4. Miscellaneous

4.1 Merging persistence units

Spring supports having multiple persistence units out of the box. Sometimes, however, you might want to modularize your application but still make sure that all these modules run inside a single persistence unit at runtime. To do so Spring Data JPA offers a PersistenceUnitManager implementation that automatically merges persistence units based on their name.

Example 4.1. Using MergingPersistenceUnitmanager

<bean class="….LocalContainerEntityManagerFactoryBean">
  <property name="persistenceUnitManager">
    <bean class="….MergingPersistenceUnitManager" />

4.1.1 Classpath scanning for @Entity classes and JPA mapping files

A plain JPA setup requires all annotation mapped entity classes listed in orm.xml. Same applies to XML mapping files. Spring Data JPA provides a ClasspathScanningPersistenceUnitPostProcessor that gets a base package configured and optionally takes a mapping filename pattern. It will then scan the given package for classes annotated with @Entity or @MappedSuperclass and also loads the configuration files matching the filename pattern and hands them to the JPA configuration. The PostProcessor has to be configured like this:

Example 4.2. Using ClasspathScanningPersistenceUnitPostProcessor

<bean class="….LocalContainerEntityManagerFactoryBean">
  <property name="persistenceUnitPostProcessors">
      <bean class="org.springframework.data.jpa.support.ClasspathScanningPersistenceUnitPostProcessor">
        <constructor-arg value="com.acme.domain" />
        <property name="mappingFileNamePattern" value="**/*Mapping.xml" />


As of Spring 3.1 a package to scan can be configured on the LocalContainerEntityManagerFactoryBean directly to enable classpath scanning for entity classes. See the JavaDoc for details.

4.2 CDI integration

Instances of the repository interfaces are usually created by a container, which Spring is the most natural choice when working with Spring Data. There’s sophisticated support to easily set up Spring to create bean instances documented in Section 1.2.3, “Creating repository instances”. As of version 1.1.0 Spring Data JPA ships with a custom CDI extension that allows using the repository abstraction in CDI environments. The extension is part of the JAR so all you need to do to activate it is dropping the Spring Data JPA JAR into your classpath.

You can now set up the infrastructure by implementing a CDI Producer for the EntityManagerFactory and EntityManager:

class EntityManagerFactoryProducer {

  public EntityManagerFactory createEntityManagerFactory() {
    return Persistence.createEntityManagerFactory("my-presistence-unit");

  public void close(@Disposes EntityManagerFactory entityManagerFactory) {

  public EntityManager createEntityManager(EntityManagerFactory entityManagerFactory) {
    return entityManagerFactory.createEntityManager();

  public void close(@Disposes EntityManager entityManager) {

The necessary setup can vary depending on the JavaEE environment you run in. It might also just be enough to redeclare a EntityManager as CDI bean as follows:

class CdiConfig {

  public EntityManager entityManager;

In this example, the container has to be capable of creating JPA EntityManagers itself. All the configuration does is re-exporting the JPA EntityManager as CDI bean.

The Spring Data JPA CDI extension will pick up all EntityManagers availables as CDI beans and create a proxy for a Spring Data repository whenever an bean of a repository type is requested by the container. Thus obtaining an instance of a Spring Data repository is a matter of declaring an @Injected property:

class RepositoryClient {

  PersonRepository repository;

  public void businessMethod() {
    List<Person> people = repository.findAll();