Interface RedisCommands
- All Superinterfaces:
- All Known Subinterfaces:
- All Known Implementing Classes:
public interface RedisCommands
extends RedisKeyCommands, RedisStringCommands, RedisListCommands, RedisSetCommands, RedisZSetCommands, RedisHashCommands, RedisTxCommands, RedisPubSubCommands, RedisConnectionCommands, RedisServerCommands, RedisStreamCommands, RedisScriptingCommands, RedisGeoCommands, RedisHyperLogLogCommands
Interface for the commands supported by Redis.
- Author:
- Costin Leau, Christoph Strobl, Mark Paluch
Nested Class Summary
Nested classes/interfaces inherited from interface
RedisGeoCommands.DistanceUnit, RedisGeoCommands.GeoCommandArgs, RedisGeoCommands.GeoLocation<T>, RedisGeoCommands.GeoRadiusCommandArgs, RedisGeoCommands.GeoSearchCommandArgs, RedisGeoCommands.GeoSearchStoreCommandArgs
Nested classes/interfaces inherited from interface
RedisListCommands.Direction, RedisListCommands.Position
Nested classes/interfaces inherited from interface
RedisServerCommands.FlushOption, RedisServerCommands.MigrateOption, RedisServerCommands.ShutdownOption
Nested classes/interfaces inherited from interface
RedisStreamCommands.XAddOptions, RedisStreamCommands.XClaimOptions, RedisStreamCommands.XPendingOptions
Nested classes/interfaces inherited from interface
RedisStringCommands.BitOperation, RedisStringCommands.SetOption
Nested classes/interfaces inherited from interface
RedisZSetCommands.Aggregate, RedisZSetCommands.Limit, RedisZSetCommands.Range, RedisZSetCommands.ZAddArgs
Method Summary
Methods inherited from interface
echo, ping, select
Methods inherited from interface
geoAdd, geoAdd, geoAdd, geoAdd, geoDist, geoDist, geoHash, geoPos, geoRadius, geoRadius, geoRadiusByMember, geoRadiusByMember, geoRadiusByMember, geoRemove, geoSearch, geoSearchStore
Methods inherited from interface
hDel, hExists, hGet, hGetAll, hIncrBy, hIncrBy, hKeys, hLen, hMGet, hMSet, hRandField, hRandField, hRandFieldWithValues, hRandFieldWithValues, hScan, hSet, hSetNX, hStrLen, hVals
Methods inherited from interface
pfAdd, pfCount, pfMerge
Methods inherited from interface
copy, del, dump, encodingOf, exists, exists, expire, expireAt, idletime, keys, move, persist, pExpire, pExpireAt, pTtl, pTtl, randomKey, refcount, rename, renameNX, restore, restore, scan, scan, sort, sort, touch, ttl, ttl, type, unlink
Methods inherited from interface
bLMove, bLPop, bRPop, bRPopLPush, lIndex, lInsert, lLen, lMove, lPop, lPop, lPos, lPos, lPush, lPushX, lRange, lRem, lSet, lTrim, rPop, rPop, rPopLPush, rPush, rPushX
Methods inherited from interface
getSubscription, isSubscribed, pSubscribe, publish, subscribe
Methods inherited from interface
eval, evalSha, evalSha, scriptExists, scriptFlush, scriptKill, scriptLoad
Methods inherited from interface
bgReWriteAof, bgSave, dbSize, flushAll, flushAll, flushDb, flushDb, getClientList, getClientName, getConfig, info, info, killClient, lastSave, migrate, migrate, replicaOf, replicaOfNoOne, resetConfigStats, rewriteConfig, save, setClientName, setConfig, shutdown, shutdown, time, time
Methods inherited from interface
sAdd, sCard, sDiff, sDiffStore, sInter, sInterStore, sIsMember, sMembers, sMIsMember, sMove, sPop, sPop, sRandMember, sRandMember, sRem, sScan, sUnion, sUnionStore
Methods inherited from interface
xAck, xAck, xAdd, xAdd, xAdd, xClaim, xClaim, xClaimJustId, xDel, xDel, xGroupCreate, xGroupCreate, xGroupDelConsumer, xGroupDelConsumer, xGroupDestroy, xInfo, xInfoConsumers, xInfoGroups, xLen, xPending, xPending, xPending, xPending, xPending, xPending, xPending, xRange, xRange, xRead, xRead, xReadGroup, xReadGroup, xRevRange, xRevRange, xTrim, xTrim
Methods inherited from interface
append, bitCount, bitCount, bitField, bitOp, bitPos, bitPos, decr, decrBy, get, getBit, getDel, getEx, getRange, getSet, incr, incrBy, incrBy, mGet, mSet, mSetNX, pSetEx, set, set, setBit, setEx, setNX, setRange, strLen
Methods inherited from interface
discard, exec, multi, unwatch, watch
Methods inherited from interface
bZPopMax, bZPopMin, zAdd, zAdd, zAdd, zAdd, zCard, zCount, zCount, zDiff, zDiffStore, zDiffWithScores, zIncrBy, zInter, zInterStore, zInterStore, zInterStore, zInterWithScores, zInterWithScores, zInterWithScores, zLexCount, zMScore, zPopMax, zPopMax, zPopMin, zPopMin, zRandMember, zRandMember, zRandMemberWithScore, zRandMemberWithScore, zRange, zRangeByLex, zRangeByLex, zRangeByLex, zRangeByScore, zRangeByScore, zRangeByScore, zRangeByScore, zRangeByScore, zRangeByScore, zRangeByScoreWithScores, zRangeByScoreWithScores, zRangeByScoreWithScores, zRangeByScoreWithScores, zRangeWithScores, zRank, zRem, zRemRange, zRemRangeByLex, zRemRangeByScore, zRemRangeByScore, zRevRange, zRevRangeByLex, zRevRangeByLex, zRevRangeByLex, zRevRangeByScore, zRevRangeByScore, zRevRangeByScore, zRevRangeByScore, zRevRangeByScoreWithScores, zRevRangeByScoreWithScores, zRevRangeByScoreWithScores, zRevRangeByScoreWithScores, zRevRangeWithScores, zRevRank, zScan, zScore, zUnion, zUnionStore, zUnionStore, zUnionStore, zUnionWithScores, zUnionWithScores, zUnionWithScores
Method Details
'Native' or 'raw' execution of the given command along-side the given arguments. The command is executed as is, with as little 'interpretation' as possible - it is up to the caller to take care of any processing of arguments or the result.- Parameters:
- Command to execute. must not be null.args
- Possible command arguments (may be empty).- Returns:
- execution result. Can be null.