
* [DATADOC-5] - Provide detailed mapping of Mongo errors onto Spring DAO exception
* [DATADOC-51] - Fixed issue with exceptions thrown when authenticating multiple times for sam eDB instance
* [DATADOC-72] - Add support for Mongo's $elemMatch and chained Criteria
* [DATADOC-77] - Rename "and" method in Query to "addCritera"
* [DATADOC-67] - Criteria API to support keywords for geo search
* Feature Rich Object Mapping integrated with Spring's Conversion Service
* Annotation based mapping metadata but extensible to support other metadata formats
* [DATADOC-60] - Add namespace support to setup a MappingMongoConverter
* [DATADOC-33] - Introduce annotation to demarcate id field in a domain object
* [DATADOC-47, DATACMNS-17] - Adapted new metamodel API
* [DATADOC-46] - Added support for 'In' and 'NotIn' keyword
* [DATADOC-49] - Fixed 'And' and 'Or' keywords
* [DATADOC-41] - Added support for executing QueryDsl predicates
* [DATADOC-69] - Let repository namespace pickup the default mapping context bean and allow configuration
* [DATADOC-24] - Allow use of @Query annotation to define queries
* [DATADOC-34] - Create indexes for columns that are mentioned in query methods
* [DATADOC-48] - Cross-store persistance - support for JPA Entities with fields transparently persisted/retrieved using MongoDB
* [DATADOC-66] - Log4j log appender
Changes in version 1.0.0.M1 MongoDB (2011-02-14)
* BeanFactory for basic configuration of Mongo environment
* Namespace for basic configuration of Mongo environment
Core Data Access
* Introduce MongoTemplate implementation with methods defined in MongoOperations interface
* MongoTemplate support for insert, find, save, update, remove
* MongoTemplate support for basic POJO serialization based on bean properties
* Allow MongoTemplate methods to use a default collection name
* Exception translation in MongoTemplate to Spring's DAO exception hierarchy
* Support for update modifiers to allow for partial document updates
* Expose WriteConcern settings on MongoTemplate used for any write operations
* Support in MongoTemplate for enabling either logging or throwing exceptions based on value of WriteResult return value.
* Introducing generic repository implementation for MongoDB
* Automatic implementation of interface query method names on repositories.
* Namespace support for Mongo repositories
* Allow usage of pagination and sorting with repositories