© 2010-2017 The original authors.
Copies of this document may be made for your own use and for distribution to others provided that you do not charge any fee for such copies and further provided that each copy contains this Copyright Notice whether distributed in print or electronically. |
- Preface
- Reference Guide
- 4. Document Structure
- 5. Bootstrapping Pivotal GemFire with the Spring container
- 5.1. Advantages of using Spring over Pivotal GemFire
- 5.2. Using the Core Namespace
- 5.3. Using the Data Access Namespace
- 5.4. Configuring a Cache
- 5.5. Configuring a Region
- 5.6. Configuring an Index
- 5.7. Configuring a DiskStore
- 5.8. Configuring the Snapshot Service
- 5.9. Configuring the Function Service
- 5.10. Configuring WAN Gateways
- 5.1. Advantages of using Spring over Pivotal GemFire
- 6. Working with Pivotal GemFire APIs
- 7. Working with Pivotal GemFire Serialization
- 8. POJO mapping
- 9. Spring Data GemFire Repositories
- 10. Annotation Support for Function Execution
- 11. Apache Lucene Integration
- 12. Bootstrapping a Spring ApplicationContext in Pivotal GemFire
- 13. Sample Applications
- Resources
- Appendices
Spring Data GemFire focuses on integrating the Spring Framework’s powerful, non-invasive programming model and concepts with Pivotal GemFire to simplify configuration and development of Java applications using GemFire.
This document assumes the reader already has a basic familiarity with the Spring Framework and Pivotal GemFire concepts and APIs.
While every effort has been made to ensure this documentation is comprehensive and complete, with no errors, some topics are beyond the scope of this document and may require more explanation (e.g. data distribution management with partitioning for HA while still preserving consistency). Additionally, some typos might have crept in. If you do spot mistakes or even more serious errors and you can spare a few cycles, please do bring these issues to the attention of the Spring Data GemFire team by raising an appropriate issue.
Thank you.
1. Introduction
This reference guide for Spring Data GemFire explains how to use the Spring Framework to configure and develop applications with Pivotal GemFire. It presents the basic concepts, semantics and provides numerous examples to help you get started.
2. Requirements
Spring Data GemFire requires JDK 8.0, Spring Framework 5 and Pivotal GemFire 9.0.x.
3. New Features
As of the 1.2.0.RELEASE, this project, formerly known as Spring GemFire, has been renamed to Spring Data GemFire to reflect that it is now a module of the Spring Data project. |
3.1. New in the 1.2 Release
Full support for GemFire configuration via the SDG gfe namespace. Now GemFire components may be configured completely without requiring a native cache.xml file.
WAN Gateway support for GemFire 6.6.x. See Configuring WAN Gateways.
Spring Data Repository support using a dedicated SDG namespace, gfe-data. See Spring Data GemFire Repositories
Namespace support for registering GemFire Functions. See Configuring the Function Service
A top-level
element has been added to the SDG gfe namespace to allow sharing of persist stores among Regions, and other components that support persistent backup or overflow. See [bootstrap-diskstore]The <*-region>
elements no longer allow a nested<disk-store>
element. -
GemFire Sub-Regions are supported via nested
elements. -
element has been added to configure a Local Region. -
Support for the re-designed WAN Gateway in GemFire 7.0.
3.2. New in the 1.3 Release
Annotation support for GemFire Functions. It is now possible to declare and register Functions written as POJOs using annotations. In addition, Function executions are defined as annotated interfaces, similar to the way Spring Data Repositories work. See Annotation Support for Function Execution.
Added a
element to the SDG gfe-data namespace to simplify establishing a basic client connection to a GemFire data grid. -
Added a
element to the SDG gfe-data namespace to support JSON features introduced in GemFire 7.0, enabling Spring AOP to perform the necessary conversions automatically on Region operations. -
Upgraded to GemFire 7.0.1 and added namespace support for new AsyncEventQueue attributes.
Added support for setting subscription interest policy on Regions.
Support for void returns on Function executions. See Annotation Support for Function Execution for complete details.
Support for persisting Local Regions. See Local Region and [bootstrap:region:common:attributes].
Support for entry time-to-live and entry idle-time on a GemFire Client Cache. See Configuring a GemFire ClientCache.
Support for multiple Spring Data GemFire web-based applications using a single GemFire cluster, operating concurrently inside tc Server.
Support for concurrency-checks-enabled on all GemFire Cache Region definitions using the SDG gfe namespace. See [bootstrap:region:common:attributes].
Support for Cache Loaders and Cache Writers on Client, Local Regions. See [bootstrap:region:common:loaders-writers].
Support for registering CacheListeners, AsyncEventQueues and Gateway Senders on GemFire Cache Sub-Regions.
Support for PDX persistent keys in GemFire Regions.
Support for correct Partition Region bean creation in a Spring context when collocation is specified with the colocated-with attribute.
Full support for GemFire Cache Sub-Regions using proper, nested
element syntax in the SDG gfe namespace. -
Upgraded Spring Data GemFire to Spring Framework 3.2.8.
Upgraded Spring Data GemFire to Spring Data Commons 1.7.1.
3.3. New in the 1.4 Release
Upgrades to Pivotal GemFire 7.0.2.
Upgrades to Spring Data Commons 1.8.x.RELEASE.
Upgrades to Spring Framework 3.2.x.RELEASE.
Integrates Spring Data GemFire with Spring Boot, which includes both a spring-boot-starter-data-gemfire POM along with a Spring Boot sample application demonstrating GemFire Cache Transactions configured with SDG and bootstrapped with Spring Boot.
Support for bootstrapping a Spring
in a GemFire Server when started from Gfsh. See Bootstrapping a Spring ApplicationContext in Pivotal GemFire for more details. -
Support for persisting application domain object/entities to multiple GemFire Cache Regions. See Entity Mapping for more details.
Support for persisting application domain object/entities to GemFire Cache Sub-Regions, avoiding collisions when Sub-Regions are uniquely identifiable, but identically named. See Entity Mapping for more details.
Adds strict XSD type rules to, and full support for, Data Policies and Region Shortcuts on all GemFire Cache Region types.
Changed the default behavior of SDG
elements from lookup to always create a new Region along with an option to restore old behavior using the ignore-if-exists attribute. See Common Region Attributes and [bootstrap:region:common:regions-subregions-lookups-caution] for more details. -
Spring Data GemFire can now be fully built and ran on JDK 7 and JDK 8.
Pivotal GemFire has not yet been fully tested and certified to run JDK 8; See GemFire User Guide for additional details. |
3.4. New in the 1.5 Release
Maintains support for Pivotal GemFire 7.0.2.
Upgrades to Spring Data Commons 1.9.x.RELEASE.
Upgrades to Spring Framework 4.0.x.RELEASE.
Reference Guide migrated to Asciidoc.
Renewed support for deploying Spring Data GemFire in an OSGi container.
Removed all default values in the Spring Data GemFire XML namespace Region-type elements to rely on GemFire defaults instead.
Added convenience to automatically create Disk Store directory locations.
SDG annotated Function implementations can now be executed from Gfsh.
Enable GemFire
to be started manually. -
Support for Auto Region Lookups. See [bootstrap:region:auto-lookup] for further details.
Support for Region Templates. See [bootstrap:region:common:region-templates] for further details.
3.5. New in the 1.6 Release
Upgrades to Pivotal GemFire 8.0.0.
Upgrades to Spring Data Commons 1.10.x.RELEASE.
Maintains support on Spring Framework 4.0.x.RELEASE.
Adds support for GemFire 8’s new Cluster-based Configuration.
Enables 'auto-reconnect' functionality to be employed in Spring-configured GemFire Servers.
Allows the creation of concurrent and parallel Async Event Queues and Gateway Senders.
Adds support for GemFire 8’s Region data compression.
Adds attributes to set both critical and warning percentages on Disk Store usage.
Supports the capability to add the new EventSubstitutionFilters to GatewaySenders.
3.6. New in the 1.7 Release
Upgrades to Pivotal GemFire 8.1.0.
Upgrades to Spring Data Commons 1.11.x.RELEASE.
Upgrades to Spring Framework 4.1.x.RELEASE.
Early access support for Pivotal GemFire.
Support for adding Spring-defined Cache Listeners, Loaders and Writers on "existing" GemFire Regions configured in Spring XML,
or even with Pivotal GemFire’s Cluster Config. -
Spring JavaConfig support added to
. -
Support for custom
to load Spring-defined bean classes. -
Support for
re-initialization and complete replacement forWiringDeclarableSupport
. -
attributes to the<gfe:pool>
element allowing variable Locator/Server endpoint lists configured with Spring’s property placeholders. -
Enables the use of
element with non-Spring configured Pivotal GemFire Servers. -
Multi-Index definition and creation support.
3.7. New in the 1.8 Release
Upgrades to Pivotal GemFire 8.2.0.
Upgrades to Spring Data Commons 1.12.x.RELEASE.
Upgrades to Spring Framework 4.2.x.RELEASE.
Adds Maven POM to build SDG with Maven.
Adds support for CDI.
Enables a
to be configured without aPool
. -
attributes now default to false. -
attributes to<gfe:client-cache>
. -
GemfirePersistentProperty now properly handles other non-entity, scalar-like types (e.g.
). -
Prevents SDG-defined
from being destroyed beforeRegions
that use thosePools
. -
Handles case-insensitive GemFire OQL queries defined as Repository query methods.
to callRegion.remove(key)
in SDG’s Spring Cache Abstraction support. -
with Repository queries on a clientRegion
associated with a specificPool
configured for GemFire server groups. -
Gateway Senders/Receivers
to no longer be tied to the Spring container.
3.8. New in the 1.9 Release
Upgrades to Pivotal GemFire 8.2.4.
Upgrades to Spring Data Commons 1.13.x.RELEASE.
Upgrades to Spring Framework 4.3.x.RELEASE.
Introduces an entirely new Annotation-based configuration model inspired by Spring Boot.
Adds support for suspend and resume in the
. -
Adds support in Repositories to use the bean
property as the Region key when the@Id
annotation is not present. -
as the default GemFire serialization strategy when@EnablePdx
is used. -
to explicitly list Region names to be used in the Spring’s Caching Abstraction. -
Configure GemFire Caches, CacheServers, Locators, Pools, Regions, Indexes, DiskStores, Expiration, Eviction, Statistics, Mcast, HttpService, Auth, SSL, Logging, System Properties.
Repository support with multiple Spring Data modules on the classpath.
3.9. New in the 2.0 Release
Upgrades to Pivotal GemFire 9.0.x.
Upgrades to Spring Data Commons 2.0.x.RELEASE.
Upgrades to Spring Framework 5.0.x.RELEASE.
Reorganizes the SDG codebase by better packaging different classes and components by concern.
Adds extensive support for Java 8 types, particularly in the SD Repository abstraction.
Changes to the Repository interface and abstraction, e.g. IDs are no longer required to be
. -
attribute to true by default. -
attribute to false by default. -
. -
Introduces a
class to easily and conveniently express Interests in keys/values between client and server when using JavaConfig. -
Adds support for Off-Heap, Redis Adapter and GemFire’s new Security framework to the Annotation configuration model.
Reference Guide
4. Document Structure
The following chapters explain the core functionality offered by Spring Data GemFire for Pivotal GemFire.
Bootstrapping Pivotal GemFire with the Spring container describes the configuration support provided for bootstrapping, configuring, initializing and accessing Pivotal GemFire Caches, Regions, and related Distributed System components.
Working with Pivotal GemFire APIs explains the integration between the Pivotal GemFire APIs and the various data access features available in Spring, such as transaction management and exception translation.
Working with Pivotal GemFire Serialization describes the enhancements for Pivotal GemFire (de)serialization and management of associated objects.
POJO mapping describes persistence mapping for POJOs stored in Pivotal GemFire using Spring Data.
Spring Data GemFire Repositories describes how to create and use Spring Data Repositories to access data in Pivotal GemFire.
Annotation Support for Function Execution describes how to create and use Pivotal GemFire Functions using Annotations.
Bootstrapping a Spring ApplicationContext in Pivotal GemFire describes how to bootstrap a Spring ApplicationContext
running in an Pivotal GemFire server
using Gfsh.
Sample Applications describes the examples provided with the distribution to illustrate the various features available in Spring Data GemFire.
5. Bootstrapping Pivotal GemFire with the Spring container
Spring Data GemFire provides full configuration and initialization of the Pivotal GemFire In-Memory Data Grid (IMDG) using the Spring IoC container. The framework includes several classes to help simplify the configuration of Pivotal GemFire components including: Caches, Regions, Indexes, DiskStores, Functions, WAN Gateways, persistence backup along with several other Distributed System components in order to support a variety of use cases with minimal effort.
This section assumes basic familiarity with Pivotal GemFire. For more information, see the Pivotal GemFire product documentation. |
5.1. Advantages of using Spring over Pivotal GemFire cache.xml
Spring Data GemFire’s XML namespace supports full configuration of the Pivotal GemFire In-Memory Data Grid (IMDG).
The XML namespace is the preferred way to configure Pivotal GemFire in a Spring context in order to properly
manage GemFire’s lifecycle inside the Spring container. While support for GemFire’s native cache.xml
for legacy reasons, GemFire application developers are encouraged to do everything in Spring XML to take advantage of
the many wonderful things Spring has to offer such as modular XML configuration, property placeholders and overrides,
SpEL, and environment profiles. Behind the XML namespace, Spring Data GemFire makes extensive use of Spring’s
pattern to simplify the creation, configuration and initialization of GemFire components.
Pivotal GemFire provides several callback interfaces, such as CacheListener
, CacheLoader
and CacheWriter
that allow developers to add custom event handlers. Using Spring’s IoC container, these callbacks may be configured
as normal Spring beans and injected into GemFire components. This is a significant improvement over native cache.xml
which provides relatively limited configuration options and requires callbacks to implement GemFire’s Declarable
interface (see Wiring Declarable
Components to see how you can still use Declarables
within Spring’s IoC/DI container).
In addition, IDEs, such as the Spring Tool Suite (STS), provide excellent support for Spring XML namespaces including code completion, pop-up annotations, and real time validation, making them easy to use.
5.2. Using the Core Namespace
To simplify configuration, Spring Data GemFire provides a dedicated XML namespace for configuring core Pivotal GemFire
components. It is possible to configure beans directly using Spring’s standard <bean>
definition. However,
all bean properties are exposed via the XML namespace so there is little benefit to using raw bean definitions.
For more information about XML Schema-based configuration in Spring, see the
in the Spring Framework reference documentation.
Spring Data Repository support uses a separate XML namespace. See Spring Data GemFire Repositories for more information on how to configure Spring Data GemFire Repositories. |
To use the Spring Data GemFire XML namespace, simply declare it in your Spring XML configuration meta-data:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<beans xmlns="http://www.springframework.org/schema/beans"
http://www.springframework.org/schema/beans http://www.springframework.org/schema/beans/spring-beans.xsd
http://www.springframework.org/schema/geode http://www.springframework.org/schema/gemfire/spring-geode.xsd"> (3)
<bean id ... >
<gfe:cache ...> (4)
1 | Spring Data GemFire XML namespace prefix. Any name will do but through out this reference documentation,
gfe will be used. |
2 | The XML namespace prefix is mapped to the URI. |
3 | The XML namespace URI location. Note that even though the location points to an external address (which does exist and is valid), Spring will resolve the schema locally as it is included in the Spring Data GemFire library. |
4 | Example declaration using the XML namespace with the gfe prefix. |
It is possible to change the default namespace from
5.3. Using the Data Access Namespace
In addition to the core XML namespace (gfe
), Spring Data GemFire provides a gfe-data
XML namespace
primarily intended to simplify the development of Pivotal GemFire client applications. This namespace currently contains
support for GemFire Repositories and function execution as well as
includes a <datasource>
tag that offers a convenient way to connect to the Pivotal GemFire data grid.
5.3.1. An Easy Way to Connect to GemFire
For many applications, a basic connection to a GemFire data grid using default values is sufficient.
Spring Data GemFire’s <datasource>
tag provides a simple way to access data. The data source creates
a ClientCache
and connection Pool
. In addition, it will query the cluster servers for all existing root Regions
and create an (empty) client Region proxy for each one.
<locator host="remotehost" port="1234"/>
The <datasource>
tag is syntactically similar to <gfe:pool>
. It may be configured with one or more nested locator
or server
tags to connect to an existing data grid. Additionally, all attributes available to configure a Pool
are supported. This configuration will automatically create client Region beans for each Region defined on
cluster members connected to the Locator, so they may be seamlessly referenced by Spring Data mapping annotations,
, and wired into application classes.
Of course, you can explicitly configure client Regions. For example, if you want to cache data in local memory:
<locator host="remotehost" port="1234"/>
<gfe:client-region id="Example" shortcut="CACHING_PROXY"/>
5.4. Configuring a Cache
To use Pivotal GemFire, a developer needs to either create a new Cache
or connect to an existing one.
With the current version of GemFire, there can be only one open Cache per VM (technically, per ClassLoader
In most cases, the Cache
should only be created once.
This section describes the creation and configuration of a peer cache member, appropriate in
peer-to-peer (P2P) topologies and cache servers. A cache member can also be used in standalone applications
and integration tests. However, in most typical production systems, most application processes will act as
cache clients, creating a ClientCache instance instead. This is described in the sections Configuring a GemFire ClientCache
and Client Region.
A peer cache with default configuration can be created with a very simple declaration:
During Spring container initialization, any application context containing this cache definition will register
a CacheFactoryBean
that creates a Spring bean named gemfireCache
referencing a GemFire Cache
This bean will refer to either an existing cache, or if one does not already exist, a newly created one. Since no
additional properties were specified, a newly created cache will apply the default cache configuration.
All Spring Data GemFire components that depend on the cache respect this naming convention, so there is no need
to explicitly declare the cache dependency. If you prefer, you can make the dependency explicit via the cache-ref
attribute provided by various SDG XML namespace elements. Also, you can easily override the cache’s bean name using
the id
<gfe:cache id="myCache"/>
A GemFire Cache
can be fully configured using Spring, however, GemFire’s native XML configuration file, cache.xml
is also supported. For situations where the GemFire cache needs to be configured natively, simply provide a reference
to the GemFire XML configuration file using the cache-xml-location
<gfe:cache id="cacheConfiguredWithNativeXml" cache-xml-location="classpath:cache.xml"/>
In this example, if a cache needs to be created, it will use a file named cache.xml
located in the classpath root
to configure it.
The configuration makes use of Spring’s Resource
abstraction to locate the file. This allows various search patterns to be used, depending on the runtime environment
or the prefix specified (if any) in the resource location.
In addition to referencing an external XML configuration file, a developer may also specify GemFire System
using any of Spring’s Properties
support features.
For example, the developer may use the properties
element defined in the util
namespace to define Properties
directly or load properties from a properties file:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<beans xmlns="http://www.springframework.org/schema/beans"
http://www.springframework.org/schema/beans http://www.springframework.org/schema/beans/spring-beans.xsd
http://www.springframework.org/schema/gemfire http://www.springframework.org/schema/gemfire/spring-gemfire.xsd
http://www.springframework.org/schema/util http://www.springframework.org/schema/util/spring-util.xsd">
<util:properties id="gemfireProperties" location="file:/path/to/gemfire.properties"/>
<gfe:cache properties-ref="gemfireProperties"/>
Using a properties file is recommended for externalizing environment specific settings outside the application configuration.
Cache settings apply only if a new cache needs to be created. If an open cache already exists in the VM, these settings are ignored. |
5.4.1. Advanced Cache Configuration
For advanced cache configuration, the cache
element provides a number of configuration options exposed as attributes
or child elements:
enable-auto-reconnect="false" (2)
use-bean-factory-locator="true" (3)
use-cluster-configuration="false" (4)
<gfe:transaction-listener ref="myTransactionListener"/> (5)
<gfe:transaction-writer> (6)
<bean class="org.example.app.gemfire.transaction.TransactionWriter"/>
<gfe:gateway-conflict-resolver ref="myGatewayConflictResolver"/> (7)
<gfe:dynamic-region-factory/> (8)
<gfe:jndi-binding jndi-name="myDataSource" type="ManagedDataSource"/> (9)
1 | Various cache options are supported by attributes. For further information regarding anything shown in this example,
please consult the GemFire product documentation.
The close attribute determines whether the cache should be closed when the Spring application context is closed.
The default is true , however, for use cases in which multiple application contexts use the cache
(common in web applications), set this value to false . |
2 | Setting the enable-auto-reconnect attribute to true (default is false), allows a disconnected GemFire member to
automatically reconnect and rejoin the GemFire cluster.
See the GemFire product documentation
for more details. |
3 | Setting the use-bean-factory-locator attribute to true (defaults to false ) is only applicable when both
Spring (XML) configuration meta-data and GemFire cache.xml is used to configure the GemFire cache node
(whether client or peer). This option allows GemFire components (e.g. CacheLoader ) expressed in cache.xml
to be auto-wired with beans (e.g. DataSource ) defined in the Spring application context. This option is typically
used in conjunction with cache-xml-location . |
4 | Setting the use-cluster-configuration attribute to true (default is false ) enables a GemFire member to
retrieve the common, shared Cluster-based configuration from a Locator.
See the GemFire product documentation
for more details. |
5 | Example of a TransactionListener callback declaration using a bean reference. The referenced bean must implement
A TransactionListener can be implemented to handle transaction related events (e.g. afterCommit, afterRollback). |
6 | Example of a TransactionWriter callback declaration using an inner bean declaration. The bean must implement
The TransactionWriter is a callback that is allowed to veto a transaction. |
7 | Example of a GatewayConflictResolver callback declaration using a bean reference. The referenced bean
must implement http://geode.apache.org/releases/latest/javadoc/org/apache/geode/cache/util/GatewayConflictResolver.html
A GatewayConflictResolver is a Cache-level plugin that is called upon to decide what to do with events that originate
in other systems and arrive through the WAN Gateway. |
8 | Enable GemFire’s DynamicRegionFactory, which provides a distributed Region creation service. |
9 | Declares a JNDI binding to enlist an external DataSource in a GemFire transaction. |
Enabling PDX Serialization
The example above includes a number of attributes related to GemFire’s enhanced serialization framework, PDX.
While a complete discussion of PDX is beyond the scope of this reference guide, it is important to note that PDX
is enabled by registering a PdxSerializer
which is specified via the pdx-serializer
attribute. GemFire provides
an implementing class org.apache.geode.pdx.ReflectionBasedAutoSerializer
that uses Java Reflection, however, it is
common for developers to provide their own implementation. The value of the attribute is simply a reference to
a Spring bean that implements the PdxSerializer
More information on serialization support can be found in Working with Pivotal GemFire Serialization
Enabling auto-reconnect
Setting the <gfe:cache enable-auto-reconnect="[true|false*]>
attribute to true
should be done with care.
Generally, 'auto-reconnect' should only be enabled in cases where Spring Data GemFire’s XML namespace is used to configure and bootstrap a new, non-application GemFire Server to add to a cluster. In other words, 'auto-reconnect' should not be enabled when Spring Data GemFire is used to develop and build an GemFire application that also happens to be a peer cache member of the GemFire cluster.
The main reason for this is that most GemFire applications use references to the GemFire cache or Regions in order to perform data access operations. These references are "injected" by the Spring container into application components (e.g. DAOs or Repositories) for use by the application. When a peer member is forcefully disconnected from the rest of the cluster, presumably because the peer member has become unresponsive or a network partition separates one or more peer members into a group too small to function as an independent distributed system, the peer member will shutdown and all GemFire component references (e.g. Cache, Regions, etc) become invalid.
Essentially, the current forced-disconnect processing logic in each peer member dismantles the system from the ground up. The JGroups stack shuts down, the Distributed System is put in a shutdown state and finally, the Cache is closed. Effectively, all memory references become stale and are lost.
After being disconnected from the Distributed System a peer member enters a "reconnecting" state and periodically attempts to rejoin the Distributed System. If the peer member succeeds in reconnecting, the member rebuilds its "view" of the Distributed System from existing members and receives a new Distributed System ID. Additionally, all Cache, Regions and other GemFire components are reconstructed. Therefore, all old references, which may have been injected into application by the Spring container are now stale and no longer valid.
GemFire makes no guarantee, even when using the GemFire public Java API, that application Cache, Region or other component references will be automatically refreshed by the reconnect operation. As such, GemFire applications must take care to refresh their own references.
Unfortunately, there is no way to be notified of a disconnect event, and subsequently, a reconnect event.
If that were the case, the application developer would have a clean way to know when to call
, if even applicable for an application to do so, which is why
this "feature" of Pivotal GemFire is not recommended for peer cache GemFire applications.
For more information about 'auto-reconnect', see GemFire’s product documentation.
Using Cluster-based Configuration
Pivotal GemFire’s Cluster Configuration Service is a convenient way for any peer member joining the cluster to get a "consistent view" of the cluster by using the shared, persistent configuration maintained by a Locator. Using the Cluster-based Configuration ensures the peer member’s configuration will be compatible with the GemFire Distributed System when the member joins.
This feature of Spring Data GemFire (setting the use-cluster-configuration
attribute to true
) works in the same way
as the cache-xml-location
attribute, except the source of the GemFire configuration meta-data comes from the network
via a Locator as opposed to a native cache.xml
file residing in the local file system.
All GemFire native configuration meta-data, whether from cache.xml
or from the Cluster Configuration Service,
gets applied before any Spring (XML) configuration meta-data. As such, Spring’s config serves to "augment" the
native GemFire configuration meta-data and would most likely be specific to the application.
Again, to enable this feature, just specify the following in the Spring XML config:
<gfe:cache use-cluster-configuration="true"/>
While certain GemFire tools, like Gfsh, have their actions "recorded" when schema-like changes are made
(e.g. gfsh>create region --name=Example --type=PARTITION ), Spring Data GemFire’s configuration meta-data
is not recorded. The same is true when using GemFire’s public Java API directly; it too is not recorded.
For more information on GemFire’s Cluster Configuration Service, see the product documentation.
5.4.2. Configuring a GemFire CacheServer
Spring Data GemFire includes dedicated support for configuring a CacheServer, allowing complete configuration through the Spring container:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<beans xmlns="http://www.springframework.org/schema/beans"
http://www.springframework.org/schema/beans http://www.springframework.org/schema/beans/spring-beans.xsd
http://www.springframework.org/schema/context http://www.springframework.org/schema/context/spring-context.xsd
http://www.springframework.org/schema/gemfire http://www.springframework.org/schema/gemfire/spring-gemfire.xsd
<!-- Example depicting serveral GemFire CacheServer configuration options -->
<gfe:cache-server id="advanced-config" auto-startup="true"
bind-address="localhost" host-name-for-clients="localhost" port="${gemfire.cache.server.port}"
load-poll-interval="2000" max-connections="22" max-message-count="1000" max-threads="16"
max-time-between-pings="30000" groups="test-server">
<gfe:subscription-config eviction-type="ENTRY" capacity="1000" disk-store="file://${java.io.tmpdir}"/>
<context:property-placeholder location="classpath:cache-server.properties"/>
The configuration above illustrates the cache-server
element and the many options available.
Rather than hard-coding the port, this configuration uses Spring’s
namespace to declare a property-placeholder .
property placeholder
reads one or more properties files and then replaces property placeholders with values at runtime. This allows administrators
to change values without having to touch the main application configuration. Spring also provides the
and the environment abstraction
to support externalization of environment-specific properties from the main codebase, easing deployment
across multiple machines.
To avoid initialization problems, the CacheServer started by Spring Data GemFire will start after
the Spring container has been fully initialized. This allows potential Regions, Listeners, Writers or Instantiators
defined declaratively to be fully initialized and registered before the server starts accepting connections.
Keep this in mind when programmatically configuring these elements as the server might start after your components
and thus not be seen by the clients connecting right away.
5.4.3. Configuring a GemFire ClientCache
In addition to defining a GemFire peer Cache,
Spring Data GemFire also supports the definition of a GemFire ClientCache
in a Spring context. A ClientCache
definition is very similar in configuration and use to
the GemFire peer Cache and is supported by the org.springframework.data.gemfire.client.ClientCacheFactoryBean
The simplest definition of a GemFire cache client using default configuration can be accomplished with the following declaration:
supports many of the same options as the cache element. However, as opposed
to a full-fledged peer cache member, a cache client connects to a remote cache server through a Pool. By default,
a Pool is created to connect to a server running on localhost
, listening to port 40404
. The default Pool is used
by all client Regions unless the Region is configured to use a specific Pool.
Pools can be defined with the pool
element. This client-side Pool can be used to configure connectivity directly to
a server for individual entities or the entire cache through one or more Locators.
For example, to customize the default Pool used by the client-cache
, the developer needs to define a Pool and wire it
to the cache definition:
<gfe:client-cache id="my-cache" pool-name="myPool"/>
<gfe:pool id="myPool" subscription-enabled="true">
<gfe:locator host="${gemfire.locator.host}" port="${gemfire.locator.port}"/>
The <client-cache>
element also has a ready-for-events
attribute. If set to true
, the client cache
initialization will include a call to ClientCache.readyForEvents().
Client-side configuration is covered in more detail in Client Region.
GemFire’s DEFAULT Pool and Spring Data GemFire Pool Definitions
If a GemFire ClientCache
is local-only, then no Pool definition is required. For instance, a developer may define:
<gfe:client-region id="Example" shortcut="LOCAL"/>
In this case, the "Example" Region is LOCAL
and no data is distributed between the client and a server, therefore,
no Pool is necessary. This is true for any client-side, local-only Region, as defined by the GemFire’s
(all LOCAL_*
However, if a client Region is a (caching) proxy to a server-side Region, then a Pool is required. There are several ways to define and use a Pool in this case.
When a client cache, Pool and proxy-based Region are all defined, but not explicitly identified, Spring Data GemFire will resolve the references automatically for you.
For example:
<gfe:locator host="${geode.locator.host}" port="${geode.locator.port}"/>
<gfe:client-region id="Example" shortcut="PROXY"/>
In the example above, the client cache is identified as gemfireCache
, the Pool as gemfirePool
and the client Region
as "Example". However, the client cache will initialize GemFire’s DEFAULT Pool from gemfirePool
and the client Region
will use the gemfirePool
when distributing data between the client and the server.
Basically, Spring Data GemFire resolves the above configuration to the following:
<gfe:client-cache id="gemfireCache" pool-name="gemfirePool"/>
<gfe:pool id="gemfirePool">
<gfe:locator host="${geode.locator.host}" port="${geode.locator.port}"/>
<gfe:client-region id="Example" cache-ref="gemfireCache" pool-name="gemfirePool" shortcut="PROXY"/>
GemFire still creates a Pool called "DEFAULT". Spring Data GemFire will just cause the "DEFAULT" Pool to be
initialized from the gemfirePool
. This is useful in situations where multiple Pools are defined and client Regions
are using separate Pools.
Consider the following:
<gfe:client-cache pool-name="locatorPool"/>
<gfe:pool id="locatorPool">
<gfe:locator host="${geode.locator.host}" port="${geode.locator.port}"/>
<gfe:pool id="serverPool">
<gfe:server host="${geode.server.host}" port="${geode.server.port}"/>
<gfe:client-region id="Example" pool-name="serverPool" shortcut="PROXY"/>
<gfe:client-region id="AnotherExample" shortcut="CACHING_PROXY"/>
<gfe:client-region id="YetAnotherExample" shortcut="LOCAL"/>
In this setup, the GemFire client cache’s "DEFAULT" Pool is initialized from "locatorPool" as specified with the
attribute. There is no Spring Data GemFire-defined gemfirePool
since both Pools were explicitly
identified (named) "locatorPool" and "serverPool", respectively.
The "Example" Region explicitly refers to and uses the "serverPool" exclusively. The "AnotherExample" Region uses
GemFire’s "DEFAULT" Pool, which was configured from the "locatorPool" based on the client cache bean definition’s
Finally, the "YetAnotherExample" Region will not use a Pool since it is LOCAL
The "AnotherExample" Region would first look for a Pool bean named gemfirePool , but that would require
the definition of an anonymous Pool bean (i.e. <gfe:pool/> ) or a Pool bean explicitly named gemfirePool
(e.g. <gfe:pool id="gemfirePool"/> ).
We could have either named "locatorPool", "gemfirePool", or made the Pool bean definition anonymous and it would have the same effect as the above configuration. |
5.5. Configuring a Region
A Region is required to store and retrieve data from the cache. org.apache.geode.cache.Region
is an interface
extending java.util.Map
and enables basic data access using familiar key-value semantics. The Region
is wired into application classes that require it so the actual Region type is decoupled from the programming model.
Typically, each Region is associated with one domain object, similar to a table in a relational database.
GemFire implements the following types of Regions:
REPLICATE - Data is replicated across all cache members that define the Region. This provides very high read performance but writes take longer to perform the replication.
PARTITION - Data is partitioned into buckets (sharded) among cache members that define the Region. This provides high read and write performance and is suitable for large data sets that are too big for a single node.
LOCAL - Data only exists on the local node.
Client - Technically, a client Region is a LOCAL Region that acts as a PROXY to a REPLICATE or PARTITION Region hosted on cache servers in a cluster. It may hold data created or fetched locally. Alternately, it can be empty. Local updates are synchronized to the cache server. Also, a client Region may subscribe to events in order to stay up-to-date (synchronized) with changes originating from remote processes that access the same server Region.
For more information about the various Region types and their capabilities as well as configuration options, please refer to Pivotal GemFire’s documentation on Region Types.
5.5.1. Using an externally configured Region
To reference Regions already configured in a GemFire native cache.xml
file, use the lookup-region
Simply declare the target Region name with the name
attribute. For example, to declare a bean definition identified
as ordersRegion
for an existing Region named Orders
, you can use the following bean definition:
<gfe:lookup-region id="ordersRegion" name="Orders"/>
If name
is not specified, the bean’s id
will be used as the name of the Region.
The example above becomes:
<!-- lookup for a Region called 'Orders' -->
<gfe:lookup-region id="Orders"/>
If the Region does not exist, an initialization exception will be thrown. To configure new Regions, proceed to the appropriate sections below. |
In the previous examples, since no cache name was explicitly defined, the default naming convention (gemfireCache
was used. Alternately, one can reference the cache bean with the cache-ref
<gfe:cache id="myCache"/>
<gfe:lookup-region id="ordersRegion" name="Orders" cache-ref="myCache"/>
provides a simple way of retrieving existing, pre-configured Regions without exposing
the Region semantics or setup infrastructure.
5.5.2. Auto Region Lookup
"auto-lookup" allows all Regions defined in a GemFire native cache.xml
file to be imported into a Spring
application context when using the`cache-xml-location` attribute on the <gfe:cache>
For instance, given a cache.xml
file of…
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<cache xmlns="http://geode.apache.org/schema/cache"
xsi:schemaLocation="http://geode.apache.org/schema/cache http://geode.apache.org/schema/cache/cache-1.0.xsd"
<region name="Parent" refid="REPLICATE">
<region name="Child" refid="REPLICATE"/>
A developer may import the cache.xml
file as follows…
<gfe:cache cache-xml-location="cache.xml"/>
The developer may then use the <gfe:lookup-region>
element (e.g. <gfe:lookup-region id="Parent"/>
) to reference
specific Regions as beans in the Spring context, or the user may choose to import all Regions defined in cache.xml
Spring Data GemFire will automatically create beans for all GemFire Regions defined in cache.xml
that have not been
explicitly added to the Spring context with explicit <gfe:lookup-region>
bean declarations.
It is important to realize that Spring Data GemFire uses a Spring BeanPostProcessor to post process the cache after it is both created and initialized to determine the Regions defined in GemFire to add as beans in the Spring application context.
You may inject these "auto-looked-up" Regions like any other bean defined in the Spring application context with
1 exception; you may need to define a depends-on
association with the ‘gemfireCache’ bean as follows…
package example;
import ...
public class ApplicationDao extends DaoSupport {
@Resource(name = "Parent")
private Region<?, ?> parent;
@Resource(name = "/Parent/Child")
private Region<?, ?> child;
The example above is applicable when using Spring’s component-scan
If you are declaring your components using Spring XML config, then you would do…
<bean class="example.ApplicationDao" depends-on="gemfireCache"/>
This ensures the GemFire cache and all the Regions defined in cache.xml
get created before any components
with auto-wire references when using the new <gfe:auto-region-lookup>
5.5.3. Configuring Regions
Spring Data GemFire provides comprehensive support for configuring any type of Region via the following elements:
LOCAL Region:
Client Region:
Please see the Pivotal GemFire documentation for a comprehensive description of Region Types.
Common Region Attributes
The following table lists attributes available for all Region types:
Name | Values | Description |
cache-ref |
GemFire Cache bean reference |
The name of the bean defining the GemFire Cache (by default 'gemfireCache'). |
cloning-enabled |
boolean, default:false |
When true, the updates are applied to a clone of the value and then the clone is saved to the cache. When false, the value is modified in place in the cache. |
close |
boolean, default:false |
Determines whether the Region should be closed at shutdown. |
concurrency-checks-enabled |
boolean, default:true |
Determines whether members perform checks to provide consistent handling for concurrent or out-of-order updates to distributed Regions. |
data-policy |
See GemFire’s Data Policy |
The Region’s Data Policy. Note, not all Data Policies are supported for every Region type. |
destroy |
boolean, default:false |
Determines whether the Region should be destroyed at shutdown. |
disk-store-ref |
The name of a configured Disk Store. |
A reference to a bean created via the |
disk-synchronous |
boolean, default:true |
Determines whether Disk Store writes are synchronous. |
id |
Any valid bean name. |
Will be the Region name by default if no |
ignore-if-exists |
boolean, default:false |
Ignores this bean definition if the Region already exists in the cache, resulting in a lookup instead. |
ignore-jta |
boolean, default:false |
Determines whether this Region will participate in JTA transactions. |
index-update-type |
synchronous or asynchronous, default:synchronous |
Determines whether Indices will be updated synchronously or asynchronously on entry creation. |
initial-capacity |
integer, default:16 |
The initial memory allocation for the number of Region entries. |
key-constraint |
Any valid, fully-qualified Java class name. |
Expected key type. |
load-factor |
float, default:.75 |
Sets the initial parameters on the underlying java.util.ConcurrentHashMap used for storing Region entries. |
name |
Any valid Region name. |
The name of the Region. If not specified, it will assume the value of the |
persistent |
*boolean, default:false |
Determines whether the Region will persist entries to local disk (Disk Store). |
shortcut |
See http://geode.apache.org/releases/latest/javadoc/org/apache/geode/cache/RegionShortcut.html |
The |
statistics |
boolean, default:false |
Determines whether the Region reports statistics. |
template |
The name of a Region Template. |
A reference to a bean created via one of the |
value-constraint |
Any valid, fully-qualified Java class name. |
Expected value type. |
are registered with a Region to handle Region events such as when entries are created, updated,
destroyed and so on. A CacheListener
can be any bean that implements the
A Region may have multiple listeners, declared using the cache-listener
element nested in the containing
In the example below, there are two CacheListener’s
declared. The first references a named, top-level Spring bean;
the second is an anonymous inner bean definition.
<gfe:replicated-region id="regionWithListeners">
<!-- nested CacheListener bean reference -->
<ref bean="myListener"/>
<!-- nested CacheListener bean definition -->
<bean class="org.example.app.geode.cache.AnotherSimpleCacheListener"/>
<bean id="myListener" class="org.example.app.geode.cache.SimpleCacheListener"/>
The following example uses an alternate form of the cache-listener
element with the ref
This allows for more concise configuration when defining a single CacheListener
. Note, the namespace only allows
a single cache-listener
element so either the style above or below must be used.
Using ref and a nested declaration in the cache-listener element is illegal. The two options are
mutually exclusive and using both in the same element will result in an exception.
<gfe:replicated-region id="exampleReplicateRegionWithCacheListener">
<gfe:cache-listener ref="myListener"/>
<bean id="myListener" class="example.CacheListener"/>
Bean Reference Conventions
The |
CacheLoaders and CacheWriters
Similar to cache-listener
, the namespace provides cache-loader
and cache-writer
elements to register
these GemFire components respectively for a Region.
A CacheLoader
is invoked on a cache miss to allow an entry to be loaded from an external data source, such as a
database. A CacheWriter
is invoked before an entry is created or updated, intended for synchronizing to
an external data source. The difference is GemFire only supports at most a single instance CacheLoader
and CacheWriter
per Region. However, either declaration style may be used.
<gfe:replicated-region id="exampleReplicateRegionWithCacheLoaderAndCacheWriter">
<gfe:cache-loader ref="myLoader"/>
<bean class="example.CacheWriter"/>
<bean id="myLoader" class="example.CacheLoader">
<property name="dataSource" ref="mySqlDataSource"/>
<!-- DataSource bean definition -->
See CacheLoader
and CacheWriter
in the Pivotal GemFire documentation for more details.
5.5.4. Compression
GemFire Regions may also be compressed in order to reduce JVM memory consumption and pressure to possibly avoid stop the world GCs. When you enable compression for a Region, all values stored in the Region, in-memory are compressed while keys and indexes remain uncompressed. New values are compressed when put into Region and all values are decompressed automatically when read back from the Region. Values are not compressed when persisted to disk or when sent over the wire to other peer members or clients.
<gfe:replicated-region id="exampleReplicateRegionWithCompression">
<bean class="org.apache.geode.compression.SnappyCompressor"/>
Please refer to Pivotal GemFire’s documentation for more information on Region Compression.
5.5.5. Subregions
Spring Data GemFire also supports Subregions, allowing Regions to be arranged in a hierarchical relationship.
For example, GemFire allows for a /Customer/Address Region and a different /Employee/Address Region. Additionally, a Subregion may have it’s own Subregions and its own configuration. A Subregion does not inherit attributes from the parent Region. Regions types may be mixed and matched subject to GemFire constraints. A Subregion is naturally declared as a child element of a Region. The Subregion’s name attribute is the simple name. The above example might be configured as:
<gfe:replicated-region name="Customer">
<gfe:replicated-region name="Address"/>
<gfe:replicated-region name="Employee">
<gfe:replicated-region name="Address"/>
Note that the Monospaced ([id])
attribute is not permitted for a Subregion. The Subregions will be created with
bean names /Customer/Address and /Employee/Address, respectively. So they may be injected using the full path name
into other application beans that need them, such as GemfireTemplate
. The full path should also be used in
OQL query strings.
5.5.6. Region Templates
Spring Data GemFire also supports Region Templates. This feature allows developers to define common Region configuration settings and attributes once and reuse the configuration among many Region bean definitions declared in the Spring application context.
Spring Data GemFire includes 5 Region template tags in namespace:
Tag Name | Description |
Defines common, generic Region attributes; extends |
Defines common, 'Local' Region attributes; extends |
Defines common, 'PARTITION' Region attributes; extends |
Defines common, 'REPLICATE' Region attributes; extends |
Defines common, 'Client' Region attributes; extends |
In addition to the tags, concrete <gfe:*-region>
elements along with the abstract <gfe:*-region-template>
have a template
attribute used to define the Region Template from which the Region will inherit its configuration.
Region Templates may even inherit from other Region Templates.
Here is an example of 1 possible configuration…
<gfe:async-event-queue id="AEQ" persistent="false" parallel="false" dispatcher-threads="4">
<bean class="example.AeqListener"/>
<gfe:region-template id="BaseRegionTemplate" initial-capacity="51" load-factor="0.85" persistent="false" statistics="true"
key-constraint="java.lang.Long" value-constraint="java.lang.String">
<bean class="example.CacheListenerOne"/>
<bean class="example.CacheListenerTwo"/>
<gfe:entry-ttl timeout="600" action="DESTROY"/>
<gfe:entry-tti timeout="300 action="INVLIDATE"/>
<gfe:region-template id="ExtendedRegionTemplate" template="BaseRegionTemplate" load-factor="0.55">
<bean class="example.CacheLoader"/>
<bean class="example.CacheWriter"/>
<gfe:async-event-queue-ref bean="AEQ"/>
<gfe:partitioned-region-template id="PartitionRegionTemplate" template="ExtendedRegionTemplate"
copies="1" load-factor="0.70" local-max-memory="1024" total-max-memory="16384" value-constraint="java.lang.Object">
<bean class="example.PartitionResolver"/>
<gfe:eviction type="ENTRY_COUNT" threshold="8192000" action="OVERFLOW_TO_DISK"/>
<gfe:partitioned-region id="TemplateBasedPartitionRegion" template="PartitionRegionTemplate"
copies="2" local-max-memory="8192" persistent="true" total-buckets="91"/>
Region Templates work for Subregions as well. Notice that 'TemplateBasedPartitionRegion' extends 'PartitionRegionTemplate', which extends 'ExtendedRegionTemplate' that extends 'BaseRegionTemplate'. Attributes and sub-elements defined in subsequent, inherited Region bean definitions override what is in the parent.
How Templating Works
Spring Data GemFire applies Region Templates when the Spring application context configuration meta-data is parsed, and therefore, must be declared in the order of inheritance. In other words, parent templates must be defined before children. This ensures the proper configuration is applied, especially when element attributes or sub-elements are "overridden".
It is equally important to remember the Region types must only inherit from other similar typed Regions.
For instance, it is not possible for a <gfe:replicated-region> to inherit from a <gfe:partitioned-region-template> .
Region Templates are single-inheritance. |
Caution concerning Regions, Subregions and Lookups
Previously, one of the underlying properties of the replicated-region
, partitioned-region
, local-region
and client-region
elements in the Spring Data GemFire XML namespace was to perform a lookup first before
attempting to create a Region. This was done in case the Region already existed, which would be the case
if the Region was defined in an imported GemFire native cache.xml
configuration file. Therefore, the lookup
was performed first to avoid any errors. This was by design and subject to change.
This behavior has been altered and the default behavior is now to create the Region first. If the Region
already exists, then the creation logic fails-fast and an appropriate exception is thrown. However, much like the
DDL syntax, the Spring Data GemFire <*-region>
namespace elements now includes
a ignore-if-exists
attribute, which re-instates the old behavior by performing a lookup of an existing Region
identified by name, first. If an existing Region by name is found and ignore-if-exists
is set to true
, then
the Region bean definition defined in Spring config is ignored.
The Spring team highly recommends that the replicated-region , partitioned-region , local-region
and client-region namespace elements be strictly used for defining new Regions only. One problem that could arise
if the Regions defined by these elements already existed and the Region elements performed a lookup first is if
the developer defined different Region semantics and behaviors for eviction, expiration, subscription, etc in his/her
application config, then the Region definition may not match and could exhibit contrary behaviors to those required
by the application. Even worse, the application developer may want to define the Region as a distributed Region
(e.g. PARTITION) but in fact the existing Region definition is LOCAL.
Recommended Practice - Only use replicated-region , partitioned-region , local-region and client-region
namespace elements to define new Regions.
Consider the following native GemFire cache.xml
configuration file…
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<cache xmlns="http://geode.apache.org/schema/cache"
xsi:schemaLocation="http://geode.apache.org/schema/cache http://geode.apache.org/schema/cache/cache-1.0.xsd"
<region name="Customers" refid="REPLICATE">
<region name="Accounts" refid="REPLICATE">
<region name="Orders" refid="REPLICATE">
<region name="Items" refid="REPLICATE"/>
Also consider that you may have defined an application DAO as follows…
public class CustomerAccountDao extends GemDaoSupport {
@Resource(name = "Customers/Accounts")
private Region customersAccounts;
Here, we are injecting a reference to the Customers/Accounts
Region in our application DAO. As such, it is
not uncommon for a developer to define beans for all or even some of these Regions in Spring XML configuration
meta-data as follows…
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<beans xmlns="http://www.springframework.org/schema/beans"
http://www.springframework.org/schema/beans http://www.springframework.org/schema/beans/spring-beans.xsd
http://www.springframework.org/schema/geode http://www.springframework.org/schema/gemfire/spring-geode.xsd
<gfe:cache cache-xml-location="classpath:cache.xml"/>
<gfe:lookup-region name="Customers/Accounts"/>
<gfe:lookup-region name="Customers/Accounts/Orders"/>
The Customers/Accounts
and Customers/Accounts/Orders
Regions are referenced as beans in the Spring
application context as "Customers/Accounts" and "Customers/Accounts/Orders", respectively. The nice thing about
using the lookup-region
element and the corresponding syntax above is that it allows a developer
to reference a Subregion directly without unnecessarily defining a bean for the parent Region (i.e. Customers
However, if now the developer changes his/her configuration meta-data syntax to using the nested format, like so…
<gfe:lookup-region name="Customers">
<gfe:lookup-region name="Accounts">
<gfe:lookup-region name="Orders"/>
Or, perhaps the developer erroneously chooses to use the top-level replicated-region
element along with
the ignore-if-exists
attribute set to perform a lookup first, as in…
<gfe:replicated-region name="Customers" persistent="true" ignore-if-exists="true">
<gfe:replicated-region name="Accounts" persistent="true" ignore-if-exists="true">
<gfe:replicated-region name="Orders" persistent="true" ignore-if-exists="true"/>
Then the Region beans defined in the Spring application context will consist of the following:
{ "Customers", "/Customers/Accounts", "/Customers/Accounts/Orders" }.
This means the dependency injected reference
above (i.e. @Resource(name = "Customers/Accounts"))
is now broken since no bean with name "Customers/Accounts"
is actually defined.
GemFire is flexible in referencing both parent Regions and Subregions with or without the leading forward slash. For example, the parent can be referenced as "/Customers" or "Customers" and the child as "/Customers/Accounts" or just "Customers/Accounts". However, _Spring Data _GemFire is very specific when it comes to naming beans after Regions, typically always using the forward slash (/) to represent Subregions (e.g. "/Customers/Accounts").
Therefore, it is recommended that users either use the nested lookup-region
syntax as shown above,
or define direct references with a leading forward slash (/) like so…
<gfe:lookup-region name="/Customers/Accounts"/>
<gfe:lookup-region name="/Customers/Accounts/Orders"/>
The example above where the nested replicated-region
elements were used to reference the Subregions serves to
illustrate the problem stated earlier. Are the Customers, Accounts and Orders Regions/Subregions persistent or not?
Not, since the Regions were defined in the native GemFire cache.xml
configuration file as REPLICATES
and will exist
by the time the cache is initialized, or once the <gfe:cache>
bean is processed.
5.5.7. Data Eviction (with Overflow)
Based on various constraints, each Region can have an eviction policy in place for evicting data from memory. Currently, in GemFire, eviction applies to the Least Recently Used entry (also known as LRU). Evicted entries are either destroyed or paged to disk (referred to as overflow to disk).
Spring Data GemFire supports all eviction policies (entry count, memory and heap usage) for PARTITION Regions,
REPLICATE Regions and client, local Regions using the nested eviction
For example, to configure a PARTITION Region to overflow to disk if the memory size exceeds more than 512 MB, a developer would specify the following configuration:
<gfe:partitioned-region id="examplePartitionRegionWithEviction">
<gfe:eviction type="MEMORY_SIZE" threshold="512" action="OVERFLOW_TO_DISK"/>
Replicas cannot use local destroy eviction since that would invalidate them.
See the GemFire docs for more information.
When configuring Regions for overflow, it is recommended to configure the storage through the disk-store
for maximum efficiency.
For a detailed description of eviction policies, please refer to the GemFire documentation on Eviction.
5.5.8. Data Expiration
Pivotal GemFire allows you to control how long entries exist in the cache. Expiration is driven by elapsed time, as opposed to Eviction, which is driven by the entry count or heap/memory usage. Once an entry expires it may no longer be accessed from the cache.
GemFire supports the following Expiration types:
Time-to-Live (TTL) - The amount of time in seconds that an object may remain in the cache after the last creation or update. For entries, the counter is set to zero for create and put operations. Region counters are reset when the Region is created and when an entry has its counter reset.
Idle Timeout (TTI) - The amount of time in seconds that an object may remain in the cache after the last access. The Idle Timeout counter for an object is reset any time its TTL counter is reset. In addition, an entry’s Idle Timeout counter is reset any time the entry is accessed through a get operation or a netSearch. The Idle Timeout counter for a Region is reset whenever the Idle Timeout is reset for one of its entries.
Each of these may be applied to the Region itself or entries in the Region. Spring Data GemFire provides <region-ttl>
, <entry-ttl>
and <entry-tti>
Region child elements to specify timeout values and expiration actions.
For example:
<gfe:partitioned-region id="examplePartitionRegionWithExpiration">
<gfe:region-ttl timeout="30000" action="INVALIDATE"/>
<gfe:entry-tti timeout="600" action="LOCAL_DESTROY"/>
For a detailed description of expiration policies, please refer to the GemFire documentation on Expiration.
Annotation-based Data Expiration
With Spring Data GemFire, a developer has the ability to define Expiration policies and settings on individual Region Entry values, or rather, application domain objects directly. For instance, a developer might define Expiration settings on a Session-based application domain object like so…
@Expiration(timeout = "1800", action = "INVALIDATE")
public class SessionBasedApplicationDomainObject {
In addition, a developer may also specify Expiration type specific settings on Region Entries using
and @TimeToLiveExpiration
annotations for Idle Timeout (TTI) and Time-to-Live (TTL)
Expiration, respectively…
@TimeToLiveExpiration(timeout = "3600", action = "LOCAL_DESTROY")
@IdleTimeoutExpiration(timeout = "1800", action = "LOCAL_INVALIDATE")
@Expiration(timeout = "1800", action = "INVALIDATE")
public class AnotherSessionBasedApplicationDomainObject {
Both @IdleTimeoutExpiration
and @TimeToLiveExpiration
take precedence over the generic @Expiration
when more than one Expiration annotation type is specified, as shown above. Though, neither @IdleTimeoutExpiration
nor @TimeToLiveExpiration
overrides the other; rather they may compliment each other when different Region Entry
Expiration types, such as TTL and TTI, are configured.
All @Expiration-based annotations apply only to Region Entry values. Expiration for a "Region" is not covered by Spring Data GemFire’s Expiration annotation support. However, Pivotal GemFire and Spring Data GemFire do allow you to set Region Expiration using the SDG XML namespace, like so…
Spring Data GemFire’s @Expiration
annotation support is implemented with GemFire’s
Refer to GemFire’s documentation on Configuring Data Expiration
for more details
The Spring Data GemFire AnnotationBasedExpiration
class (and CustomExpiry
implementation) is responsible
for processing the SDG @Expiration
annotations and applying the Expiration policy and settings appropriately
for Region Entry Expiration on request.
To use Spring Data GemFire to configure specific GemFire Regions to appropriately apply the Expiration policy
and settings applied to your application domain objects annotated with @Expiration
-based annotations, you must…
Define a bean in the Spring
of typeAnnotationBasedExpiration
using the appropriate constructor or one of the convenient factory methods. When configuring Expiration for a specific Expiration type, such as Idle Timeout or Time-to-Live, then you should use one of the factory methods in theAnnotationBasedExpiration
class, like so…<bean id="ttlExpiration" class="org.springframework.data.gemfire.expiration.AnnotationBasedExpiration" factory-method="forTimeToLive"/> <gfe:partitioned-region id="Example" persistent="false"> <gfe:custom-entry-ttl ref="ttlExpiration"/> </gfe:partitioned-region>
To configure Idle Timeout (TTI) Expiration instead, then you would of course use the
factory method along with the<gfe:custom-entry-tti ref="ttiExpiration"/>
element to set TTI. -
(optional) Annotate your application domain objects that will be stored in the Region with Expiration policies and custom settings using one of Spring Data GemFire’s
(optional) In cases where particular application domain objects have not been annotated with Spring Data GemFire’s
annotations at all, but the GemFire Region is configured to use SDG’s customAnnotationBasedExpiration
class to determine the Expiration policy and settings for objects stored in the Region, then it is possible to set "default" Expiration attributes on theAnnotationBasedExpiration
bean by doing the following…
<bean id="defaultExpirationAttributes" class="org.apache.geode.cache.ExpirationAttributes">
<constructor-arg value="600"/>
<constructor-arg value="#{T(org.apache.geode.cache.ExpirationAction).DESTROY}"/>
<bean id="ttiExpiration" class="org.springframework.data.gemfire.expiration.AnnotationBasedExpiration"
<constructor-arg ref="defaultExpirationAttributes"/>
<gfe:partitioned-region id="Example" persistent="false">
<gfe:custom-entry-tti ref="ttiExpiration"/>
You may have noticed that Spring Data GemFire’s @Expiration
annotations use a String as the attributes type rather
than, and perhaps more appropriately, being strongly typed, i.e. int
for 'timeout' and SDG’S ExpirationActionType
for 'action'. Why is that?
Well, enter one of Spring Data GemFire’s other features, leveraging Spring’s core infrastructure for configuration convenience: Property Placeholders and Spring Expression Language (SpEL).
For instance, a developer can specify both the Expiration 'timeout' and 'action' using Property Placeholders
in the @Expiration
annotation attributes…
@TimeToLiveExpiration(timeout = "${geode.region.entry.expiration.ttl.timeout}"
action = "${geode.region.entry.expiration.ttl.action}")
public class ExampleApplicationDomainObject {
Then, in your Spring XML config or in JavaConfig, you would declare the following beans…
<util:properties id="expirationSettings">
<prop key="geode.region.entry.expiration.ttl.timeout">600</prop>
<prop key="geode.region.entry.expiration.ttl.action">INVALIDATE</prop>
<context:property-placeholder properties-ref="expirationProperties"/>
This is both convenient when multiple application domain objects might share similar Expiration policies and settings, or when you wish to externalize the configuration.
However, a developer may want more dynamic Expiration configuration determined by the state of the running system. This is where the power of SpEL comes in and is the recommended approach, actually. Not only can you refer to beans in the Spring context and access bean properties, invoke methods, etc, the values for Expiration 'timeout' and 'action' can be strongly typed. For example (building on the example above)…
<util:properties id="expirationSettings">
<prop key="geode.region.entry.expiration.ttl.timeout">600</prop>
<prop key="geode.region.entry.expiration.ttl.action">#{T(org.springframework.data.gemfire.expiration.ExpirationActionType).DESTROY}</prop>
<prop key="geode.region.entry.expiration.tti.action">#{T(org.apache.geode.cache.ExpirationAction).INVALIDATE}</prop>
<context:property-placeholder properties-ref="expirationProperties"/>
Then, on your application domain object…
@TimeToLiveExpiration(timeout = "@expirationSettings['geode.region.entry.expiration.ttl.timeout']"
action = "@expirationSetting['geode.region.entry.expiration.ttl.action']")
public class ExampleApplicationDomainObject {
You can imagine that the 'expirationSettings' bean could be a more interesting and useful object rather than a simple
instance of java.util.Properties
. In this example, even the Properties (expirationSettings
) uses SpEL to base
the action value on the actual Expiration action enumerated type leading to more quickly identified failures
if the types ever change.
All of this has been demonstrated and tested in the Spring Data GemFire test suite, by way of example. See the source for further details.
5.5.9. Data Persistence
Regions can be persistent. GemFire ensures that all the data you put into a Region that is configured for persistence will be written to disk in a way that is recoverable the next time you recreate the Region. This allows data to be recovered after machine or process failure, or even after an orderly shutdown and subsequent restart of the GemFire data node.
To enable persistence with Spring Data GemFire, simply set the persistent
attribute to true
any of the <*-region>
elements. For example…
<gfe:partitioned-region id="examplePersitentPartitionRegion" persistent="true"/>
Persistence may also be configured using the data-policy
attribute; set the attribute’s value to one of
GemFire’s DataPolicy settings.
For example…
<gfe:partitioned-region id="anotherExamplePersistentPartitionRegion" data-policy="PERSISTENT_PARTITION"/>
The DataPolicy
must match the Region type and must also agree with the persistent
attribute if also explicitly set.
An initialization exception will be thrown if the persistent
attribute is set to false
yet a persistent DataPolicy
When persisting Regions, it is recommended to configure the storage through the disk-store
for maximum efficiency. The DiskStore is referenced using the disk-store-ref
attribute. Additionally, the Region
may perform disk writes synchronously or asynchronously:
<gfe:partitioned-region id="yetAnotherExamplePersistentPartitionRegion" persistent="true"
disk-store-ref="myDiskStore" disk-synchronous="true"/>
This is discussed further in Configuring a DiskStore
5.5.10. Subscription Policy
GemFire allows configuration of peer-to-peer (P2P) event messaging
to control the entry events that the Region will receive. Spring Data GemFire provides the <gfe:subscription/>
sub-element to set the subscription policy on REPLICATE and PARTITION Regions to either ALL
<gfe:partitioned-region id="examplePartitionRegionWithCustomSubscription">
<gfe:subscription type="CACHE_CONTENT"/>
5.5.11. Local Region
Spring Data GemFire offers a dedicated local-region
element for creating local Regions. Local Regions, as the name
implies, are standalone, meaning they do not share data with any other distributed system member. Other than that,
all common Region configuration options apply.
A minimal declaration looks as follows (again, the example relies on the Spring Data GemFire namespace naming conventions to wire the cache):
<gfe:local-region id="exampleLocalRegion"/>
Here, a local Region is created (if one doesn’t exist already). The name of the Region is the same as the bean id
) and the bean assumes the existence of a GemFire cache named gemfireCache
5.5.12. Replicated Region
One of the common Region types is a REPLICATE Region or replica. In short, when a Region is configured to be a REPLICATE, every member that hosts the Region stores a copy of the Region’s entries locally. Any update to a REPLICATE Region is distributed to all copies of the Region. When a replica is created, it goes through an initialization stage in which it discovers other replicas and automatically copies all the entries. While one replica is initializing you can still continue to use the other replica.
Spring Data GemFire offers a replicated-region
element. A minimal declaration looks as follows.
All common configuration options are available for REPLICATE Regions.
<gfe:replicated-region id="exampleReplica"/>
Refer to GemFire’s documentation on Distributed and Replicated Regions for more details.
5.5.13. Partitioned Region
Another Region type supported out-of-the-box by the Spring Data GemFire namespace is the PARTITION Region.
To quote the GemFire docs:
"A partitioned region is a region where data is divided between peer servers hosting the region so that each peer stores a subset of the data. When using a partitioned region, applications are presented with a logical view of the region that looks like a single map containing all of the data in the region. Reads or writes to this map are transparently routed to the peer that hosts the entry that is the target of the operation. GemFire divides the domain of hashcodes into buckets. Each bucket is assigned to a specific peer, but may be relocated at any time to another peer in order to improve the utilization of resources across the cluster."
A partition is created using the partitioned-region
element. Its configuration options are similar to that of
the replicated-region
plus the partition specific features such as the number of redundant copies,
total maximum memory, number of buckets, partition resolver and so on.
Below is a quick example on setting up a PARTITION Region with 2 redundant copies:
<gfe:partitioned-region id="examplePartitionRegion" copies="2" total-buckets="17">
<bean class="example.PartitionResolver"/>
Refer to GemFire’s documentation on Partitioned Regions for more details.
Partitioned Region Attributes
The following table offers a quick overview of configuration options specific to PARTITION Regions. These are in addition to the common Region configuration options described above.
Name | Values | Description |
copies |
0..4 |
The number of copies for each partition for high-availability. By default, no copies are created meaning there is no redundancy. Each copy provides extra backup at the expense of extra storage. |
colocated-with |
valid region name |
The name of the PARTITION Region with which this newly created PARTITION Region is collocated. |
local-max-memory |
positive integer |
The maximum amount of memory in megabytes used by the Region in this process. |
total-max-memory |
any integer value |
The maximum amount of memory in megabytes used by the Region in all processes. |
partition-listener |
bean name |
The name of the |
partition-resolver |
bean name |
The name of the |
recovery-delay |
any long value |
The delay in milliseconds that existing members will wait before satisfying redundancy after another member crashes. -1 (the default) indicates that redundancy will not be recovered after a failure. |
startup-recovery-delay |
any long value |
The delay in milliseconds that new members will wait before satisfying redundancy. -1 indicates that adding new members will not trigger redundancy recovery. The default is to recover redundancy immediately when a new member is added. |
5.5.14. Client Region
Pivotal GemFire supports various deployment topologies for managing and distributing data. GemFire topologies is outside the scope of this documentation. However, to quickly recap, GemFire’s supported topologies can be classified in short as: peer-to-peer (p2p), client-server, and wide area network (WAN). In the last two configurations, it is common to declare client Regions which connect to a cache server.
Spring Data GemFire offers dedicated support for such configuration through client-cache,
and pool
elements. As the names imply, the former defines a client Region while the latter defines
a Pool of connections to be used/shared by the various client Regions.
Below is a typical client Region configuration:
<bean id="myListener" class="example.CacheListener"/>
<!-- client Region using the default SDG gemfirePool Pool -->
<gfe:client-region id="Example">
<gfe:cache-listener ref="myListener"/>
<!-- client Region using its own dedicated Pool -->
<gfe:client-region id="AnotherExample" pool-name="myPool">
<gfe:cache-listener ref="myListener"/>
<!-- Pool definition -->
<gfe:pool id="myPool" subscription-enabled="true">
<gfe:locator host="remoteHost" port="12345"/>
As with the other Region types, client-region
supports CacheListener``s
as well as a CacheLoader
and CacheWriter
It also requires a connection Pool
for connecting to either a set of Locators or Servers.
Each client Region can have its own Pool or they can share the same one.
In the above example, the Pool is configured with locator . A Locator is a separate process used to discover
cache servers and peer data members in the distributed system and are recommended for production systems. It is also
possible to configure the Pool to connect directly to one or more cache servers using the server element.
For a full list of options to set on the client and especially on the Pool, please refer to the Spring Data GemFire schema (Spring Data GemFire Schema) and GemFire’s documentation on Client/Server Configuration.
Client Interests
To minimize network traffic, each client can separately define its own 'interests' policies, indicating to GemFire the data it actually requires. In Spring Data GemFire, 'interests' can be defined for each client Region separately. Both Key-based and Regular Expression-based interest types are supported.
For example:
<gfe:client-region id="Example" pool-name="myPool">
<gfe:key-interest durable="true" result-policy="KEYS">
<bean id="key" class="java.lang.String">
<constructor-arg value="someKey"/>
<gfe:regex-interest pattern=".*" receive-values="false"/>
A special key, ALL_KEYS
, means 'interest' is registered for all keys. The same can be accomplished using a regex
of ".\*"
The <gfe:*-interest>
Key and Regular Expression elements support 3 attributes: durable
, receive-values
and result-policy
indicates whether the 'interest' policy and subscription queue created for the client when the client connects
to 1 or more servers in the cluster is maintained across client sessions. If the client goes away and comes back,
a "durable" subscription queue on the server(s) for the client is maintained while the client is disconnected,
and when the client reconnects, the client will receive any events that occurred while the client was disconnected
from the servers(s) in the cluster.
A subscription queue on the servers in the cluster is maintained for each Pool
of connections defined in the client
where subscription has also been "enabled" for that Pool
. The subscription queue is used to store, and possibly
conflate, events sent to the client. If the subscription queue is durable, it persists between client sessions
(i.e. connections), potentially up to a specified timeout (if the client does not return within a given time frame
in order to reduce resource consumption on servers in the cluster). If the subscription queue is not "durable",
then it will be destroyed when the client disconnects. All you need to decide is, for your application use case,
is it important for the cache client to receive events while it is disconnected, or is it only important for
the application (cache client) to receive the "latest" events after it reconnects.
The receive-values
attribute indicates whether or not the entry values are received for create and update events.
If true, values are received; if false, only invalidation events are received.
And finally, the 'result-policy` is an enumeration of: KEYS
and NONE
. The default is KEYS_VALUES
The result-policy
controls the initial dump when the client first connects to initialize the local cache,
essentially seeding the client with events for all the entries that match the interest policy.
Client-side interests registration does not do much good without enabling subscription on the Pool
as mentioned above.
In fact, it is an error to attempt interests registration without subscription enabled. To do so, you simply…
<gfe:pool ... subscription-enabled="true">
In addition to subscription-enabled
, can you also set subscription-ack-interval
and subscription-redundancy
. subscription-redundancy
is used to control
how many copies of the subscription queue should be maintained by the servers in the cluster. If redundancy
is greater than 1, and the "primary" subscription queue (i.e. server) goes down, then a "secondary" subscription queue
will take over, keeping the client from missing events in a HA scenario.
In addition to the Pool
settings, the server-side Regions use an additional attribute,
, to control the conflation of events that will be sent to the clients. This can also
help further minimize network traffic and is useful in situations where the application only cares about
the latest value of an entry. However, in cases where the application is keeping a time series of events that occurred,
conflation is going to hinder that use case. The default value is false. An example Region configuration
on the server for which the client contains a corresponding client [CACHING_]PROXY Region with interests in Keys
in this server Region, would look like…
<gfe:partitioned-region name="ServerSideRegion" enable-subscription-conflation="true">
To control the amount of time in seconds that "durable" subscription queue is maintained after a client is disconnected
from the server(s) in the cluster, set the durable-client-timeout
attribute on the <gfe:client-cache>
like so…
<gfe:client-cache durable-client-timeout="600">
A full, in-depth discussion of how client interests work and capabilities is beyond the scope of this document.
Please refer to Pivotal GemFire’s documentation on Client-to-Server Event Distribution for more details.
5.5.15. JSON Support
Pivotal GemFire has support for caching JSON documents in Regions along with the ability to query stored JSON documents
using the GemFire OQL. JSON documents are stored internally as
PdxInstance types
using the JSONFormatter class
to perform conversion to and from JSON documents (as a String
Spring Data GemFire provides the <gfe-data:json-region-autoproxy/>
element to enable a
AOP, Spring
component to advise appropriate, proxied Region operations, which effectively encapsulates the JSONFormatter
thereby allowing your applications to work directly with JSON Strings.
In addition, Java objects written to JSON configured Regions will be automatically converted to JSON using Jackson’s
. Reading these values back will be returned as a JSON String.
By default, <gfe-data:json-region-autoproxy/>
performs the conversion for all Regions. To apply this feature
to selected Regions, provide a comma delimited list of Region bean ids via the region-refs
Other attributes include a pretty-print
flag (defaults to false) and convert-returned-collections
Also by default, the results of the getAll()
and values()
Region operations will be converted for
configured Regions. This is done by creating a parallel data structure in local memory. This can incur
significant overhead for large collections, so set the convert-returned-collections
to false
if you would like to disable automatic conversion for these Region operations.
Certain Region operations, specifically those that use GemFire’s proprietary Region.Entry such as:
entries(boolean) , entrySet(boolean) and getEntry() type are not targeted for AOP advice. In addition,
the entrySet() method which returns a Set<java.util.Map.Entry<?, ?>> is also not affected.
Example configuration:
<gfe-data:json-region-autoproxy region-refs="myJsonRegion" pretty-print="true" convert-returned-collections="false"/>
This feature also works seamlessly with GemfireTemplate
operations, provided that the template is declared
as a Spring bean. Currently, the native QueryService
operations are not supported.
5.6. Configuring an Index
Pivotal GemFire allows Indexes (or Indices) to be created on Region data to improve the performance of OQL queries.
In Spring Data GemFire (SDG), Indexes are declared with the index
<gfe:index id="myIndex" expression="someField" from="/SomeRegion" type="HASH"/>
In Spring Data GemFire’s XML schema (a.k.a. SDG namespace), Index
bean declarations are not bound to a Region,
unlike GemFire’s native cache.xml
. Rather, they are top-level elements just like <gfe:cache>
. This allows
a developer to declare any number of Indexes on any Region whether they were just created or already exist,
a significant improvement over GemFire’s native cache.xml
An Index
must have a name. A developer may give the Index
an explicit name using the name
otherwise the bean name (i.e. value of the id
attribute) of the Index
bean definition is used as
the Index
The expression
and from
clause form the main components of an Index
, identifying the data to index
(i.e. the Region identified in the from
clause) along with what criteria (i.e. expression
) is used
to index the data. The expression
should be based on what application domain object fields are used
in the predicate of application-defined OQL queries used to query and lookup the objects stored
in the Region.
For example, if I have a Customer
that has a lastName
class Customer {
Long id;
String lastName;
String firstName;
And, I also have an application defined SD[G] Repository to query for Customers
interface CustomerRepository extends GemfireRepository<Customer, Long> {
Customer findByLastName(String lastName);
Then, the SD[G] Repository finder/query method would result in the following OQL statement being executed…
SELECT * FROM /Customers c WHERE c.lastName = '$1'
Therefore, I might want to create an Index
like so…
<gfe:index id="myIndex" name="CustomersLastNameIndex" expression="lastName" from="/Customers" type="HASH"/>
The from
clause must refer to a valid, existing Region and is how an Index
gets applied to a Region.
This is not Sprig Data GemFire specific; this is a feature of Pivotal GemFire.
The Index
maybe 1 of 3 enumerated values defined by Spring Data GemFire’s
enumeration: FUNCTIONAL
Each of the enumerated values correspond to one of the QueryService
methods invoked when the actual Index
is to be created (or "defined"; more on "defining"
Indexes below). For instance, if the IndexType
, then the
is invoked to create a KEY
The default is FUNCTIONAL
and results in one of the QueryService.createIndex(..)
being invoked.
See the Spring Data GemFire XML schema for a full set of options.
For more information on Indexing in Pivotal GemFire, see Working with Indexes in Pivotal GemFire’s User Guide.
5.6.1. Defining Indexes
In addition to creating Indexes upfront as Index
bean definitions are processed by Spring Data GemFire
on Spring container initialization, you may also define all of your application Indexes prior to creating
them by using the define
attribute, like so…
<gfe:index id="myDefinedIndex" expression="someField" from="/SomeRegion" define="true"/>
When define
is set to true
(defaults to false
), this will not actually create the Index
right then and there.
All "defined" Indexes are created all at once, when the Spring ApplicationContext
is "refreshed", or, that is,
when a ContextRefreshedEvent
is published by the Spring container. Spring Data GemFire registers itself as
an ApplicationListener
listening for the ContextRefreshedEvent
. When fired, Spring Data GemFire will call
Defining Indexes and creating them all at once helps promote speed and efficiency when creating Indexes.
See Creating Multiple Indexes at Once for more details.
5.6.2. IgnoreIfExists
and Override
Two Spring Data GemFire Index
configuration options warrant special mention here: ignoreIfExists
and override
These options correspond to the ignore-if-exists
and override
attributes on the <gfe:index>
in Spring Data GemFire’s XML schema, respectively.
Make sure you absolutely understand what you are doing before using either of these options. These options can
affect the performance and/or resources (e.g. memory) consumed by your application at runtime. As such, both of
these options are disabled (i.e. set to false ) in SDG by default.
These options are only available in Spring Data GemFire and exist to workaround known limitations with Pivotal GemFire; there are no equivalent options or functionality available in GemFire itself. |
Each option significantly differs in behavior and entirely depends on the type of GemFire Index
Exception thrown.
This also means that neither option has any effect if a GemFire Index-type Exception is not thrown. These options
are meant to specifically handle GemFire IndexExistsExceptions
and IndexNameConflictExceptions
, which can occur
for various, sometimes obscure reasons. But, in general…
An IndexExistsException is thrown when there exists another
with the same definition but different name when attempting to create anIndex
. -
An IndexNameConflictException is thrown when there exists another
with the same name but possibly different definition when attempting to create anIndex
Spring Data GemFire’s default behavior is to fail-fast, always! So, neither Index
Exception will be "handled"
by default; these Index
Exceptions are simply wrapped in a SDG GemfireIndexException
and rethrown. If you wish
for Spring Data GemFire to handle them for you, then you can set either of these Index
bean definition options.
always takes precedence over Override
, primarily because it uses less resources given it returns
the "existing" Index
in both exceptional cases.
When an IndexExistsException
is thrown and ignoreIfExists
is set to true
(or <gfe:index ignore-if-exists="true">
then the Index
that would have been created by this Index
bean definition / declaration will be "ignored",
and the "existing" Index
will be returned.
There is very little consequence in returning the "existing" Index
since the Index
"definition" is the same,
as deemed by GemFire itself, not SDG.
However, this also means that no Index
with the “name” specified in your Index
bean definition / declaration
will "actually" exist from GemFire’s perspective either (i.e. with
Therefore, you should be careful when writing OQL query statements that use Query Hints, especially Hints that refer
to the application Index
being "ignored". Those Query Hints will need to be changed.
Now, when an IndexNameConflictException
is thrown and ignoreIfExists
is set to true
(or <gfe:index ignore-if-exists="true">
then the Index
that would have been created by this Index
bean definition / declaration will also be "ignored",
and the "existing" Index will be returned, just like when an IndexExistsException
is thrown.
However, there is more risk in returning the "existing" Index
and "ignoring" the application’s definition
of the Index
when an IndexNameConflictException
is thrown since, for a IndexNameConflictException
, while the "names"
of the conflicting Indexes are the same, the "definitions" could very well be different! This obviously could have
implications for OQL queries specific to the application, where you would presume the Indexes were defined specifically
with the application data access patterns and queries in mind. However, if like named Indexes differ in definition,
this might not be the case. So, make sure you verify.
SDG makes a best effort to inform the user when the Index being ignored is significantly different
in its definition from the "existing" Index . However, in order for SDG to accomplish this, it must be able to "find"
the existing Index , which is looked up using the GemFire API (the only means available).
When an IndexExistsException
is thrown and override
is set to true
(or <gfe:index override="true">
), then
the Index
is effectively "renamed". Remember, IndexExistsExceptions
are thrown when multiple Indexes exist,
all having the same "definition" but different "names".
Spring Data GemFire can only accomplish this using GemFire’s API, by first "removing" the "existing" Index
and then "recreating" the Index
with the new name. It is possible that either the remove or subsequent
create invocation could fail. There is no way to execute both actions atomically and rollback this joint operation
if either fails.
However, if it succeeds, then you have the same problem as before with the "ignoreIfExists" option. Any existing OQL
query statement using "Query Hints" referring to the old Index
by name must be changed.
Now, when an IndexNameConflictException
is thrown and override
is set to true
(or <gfe:index override="true">
then potentially the "existing" Index
will be "re-defined". I say "potentially", because it is possible for the
"like-named", "existing" Index
to have exactly the same definition and name when an IndexNameConflictException
is thrown.
If so, SDG is smart and will just return the "existing" Index as is, even on override
. There is no harm in this
since both the "name" and the "definition" are exactly the same. Of course, SDG can only accomplish this when
SDG is able to "find" the "existing" Index
, which is dependent on GemFire’s APIs. If it cannot find it,
nothing happens and a SDG GemfireIndexException
is thrown wrapping the IndexNameConflictException
However, when the "definition" of the "existing" Index
is different, then SDG will attempt to "recreate" the Index
using the Index
definition specified in the Index
bean definition /declaration. Make sure this is what you want
and make sure the Index
definition matches your expectations and application requirements.
How does IndexNameConflictExceptions
actually happen?
It is probably not all that uncommon for IndexExistsExceptions
to be thrown, especially when
multiple configuration sources are used to configure GemFire (e.g. Spring Data GemFire, GemFire Cluster Config,
maybe GemFire native cache.xml
, the API, etc, etc). You should definitely prefer 1 configuration method here
and stick with it.
However, when does an IndexNameConflictException
get thrown?
One particular case is an Index
defined on a PARTITION
Region (PR). When an Index
is defined on
Region (e.g. "X"), GemFire distributes the Index
definition (and name) to other peer members
in the cluster that also host the same PARTITION
Region (i.e. "X"). The distribution of this Index
to and subsequent creation of this Index
by peer members on a "need-to-know" basis (i.e. those hosting the same PR)
is performed asynchronously.
During this window of time, it is possible that these "pending" PR Indexes
will not be identifiable by GemFire,
such as with a call to QueryService.getIndexes()
or with QueryService.getIndexes(:Region),
or even with QueryService.getIndex(:Region, indexName:String).
As such, the only way for SDG or other GemFire cache client applications (not involving Spring) to know for sure,
is to just attempt to create the Index
. If it fails with either an IndexNameConflictException
or even an IndexExistsException
, then you will know. This is because the QueryService
creation waits on
"pending" Index
definitions, where as the other GemFire API calls do not.
In any case, SDG makes a best effort and attempts to inform the user what has or is happening along with
the corrective action. Given all GemFire QueryService.createIndex(..)
methods are synchronous, "blocking" operations,
then the state of GemFire should be consistent and accessible after either of these Index-type Exceptions are thrown,
in which case, SDG can inspect the state of the system and respond/act accordingly, based on the user’s
desired configuration.
In all other cases, SDG will simply fail-fast!
5.7. Configuring a DiskStore
Spring Data GemFire supports DiskStore
configuration via the disk-store
For example:
<gfe:disk-store id="diskStore1" queue-size="50" auto-compact="true"
max-oplog-size="10" time-interval="9999">
<gfe:disk-dir location="/gemfire/store1/" max-size="20"/>
<gfe:disk-dir location="/gemfire/store2/" max-size="20"/>
are used by Regions for file system persistent backup and overflow of evicted entries
as well as persistent backup of WAN Gateways. Multiple GemFire components may share the same DiskStore
Additionally, multiple file system directories may be defined for a single DiskStore
Please refer to Pivotal GemFire’s documentation for a complete explanation of the configuration options.
5.8. Configuring the Snapshot Service
Spring Data GemFire supports Cache
and Region
snapshots using
Pivotal GemFire’s Snapshot Service.
The out-of-the-box Snapshot Service support offers several convenient features to simplify the use of GemFire’s
and Region
Snapshot Service APIs.
As the Pivotal GemFire documentation describes, snapshots allow you to save and subsequently reload the cached data later, which can be useful for moving data between environments, such as from production to a staging or test environment in order to reproduce data-related issues in a controlled context. You can imagine combining Spring Data GemFire’s Snapshot Service support with Spring’s bean definition profiles to load snapshot data specific to the environment as necessary.
Spring Data GemFire’s support for Pivotal GemFire’s Snapshot Service begins with the <gfe-data:snapshot-service>
from the <gfe-data>
For example, I might want to define Cache-wide snapshots to be loaded as well as saved using a couple snapshot imports and a data export definition as follows:
<gfe-data:snapshot-service id="gemfireCacheSnapshotService">
<gfe-data:snapshot-import location="/absolute/filesystem/path/to/import/fileOne.snapshot"/>
<gfe-data:snapshot-import location="relative/filesystem/path/to/import/fileTwo.snapshot"/>
You can define as many imports and/or exports as you like. You can define just imports or just exports. The file locations and directory paths can be absolute, or relative to the Spring Data GemFire application, JVM process’s working directory.
This is a pretty simple example and the Snapshot Service defined in this case refers to the GemFire Cache
the default name of gemfireCache
(as described in Configuring a Cache). If you name your cache bean definition
something other than the default, than you can use the cache-ref
attribute to refer to the cache bean by name:
<gfe:cache id="myCache"/>
<gfe-data:snapshot-service id="mySnapshotService" cache-ref="myCache">
It is also straightforward to define a Snapshot Service for a particular GemFire Region by specifying
the region-ref
<gfe:partitioned-region id="Example" persistent="false" .../>
<gfe-data:snapshot-service id="gemfireCacheRegionSnapshotService" region-ref="Example">
<gfe-data:snapshot-import location="relative/path/to/import/example.snapshot/>
<gfe-data:snapshot-export location="/absolute/path/to/export/example.snapshot/>
When the region-ref
attribute is specified, Spring Data GemFire’s SnapshotServiceFactoryBean
the region-ref
attribute value to a Region bean defined in the Spring context and proceeds to create a
The snapshot import and export definitions function the same way, however, the location
must refer to a file
on export.
GemFire is strict about imported snapshot files actually existing before they are referenced. For exports, GemFire will create the snapshot file if it does not already exist. If the snapshot file for export already exists, the data will be overwritten. |
Spring Data GemFire includes a suppress-import-on-init attribute on the <gfe-data:snapshot-service> element
to suppress the configured Snapshot Service from trying to import data into the Cache or Region on initialization.
This is useful when data exported from 1 Region is used to feed the import of another Region, for example.
5.8.1. Snapshot Location
For a Cache
-based Snapshot Service
(i.e. CacheSnapshotService)
a developer would typically pass it a directory containing all the snapshot files to load rather than
individual snapshot files, as the overloaded
method in the CacheSnapshotService
API indicates.
Of course, a developer may use the other, overloaded load(:File[], :SnapshotFormat, :SnapshotOptions) method
variant to get specific about which snapshot files are to be loaded into the GemFire Cache .
However, Spring Data GemFire recognizes that a typical developer workflow might be to extract and export data from one environment into several snapshot files, zip all of them up, and then conveniently move the ZIP file to another environment for import.
Therefore, Spring Data GemFire enables the developer to specify a JAR or ZIP file on import for a Cache
Snapshot Service as follows:
<gfe-data:snapshot-service id="cacheBasedSnapshotService" cache-ref="gemfireCache">
<gfe-data:snapshot-import location="/path/to/snapshots.zip"/>
Spring Data GemFire will conveniently extract the provided ZIP file and treat it like a directory import (load).
5.8.2. Snapshot Filters
The real power of defining multiple snapshot imports and exports is realized through the use of snapshot filters. Snapshot filters implement Pivotal GemFire’s SnapshotFilter interface and are used to filter Region entries for inclusion into the Region on import and for inclusion into the snapshot on export.
Spring Data GemFire makes it brain dead simple to utilize snapshot filters on import and export using the filter-ref
attribute or an anonymous, nested bean definition:
<gfe:partitioned-region id="Admins" persistent="false"/>
<gfe:partitioned-region id="Guests" persistent="false"/>
<bean id="activeUsersFilter" class="example.gemfire.snapshot.filter.ActiveUsersFilter/>
<gfe-data:snapshot-service id="adminsSnapshotService" region-ref="Admins">
<gfe-data:snapshot-import location="/path/to/import/users.snapshot">
<bean class="example.gemfire.snapshot.filter.AdminsFilter/>
<gfe-data:snapshot-export location="/path/to/export/active/admins.snapshot" filter-ref="activeUsersFilter"/>
<gfe-data:snapshot-service id="guestsSnapshotService" region-ref="Guests">
<gfe-data:snapshot-import location="/path/to/import/users.snapshot">
<bean class="example.gemfire.snapshot.filter.GuestsFilter/>
<gfe-data:snapshot-export location="/path/to/export/active/guests.snapshot" filter-ref="activeUsersFilter"/>
In addition, more complex snapshot filters can be expressed with the ComposableSnapshotFilter
Spring Data GemFire
provided class. This class implements GemFire’s
interface as well as the Composite software design pattern.
In a nutshell, the Composite software design pattern allows developers to compose multiple objects of the same type and treat the aggregate as single instance of the object type, a very powerful and useful abstraction.
has two factory methods, 'and'
and 'or'
, allowing developers to logically combine
individual snapshot filters using the AND and OR logical operators, respectively. The factory methods take a
list of SnapshotFilters
In this case, the developer is only limited by his/her imagination to leverage this powerful construct.
For instance:
<bean id="activeUsersSinceFilter" class="org.springframework.data.gemfire.snapshot.filter.ComposableSnapshotFilter"
<constructor-arg index="0">
<bean class="org.example.app.gemfire.snapshot.filter.ActiveUsersFilter"/>
<bean class="org.example.app.gemfire.snapshot.filter.UsersSinceFilter"
The developer could then go onto combine the activesUsersSinceFilter
with another filter using 'or'
like so:
<bean id="covertOrActiveUsersSinceFilter" class="org.springframework.data.gemfire.snapshot.filter.ComposableSnapshotFilter"
<constructor-arg index="0">
<ref bean="activeUsersSinceFilter"/>
<bean class="example.gemfire.snapshot.filter.CovertUsersFilter"/>
5.8.3. Snapshot Events
By default, Spring Data GemFire uses Pivotal GemFire’s Snapshot Services on startup to import data and shutdown to export data. However, you may want to trigger periodic, event-based snapshots, for either import or export from within your Spring application.
For this purpose, Spring Data GemFire defines two additional Spring application events, extending Spring’s
class for imports and exports, respectively: ImportSnapshotApplicationEvent
and ExportSnapshotApplicationEvent
The two application events can be targeted at the entire GemFire Cache, or individual GemFire Regions. The constructors
in these classes accept an optional Region pathname (e.g. "/Example") as well as 0 or more SnapshotMetadata
The array of SnapshotMetadata
is used to override the snapshot meta-data defined by <gfe-data:snapshot-import>
and <gfe-data:snapshot-export>
sub-elements in XML, which will be used in cases where snapshot application events
do not explicitly provide SnapshotMetadata
. Each individual SnapshotMetadata
instance can define it’s own
and filters
Import/export snapshot application events are received by all snapshot service beans defined in the Spring
. However, import/export events are only processed by "matching" Snapshot Service beans.
A Region-based [Import|Export]SnapshotApplicationEvent
matches if the Snapshot Service bean defined
is a RegionSnapshotService
and it’s Region reference (as determined by the region-ref
attribute) matches
the Region’s pathname specified by the snapshot application event.
A Cache-based [Import|Export]SnapshotApplicationEvent
(i.e. a snapshot application event without a Region pathname)
triggers all Snapshot Service beans, including any RegionSnapshotService
beans, to perform either an import or export,
It is very easy to use Spring’s ApplicationEventPublisher interface to fire import and/or export snapshot application events from your application like so:
public class ExampleApplicationComponent {
private ApplicationEventPublisher eventPublisher;
@Resource(name = "Example")
private Region<?, ?> example;
public void someMethod() {
SnapshotFilter myFilter = ...;
SnapshotMetadata exportSnapshotMetadata = new SnapshotMetadata(new File(System.getProperty("user.dir"),
"/path/to/export/data.snapshot"), myFilter, null);
eventPublisher.publishEvent(new ExportSnapshotApplicationEvent(this, example.getFullPath(), exportSnapshotMetadata);
In this particular example, only the "/Example" Region’s Snapshot Service bean will pick up and handle the export event, saving the filtered, "/Example" Region’s data to the "data.snapshot" file in a sub-direcrtory of the application’s working directory.
Using Spring application events and messaging subsystem is a good way to keep your application loosely coupled. It is also not difficult to imagine that the snapshot application events could be fired on a periodic basis using Spring’s Scheduling services.
5.9. Configuring the Function Service
Spring Data GemFire provides annotation support for implementing and registering Pivotal GemFire Functions.
Spring Data GemFire also provides namespace support for registering Pivotal GemFire Functions for remote Function execution.
Please refer to Pivotal GemFire' documentation for more information on the Function execution framework.
GemFire Functions are declared as Spring beans and must implement the org.apache.geode.cache.execute.Function
interface or extend org.apache.geode.cache.execute.FunctionAdapter
The namespace uses a familiar pattern to declare functions:
<bean class="example.FunctionOne"/>
<ref bean="function2"/>
<bean id="function2" class="example.FunctionTwo"/>
5.10. Configuring WAN Gateways
WAN Gateways provide a way to synchronize Pivotal GemFire Distributed Systems across geographic areas. Spring Data GemFire provides namespace support for configuring WAN Gateways as illustrated in the following examples.
5.10.1. WAN Configuration in GemFire 7.0
In the example below, GatewaySenders
are configured for a PARTITION Region by adding child elements to the Region
and gateway-sender-ref
A GatewaySender
may register EventFilters
and TransportFilters
. Also shown below is an example configuration
of an AsyncEventQueue
which must also be wired into a Region (not shown).
<gfe:partitioned-region id="region-with-inner-gateway-sender" >
<gfe:gateway-sender remote-distributed-system-id="1">
<bean class="org.springframework.data.gemfire.example.SomeEventFilter"/>
<bean class="org.springframework.data.gemfire.example.SomeTransportFilter"/>
<gfe:gateway-sender-ref bean="gateway-sender"/>
<gfe:async-event-queue id="async-event-queue" batch-size="10" persistent="true" disk-store-ref="diskstore"
<bean class="example.AsyncEventListener"/>
<gfe:gateway-sender id="gateway-sender" remote-distributed-system-id="2">
<ref bean="event-filter"/>
<bean class="org.springframework.data.gemfire.example.SomeEventFilter"/>
<ref bean="transport-filter"/>
<bean class="org.springframework.data.gemfire.example.SomeTransportFilter"/>
<bean id="event-filter" class="org.springframework.data.gemfire.example.AnotherEventFilter"/>
<bean id="transport-filter" class="org.springframework.data.gemfire.example.AnotherTransportFilter"/>
On the other end of a GatewaySender
is a corresponding GatewayReceiver
to receive Gateway events.
The GatewayReceiver
may also be configured with EventFilters
and TransportFilters
<gfe:gateway-receiver id="gateway-receiver" start-port="12345" end-port="23456" bind-address="">
<bean class="org.springframework.data.gemfire.example.SomeTransportFilter"/>
Please refer to the Pivotal GemFire documentation for a detailed explanation of all the configuration options.
6. Working with Pivotal GemFire APIs
Once the Pivotal GemFire Cache and Regions have been configured, they can be injected and used inside application objects. This chapter describes the integration with Spring’s Transaction Management functionality and DAO exception hierarchy. This chapter also covers support for dependency injection of GemFire managed objects.
6.1. GemfireTemplate
As with many other high-level abstractions provided by Spring projects, Spring Data GemFire provides a template
to simplify GemFire data access. The class provides several one-liner methods containing common Region operations,
but also has the ability to execute code against the native GemFire API without having to deal with GemFire checked
exceptions by using a GemfireCallback
The template class requires a GemFire Region
instance, and once configured, is thread-safe and can be reused
across multiple application classes:
<bean id="gemfireTemplate" class="org.springframework.data.gemfire.GemfireTemplate" p:region-ref="SomeRegion"/>
Once the template is configured, a developer can use it alongside GemfireCallback
to work directly with
the GemFire Region
without having to deal with checked exceptions, threading or resource management concerns:
template.execute(new GemfireCallback<Iterable<String>>() {
public Iterable<String> doInGemfire(Region region) throws GemFireCheckedException, GemFireException {
Region<String, String> localRegion = (Region<String, String>) region;
localRegion.put("1", "one");
localRegion.put("3", "three");
return localRegion.query("length < 5");
For accessing the full power of the Pivotal GemFire query language, a developer can use the find
and findUnique
methods, which, as opposed to the query
method, can execute queries across multiple Regions, execute projections,
and the like.
The find
method should be used when the query selects multiple items (through`SelectResults`) and the latter,
, as the name suggests, when only one object is returned.
6.2. Exception Translation
Using a new data access technology requires not only accommodating a new API but also handling exceptions specific to that technology.
To accommodate the exception handling case, the Spring Framework provides a technology agnostic and consistent exception hierarchy that abstracts the application from proprietary, and usually "checked", exceptions to a set of focused runtime exceptions.
As mentioned in Spring Framework’s documentation,
Exception translation
can be applied transparently to your Data Access Objects (DAO) through the use of the @Repository
annotation and AOP
by defining a PersistenceExceptionTranslationPostProcessor
bean. The same exception translation functionality
is enabled when using GemFire as long as the CacheFactoryBean
is declared, e.g. using either a <gfe:cache/>
or <gfe:client-cache>
declaration, which acts as an exception translator and is automatically detected by
the Spring infrastructure and used accordingly.
6.3. Local, Cache Transaction Management
One of the most popular features of the Spring Framework is Transaction Management.
If you are not familiar with Spring’s transaction abstraction then we strongly recommend reading about Spring’s Transaction Management infrastructure as it offers a consistent programming model that works transparently across multiple APIs and can be configured either programmatically or declaratively (the most popular choice).
For Pivotal GemFire, Spring Data GemFire provides a dedicated, per-cache, PlatformTransactionManager
once declared, allows Region operations to be executed atomically through Spring:
<gfe:transaction-manager id="txManager" cache-ref="myCache"/>
The example above can be simplified even further by eliminating the cache-ref attribute if the GemFire cache
is defined under the default name, gemfireCache . As with the other Spring Data GemFire namespace elements,
if the cache bean name is not configured, the aforementioned naming convention will be used.
Additionally, the transaction manager name is “gemfireTransactionManager” if not explicitly specified.
Currently, Pivotal GemFire supports optimistic transactions with read committed isolation. Furthermore, to guarantee
this isolation, developers should avoid making in-place changes that manually modify values present in the cache.
To prevent this from happening, the transaction manager configures the cache to use copy on read semantics by default,
meaning a clone of the actual value is created each time a read is performed. This behavior can be disabled if needed
through the copyOnRead
For more information on the semantics and behavior of the underlying Geode transaction manager, please refer to the Geode CacheTransactionManager Javadoc as well as the documentation.
6.4. Global, JTA Transaction Management
It is also possible for Pivotal GemFire to participate in a Global, JTA based transaction, such as a transaction managed by an Java EE Application Server (e.g. WebSphere Application Server, a.k.a. WAS) using Container Managed Transactions (CMT) along with other JTA resources.
However, unlike many other JTA "compliant" resources (e.g. JMS Message Brokers like ActiveMQ), Pivotal GemFire is not an XA compliant resource. Therefore, Pivotal GemFire must be positioned as the "Last Resource" in a JTA transaction (prepare phase) since it does not implement the 2-phase commit protocol, or rather does not handle distributed transactions.
Many managed environments with CMT maintain support for "Last Resource", non-XA compliant resources in JTA transactions though it is not actually required in the JTA spec. More information on what a non-XA compliant, "Last Resource" means can be found in Red Hat’s documentation. In fact, Red Hat’s JBoss project, Narayana is one such LGPL Open Source implementation. Narayana refers to this as "Last Resource Commit Optimization" (LRCO). More details can be found here.
However, whether you are using Pivotal GemFire in a standalone environment with an Open Source JTA Transaction Management implementation that supports "Last Resource", or a managed environment (e.g. Java EE AS such as WAS), Spring Data Geode has you covered.
There are a series of steps you must complete to properly use Pivotal GemFire as a "Last Resource" in a JTA transaction involving more than 1 transactional resource. Additionally, there can only be 1 non-XA compliant resource (e.g. Pivotal GemFire) in such an arrangement.
1) First, you must complete Steps 1-4 in GemFire’s documentation here.
#1 above is independent of your Spring [Boot] and/or [Data GemFire] application and must be completed successfully. |
2) Referring to Step 5 in GemFire’s documentation,
Spring Data GemFire’s Annotation support will attempt to set the GemFireCache
, copyOnRead
property for you when using the @EnableGemFireAsLastResource
However, if SDG’s auto-configuration is unsuccessful then you must explicitly set the copy-on-read
attribute on the
or <gfe:client-cache>
element in XML or the copyOnRead
property of the SDG CacheFactoryBean
in JavaConfig to true. For example…
Peer Cache XML:
<gfe:cache ... copy-on-read="true"/>
Peer Cache JavaConfig:
CacheFacatoryBean gemfireCache() {
CacheFactoryBean gemfireCache = new CacheFactoryBean();
return gemfireCache;
Client Cache XML:
<gfe:client-cache ... copy-on-read="true"/>
Client Cache JavaConfig:
ClientCacheFacatoryBean gemfireCache() {
ClientCacheFactoryBean gemfireCache = new ClientCacheFactoryBean();
return gemfireCache;
explicitly setting the copy-on-read attribute or optionally the copyOnRead property
really should not be necessary.
3) At this point, you skip Steps 6-8 in GemFire’s documentation
and let Spring Data Geode work its magic. All you need do is annotate your Spring @Configuration
with Spring Data GemFire’s new @EnableGemFireAsLastResource
annotation and a combination of Spring’s
Transaction Management
infrastructure and Spring Data GemFire’s @EnableGemFireAsLastResource
configuration does the trick.
The configuration looks like this…
@EnableTransactionManagement(order = 1)
class GeodeConfiguration {
The only requirements are…
3.1) The @EnableGemFireAsLastResource
annotation must be declared on the same Spring @Configuration
where Spring’s @EnableTransactionManagement
annotation is also specified.
3.2) The order
attribute of the @EnableTransactionManagement
annotation must be explicitly set to an integer value
that is not Integer.MAX_VALUE
or Integer.MIN_VALUE
(defaults to Integer.MAX_VALUE
Of course, hopefully you are aware that you also need to configure Spring’s JtaTransactionManager
when using JTA Transactions like so..
public JtaTransactionManager transactionManager(UserTransaction userTransaction) {
JtaTransactionManager transactionManager = new JtaTransactionManager();
return transactionManager;
The configuration in section Local, Cache Transaction Management does not apply here.
The use of Spring Data GemFire’s GemfireTransactionManager is applicable only in "Local", Cache Transactions,
not "Global", JTA Transactions. Therefore, you do not configure the SDG GemfireTransactionManager in this case.
You configure Spring’s JtaTransactionManager as shown above.
For more details on using Spring’s Transaction Management with JTA, see here.
Effectively, Spring Data GemFire’s @EnableGemFireAsLastResource
annotation imports configuration containing 2 Aspect
bean definitions that handles the GemFire o.a.g.ra.GFConnectionFactory.getConnection()
and o.a.g.ra.GFConnection.close()
operations at the appropriate points during the transactional operation.
Specifically, the correct sequence of events are…
Call the application’s
service method -
This is consistent with how you, as the application developer, would code this manually if you had to use the JTA API + GemFire API yourself, as shown in the GemFire example.
Thankfully, Spring does the heavy lifting for you and all you need do after applying the appropriate configuration (shown above) is…
class MyTransactionalService ... {
public <Return-Type> someTransactionalMethod() {
// perform business logic interacting with and accessing multiple JTA resources atomically, here
#1 & #4 above are appropriately handled for you by Spring’s JTA based PlatformTransactionManager
once the
boundary is entered by your application (i.e. when the MyTransactionSerivce.someTransactionalMethod()
is called).
#2 & #3 are handled by Spring Data GemFire’s new Aspects enabled with the @EnableGemFireAsLastResource
#3 of course is the responsibility of your application.
Indeed, with the appropriate logging configured, you will see the correct sequence of events…
2017-Jun-22 11:11:37 TRACE TransactionInterceptor - Getting transaction for [example.app.service.MessageService.send]
2017-Jun-22 11:11:37 TRACE GemFireAsLastResourceConnectionAcquiringAspect - Acquiring GemFire Connection
from GemFire JCA ResourceAdapter registered at [gfe/jca]
2017-Jun-22 11:11:37 TRACE MessageService - PRODUCER [ Message :
[{ @type = example.app.domain.Message, id= MSG0000000000, message = SENT }],
JSON : [{"id":"MSG0000000000","message":"SENT"}] ]
2017-Jun-22 11:11:37 TRACE TransactionInterceptor - Completing transaction for [example.app.service.MessageService.send]
2017-Jun-22 11:11:37 TRACE GemFireAsLastResourceConnectionClosingAspect - Closed GemFire Connection @ [Reference [...]]
For more details on using Pivotal GemFire in JTA transactions, see here.
For more details on configuring Pivotal GemFire as a "Last Resource", see here.
6.5. Continuous Query (CQ)
A powerful functionality offered by Pivotal GemFire is
Continuous Query (or CQ).
In short, CQ allows one to create and register an OQL query, and then automatically be notified when new data
that gets added to GemFire matches the query predicate. Spring Data GemFire provides dedicated support for CQs through
the org.springframework.data.gemfire.listener
package and its listener container; very similar in functionality
and naming to the JMS integration in the Spring Framework; in fact, users familiar with the JMS support in Spring,
should feel right at home.
Basically Spring Data GemFire allows methods on POJOs to become end-points for CQ. Simply define the query and indicate the method that should be called to be notified when there is a match. Spring Data GemFire takes care of the rest. This is very similar to Java EE’s message-driven bean style, but without any requirement for base class or interface implementations, based on Pivotal GemFire.
Currently, Continuous Query is only supported in GemFire’s client/server topology. Additionally, the client Pool used is required to have the subscription enabled. Please refer to the GemFire documentation for more information. |
6.5.1. Continuous Query Listener Container
Spring Data GemFire simplifies creation, registration, life-cycle and dispatch of CQ events by taking care of
the infrastructure around CQ with the use of SDG’s ContinuousQueryListenerContainer
, which does all the heavy lifting
on behalf of the user. Users familiar with EJB and JMS should find the concepts familiar as it is designed
as close as possible to the support provided in the Spring Framework with its Message-driven POJOs (MDPs).
The SDG ContinuousQueryListenerContainer
acts as an event (or message) listener container; it is used to
receive the events from the registered CQs and invoke the POJOs that are injected into it. The listener container
is responsible for all threading of message reception and dispatches into the listener for processing. It acts as
the intermediary between an EDP (Event-driven POJO) and the event provider and takes care of creation and registration
of CQs (to receive events), resource acquisition and release, exception conversion and the like. This allows you,
as an application developer, to write the (possibly complex) business logic associated with receiving an event
(and reacting to it), and delegate the boilerplate GemFire infrastructure concerns to the framework.
The listener container is fully customizable. A developer can chose either to use the CQ thread to perform the dispatch
(synchronous delivery) or a new thread (from an existing pool) for an asynchronous approach by defining the suitable
(or Spring’s TaskExecutor
). Depending on the load, the number of listeners
or the runtime environment, the developer should change or tweak the executor to better serve her needs. In particular,
in managed environments (such as app servers), it is highly recommended to pick a proper TaskExecutor
to take advantage of its runtime.
6.5.2. The ContinuousQueryListener
and ContinuousQueryListenerAdapter
The ContinuousQueryListenerAdapter
class is the final component in Spring Data GemFire CQ support. In a nutshell,
class allows you to expose almost any implementing class as an EDP with minimal constraints.
implements the ContinuousQueryListener
interface, a simple listener interface
similar to GemFire’s CqListener.
Consider the following interface definition. Notice the various event handling methods and their parameters:
public interface EventDelegate {
void handleEvent(CqEvent event);
void handleEvent(Operation baseOp);
void handleEvent(Object key);
void handleEvent(Object key, Object newValue);
void handleEvent(Throwable throwable);
void handleQuery(CqQuery cq);
void handleEvent(CqEvent event, Operation baseOp, byte[] deltaValue);
void handleEvent(CqEvent event, Operation baseOp, Operation queryOp, Object key, Object newValue);
package example;
class DefaultEventDelegate implements EventDelegate {
// implementation elided for clarity...
In particular, note how the above implementation of the EventDelegate
interface has no GemFire dependencies at all.
It truly is a POJO that we can and will make into an EDP via the following configuration.
the class does not have to implement an interface; an interface is only used to better showcase the decoupling between the contract and the implementation. |
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<beans xmlns="http://www.springframework.org/schema/beans"
http://www.springframework.org/schema/beans http://www.springframework.org/schema/beans/spring-beans.xsd
http://www.springframework.org/schema/gemfire http://www.springframework.org/schema/gemfire/spring-gemfire.xsd
<gfe:pool subscription-enabled="true">
<gfe:server host="localhost" port="40404"/>
<!-- default handle method -->
<gfe:listener ref="listener" query="SELECT * FROM /SomeRegion"/>
<gfe:listener ref="another-listener" query="SELECT * FROM /AnotherRegion" name="myQuery" method="handleQuery"/>
<bean id="listener" class="example.DefaultMessageDelegate"/>
<bean id="another-listener" class="example.DefaultMessageDelegate"/>
The example above shows a few of the various forms that a listener can have; at its minimum, the listener
reference and the actual query definition are required. It’s possible, however, to specify a name for
the resulting Continuous Query (useful for monitoring) but also the name of the method (the default is handleEvent ).
The specified method can have various argument types, the EventDelegate interface lists the allowed types.
The example above uses the Spring Data GemFire namespace to declare the event listener container and automatically register the listeners. The full blown, beans definition is displayed below:
<!-- this is the Event Driven POJO (MDP) -->
<bean id="eventListener" class="org.springframework.data.gemfire.listener.adapter.ContinuousQueryListenerAdapter">
<bean class="gemfireexample.DefaultEventDelegate"/>
<!-- and this is the event listener container... -->
<bean id="gemfireListenerContainer" class="org.springframework.data.gemfire.listener.ContinuousQueryListenerContainer">
<property name="cache" ref="gemfireCache"/>
<property name="queryListeners">
<!-- set of CQ listeners -->
<bean class="org.springframework.data.gemfire.listener.ContinuousQueryDefinition" >
<constructor-arg value="SELECT * FROM /SomeRegion" />
<constructor-arg ref="eventListener"/>
Each time an event is received, the adapter automatically performs type translation between the GemFire event and the required method argument(s) transparently. Any exception caused by the method invocation is caught and handled by the container (by default, being logged).
6.6. Wiring Declarable
Pivotal GemFire XML configuration (usually referred to as cache.xml
) allows user objects to be declared
as part of the configuration. Usually these objects are CacheLoaders
or other pluggable callback components
supported by GemFire. Using native GemFire configuration, each user type declared through XML must implement
the Declarable
interface, which allows arbitrary parameters to be passed to the declared class
through a Properties
In this section, we describe how you can configure these pluggable components when defined in cache.xml
using Spring while keeping your Cache/Region configuration defined in cache.xml
. This allows your
pluggable components to focus on the application logic and not the location or creation of DataSources
or other collaborators.
However, if you are starting a green field project, it is recommended that you configure Cache, Region,
and other pluggable GemFire components directly in Spring. This avoids inheriting from the Declarable
or the base class presented in this section.
See the following sidebar for more information on this approach.
As an example of configuring a Declarable
component using Spring, consider the following declaration
(taken from the Declarable
<parameter name="URL">
To simplify the task of parsing, converting the parameters and initializing the object, Spring Data GemFire offers
a base class (WiringDeclarableSupport
) that allows GemFire user objects to be wired through a template bean definition
or, in case that is missing, perform auto-wiring through the Spring IoC container. To take advantage of this feature,
the user objects need to extend WiringDeclarableSupport
, which automatically locates the declaring BeanFactory
and performs wiring as part of the initialization process.
6.6.1. Configuration using template bean definitions
When used, WiringDeclarableSupport
tries to first locate an existing bean definition and use that
as the wiring template. Unless specified, the component class name will be used as an implicit bean definition name.
Let’s see how our DBLoader
declaration would look in that case:
class DBLoader extends WiringDeclarableSupport implements CacheLoader {
private DataSource dataSource;
public void setDataSource(DataSource dataSource){
this.dataSource = dataSource;
public Object load(LoaderHelper helper) { ... }
<!-- no parameter is passed (use the bean's implicit name, which is the class name) -->
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<beans xmlns="http://www.springframework.org/schema/beans"
http://www.springframework.org/schema/beans http://www.springframework.org/schema/beans/spring-beans.xsd
<bean id="dataSource" ... />
<!-- template bean definition -->
<bean id="com.company.app.DBLoader" abstract="true" p:dataSource-ref="dataSource"/>
In the scenario above, as no parameter was specified, a bean with the id/name com.company.app.DBLoader
was used
as a template for wiring the instance created by GemFire. For cases where the bean name uses a different convention,
one can pass in the bean-name
parameter in the GemFire configuration:
<!-- pass the bean definition template name as parameter -->
<parameter name="bean-name">
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<beans xmlns="http://www.springframework.org/schema/beans"
http://www.springframework.org/schema/beans http://www.springframework.org/schema/beans/spring-beans.xsd
<bean id="dataSource" ... />
<!-- template bean definition -->
<bean id="template-bean" abstract="true" p:dataSource-ref="dataSource"/>
The template bean definitions do not have to be declared in XML. Any format is allowed (Groovy, annotations, etc). |
6.6.2. Configuration using auto-wiring and annotations
By default, if no bean definition is found, WiringDeclarableSupport
the declaring instance. This means that unless any dependency injection metadata is offered by the instance,
the container will find the object setters and try to automatically satisfy these dependencies.
However, a developer can also use JDK 5 annotations to provide additional information to the auto-wiring process.
We strongly recommend reading the dedicated chapter in the Spring documentation for more information on the supported annotations and enabling factors. |
For example, the hypothetical DBLoader
declaration above can be injected with a Spring-configured DataSource
in the following way:
class DBLoader extends WiringDeclarableSupport implements CacheLoader {
// use annotations to 'mark' the needed dependencies
private DataSource dataSource;
public Object load(LoaderHelper helper) { ... }
<!-- no need to declare any parameters since the class is auto-wired -->
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<beans xmlns="http://www.springframework.org/schema/beans"
http://www.springframework.org/schema/beans http://www.springframework.org/schema/beans/spring-beans.xsd
http://www.springframework.org/schema/context http://www.springframework.org/schema/context/spring-context.xsd
<!-- enable annotation processing -->
By using the JSR-330 annotations, the CacheLoader
code has been simplified since the location and creation
of the DataSource
has been externalized and the user code is concerned only with the loading process.
The DataSource
might be transactional, created lazily, shared between multiple objects or retrieved from JNDI.
These aspects can easily be configured and changed through the Spring container without touching
the DBLoader
6.7. Support for Spring Cache Abstraction
Spring Data GemFire provides an implementation of the Spring Cache Abstraction to position Pivotal GemFire as a caching provider in Spring’s caching infrastructure.
To use Pivotal GemFire as a backing implementation, simply add GemfireCacheManager
to your configuration:
<beans xmlns="http://www.springframework.org/schema/beans"
xsi:schemaLocation="http://www.springframework.org/schema/beans http://www.springframework.org/schema/beans/spring-beans.xsd
http://www.springframework.org/schema/gemfire http://www.springframework.org/schema/gemfire/spring-gemfire.xsd
http://www.springframework.org/schema/cache http://www.springframework.org/schema/cache/spring-cache.xsd">
<!-- enable declarative caching -->
<gfe:cache id="gemfire-cache"/>
<!-- declare GemfireCacheManager; must have a bean ID of 'cacheManager' -->
<bean id="cacheManager" class="org.springframework.data.gemfire.cache.GemfireCacheManager"
The cache-ref attribute on the CacheManager bean definition is not necessary if the default cache bean name
is used (i.e. "gemfireCache"), that is, <gfe:cache> without an explicit ID.
When the GemfireCacheManager
(Singleton) bean instance is declared and declarative caching is enabled
(either in XML with <cache:annotation-driven/>
or in JavaConfig with Spring’s @EnableCaching
the Spring caching annotations (e.g. @Cacheable
) identify the "caches" that will cache data in-memory
using GemFire Regions.
These caches (i.e. Regions) must exist before the caching annotations that use them otherwise an error will occur.
By way of example, suppose you have a Customer Service application with a CustomerService
application component
that does caching…
class CustomerService {
@Cacheable(cacheNames="Accounts", key="#customer.id")
Account createAccount(Customer customer) {
Then you will need the following config.
<beans xmlns="http://www.springframework.org/schema/beans"
xsi:schemaLocation="http://www.springframework.org/schema/beans http://www.springframework.org/schema/beans/spring-beans.xsd
http://www.springframework.org/schema/gemfire http://www.springframework.org/schema/gemfire/spring-gemfire.xsd
http://www.springframework.org/schema/cache http://www.springframework.org/schema/cache/spring-cache.xsd">
<!-- enable declarative caching -->
<bean id="cacheManager" class="org.springframework.data.gemfire.cache.GemfireCacheManager">
<gfe:partitioned-region id="accontsRegion" name="Accounts" persistent="true" ...>
class ApplicationConfiguration {
CacheFactoryBean gemfireCache() {
return new CacheFactoryBean();
GemfireCacheManager cacheManager() {
return new GemfireCacheManager(gemfireCache());
PartitionedRegionFactoryBean accountsRegion() {
PartitionedRegionFactoryBean accounts = new PartitionedRegionFactoryBean();
return accounts;
Of course, you are free to choose whatever Region type you like (e.g. REPLICATE, PARTITION, LOCAL, etc).
For more details on Spring’s Cache Abstraction, again, please refer to the documentation.
7. Working with Pivotal GemFire Serialization
To improve overall performance of the Pivotal GemFire In-memory Data Grid, GemFire supports a dedicated serialization protocol, called PDX, that is both faster and offers more compact results over standard Java serialization in addition to works transparently across various language platforms (Java, C++, .NET). Please refer to PDX Serialization Features and PDX Serialization Internals for more details.
This chapter discusses the various ways in which Spring Data GemFire simplifies and improves GemFire’s custom serialization in Java.
7.1. Wiring deserialized instances
It is fairly common for serialized objects to have transient data. Transient data is often dependent on the system
or environment where it lives at a certain point in time. For instance, a DataSource
is environment specific.
Serializing such information is useless, and potentially even dangerous, since it is local to a certain VM/machine.
For such cases, Spring Data GemFire offers a special
that performs wiring for each new instance created by GemFire during deserialization.
Through such a mechanism, one can rely on the Spring container to inject and manage certain dependencies making it easy to split transient from persistent data and have rich domain objects in a transparent manner.
Spring users might find this approach similar to that of
The WiringInstantiator
works just like WiringDeclarableSupport
, trying to first locate a bean definition
as a wiring template and falling back to autowiring otherwise.
Please refer to the previous section (Wiring Declarable
Components) for more details on wiring functionality.
To use this SDG Instantiator
, simply declare it as a bean:
<bean id="instantiator" class="org.springframework.data.gemfire.serialization.WiringInstantiator">
<!-- DataSerializable type -->
<!-- type id -->
During the Spring container startup, once it is being initialized, the Instantiator
will, by default, register
itself with the GemFire serialization system and perform wiring on all instances of SomeDataSerializableClass
created by GemFire during deserialization.
7.2. Auto-generating custom Instantiators
For data intensive applications, a large number of instances might be created on each machine as data flows in.
Out-of-the-box, GemFire uses reflection to create new types, but for some scenarios, this might prove to be expensive.
As always, it is good to perform profiling to quantify whether this is the case or not. For such cases,
Spring Data GemFire allows the automatic generation of Instatiator
classes which instantiate a new type
(using the default constructor) without the use of reflection:
<bean id="instantiatorFactory" class="org.springframework.data.gemfire.serialization.InstantiatorFactoryBean">
<property name="customTypes">
<entry key="org.pkg.CustomTypeA" value="1025"/>
<entry key="org.pkg.CustomTypeB" value="1026"/>
The definition above, automatically generates two Instantiators
for two classes, namely CustomTypeA
and CustomTypeB
and registers them with GemFire, under user id 1025
and 1026
. The two Instantiators
the use of reflection and create the instances directly through Java code.
8. POJO mapping
8.1. Entity Mapping
Spring Data GemFire provides support to map entities that will be stored in a Region in the GemFire In-Memory Data Grid. The mapping metadata is defined using annotations on application domain classes just like this:
public class Person {
@Id Long id;
String firstname;
String lastname;
public Person(String firstname, String lastname) {
// …
The first thing you notice here is the @Region
annotation that can be used to customize the Region
in which an instance of the Person
class is stored. The @Id
annotation can be used to annotate the property
that shall be used as the cache (Region) key, identifying the Region entry. The @PersistenceConstructor
helps to disambiguate multiple, potentially available constructors taking parameters and explicitly marking
the constructor annotated as the constructor to be used to construct entities. In an application domain class with no
or only a single constructor you can omit the annotation.
In addition to storing entities in top-level Regions, entities can be stored in Sub-Regions as well.
For instance:
public class Admin extends User {
public class Guest extends User {
Be sure to use the full-path of the GemFire Region, as defined with the Spring Data GemFire XML namespace
using the id
or name
attributes of the <*-region>
8.1.1. Entity Mapping by Region Type
In addition to the @Region
annotation, Spring Data GemFire also recognizes the Region type-specific
mapping annotations: @ClientRegion
, @LocalRegion
, @PartitionRegion
and @ReplicateRegion
Functionally, these annotations are treated exactly the same as the generic @Region
annotation in the SDG
mapping infrastructure. However, these additional mapping annotations are useful in Spring Data GemFire’s`
Annotation configuration model. When combined with the @EnableEntityDefinedRegions
configuration annotation
on _Spring @Configuration
annotated class, it is possible to generate Regions in the local cache, whether
the application is a client or peer.
These annotations allow you, the developer, to be more specific about what type of Region that your application entity class should be mapped to, and also has an impact on the data management policies of the Region (e.g. partition (a.k.a. sharding) vs. just replicating data).
Using these Region type-specific mapping annotations with the SDG Annotation config model saves you from having to explicitly define these Regions in config.
The details of the new Annotation configuration model will be discussed in more detail in a subsequent releaase.
8.1.2. Repository Mapping
As an alternative to specifying the Region in which the entity will be stored using the @Region
on the entity class, you can also specify the @Region
annotation on the entity’s Repository
See Spring Data GemFire Repositories for more details.
However, let’s say you want to store a Person
in multiple GemFire Regions (e.g. People
and Customers
then you can define your corresponding Repository
interface extensions like so:
public interface PersonRepository extends GemfireRepository<Person, String> {
public interface CustomerRepository extends GemfireRepository<Person, String> {
Then, using each Repository individually, you can store the entity in multiple GemFire Regions.
class CustomerService {
CustomerRepository customerRepo;
PersonRepository personRepo;
Customer update(Customer customer) {
return customer;
It is not difficult to imagine wrapping the update
service method in a Spring managed transaction,
either as a local cache transaction or a global transaction.
8.2. Mapping PDX Serializer
Spring Data GemFire provides a custom
PdxSerializer implementation
that uses the mapping information to customize entity serialization. Beyond that, it allows customizing
the entity instantiation by using the Spring Data EntityInstantiator
abstraction. By default the serializer
uses a ReflectionEntityInstantiator
that will use the persistence constructor of the mapped entity
(either the default constructor, a singly declared constructor or an explicitly annotated constructor annotated with
the @PersistenceConstructor
To provide values for constructor parameters it will read fields with name of the constructor parameters from the supplied PdxReader.
public class Person {
public Person(@Value("#root.foo") String firstname, @Value("bean") String lastname) {
// …
An entity class annotated in this way will have the field foo
read from the PdxReader
and passed to the constructor
parameter value for firstname
. The value for lastname
will be the Spring bean with the name bean
9. Spring Data GemFire Repositories
9.1. Introduction
Spring Data GemFire provides support to use the Spring Data Repository abstraction to easily persist entities into GemFire along with execute queries. A general introduction to the Repository programming model is provided here.
9.2. Spring Configuration
To bootstrap Spring Data Repositories, you use the <repositories/>
element from the Spring Data GemFire
Data namespace:
<beans xmlns="http://www.springframework.org/schema/beans"
http://www.springframework.org/schema/beans http://www.springframework.org/schema/beans/spring-beans.xsd
http://www.springframework.org/schema/data/gemfire http://www.springframework.org/schema/data/gemfire/spring-data-gemfire.xsd>
<gfe-data:repositories base-package="com.example.acme.repository"/>
This configuration snippet looks for interfaces below the configured base package and creates Repository instances
for those interfaces backed by a SimpleGemFireRepository
You must have your application domain classes correctly mapped to configured Regions or the bootstrap process will fail otherwise. |
9.3. Executing OQL Queries
Spring Data GemFire Repositories enable the definition of query methods to easily execute GemFire OQL Queries against the Region the managed entity is mapped to.
public class Person { … }
public interface PersonRepository extends CrudRepository<Person, Long> {
Person findByEmailAddress(String emailAddress);
Collection<Person> findByFirstname(String firstname);
@Query("SELECT * FROM /People p WHERE p.firstname = $1")
Collection<Person> findByFirstnameAnnotated(String firstname);
@Query("SELECT * FROM /People p WHERE p.firstname IN SET $1")
Collection<Person> findByFirstnamesAnnotated(Collection<String> firstnames);
The first query method listed here will cause the following OQL query to be derived:
SELECT x FROM /People x WHERE x.emailAddress = $1
. The second query method works the same way except
it’s returning all entities found whereas the first query method expects a single result to be found.
In case the supported keywords are not sufficient to expresss and declare your OQL query, or the method name
becomes too verbose, you can annotate the query methods with @Query
as seen for methods 3 and 4.
Keyword | Sample | Logical result |
(No keyword) |
9.4. OQL Query Extensions using Annotations
Many query languages, such as Pivotal GemFire’s OQL (Object Query Language), have extensions that are not directly supported by Spring Data Commons' Repository infrastructure.
One of Spring Data Commons' Repository infrastructure goals is to function as the lowest common denominator in order to maintain support for and portability across the widest array of data stores available and in use for application development today. Technically, this means developers can access multiple different data stores supported by Spring Data Commons within their applications by reusing their existing application-specific Repository interfaces, a very convenient and powerful abstraction.
To support GemFire’s OQL Query language extensions and preserve portability across different data stores, Spring Data GemFire adds support for OQL Query extensions using Java Annotations. These Annotations will be ignored by other Spring Data Repository implementations (e.g. Spring Data JPA or Spring Data Redis) that do not have similar query language extensions.
For instance, many data stores will most likely not implement GemFire’s OQL IMPORT
keyword. By implementing IMPORT
as an Annotation (i.e. @Import
) rather than as part of the query method signature (specifically, the method 'name'),
then this will not interfere with the parsing infrastructure when evaluating the query method name to construct
another data store language appropriate query.
Currently, the set of GemFire OQL Query language extensions that are supported by Spring Data GemFire include:
Keyword | Annotation | Description | Arguments |
OQL Query Index Hints |
Qualify application-specific types. |
Limit the returned query result set. |
Enable OQL Query specific debugging. |
NA |
As an example, suppose you have a Customers
application domain class and corresponding GemFire Region along with a
and a query method to lookup Customers
by last name, like so…
package ...;
import org.springframework.data.annotation.Id;
import org.springframework.data.gemfire.mapping.annotation.Region;
public class Customer ... {
private Long id;
package ...;
import org.springframework.data.gemfire.repository.GemfireRepository;
public interface CustomerRepository extends GemfireRepository<Customer, Long> {
List<Customer> findByLastName(String lastName);
This will result in the following OQL Query:
<TRACE> <HINT 'LastNameIdx'> IMPORT org.example.app.domain.Customer; SELECT * FROM /Customers x WHERE x.lastName = $1 LIMIT 10
Spring Data GemFire’s Repository extension and support is careful not to create conflicting declarations when
the OQL Annotation extensions are used in combination with the @Query
As another example, suppose you have a raw @Query
annotated query method defined in your CustomerRepository
like so…
public interface CustomerRepository extends GemfireRepository<Customer, Long> {
@Query("<TRACE> <HINT 'ReputationIdx'> SELECT DISTINCT * FROM /Customers c WHERE c.reputation > $1 ORDER BY c.reputation DESC LIMIT 5")
List<Customer> findDistinctCustomersByReputationGreaterThanOrderByReputationDesc(Integer reputation);
This query method results in the following OQL Query:
IMPORT org.example.app.domain.Customer; <TRACE> <HINT 'ReputationIdx'> SELECT DISTINCT * FROM /Customers x
WHERE x.reputation > $1 ORDER BY c.reputation DESC LIMIT 5
As you can see, the @Limit(10)
annotation will not override the LIMIT
defined explicitly in the raw query.
As well, @Hint("CustomerIdx")
annotation does not override the HINT
explicitly defined in the raw query.
Finally, the @Trace
annotation is redundant and has no additional effect.
The "ReputationIdx" Index is probably not the most sensible index given the number of Customers who will possibly have the same value for their reputation, which will effectively reduce the effectiveness of the index. Please choose indexes and other optimizations wisely as an improper or poorly choosen index can have the opposite effect on your performance given the overhead in maintaining the index. The "ReputationIdx" was only used to serve the purpose of the example. |
10. Annotation Support for Function Execution
10.1. Introduction
Spring Data GemFire includes annotation support to simplify working with GemFire Function Execution. Under-the-hood, the Pivotal GemFire API provides classes to implement and register GemFire Functions that are deployed on GemFire servers, which may then be invoked by other peer member applications or remotely from cache clients.
Functions can execute in parallel, distributed among multiple GemFire servers in the cluster, aggregating results with the map-reduce pattern that are sent back to the caller. Functions can also be targeted to run on a single server or Region. The Pivotal GemFire API supports remote execution of Functions targeted using various predefined scopes: on Region, on members [in groups], on servers, etc. The implementation and execution of remote Functions, as with any RPC protocol, requires some boilerplate code.
Spring Data GemFire, true to Spring’s core value proposition, aims to hide the mechanics of remote Function execution and allow developers to focus on core POJO programming and business logic. To this end, Spring Data GemFire introduces annotations to declaratively register public methods of a POJO class as GemFire Functions along with the ability to invoke registered Functions [remotely] via annotated interfaces.
10.2. Implementation vs Execution
There are two separate concerns to address implementation and execution.
First is Function implementation (server-side), which must interact with the FunctionContext to access the invocation arguments, ResultsSender as well as other execution context information. The Function implementation typically accesses the Cache and/or Regions and is registered with the FunctionService under a unique Id.
A cache client application invoking a Function does not depend on the implementation. To invoke a Function,
the application instantiates an
providing the Function ID, invocation arguments and the Function target, which defines its scope:
Region, server, servers, member or members. If the Function produces a result, the invoker uses a
to aggregate and acquire the execution results. In certain cases, a custom ResultCollector
is required and may be registered with the Execution
'Client' and 'Server' are used here in the context of Function execution, which may have a different meaning
than client and server in GemFire’s client-server topology. While it is common for an application using a ClientCache
to invoke a Function on one or more GemFire servers in a cluster, it is also possible to execute Functions
in a peer-to-peer (P2P) configuration, where the application is a member of the cluster hosting a peer Cache .
Keep in mind that a peer member cache application is subject to all the same constraints of being a peer member
of the cluster.
10.3. Implementing a Function
Using GemFire APIs, the FunctionContext
provides a runtime invocation context that includes the client’s
calling arguments and a ResultSender
implementation to send results back to the client. Additionally,
if the Function is executed on a Region, the FunctionContext
is actually an instance of RegionFunctionContext
which provides additional information such as the target Region on which the Function was invoked
and any Filter (set of specific keys) associated with the Execution
, etc. If the Region is a PARTITION Region,
the Function should use the PartitionRegionHelper
to extract only the local data.
Using Spring, a developer can write a simple POJO and use the Spring container to bind one or more of it’s
public methods to a Function. The signature for a POJO method intended to be used as a Function must generally
conform to the client’s execution arguments. However, in the case of a Region execution, the Region data
may also be provided (presumably the data held in the local partition if the Region is a PARTITION Region).
Additionally, the Function may require the Filter that was applied, if any. This suggests that the client and server
share a contract for the calling arguments but that the method signature may include additional parameters
to pass values provided by the FunctionContext
. One possibility is for the client and server to share
a common interface, but this is not strictly required. The only constraint is that the method signature includes
the same sequence of calling arguments with which the Function was invoked after the additional parameters
are resolved.
For example, suppose the client provides a String and int as the calling arguments. These are provided
in the FunctionContext
as an array:
Object[] args = new Object[] { "test", 123 };
Then, the Spring container should be able to bind to any method signature similar to the following. Let’s ignore the return type for the moment:
public Object method1(String s1, int i2) {...}
public Object method2(Map<?, ?> data, String s1, int i2) {...}
public Object method3(String s1, Map<?, ?> data, int i2) {...}
public Object method4(String s1, Map<?, ?> data, Set<?> filter, int i2) {...}
public void method4(String s1, Set<?> filter, int i2, Region<?,?> data) {...}
public void method5(String s1, ResultSender rs, int i2);
public void method6(FunctionContest context);
The general rule is that once any additional arguments, i.e. Region data and Filter, are resolved,
the remaining arguments must correspond exactly, in order and type, to the expected Function method parameters.
The method’s return type must be void or a type that may be serialized (either as a java.io.Serializable
or PdxSerializable
). The latter is also a requirement for the calling arguments.
The Region data should normally be defined as a Map, to facilitate unit testing, but may also be of type Region
if necessary. As shown in the example above, it is also valid to pass the FunctionContext
or the ResultSender
, if you need to control how the results are returned to the client.
10.3.1. Annotations for Function Implementation
The following example illustrates how SDG’s Function annotations are used to expose POJO methods as GemFire Functions:
public class ApplicationFunctions {
public String function1(String value, @RegionData Map<?, ?> data, int i2) { ... }
@GemfireFunction("myFunction", batchSize=100, HA=true, optimizedForWrite=true)
public List<String> function2(String value, @RegionData Map<?, ?> data, int i2, @Filter Set<?> keys) { ... }
public void functionWithContext(FunctionContext functionContext) { ... }
Note, the class itself must be registered as a Spring bean and each GemFire Function is annotated
with @GemfireFunction
. In this example, Spring’s @Component
annotation was used, but you may register the bean
by any method supported by Spring (e.g. XML configuration or with a Java configuration class using Spring Boot).
This allows the Spring container to create an instance of this class and wrap it in a
Spring creates a wrapper instance for each method annotated with @GemfireFunction
. Each wrapper instance shares
the same target object instance to invoke the corresponding method.
The fact that the POJO Function class is a Spring bean may offer other benefits since it shares
the ApplicationContext with GemFire components such as the Cache and Regions. These may be injected into the class
if necessary.
Spring creates the wrapper class and registers the Function(s) with GemFire’s Function Service. The Function id used
to register the Functions must be unique. Using convention it defaults to the simple (unqualified) method name.
The name can be explicitly defined using the id
attribute of the @GemfireFunction
The @GemfireFunction
annotation also provides other configuration attributes, HA
and optimizedForWrite
which correspond to properties defined by GemFire’s
Function interface.
If the method’s return type is void, then the hasResult
property is automatically set to false
otherwise, if the method returns a value the hasResult
attributes is set to true
Even for void
return types, the annotation’s hasResult
attribute can be set to true
to override this convention,
as shown in the functionWithContext
method above. Presumably, the intention is to use the ResultSender
to send results to the caller.
The PojoFunctionWrapper
implements GemFire’s Function
interface, binds method parameters and invokes the target method
in its execute()
method. It also sends the method’s return value using the ResultSender
10.3.2. Batching Results
If the return type is an array or Collection, then some consideration must be given to how the results are returned.
By default, the PojoFunctionWrapper
returns the entire array or Collection at once. If the number of elements
in the array or Collection quite is large, it may incur a performance penalty. To divide the payload into smaller,
more maneable chunks, you can set the batchSize
attribute, as illustrated in function2
, above.
If you need more control of the ResultSender , especially if the method itself would use too much memory
to create the Collection, you can pass the ResultSender , or access it via the FunctionContext and use it directly
within the method to sends results back to the caller.
10.3.3. Enabling Annotation Processing
In accordance with Spring standards, you must explicitly activate annotation processing for @GemfireFunction
Using XML:
Or by annotating a Java configuration class:
class ApplicationConfiguration { .. }
10.4. Executing a Function
A process invoking a remote Function needs to provide the Function’s ID, calling arguments, the execution target
(onRegion, onServers, onServer, onMember, onMembers) and optionally, a Filter set. Using Spring Data GemFire,
all a developer need do is define an interface supported by annotations. Spring will create a dynamic proxy
for the interface, which will use the FunctionService
to create an Execution
, invoke the Execution
and coerce
the results to the defined return type, if necessary. This technique is very similar to the way
Spring Data GemFire’s Repository extension works, thus some of the configuration and concepts should be familiar.
Generally, a single interface definition maps to multiple Function executions, one corresponding to each method
defined in the interface.
10.4.1. Annotations for Function Execution
To support client-side Function execution, the following SDG Function annotations are provided: @OnRegion
, @OnServers
, @OnMember
, @OnMembers
. These annotations correspond to the Execution
prodided by GemFire’s
Each annotation exposes the appropriate attributes. These annotations also provide an optional
attribute whose value is the name of a Spring bean implementing the
to use for the execution.
The proxy interface binds all declared methods to the same execution configuration. Although, it is expected that single method interfaces will be common, all methods in the interface are backed by the same proxy instance and therefore all share the same configuration. |
Here are a few examples:
@OnRegion(region="SomeRegion", resultCollector="myCollector")
public interface FunctionExecution {
String doIt(String s1, int i2);
String getString(Object arg1, @Filter Set<Object> keys);
By default, the Function ID is the simple (unqualified) method name. The @FunctionId
annotation can be used
to bind this invocation to a different Function ID.
10.4.2. Enabling Annotation Processing
The client-side uses Spring’s classpath component scanning capability to discover annotated interfaces. To enable Function execution annotation processing in XML:
<gfe-data:function-executions base-package="org.example.myapp.gemfire.functions"/>
The function-executions
element is provided in the gfe-data
namespace. The base-package
attribute is required
to avoid scanning the entire classpath. Additional filters are provided as described in the Spring
reference documentation.
Optionally, a developer can annotate her Java configuration class:
@EnableGemfireFunctionExecutions(basePackages = "org.example.myapp.gemfire.functions")
10.5. Programmatic Function Execution
Using the Function execution annotated interface defined in the previous section, simply auto-wire your interface into an application bean that will invoke the Function:
public class MyApplication {
FunctionExecution functionExecution;
public void doSomething() {
functionExecution.doIt("hello", 123);
Alternately, you can use a Function execution template directly. For example, GemfireOnRegionFunctionTemplate
creates an onRegion
Function Execution
Set<?, ?> myFilter = getFilter();
Region<?, ?> myRegion = getRegion();
GemfireOnRegionOperations template = new GemfireOnRegionFunctionTemplate(myRegion);
String result = template.executeAndExtract("someFunction", myFilter, "hello", "world", 1234);
Internally, Function Executions
always return a List
. executeAndExtract
assumes a singleton List
containing the result and will attempt to coerce that value into the requested type. There is also
an execute
method that returns the List
as is. The first parameter is the Function ID.
The Filter argument is optional. The following arguments are a variable argument List
10.6. Function Execution with PDX
When using Spring Data GemFire’s Function annotation support combined with Pivotal GemFire’s PDX Serialization, there are a few logistical things to keep in mind.
As explained above, and by way of example, typically developers will define GemFire Functions using POJO classes annotated with Spring Data GemFire Function annotations like so…
public class OrderFunctions {
Order process(@RegionData data, Order order, OrderSource orderSourceEnum, Integer count) { ... }
The Integer type, count parameter is arbitrary as is the separation of the Order class and OrderSource Enum,
which might be logical to combine. However, the arguments were setup this way to demonstrate the problem with
Function executions in the context of PDX.
Your Order
and OrderSource
enum might be as follows…
public class Order ... {
private Long orderNumber;
private Calendar orderDateTime;
private Customer customer;
private List<Item> items
public enum OrderSource {
Of course, a developer may define a Function Execution
interface to call the 'process' GemFire Server Function…
public interface OrderProcessingFunctions {
Order process(Order order, OrderSource orderSourceEnum, Integer count);
Clearly, this process(..)
Function is being called from a client-side with a ClientCache
(i.e. <gfe:client-cache/>
) based application. This implies that the Function arguments must also be serializable.
The same is true when invoking peer-to-peer member Functions (e.g. @OnMember(s)) between peers in the cluster.
Any form of `distribution
requires the data transmitted between client and server, or peers, to be serialized.
Now, if the developer has configured GemFire to use PDX for serialization (instead of Java serialization, for instance)
it is common for developers to also set the pdx-read-serialized
attribute to true in their configuration
of the GemFire server(s)…
<gfe:cache ... pdx-read-serialized="true"/>
Or from a GemFire cache client application…
<gfe:client-cache ... pdx-read-serialized="true"/>
This causes all values read from the cache (i.e. Regions) as well as information passed between client and servers, or peers, to remain in serialized form, including, but not limited to, Function arguments.
GemFire will only serialize application domain object types that you have specifically configured (registered), with either GemFire’s ReflectionBasedAutoSerializer, or specifically (and recommended) using a "custom" GemFire PdxSerializer. If you are using Spring Data GemFire’s Repository extension to Spring Data Common’s Repository abstraction and infrastructure, you might even want to consider using Spring Data GemFire’s MappingPdxSerializer, which uses a entity’s mapping meta-data to determine data from the application domain object that will be serialized to the PDX instance.
What is less than apparent, though, is that GemFire automatically handles Java Enum types regardless of whether they are
explicitly configured or not (i.e. registered with a ReflectionBasedAutoSerializer
using a regex pattern
and the classes
parameter, or are handled by a "custom" GemFire PdxSerializer
), despite the fact that Java Enums
implement java.io.Serializable
So, when a developer sets pdx-read-serialized
to true on GemFire Servers where the GemFire Functions
(including Spring Data GemFire Function annotated POJO classes) are registered, then the developer
may encounter surprising behavior when invoking the Function Execution
What the developer may pass as arguments when invoking the Function is…
orderProcessingFunctions.process(new Order(123, customer, Calendar.getInstance(), items), OrderSource.ONLINE, 400);
But, what the GemFire Function on the Server gets is…
process(regionData, order:PdxInstance, :PdxInstanceEnum, 400);
The Order
and OrderSource
have been passed to the Function as
PDX instances.
Again, this is all because pdx-read-serialized
is set to true, which may be necessary in cases where
the GemFire Servers are interacting with multiple different clients (e.g. Java, native clients, such as C++/C#, etc).
This flies in the face of Spring Data GemFire’s "strongly-typed", Function annotated POJO class method signatures, as the developer is expecting application domain object types, not PDX serialized instances.
So, Spring Data GemFire includes enhanced Function support to automatically convert method arguments passed to the Function that are of type PDX to the desired application domain object types defined by the Function method’s parameter types.
However, this also requires the developer to explicitly register a GemFire PdxSerializer
on the GemFire Servers
where Spring Data GemFire Function annotated POJOs are registered and used, e.g. …
<bean id="customPdxSerializer" class="x.y.z.gemfire.serialization.pdx.MyCustomPdxSerializer"/>
<gfe:cache ... pdx-serializer-ref="customPdxSerializeer" pdx-read-serialized="true"/>
Alternatively, a developer my use GemFire’s
for convenience. Of course, it is recommended that you use a "custom" PdxSerializer
where possible to maintain
finer grained control over your serialization strategy.
Finally, Spring Data GemFire is careful not to convert your Function arguments if you treat your Function arguments generically, or as one of GemFire’s PDX types…
public Object genericFunction(String value, Object domainObject, PdxInstanceEnum enum) {
Spring Data GemFire only converts PDX type data to the corresponding application domain types if and only if the corresponding application domain types are on the classpath the the Function annotated POJO method expects it.
For a good example of "custom", "composed" application-specific GemFire PdxSerializers
as well as appropriate
POJO Function parameter type handling based on the method signatures, see Spring Data GemFire’s
ClientCacheFunctionExecutionWithPdxIntegrationTest class.
11. Apache Lucene Integration
Pivotal GemFire integrates with Apache Lucene to allow developers to index and search on data stored in Pivotal GemFire using Lucene queries. Search-based queries also includes the capability to page through query results.
Additionally, Spring Data GemFire adds support for query projections based on Spring Data Commons Projection infrastructure. This feature enables the query results to be projected into first-class, application domain types as needed or required by the application use case.
However, a Lucene Index
must be created first before any Lucene search-based query can be ran. A LuceneIndex
can be created in Spring (Data GemFire) XML config like so…
<gfe:lucene-index id="IndexOne" fields="fieldOne, fieldTwo" region-path="/Example"/>
Additionally, Apache Lucene allows the specification of Analyzers per field and can be configured using…
<gfe:lucene-index id="IndexTwo" lucene-service-ref="luceneService" region-path="/AnotherExample">
<entry key="fieldOne">
<bean class="example.AnalyzerOne"/>
<entry key="fieldTwo">
<bean class="example.AnalyzerTwo"/>
Of course, the Map
can be specified as a top-level bean definition and referenced using the ref
on the nested <gfe:field-analyzers>
element like this, <gfe-field-analyzers ref="refToTopLevelMapBeanDefinition"/>
Alternatively, a LuceneIndex
can be declared in Spring Java config, inside a @Configuration
class with…
@Bean(name = "People")
PartitionedRegionFactoryBean<Long, Person> peopleRegion(GemFireCache gemfireCache) {
PartitionedRegionFactoryBean<Long, Person> peopleRegion = new PartitionedRegionFactoryBean<>();
return peopleRegion;
LuceneIndexFactoryBean personTitleIndex(GemFireCache gemFireCache) {
LuceneIndexFactoryBean luceneIndex = new LuceneIndexFactoryBean();
return luceneIndex;
There are a few limitations of Pivotal GemFire’s, Apache Lucene integration support. First, a LuceneIndex
can only
be created on a GemFire PARTITION
Region. Second, all LuceneIndexes
must be created before the the Region on which
the LuceneIndex
is applied.
It is possible that these Pivotal GemFire restrictions will not apply in a future release which is why
the SDG LuceneIndexFactoryBean
API takes a reference to the Region directly as well, rather than just the Region path.
This is more ideal if think about the case in which users may want to define a LuceneIndex
on an existing Region
with data at a later point during the application’s lifecycle and as requirements demand. Where possible, SDG strives
to stick to strongly-typed objects.
Now that we have a LuceneIndex
we can perform Lucene based data access operations, such as queries.
11.1. Lucene Template Data Accessors
Spring Data GemFire provides 2 primary templates for Lucene data access operations, depending on how low a level your application is prepared to deal with.
The LuceneOperations
interface defines query operations using Pivotal GemFire
Lucene types.
public interface LuceneOperations {
<K, V> List<LuceneResultStruct<K, V>> query(String query, String defaultField [, int resultLimit]
, String... projectionFields);
<K, V> PageableLuceneQueryResults<K, V> query(String query, String defaultField,
int resultLimit, int pageSize, String... projectionFields);
<K, V> List<LuceneResultStruct<K, V>> query(LuceneQueryProvider queryProvider [, int resultLimit]
, String... projectionFields);
<K, V> PageableLuceneQueryResults<K, V> query(LuceneQueryProvider queryProvider,
int resultLimit, int pageSize, String... projectionFields);
<K> Collection<K> queryForKeys(String query, String defaultField [, int resultLimit]);
<K> Collection<K> queryForKeys(LuceneQueryProvider queryProvider [, int resultLimit]);
<V> Collection<V> queryForValues(String query, String defaultField [, int resultLimit]);
<V> Collection<V> queryForValues(LuceneQueryProvider queryProvider [, int resultLimit]);
The [, int resultLimit] indicates that the resultLimit parameter is optional.
The operations in the LuceneOperations
interface match the operations provided by the Pivotal GemFire’s
LuceneQuery interface.
However, SDG has the added value of translating proprietary GemFire or Lucene Exceptions
into Spring’s highly
consistent and expressive DAO
Exception Hierarchy,
particularly as many modern data access operations involve more than single store or repository.
Additionally, SDG’s LuceneOperations
interface can shield your application from interface breaking changes
introduced by the underlying Pivotal GemFire or Apache Lucene APIs when they do and will occur.
However, it would be remorse to only offer a Lucene Data Access Object that only uses Pivotal GemFire and Apache Lucene
data types (e.g. GemFire’s LuceneResultStruct
), therefore SDG gives you the ProjectingLuceneOperations
to remedy these important application concerns.
public interface ProjectingLuceneOperations {
<T> List<T> query(String query, String defaultField [, int resultLimit], Class<T> projectionType);
<T> Page<T> query(String query, String defaultField, int resultLimit, int pageSize, Class<T> projectionType);
<T> List<T> query(LuceneQueryProvider queryProvider [, int resultLimit], Class<T> projectionType);
<T> Page<T> query(LuceneQueryProvider queryProvider, int resultLimit, int pageSize, Class<T> projectionType);
The ProjectingLuceneOperations
interface primarily uses application domain object types to work with
your application data. The query
method variants accept a projection type and the template applies
the query results to instances of the given projection type using the Spring Data Commons
Projection infrastructure.
Additionally, the template wraps the paged Lucene query results in an instance of the Spring Data Commons
abstraction representing a Page
. The same projection logic can still be applied to the results in the page
and are lazily projected as each page in the collection is accessed.
By way of example, suppose I have a class representing a Person
like so…
class Person {
Gender gender;
LocalDate birthDate;
String firstName;
String lastName;
String getName() {
return String.format("%1$s %2$s", getFirstName(), getLastName());
Additionally, I might have a single interface to represent people as Customers
depending on my application view…
interface Customer {
String getName()
If I define the following LuceneIndex
LuceneIndexFactoryBean personLastNameIndex(GemFireCache gemfireCache) {
LuceneIndexFactoryBean personLastNameIndex = new LuceneIndexFactoryBean();
return personLastNameIndex;
Then it is a simple matter to query for people as either Person
List<Person> people = luceneTemplate.query("lastName: D*", "lastName", Person.class);
Or as a Page
of type Customer
Page<Customer> customers = luceneTemplate.query("lastName: D*", "lastName", 100, 20, Customer.class);
The Page
can then be used to fetch individual pages of results…
List<Customer> firstPage = customers.getContent();
Conveniently, the Spring Data Commons Page
interface implements java.lang.Iterable<T>
too making it very easy
to iterate over the content as well.
The only restriction to the Spring Data Commons Projection infrastructure is that the projection type must be an interface. However, it is possible to extend the provided, out-of-the-box (OOTB) SDC Projection infrastructure and provide a custom ProjectionFactory that uses CGLIB to generate proxy classes as the projected entity.
A custom ProjectionFactory
can be set on a Lucene template using setProjectionFactory(:ProjectionFactory)
11.2. Annotation configuration support
Finally, Spring Data GemFire provides Annotation configuration support for LuceneIndexes
. Eventually, the SDG Lucene
support will find its way into the Repository infrastructure extension for Pivotal GemFire so that Lucene queries
can be expressed as methods on an application Repository
interface, much like the
OQL support
However, in the meantime, if you want to conveniently express LuceneIndexes
, you can do so directly on
your application domain objects like so…
class Person {
Gender gender;
LocalDate birthDate;
String firstName;
String lastName;
You must be using the SDG Annotation configuration support along with the @EnableEntityDefineRegions
and @EnableIndexing
Annotations to enable this feature…
class ApplicationConfiguration {
Given our definition of the Person
class above, the SDG Annotation configuration support
will find the Person
entity class definition, determine that people will be stored in
Region called "People" and that the Person will have an OQL Index
on birthDate
along with a LuceneIndex
on lastName
More will be described with this feature in subsequent releases.
12. Bootstrapping a Spring ApplicationContext in Pivotal GemFire
12.1. Introduction
Normally, a Spring-based application will bootstrap Pivotal GemFire using Spring Data GemFire’s.
Just by specifying a <gfe:cache/>
element using the _Spring Data GemFire XML namespace, a single, embedded GemFire
peer Cache
instance is created and initialized with default settings in the same JVM process as your application.
However, it is sometimes necessary, perhaps a requirement imposed by your IT organization, that GemFire be fully managed and operated using the provided Pivotal GemFire tool suite, such as with Gfsh. By using Gfsh, GemFire will bootstrap your Spring application context rather than the other way around. Instead of an application server, or a Java main class using Spring Boot, whatever, GemFire does the bootstrapping and will host your application.
Keep in mind, however, that GemFire is not an application server. In addition, there are limitations to using this approach where GemFire cache configuration is concerned.
12.2. Using Pivotal GemFire to Bootstrap a Spring Context Started with Gfsh
In order to bootstrap a Spring application context in GemFire when starting a GemFire Server process using Gfsh, a user must make use of GemFire’s Initalizer functionality. An Initializer block can declare a callback application that is launched after the cache is initialized by GemFire.
An Initializer is declared within an
initializer element
using a minimal snippet of GemFire’s native cache.xml
. The cache.xml
file is required in order to bootstrap
the Spring application context, much like a minimal snippet of Spring XML config is needed to bootstrap
a Spring application context configured with component scanning (e.g. <context:component-scan base-packages="…"/>
Fortunately, such an Initializer is already conveniently provided by the framework, the
A typical, yet very minimal configuration for this class inside GemFires’s cache.xml
file will look like this:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<cache xmlns="http://geode.apache.org/schema/cache"
xsi:schemaLocation="http://geode.apache.org/schema/cache http://geode.apache.org/schema/cache/cache-1.0.xsd"
<parameter name="contextConfigLocations">
The SpringContextBootstrappingInitializer
class follows similar conventions as Spring’s ContextLoaderListener
class used to bootstrap a Spring application context inside a Web Application, where application context
configuration files are specified with the contextConfigLocations
Servlet Context Parameter.
In addition, the SpringContextBootstrappingInitializer
class can also be used with a basePackages
to specify a comma-separated list of base packages containing appropriately annotated application components
that the Spring container will search in order to find and create Spring beans and other application components
on the classpath:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<cache xmlns="http://geode.apache.org/schema/cache"
xsi:schemaLocation="http://geode.apache.org/schema/cache http://geode.apache.org/schema/cache/cache-1.0.xsd"
<parameter name="basePackages">
Then, with a properly configured and constructed CLASSPATH
along with cache.xml
file shown above, specified as
a command-line option when starting a GemFire Server in Gfsh, the command-line would be:
gfsh>start server --name=Server1 --log-level=config ...
The application-context.xml
can be any valid Spring context configuration meta-data including all the SDG namespace
elements. The only limitation with this approach is that a GemFire cache cannot be configured using
the Spring Data GemFire namespace. In other words, none of the <gfe:cache/>
element attributes,
such as cache-xml-location
, properties-ref
, critical-heap-percentage
, pdx-serializer-ref
, lock-lease
, etc,
can be specified. If used, these attributes will be ignored.
The reason for this is that GemFire itself has already created an initialized the cache before the Initializer gets invoked. As such, the cache will already exist and since it is a "Singleton", it cannot be re-initialized or have any of it’s configuration augmented.
12.3. Lazy-Wiring GemFire Components
Spring Data GemFire already provides existing support for wiring GemFire components, such as CacheListeners
, CacheWriters
and so on, that are declared and created by GemFire in cache.xml
SDG’s WiringDeclarableSupport
class as described in Configuration using auto-wiring and annotations. However, this only works
when Spring is the one doing the bootstrapping (i.e. bootstrapping GemFire).
When your Spring application context is bootstrapped by GemFire, then these GemFire application components go unnoticed since the Spring application context does not even exist yet! The Spring application context will not get created until GemFire calls the Initializer block, which only occurs after all the other GemFire components and configuration have already been created and initialized.
So, in order to solve this problem, a new LazyWiringDeclarableSupport
class was introduced that is, in a sense,
Spring application context aware. The intention of this abstract base class is that any implementing class
will register itself to be configured by the Spring container that will eventually be created by GemFire
once the Initializer is called. In essence, this give your GemFire defined application components a chance
to be configured and auto-wired with Spring beans defined in the Spring application context.
In order for your GemFire application components to be auto-wired by the Spring container, create an application class
that extends the LazyWiringDeclarableSupport
and annotate any class member that needs to be provided as
a Spring bean dependency, similar to:
public class UserDataSourceCacheLoader extends LazyWiringDeclarableSupport
implements CacheLoader<String, User> {
private DataSource userDataSource;
As implied in the CacheLoader
example above, you might necessarily (although, rarely) have defined both
a Region and CacheListener
component in GemFire cache.xml
. The CacheLoader
may need access to an application DAO,
or perhaps a Spring application context defined JDBC DataSource
for loading Users
into a GemFire REPLICATE
on start.
Be careful when mixing the different life-cycles of Pivotal GemFire and the Spring Container together
in this manner as not all use cases and scenarios are supported. The GemFire cache.xml configuration would be
similar to the following (which comes from SDG’s test suite):
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<cache xmlns="http://geode.apache.org/schema/cache"
xsi:schemaLocation="http://geode.apache.org/schema/cache http://geode.apache.org/schema/cache/cache-1.0.xsd"
<region name="Users" refid="REPLICATE">
<region-attributes initial-capacity="101" load-factor="0.85">
<parameter name="basePackages">
13. Sample Applications
Sample applications are now maintained in the Spring GemFire Examples repository. |
The Spring Data GemFire project also includes one sample application. Named "Hello World", the sample application demonstrates how to configure and use Pivotal GemFire inside a Spring application. At runtime, the sample offers a shell to the user allowing her to run various commands against the data grid. It provides an excellent starting point for users unfamiliar with the essential components or with Spring and GemFire concepts.
The sample is bundled with the distribution and is Maven-based. A developer can easily import them into any Maven-aware IDE (such as Spring Tool Suite) or run them from the command-line.
13.1. Hello World
The Hello World sample application demonstrates the core functionality of the Spring Data GemFire project. It bootstraps GemFire, configures it, executes arbitrary commands against the cache and shuts it down when the application exits. Multiple instances of the application can be started at the same time and they will work together, sharing data without any user intervention.
Running under Linux
If you experience networking problems when starting GemFire or the samples, try adding the following
system property java.net.preferIPv4Stack=true to the command line (e.g. -Djava.net.preferIPv4Stack=true ).
For an alternative (global) fix especially on Ubuntu see SGF-28.
13.1.1. Starting and stopping the sample
Hello World is designed as a stand-alone Java application. It features a main
class which can be started
either from your IDE of choice (in Eclipse/STS through Run As/Java Application
) or from the command-line
through Maven using mvn exec:java
. A developer can also use java
directly on the resulting artifact
if the classpath is properly set.
To stop the sample, simply type exit
at the command-line or press Ctrl+C
to stop the JVM and shutdown
the Spring container.
13.1.2. Using the sample
Once started, the sample will create a shared data grid and allow the user to issue commands against it. The output will likely look as follows:
INFO: Created GemFire Cache [Spring GemFire World] v. X.Y.Z
INFO: Created new cache region [myWorld]
INFO: Member xxxxxx:50694/51611 connecting to region [myWorld]
Hello World!
Want to interact with the world ? ...
Supported commands are:
get <key> - retrieves an entry (by key) from the grid
put <key> <value> - puts a new entry into the grid
remove <key> - removes an entry (by key) from the grid
For example to add new items to the grid one can use:
-> Bold Section qName:emphasis level:5, chunks:[put 1 unu] attrs:[role:bold]
INFO: Added [1=unu] to the cache
-> Bold Section qName:emphasis level:5, chunks:[put 1 one] attrs:[role:bold]
INFO: Updated [1] from [unu] to [one]
-> Bold Section qName:emphasis level:5, chunks:[size] attrs:[role:bold]
-> Bold Section qName:emphasis level:5, chunks:[put 2 two] attrs:[role:bold]
INFO: Added [2=two] to the cache
-> Bold Section qName:emphasis level:5, chunks:[size] attrs:[role:bold]
Multiple instances can be ran at the same time. Once started, the new VMs automatically see the existing Region and its information:
INFO: Connected to Distributed System ['Spring GemFire World'=xxxx:56218/49320@yyyyy]
Hello World!
-> Bold Section qName:emphasis level:5, chunks:[size] attrs:[role:bold]
-> Bold Section qName:emphasis level:5, chunks:[map] attrs:[role:bold]
[2=two] [1=one]
-> Bold Section qName:emphasis level:5, chunks:[query length = 3] attrs:[role:bold]
[one, two]
Experiment with the example, start (and stop) as many instances as you want, run various commands in one instance and see how the others react. To preserve data, at least one instance needs to be alive all times. If all instances are shutdown, the grid data is completely destroyed.
13.1.3. Hello World Sample Explained
Hello World uses both Spring XML and annotations for its configuration. The initial bootstrapping configuration is
, which includes the cache configuration defined in the cache-context.xml
and performs classpath
component scanning
for Spring
The cache configuration defines the GemFire cache, Region and for illustrative purposes, a simple CacheListener
that acts as a logger.
The main beans are HelloWorld
and CommandProcessor
which rely on the GemfireTemplate
to interact with
the distributed fabric. Both classes use annotations to define their dependency and life-cycle callbacks.
Appendix A: Namespace reference
The <repositories /> element
The <repositories />
element triggers the setup of the Spring Data repository infrastructure. The most important attribute is base-package
which defines the package to scan for Spring Data repository interfaces.[1]
Name | Description |
Defines the package to be used to be scanned for repository interfaces extending *Repository (actual interface is determined by specific Spring Data module) in auto detection mode. All packages below the configured package will be scanned, too. Wildcards are allowed. |
Defines the postfix to autodetect custom repository implementations. Classes whose names end with the configured postfix will be considered as candidates. Defaults to |
Determines the strategy to be used to create finder queries. See [repositories.query-methods.query-lookup-strategies] for details. Defaults to |
Defines the location to look for a Properties file containing externally defined queries. |
Controls whether nested repository interface definitions should be considered. Defaults to |
Appendix B: Populators namespace reference
The <populator /> element
The <populator />
element allows to populate the a data store via the Spring Data repository infrastructure.[2]
Name | Description |
Where to find the files to read the objects from the repository shall be populated with. |
Appendix C: Repository query keywords
Supported query keywords
The following table lists the keywords generally supported by the Spring Data repository query derivation mechanism. However, consult the store-specific documentation for the exact list of supported keywords, because some listed here might not be supported in a particular store.
Logical keyword | Keyword expressions |
Appendix D: Repository query return types
Supported query return types
The following table lists the return types generally supported by Spring Data repositories. However, consult the store-specific documentation for the exact list of supported return types, because some listed here might not be supported in a particular store.
Geospatial types like (GeoResult , GeoResults , GeoPage ) are only available for data stores that support geospatial queries.
Return type | Description |
Denotes no return value. |
Primitives |
Java primitives. |
Wrapper types |
Java wrapper types. |
An unique entity. Expects the query method to return one result at most. In case no result is found |
An |
A |
A |
A Java 8 or Guava |
An either Scala or JavaSlang |
A Java 8 |
A |
A Java 8 |
A |
A sized chunk of data with information whether there is more data available. Requires a |
A |
A result entry with additional information, e.g. distance to a reference location. |
A list of |
A |
Appendix E: Spring Data GemFire Schema
Spring Data GemFire Core Schema (gfe)
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="no"?>
<xsd:schema xmlns="http://www.springframework.org/schema/gemfire"
<xsd:import namespace="http://www.springframework.org/schema/beans" />
<xsd:import namespace="http://www.springframework.org/schema/context" />
<xsd:import namespace="http://www.springframework.org/schema/tool" />
<!-- -->
Namespace support for the Spring GemFire project.
<!-- Nested Bean Definition -->
<xsd:complexType name="beanDeclarationType">
<xsd:any namespace="##other" processContents="skip" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="1">
Inner bean definition. The nested declaration serves as an alternative to bean references (using
both in the same definition) is illegal.
<xsd:attribute name="ref" type="xsd:string" use="optional">
The name of the bean referred by this declaration. If no reference exists, use an inner bean declaration.
<!-- Abstract Cache Type -->
<xsd:complexType name="cacheBaseType">
<xsd:element name="transaction-listener" type="beanDeclarationType" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded">
Registers a bean as a TransactionListener with the CacheTransactionManager. The bean must implement org.apache.geode.cache.TransactionListener
and may be nested or referenced.
<xsd:element name="transaction-writer" type="beanDeclarationType" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="1">
Registers a bean as a TransactionWriter with the CacheTransactionManager. The bean must implement org.apache.geode.cache.TransactionWriter
and may be nested or referenced.
<xsd:element name="gateway-conflict-resolver" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="1">
A gateway conflict resolver for this cache. A gateway conflict resolver handles conflicts in the case of concurrent updates using a WAN gateway. The bean
must implement org.apache.geode.cache.util.GatewayConflictResolver. Requires Gemfire version 7.0 or higher.
type="org.apache.geode.cache.util.GatewayConflictResolver" />
<xsd:any namespace="##other" processContents="skip" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded">
Inner bean definition of the gateway conflict resolver.
<xsd:attribute name="ref" type="xsd:string" use="optional">
The name of the gateway conflict resolver bean referred by this declaration. Used as a convenience method. If no reference exists,
use inner bean declarations.
<xsd:element name="dynamic-region-factory" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="1">
Enables Dynamic Regions and specifies their configuration.
<xsd:attribute name="disk-dir" type="xsd:string">
Specifies the directory path for disk persistence for dynamic regions.
<xsd:attribute name="persistent" type="xsd:string"
Enables persistence for dynamic regions.
<xsd:attribute name="register-interest" type="xsd:string"
Specifies whether dynamic regions register interest in all keys in a corresponding server region.
<xsd:element name="jndi-binding" type="jndiBindingType" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded">
Configures a data source to be bound to a JNDI context for use with Gemfire transactions
<xsd:attribute name="id" type="xsd:string" use="optional">
The name of the cache definition (by default "gemfireCache").]]></xsd:documentation>
<xsd:attribute name="cache-xml-location" type="xsd:string" use="optional">
<xsd:documentation source="org.springframework.core.io.Resource"><![CDATA[
The location of the GemFire cache xml file, as a Spring resource location: a URL, a "classpath:" pseudo URL,
or a relative file path.
<xsd:attribute name="properties-ref" type="xsd:string" use="optional">
<xsd:documentation source="java.util.Properties"><![CDATA[
The bean name of a Java Properties object that will be used for property substitution. For loading properties
consider using a dedicated utility such as the <util:*/> namespace and its 'properties' element.
<xsd:attribute name="use-bean-factory-locator" type="xsd:string" use="optional" default="false">
Indicates whether a bean factory locator is enabled (default) for this cache definition or not. The locator stores
the enclosing bean factory reference to allow auto-wiring of Spring beans into GemFire managed classes. Usually disabled
when the same cache is used in multiple application context/bean factories inside the same VM.
<xsd:attribute name="close" default="true">
Determines if the cache should be closed when the application context is closed. This value is
true by default but should be set to false if deploying multiple applications in a jvm that share the
same cache instance.
<xsd:attribute name="copy-on-read" type="xsd:string" use="optional" default="false">
Controls whether entry value retrieval methods return direct references to the entry value objects in the cache (false)
or copies of the objects (true).
<xsd:attribute name="critical-heap-percentage">
Set the percentage of heap at or above which the cache is considered in danger of becoming inoperable
due to garbage collection pauses or out of memory exceptions. Changing this value can cause a LowMemoryException to
be thrown during certain cache operation. This feature requires additional VM flags to perform properly (see the
JavaDocs for org.apache.geode.cache.control.ResourceManager for more information).
<xsd:attribute name="eviction-heap-percentage">
Set the percentage of heap at or above which the eviction should begin on Regions configured for HeapLRU eviction.
This feature requires additional VM flags to perform properly (see the
JavaDocs for org.apache.geode.cache.control.ResourceManager for more information).
<xsd:attribute name="pdx-serializer-ref" type="xsd:string" use="optional">
Sets the PDX serializer for the cache. If this serializer is set, it will be consulted to see if it can serialize any
domain classes which are added to the cache in portable data exchange (PDX) format.
<xsd:attribute name="pdx-persistent" type="xsd:string" use="optional">
Control whether the type metadata for PDX objects is persisted to disk.
Set to true if you are using persistent regions, WAN gateways or GemFire's JSON support.
<xsd:attribute name="pdx-disk-store" type="xsd:string" use="optional">
Sets the name of the disk store to use for PDX meta data. When serializing objects in the PDX format,
the type definitions are persisted to disk. This setting controls which disk store is used for that persistence.
If not set, the metadata will go in the default disk store.
<xsd:attribute name="pdx-read-serialized" type="xsd:string" use="optional">
Sets the object preference to PdxInstance type. When a cached object that was serialized as a PDX is read from the cache
a PdxInstance will be returned instead of the actual domain class. The PdxInstance is an interface that provides run time
access to the fields of a PDX without deserializing the entire PDX. The PdxInstance implementation is a light weight wrapper
that simply refers to the raw bytes of the PDX that are kept in the cache. Using this method applications can choose to
access PdxInstance instead of Java object.
Note that a PdxInstance is only returned if a serialized PDX is found in the cache. If the cache contains a deserialized PDX,
then a domain class instance is returned instead of a PdxInstance.
<xsd:attribute name="pdx-ignore-unread-fields" type="xsd:string" use="optional">
Controls whether pdx ignores fields that were unread during deserialization. The default is to preserve unread fields be
including their data during serialization. But if you configure the cache to ignore unread fields then their data will be
lost during serialization.
You should only set this attribute to true if you know this member will only be reading cache data. In this use case you
do not need to pay the cost of preserving the unread fields since you will never be reserializing pdx data.
<!-- Peer Cache Type -->
<xsd:element name="cache">
Defines a GemFire Cache instance used for creating or retrieving 'regions'.
<tool:exports type="org.apache.geode.cache.Cache" />
<xsd:extension base="cacheBaseType">
<xsd:attribute name="enable-auto-reconnect" type="xsd:string" use="optional" default="false">
By default, GemFire 8.0 and later will attempt to reconnect and reinitialize the cache when the peer member has been
forced out of the distributed system by a network-partition event, or has otherwise been shunned by other members.
An auto-reconnect causes all GemFire component references (e.g. Cache, Regions, AEQs, Gateways, etc) that may have been
injected into SDG application components to become stale. Even when using GemFire's public Java API directly,
GemFire makes no guarantees to automatically refresh any stale references used by application objects.
Therefore, in Spring Data GemFire, the default behavior will be to not 'auto-reconnect'. Automatically reconnecting
is not recommended for applications that are also peer member Caches (i.e. GemFire Servers) that inject
GemFire components, such as the Cache or Regions, into application objects (e.g. @Repository POJOs).
Enabling 'auto-reconnect' is only recommended when bootstrapping a GemFire Server's within a Spring context using
Spring Data GemFire XML namespace and configuration meta-data to configure GemFire instead of GemFire's cache.xml.
<xsd:attribute name="lock-lease" type="xsd:string"
use="optional" default="120">
The timeout, in seconds, for implicit and explicit object lock leases. This affects both automatic locking and manual locking.
Once a lock is obtained, it can remain in force for the lock lease time period before being automatically cleared by the system
<xsd:attribute name="lock-timeout" type="xsd:string"
use="optional" default="60">
The timeout, in seconds, for implicit object lock requests. This setting affects automatic locking only,
and does not apply to manual locking. If a lock request does not return before the specified timeout period,
it is cancelled and returns with a failure.
<xsd:attribute name="message-sync-interval" type="xsd:string"
use="optional" default="1">
Used for client subscription queue synchronization when this member acts as a server to clients and server redundancy is used.
Sets the frequency (in seconds) at which the primary server sends messages to its secondary servers to remove queued events
that have already been processed by the clients.
<xsd:attribute name="search-timeout" type="xsd:string" use="optional" default="300">
How many seconds a netSearch operation can wait for data before timing out.
You may want to change this based on your knowledge of the network load or other factors.
<xsd:attribute name="use-cluster-configuration" type="xsd:string" use="optional" default="false">
Enables this Spring Data GemFire configured peer member Cache node to participate in cluster-wide configuration
by receiving it's configuration meta-data (in the form of cache.xml) from a Locator, with persistent configuration
enabled, running in the cluster.
The cluster-wide configuration is a shared, persistent and consistent view of the cluster when the member joins
the cluster and requests the cluster configuration from the Locator.
Spring Data GemFire disables this GemFire 8 feature by default assuming that the primary configuration for this
member will be defined in Spring Data GemFire's XML namespace configuration meta-data. However, this feature is useful
in a production setting to set the base configuration of the member and augment that cluster-wide configuration
with Spring configuration meta-data that is specific to the application's needs.
<!-- Client Cache Type -->
<xsd:element name="client-cache">
Defines a GemFire Client Cache instance used for creating or retrieving 'regions'.
<tool:exports type="org.apache.geode.cache.client.ClientCache" />
<xsd:extension base="cacheBaseType">
<xsd:attribute name="durable-client-id" type="xsd:string" use="optional">
Used only for clients in a client/server installation. If set, this indicates that the client is durable
and identifies the client. The ID is used by servers to reestablish any messaging that was interrupted
by client downtime. The default value is unset. In addition, this attribute value overrides any setting
specified in gemfire.properties passed using 'properties-ref'.
<xsd:attribute name="durable-client-timeout" type="xsd:string" use="optional">
Used only for clients in a client/server installation. Number of seconds this client can remain disconnected
from its server and have the server continue to accumulate durable events for it. The default value is 300 seconds.
In addition, this attribute value overrides any setting specified in gemfire.properties passed using 'properties-ref'.
Also, durable-client-timeout is only used if durable-client-id is set.
<xsd:attribute name="keep-alive" type="xsd:string" use="optional" default="false">
Boolean value indicating whether the server should keep the durable client's queues alive for the timeout period.
<xsd:attribute name="pool-name" type="xsd:string" use="optional">
The name of the pool used by this client.
<xsd:attribute name="ready-for-events" type="xsd:string" use="optional">
Notifies the server that this durable client is ready to receive updates.
<!-- Abstract Region Type -->
<xsd:complexType name="basicRegionType">
<tool:exports type="org.apache.geode.cache.Region" />
<!-- -->
<xsd:complexType name="basicSubRegionType">
<xsd:extension base="baseLookupRegionType">
<xsd:attribute name="name" type="xsd:string" use="required">
The name of the region definition.]]></xsd:documentation>
<!-- Lookup Region Type -->
<xsd:element name="auto-region-lookup">
GFE namespace element enabling GemFire Cache Regions to be automatically looked up and defined as beans in the Spring
context when those Regions are defined outside of Spring config, such as in GemFire's native cache.xml or with
GemFire 8's new cluster-based configuration service.
<!-- -->
<xsd:complexType name="baseLookupRegionType">
Defines a lookup Subregion
<tool:exports type="org.apache.geode.cache.Region" />
<xsd:extension base="basicRegionType">
<xsd:element name="cache-listener" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="1">
<xsd:documentation source="org.apache.geode.cache.CacheListener"><![CDATA[
A cache listener definition for this region. A cache listener handles region or entry related events (that occur after
various operations on the region). Multiple listeners can be declared in a nested manner.
Note: Avoid the risk of deadlock. Since the listener is invoked while holding a lock on the entry generating the event,
it is easy to generate a deadlock by interacting with the region. For this reason, it is highly recommended to use some
other thread for accessing the region and not waiting for it to complete its task.
<tool:exports type="org.apache.geode.cache.CacheListener" />
<xsd:any namespace="##other" processContents="skip" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded">
Inner bean definition of the cache listener.
<xsd:attribute name="ref" type="xsd:string" use="optional">
The name of the cache listener bean referred by this declaration. Used as a convenience method. If no reference exists,
use inner bean declarations.
<xsd:element name="cache-loader" type="beanDeclarationType" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="1">
<xsd:documentation source="org.apache.geode.cache.CacheLoader"><![CDATA[
The cache loader definition for this region. A cache loader allows data to be placed into a region.
<tool:exports type="org.apache.geode.cache.CacheLoader" />
<xsd:element name="cache-writer" type="beanDeclarationType" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="1">
<xsd:documentation source="org.apache.geode.cache.CacheWriter"><![CDATA[
The cache writer definition for this region. A cache writer acts as a dedicated synchronous listener that is notified
before a region or an entry is modified. A typical example would be a writer that updates the database.
Note: Only one CacheWriter is invoked. GemFire will always prefer the local one (if it exists) otherwise it will
arbitrarily pick one.
<tool:exports type="org.apache.geode.cache.CacheWriter" />
<xsd:element name="region-ttl" type="expirationType" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="1">
Time to live configuration for the region itself. Default: no expiration.
<xsd:element name="region-tti" type="expirationType" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="1">
Time to idle (or idle timeout) configuration for the region itself. Default: no expiration.
<xsd:element name="entry-ttl" type="expirationType" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="1">
Time to live configuration for the region entries. Default: no expiration.
<xsd:element name="custom-entry-ttl" type="customExpirationType" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="1">
<tool:exports type="org.apache.geode.cache.CustomExpiry" />
CustomExpiry Time-to-Live (TTL) configuration for the Region Entries. The default is no expiration.
<xsd:element name="entry-tti" type="expirationType" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="1">
Time to idle (or idle timeout) configuration for the region entries. Default: no expiration.
<xsd:element name="custom-entry-tti" type="customExpirationType" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="1">
<tool:exports type="org.apache.geode.cache.CustomExpiry" />
CustomExpiry Time-to-Idle (or Idle Timeout, TTI) configuration for the Region entries. The default is no expiration.
<xsd:choice minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded">
<xsd:element name="gateway-sender" type="baseGatewaySenderType"/>
<xsd:element name="gateway-sender-ref">
<xsd:attribute name="bean" type="xsd:string" use="optional">
The name of the gateway sender bean referred by this declaration. Used as a convenience method. If no reference exists,
use inner bean declarations.
<xsd:choice minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded">
<xsd:element name="async-event-queue" type="baseAsyncEventQueueType"/>
<xsd:element name="async-event-queue-ref">
<xsd:attribute name="bean" type="xsd:string" use="optional">
The name of the gateway sender bean referred by this declaration. Used as a convenience method. If no reference exists,
use inner bean declarations.
<xsd:group ref="subRegionGroup" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded"/>
<xsd:attribute name="cloning-enabled" type="xsd:string">
Determines how fromDelta applies deltas to the local cache for delta propagation. When true, the updates are applied
to a clone of the value and then the clone is saved to the cache. When false, the value is modified in place
in the cache. GemFire default is false.
<xsd:attribute name="eviction-maximum" type="xsd:string">
<!-- -->
<xsd:complexType name="lookupRegionType">
<xsd:extension base="baseLookupRegionType">
<xsd:attributeGroup ref="topLevelRegionAttributes" />
<!-- -->
<xsd:complexType name="lookupSubRegionType">
<xsd:extension base="baseLookupRegionType">
<xsd:attribute name="name" type="xsd:string" use="required">
The name of the region definition.
<!-- -->
<xsd:element name="lookup-region" type="lookupRegionType"/>
<!-- -->
<xsd:complexType name="baseReadOnlyRegionType" abstract="true">
<xsd:extension base="basicRegionType">
<xsd:element name="cache-listener" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="1">
<xsd:documentation source="org.apache.geode.cache.CacheListener"><![CDATA[
A cache listener definition for this region. A cache listener handles region or entry related events (that occur after
various operations on the region). Multiple listeners can be declared in a nested manner.
Note: Avoid the risk of deadlock. Since the listener is invoked while holding a lock on the entry generating the event,
it is easy to generate a deadlock by interacting with the region. For this reason, it is highly recommended to use some
other thread for accessing the region and not waiting for it to complete its task.
<tool:exports type="org.apache.geode.cache.CacheListener" />
<xsd:any namespace="##other" processContents="skip" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded">
Inner bean definition of the cache listener.
<xsd:attribute name="ref" type="xsd:string" use="optional">
The name of the cache listener bean referred by this declaration. Used as a convenience method. If no reference exists,
use inner bean declarations.
<xsd:element name="compressor" type="beanDeclarationType" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="1">
<xsd:documentation source="org.apache.geode.compression.Compressor"><![CDATA[
The Compressor definition for this Region. A Compressor registers a custom class that implements Compressor
to support compression on a Region.
<tool:exports type="org.apache.geode.compression.Compressor"/>
<xsd:element name="region-ttl" type="expirationType" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="1">
Time to live configuration for the region itself. Default: no expiration.
<xsd:element name="region-tti" type="expirationType" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="1">
Time to idle (or idle timeout) configuration for the region itself. Default: no expiration.
<xsd:element name="entry-ttl" type="expirationType" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="1">
Time to live configuration for the region entries. Default: no expiration.
<xsd:element name="custom-entry-ttl" type="customExpirationType" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="1">
<tool:exports type="org.apache.geode.cache.CustomExpiry" />
CustomExpiry Time-to-Live (TTL) configuration for the Region Entries. The default is no expiration.
<xsd:element name="entry-tti" type="expirationType" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="1">
Time to idle (or idle timeout) configuration for the region entries. Default: no expiration.
<xsd:element name="custom-entry-tti" type="customExpirationType" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="1">
<tool:exports type="org.apache.geode.cache.CustomExpiry" />
CustomExpiry Time-to-Idle (or Idle Timeout, TTI) configuration for the Region entries. The default is no expiration.
<xsd:attribute name="cloning-enabled" type="xsd:string">
Determines how fromDelta applies deltas to the local cache for delta propagation. When true, the updates are applied
to a clone of the value and then the clone is saved to the cache. When false, the value is modified in place
in the cache. GemFire default is false.
<xsd:attribute name="close" type="xsd:string" default="false">
Indicates whether the defined Region should be closed at shutdown. Close performs a local destroy but leaves behind
the Region disk files. Additionally, close notifies listeners and callbacks.
Default is false
Note, Regions are automatically closed when the Cache closes.
<xsd:attribute name="concurrency-checks-enabled" type="xsd:string">
Determines whether members perform checks to provide consistent handling for concurrent or out-of-order updates to
distributed Regions. GemFire default is true.
<xsd:attribute name="destroy" type="xsd:string" default="false">
Indicates whether the defined region should be destroyed or not at shutdown. Destroy cascades to all entries and subregions.
After the destroy, this region object can not be used any more and any attempt to use this region object will get
Default is false, meaning that regions are not destroyed.
<xsd:attribute name="disk-store-ref" type="xsd:string">
Indicates the id of the disk store to use for persistence or overflow.
Note this attribute only applies if a disk store is configured for this region.
<xsd:attribute name="disk-synchronous" type="xsd:string">
For Regions that write to disk, boolean that specifies whether disk writes are done synchronously for the region.
GemFire default is true.
<xsd:attribute name="ignore-if-exists" type="xsd:string" default="false">
Indicates whether the Region bean definition should perform a "lookup" first, using any existing Region already defined
with the same name in the Cache (thus, reverting to pre-1.4.0 behavior, e.g. 1.3.x), before attempting to create
the Region
The default is false, meaning the default behavior is always attempt to "create" the Region first.
Prior to 1.4.0, the default behavior was to perform a "lookup" first and then try to "create" the Region.
This functionality is useful in situations where multiple Spring context configuration files exists and 1 or more
define the same Region with the same semantics, such that the application dynamically loads configuration files,
or creates new Spring contexts as needed and application components (e.g. application DAOs) have runtime dependencies
on those Regions.
It is recommended that this feature be used carefully as the first bean definition to create the Region wins.
So if there are multiple, conflicting bean definitions (with difference semantics for evictions/expiration, etc)
for the "same" Region (by name), then this can cause confusion or have unexpected consequences for the application.
<xsd:attribute name="ignore-jta" type="xsd:string" use="optional">
Indicates whether operations on this Region participates in active JTA transactions or ignores them and operates
outside of transactions. This is primarily used in cache loaders, writers, and listeners that need to perform
non-transactional operations on a Region, such as caching a result set. GemFire default is false.
<xsd:attribute name="initial-capacity" type="xsd:string" use="optional">
Sets the initial capacity (number of entries) for the Region. GemFire default is 16.
<xsd:attribute name="key-constraint" type="xsd:string" use="optional">
The fully qualified class name of the expected key type
<xsd:attribute name="load-factor" type="xsd:string" use="optional">
Together with the initial-capacity Region attribute, sets the initial parameters on the underlying
java.util.ConcurrentHashMap used for storing Region entries. This must be a floating point number
between 0 and 1, inclusive. GemFire default value is 0.75.
<xsd:attribute name="persistent" type="xsd:string">
Indicates whether the defined region is persistent. GemFire ensures that all the data you put into a region that
is configured for persistence will be written to disk in a way that it can be recovered the next time you create the
region. This allows data to be recovered after a machine or process failure or after an orderly shutdown and restart
of GemFire.
Default is false, meaning the regions are not persisted.
Note: Persistence for partitioned regions is supported only from GemFire 6.5 onwards.
<xsd:attribute name="statistics" type="xsd:string">
Boolean specifying whether to gather statistics on the Region. Statistics must be enabled to use expiration on the
Region. GemFire default is false.
<xsd:attribute name="template" type="xsd:string" use="optional">
Specifies the parent, template Region from which to inherit the Region attribute configuration.
<xsd:attribute name="value-constraint" type="xsd:string" use="optional">
The fully qualified class name of the expected value type
<!-- -->
<xsd:complexType name="readOnlyRegionType">
<xsd:extension base="baseReadOnlyRegionType">
<xsd:attributeGroup ref="topLevelRegionAttributes" />
<!-- -->
<xsd:complexType name="readOnlySubRegionType">
<xsd:extension base="baseReadOnlyRegionType">
<xsd:attribute name="name" type="xsd:string" use="required">
The name of the region definition.]]>
<!-- -->
<xsd:complexType name="baseRegionType" abstract="true">
<xsd:extension base="baseReadOnlyRegionType">
<xsd:sequence minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="1">
<xsd:element name="cache-loader" type="beanDeclarationType" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="1">
<xsd:documentation source="org.apache.geode.cache.CacheLoader"><![CDATA[
The cache loader definition for this region. A cache loader allows data to be placed into a region.
<tool:exports type="org.apache.geode.cache.CacheLoader" />
<xsd:element name="cache-writer" type="beanDeclarationType" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="1">
<xsd:documentation source="org.apache.geode.cache.CacheWriter"><![CDATA[
The cache writer definition for this region. A cache writer acts as a dedicated synchronous listener that is notified
before a region or an entry is modified. A typical example would be a writer that updates the database.
Note: Only one CacheWriter is invoked. GemFire will always prefer the local one (if it exists) otherwise it will
arbitrarily pick one.
<tool:exports type="org.apache.geode.cache.CacheWriter" />
<xsd:element name="membership-attributes" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="1">
Establishes reliability requirements and behavior for a region. Use this to configure the region to require one or more membership roles to be running in the system for reliable access to the region.
<xsd:attribute name="required-roles" type="xsd:string" use="required">
A comma delimited list of required role names
<xsd:attribute name="loss-action" type="xsd:string" default="no-access">
Set one of the following values to specify how access to the Region is affected when one or more required roles are lost:
(full-access, limited-access, no-access, or reconnect). GemFire default is 'no-access' when required-roles is
specified, and in SDG, the required-roles attribute is required.
<xsd:attribute name="resumption-action" type="xsd:string" default="reinitialize">
Specifies how the Region is affected by resumption of reliability when one or more missing required roles return
to the distributed membership: (none or reinitialize). GemFire default is reinitialize when required-roles is
specified, and in SDG, the required-roles attribute is required.
<xsd:choice minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded">
<xsd:element name="gateway-sender" type="baseGatewaySenderType"/>
<xsd:element name="gateway-sender-ref">
<xsd:attribute name="bean" type="xsd:string" use="optional">
The name of the gateway sender bean referred by this declaration. Used as a convenience method. If no reference exists,
use inner bean declarations.
<xsd:choice minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded">
<xsd:element name="async-event-queue" type="baseAsyncEventQueueType"/>
<xsd:element name="async-event-queue-ref">
<xsd:attribute name="bean" type="xsd:string" use="optional">
The name of the gateway sender bean referred by this declaration. Used as a convenience method. If no reference exists,
use inner bean declarations.
<xsd:attribute name="enable-gateway" type="xsd:string" use="optional">
Specifies if WAN Gateway communications are enabled for this Region (true or false) (Deprecated since Gemfire v 7.0)
<xsd:attribute name="hub-id" type="xsd:string" use="optional">
Specifies if WAN Gateway hub id if enable-gateway is true. (Deprecated since Gemfire v 7.0)
<xsd:attribute name="index-update-type" type="xsd:string" use="optional">
Specifies whether Region indexes are maintained synchronously with Region modifications, or asynchronously
in a background thread. GemFire default is synchronous.
<!-- -->
<xsd:complexType name="regionType">
<xsd:extension base="baseRegionType">
<xsd:attributeGroup ref="topLevelRegionAttributes" />
<!-- -->
<xsd:complexType name="subRegionType">
<xsd:extension base="baseRegionType">
<xsd:attribute name="name" type="xsd:string" use="required">
The name of the region definition.
<!-- -->
<xsd:element name="region-template" type="regionType">
<xsd:documentation source="org.springframework.data.gemfire.RegionFactoryBean"><![CDATA[
Defines a template for creating multiple GemFire Regions that all share a common attribute configuration.
<tool:exports type="org.apache.geode.cache.Region"/>
<!-- -->
<xsd:group name="subRegionGroup">
<xsd:element name="lookup-region" type="lookupSubRegionType"/>
<xsd:element name="replicated-region" type="replicatedSubRegionType"/>
<xsd:element name="partitioned-region" type="partitionedSubRegionType"/>
<xsd:element name="local-region" type="localSubRegionType"/>
<xsd:element name="client-region" type="clientSubRegionType"/>
<!-- -->
<xsd:attributeGroup name="topLevelRegionAttributes">
<xsd:attribute name="id" type="xsd:string" use="required">
The id of the region bean definition.
<xsd:attribute name="cache-ref" type="xsd:string" use="optional" default="gemfireCache">
The name of the bean defining the GemFire cache (by default 'gemfireCache').
<xsd:attribute name="name" type="xsd:string" use="optional">
The name of the region definition. If no specified, it will have the value of the id attribute (that is, the bean name).
Required for subregions.
<!-- -->
<xsd:attributeGroup name="distributedRegionAttributes">
<xsd:attribute name="enable-async-conflation" type="xsd:string">
For TCP/IP distributions between peers, specifies whether to allow aggregation of asynchronous messages sent
by the producer member for the Region. This is a special-purpose boolean attribute that applies only when
asynchronous queues are used for slow consumers. A false value disables conflation so that all asynchronous messages
are sent individually. GemFire default is false (even though GemFire User Guide states it is true).
<xsd:attribute name="enable-subscription-conflation" type="xsd:string">
Indicates whether the Region can conflate its messages to the client. GemFire default is false.
<xsd:attribute name="multicast-enabled" type="xsd:string">
Boolean that indicates whether distributed operations on a region should use multicasting. To enable this, multicast must be enabled for the
distributed system with the mcast-port gemfire.properties setting.
<!-- Client Region Type -->
<xsd:complexType name="baseClientRegionType" abstract="true">
Defines a GemFire client region instance. A client region is connected to a (long-lived) farm of GemFire servers from
which it receives its data. The client can hold some data locally or forward all requests to the server.
<tool:exports type="org.apache.geode.cache.Region" />
<xsd:extension base="baseReadOnlyRegionType">
<xsd:element name="cache-loader" type="beanDeclarationType" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="1">
<xsd:documentation source="org.apache.geode.cache.CacheLoader"><![CDATA[
The cache loader definition for this region. A cache loader allows data to be placed into a region.
<tool:exports type="org.apache.geode.cache.CacheLoader" />
<xsd:element name="cache-writer" type="beanDeclarationType" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="1">
<xsd:documentation source="org.apache.geode.cache.CacheWriter"><![CDATA[
The cache writer definition for this region. A cache writer acts as a dedicated synchronous listener that is notified
before a region or an entry is modified. A typical example would be a writer that updates the database.
Note: Only one CacheWriter is invoked. GemFire will always prefer the local one (if it exists) otherwise it will
arbitrarily pick one.
<tool:exports type="org.apache.geode.cache.CacheWriter" />
<xsd:choice minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded">
<xsd:element name="key-interest">
Key based interest. If the key is a List, then all the keys in the List will be registered. The key can also be the
special token 'ALL_KEYS', which will register interest in all keys in the region. In effect, this will cause an update
to any key in this region in the CacheServer to be pushed to the client.
<xsd:extension base="interestType">
<xsd:sequence minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="1">
<xsd:any namespace="##other" processContents="skip" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded">
Inner bean definition of the client key interest.
<xsd:attribute name="key-ref" type="xsd:string" use="optional">
The name of the client key interest bean referred by this declaration. Used as a convenience method. If no reference exists,
use the inner bean declaration.
<xsd:element name="regex-interest">
Regular expression based interest. If the pattern is '.*' then all keys of any type will be pushed to the client.
<xsd:extension base="interestType">
<xsd:attribute name="pattern" type="xsd:string" use="required"/>
<xsd:element name="eviction" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="1">
Eviction policy for the partitioned region.
<xsd:extension base="evictionType">
<xsd:attribute name="action" type="xsd:string" default="LOCAL_DESTROY">
Set to one of the following Eviction Actions:
LOCAL_DESTROY - Entry is destroyed locally. Not available for Replicated Regions.
OVERFLOW_TO_DISK - Entry is overflowed to disk and the value set to null in memory. For Partitioned Regions,
this provides the most reliable read behavior across the region.
<xsd:group ref="subRegionGroup" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded"/>
<xsd:attribute name="concurrency-level">
Provides an estimate of the maximum number of application threads that will concurrently access a Region entry
at one time. This attribute does not apply to Partitioned Regions. This attribute helps GemFire optimize the use of
system resources and reduce thread contention. This sets an initial parameter on the underlying
java.util.ConcurrentHashMap used for storing Region entries.
<xsd:attribute name="data-policy" use="optional">
The data policy for this client region. Can be either 'EMPTY' or 'NORMAL' (the default). In case persistence or overflow
are configured for this region, this parameter will be ignored.
EMPTY - causes data to never be stored in local memory. The region will always appear empty. It can be used for zero
footprint producers that only want to distribute their data to others and for zero footprint consumers that only want
to see events.
NORMAL - causes data that this region is interested in to be stored in local memory. It allows the contents in this
cache to differ from other caches.
<xsd:restriction base="xsd:string">
<xsd:enumeration value="EMPTY"/>
<xsd:enumeration value="NORMAL"/>
<xsd:attribute name="pool-name" type="xsd:string" use="optional">
The name of the pool used by this client. If not set, a default pool (initialized when using client-cache) will be used.
<xsd:attribute name="shortcut" use="optional">
The ClientRegionShortcut for this region. Allows easy initialization of the region based on pre-defined defaults.
<xsd:restriction base="xsd:string">
<xsd:enumeration value="PROXY"/>
<xsd:enumeration value="CACHING_PROXY"/>
<xsd:enumeration value="CACHING_PROXY_HEAP_LRU"/>
<xsd:enumeration value="CACHING_PROXY_OVERFLOW"/>
<xsd:enumeration value="LOCAL"/>
<xsd:enumeration value="LOCAL_HEAP_LRU"/>
<xsd:enumeration value="LOCAL_OVERFLOW"/>
<xsd:enumeration value="LOCAL_PERSISTENT"/>
<xsd:enumeration value="LOCAL_PERSISTENT_OVERFLOW"/>
<!-- -->
<xsd:complexType name="clientRegionType">
<xsd:extension base="baseClientRegionType">
<xsd:attributeGroup ref="topLevelRegionAttributes" />
<!-- -->
<xsd:complexType name="clientSubRegionType">
<xsd:extension base="baseClientRegionType">
<xsd:attribute name="name" type="xsd:string" use="required">
The name of the region definition.
<!-- -->
<xsd:element name="client-region-template" type="clientRegionType">
<xsd:documentation source="org.springframework.data.gemfire.ClientRegionFactoryBean"><![CDATA[
Defines a template for creating multiple GemFire Client Regions that all share a common attribute configuration.
<tool:exports type="org.apache.geode.cache.Region"/>
<!-- -->
<xsd:element name="client-region" type="clientRegionType">
<xsd:documentation source="org.springframework.data.gemfire.ClientRegionFactoryBean"><![CDATA[
Defines a GemFire Client Region
<tool:exports type="org.apache.geode.cache.Region"/>
<!-- Local Region Type -->
<xsd:complexType name="baseLocalRegionType" abstract="true">
Defines a GemFire Local Region instance. Each Local Region is scoped only to the local JVM.
<tool:exports type="org.apache.geode.cache.Region"/>
<xsd:extension base="baseRegionType">
<xsd:sequence minOccurs="1" maxOccurs="1">
<xsd:element name="eviction" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="1">
Eviction policy for the replicated region.
<xsd:extension base="evictionType">
<xsd:attribute name="action" type="xsd:string">
Set to one of the following Eviction Actions:
LOCAL_DESTROY - Entry is destroyed locally. Not available for Replicated Regions.
OVERFLOW_TO_DISK - Entry is overflowed to disk and the value set to null in memory. For Partitioned Regions,
this provides the most reliable read behavior across the region.
<xsd:group ref="subRegionGroup" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded" />
<xsd:attribute name="concurrency-level">
Provides an estimate of the maximum number of application threads that will concurrently access a region entry at one time.
This attribute does not apply to partitioned regions. This attribute helps GemFire optimize the use of system resources and
reduce thread contention. This sets an initial parameter on the underlying java.util.ConcurrentHashMap used for storing region entries.
<xsd:attribute name="data-policy" use="optional">
Specifies the data policy for this region (NORMAL or PRELOADED). Setting 'data-policy' is not stictly necessary,
but if set, then the value must agree with the 'persistent' attribute if also specified.
<xsd:restriction base="xsd:string">
<xsd:enumeration value="NORMAL"/>
<xsd:enumeration value="PRELOADED"/>
<xsd:attribute name="shortcut" use="optional">
The RegionShortcut for this region. Allows easy initialization of the region based on pre-defined defaults.
<xsd:restriction base="xsd:string">
<xsd:enumeration value="LOCAL"/>
<xsd:enumeration value="LOCAL_HEAP_LRU"/>
<xsd:enumeration value="LOCAL_OVERFLOW"/>
<xsd:enumeration value="LOCAL_PERSISTENT"/>
<xsd:enumeration value="LOCAL_PERSISTENT_OVERFLOW"/>
<!-- -->
<xsd:complexType name="localRegionType">
<xsd:extension base="baseLocalRegionType">
<xsd:attributeGroup ref="topLevelRegionAttributes" />
<!-- -->
<xsd:complexType name="localSubRegionType">
<xsd:extension base="baseLocalRegionType">
<xsd:attribute name="name" type="xsd:string" use="required">
The name of the region definition.
<!-- -->
<xsd:element name="local-region-template" type="localRegionType">
<xsd:documentation source="org.springframework.data.gemfire.LocalRegionFactoryBean"><![CDATA[
Defines a template for creating multiple GemFire Local Regions that all share a common attribute configuration.
<tool:exports type="org.apache.geode.cache.Region"/>
<!-- -->
<xsd:element name="local-region" type="localRegionType"/>
<!-- Partition Region Type -->
<xsd:complexType name="basePartitionedRegionType" abstract="true">
Defines a GemFire Partitioned Region instance. Through partitioning, the data is split across Regions.
Partitioning is useful when the amount of data to store is too large for one member to hold and work
with as if it were a single entity. One can configure the Partitioned Region to store redundant copies
in different members, for high availability in case of an application failure.
<tool:exports type="org.apache.geode.cache.Region" />
<xsd:extension base="baseRegionType">
<xsd:element name="partition-resolver" type="beanDeclarationType" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="1">
<xsd:documentation source="org.apache.geode.cache.PartitionResolver"><![CDATA[
The partition resolver definition for this region, allowing for custom partitioning. GemFire uses the resolver to
colocate data based on custom criterias (such as colocating trades by month and year).
<tool:exports type="org.apache.geode.cache.PartitionResolver" />
<xsd:element name="partition-listener" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="1">
The PartitionListener definition for this Region. Defines a callback for Partitioned Regions, invoked when
a Partition Region is created or any Bucket in a Partitioned Region becomes primary.
<tool:exports type="org.apache.geode.cache.partition.PartitionListener" />
<xsd:any namespace="##other" processContents="skip" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded">
Inner bean definition of the ParitionListener.
<xsd:attribute name="ref" type="xsd:string" use="optional">
The name of the PartitionListener bean referred to by this declaration. Used for convenience. If no reference exists,
use inner bean declarations.
<xsd:element name="fixed-partition" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded">
Create a fixed partition with the given attributes. Required for a FixedPartitionResolver.
<xsd:attribute name="partition-name" type="xsd:string"
Specifies the fixed partition name
<xsd:attribute name="primary" use="optional"
Specifies if this member is primary for this partition
<xsd:attribute name="num-buckets" use="optional">
Specifies the number of buckets to allocate to the fixed partition
<xsd:element name="subscription" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="1">
Subscription policy for the partitioned region.
<xsd:attribute name="type" type="xsd:string" use="optional"/>
<xsd:element name="eviction" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="1">
Eviction policy for the partitioned region.
<xsd:extension base="evictionType">
<xsd:attribute name="action" type="xsd:string" default="LOCAL_DESTROY">
Set to one of the following Eviction Actions:
LOCAL_DESTROY - Entry is destroyed locally. Not available for Replicated Regions.
OVERFLOW_TO_DISK - Entry is overflowed to disk and the value set to null in memory. For Partitioned Regions,
this provides the most reliable read behavior across the region.
<xsd:attributeGroup ref="distributedRegionAttributes" />
<xsd:attribute name="copies" type="xsd:string" use="optional">
The number of copies (0-3) of each partition for high-availability. By default, no copies are created meaning
there is no redundancy. Each copy provides extra backup at the expense of extra storage. GemFire default is 0, or
no redundancy.
<xsd:attribute name="colocated-with" type="xsd:string" use="optional">
The name of the partitioned region with which this newly created partitioned region is colocated.
<xsd:attribute name="data-policy" use="optional">
Specifies the data policy for this region (PARTITION, PERSISTENT_PARTITION). Setting 'data-policy' is not
stictly necessary, but if set, then the value must agree with the 'persistent' attribute if also specified.
<xsd:restriction base="xsd:string">
<xsd:enumeration value="PARTITION"/>
<xsd:enumeration value="PERSISTENT_PARTITION"/>
<xsd:attribute name="local-max-memory" type="xsd:string" use="optional">
The maximum amount of memory, in megabytes, to be used by the Region in this process. If not set, a default of 90%
of available heap is used.
<xsd:attribute name="total-max-memory" type="xsd:string" use="optional">
The maximum amount of memory, in megabytes, to be used by the region in all process.
Note: This setting must be the same in all processes using the region.
<xsd:attribute name="total-buckets" type="xsd:string" use="optional">
The total number of hash buckets to be used by the Region in all processes.
A Bucket is the smallest unit of data management in a Partitioned Region. Entries are stored in Buckets and Buckets may
move from one VM to another. Buckets may also have copies, depending on redundancy to provide high availability in the
face of VM failure.
The number of Buckets should be prime, and as a rough guide, at the least four times the number of partition VMs.
However, there is significant overhead to managing a Bucket, particularly for higher values of redundancy.
Note: This setting must be the same in all processes using the Region.
<xsd:attribute name="recovery-delay" type="xsd:string" use="optional">
Applies when copies is greater than zero. The number of milliseconds to wait after a member crashes
before reestablishing redundancy for the Region. A setting of -1 disables automatic recovery of redundancy
after member failure. Gemfire default is -1.
<xsd:attribute name="shortcut" use="optional">
The RegionShortcut for this region. Allows easy initialization of the region based on pre-defined defaults.
<xsd:restriction base="xsd:string">
<xsd:enumeration value="PARTITION"/>
<xsd:enumeration value="PARTITION_HEAP_LRU"/>
<xsd:enumeration value="PARTITION_OVERFLOW"/>
<xsd:enumeration value="PARTITION_PERSISTENT"/>
<xsd:enumeration value="PARTITION_PERSISTENT_OVERFLOW"/>
<xsd:enumeration value="PARTITION_PROXY"/>
<xsd:enumeration value="PARTITION_PROXY_REDUNDANT"/>
<xsd:enumeration value="PARTITION_REDUNDANT"/>
<xsd:enumeration value="PARTITION_REDUNDANT_HEAP_LRU"/>
<xsd:enumeration value="PARTITION_REDUNDANT_OVERFLOW"/>
<xsd:enumeration value="PARTITION_REDUNDANT_PERSISTENT"/>
<xsd:attribute name="startup-recovery-delay" type="xsd:string" use="optional">
Applies when copies is greater than zero. The number of milliseconds a newly started member should wait
before trying to satisfy redundancy of Region data stored on other members. A setting of -1 disables automatic recovery
of redundancy after new members join. GemFire default is 0, meaning the default is to recover redundancy immediately
when a new member joins the cluster.
<!-- -->
<xsd:complexType name="partitionedRegionType">
<xsd:extension base="basePartitionedRegionType">
<xsd:attributeGroup ref="topLevelRegionAttributes" />
<!-- subRegions not supported -->
<!-- -->
<xsd:complexType name="partitionedSubRegionType">
<xsd:extension base="basePartitionedRegionType">
<xsd:attribute name="name" type="xsd:string" use="required">
The name of the region definition.
<!-- subRegions not supported -->
<!-- -->
<xsd:element name="partitioned-region-template" type="partitionedRegionType">
<xsd:documentation source="org.springframework.data.gemfire.PartitionedRegionFactoryBean"><![CDATA[
Defines a template for creating multiple GemFire PARTITION Regions that all share a common attribute configuration.
<tool:exports type="org.apache.geode.cache.Region"/>
<!-- -->
<xsd:element name="partitioned-region" type="partitionedRegionType"/>
<!-- Replicate Region Type -->
<xsd:complexType name="baseReplicatedRegionType" abstract="true">
<xsd:documentation source="org.springframework.data.gemfire.RegionFactoryBean"><![CDATA[
Defines a GemFire Replicated Region instance. Each Replicated Region contains a complete copy of the data.
As well as high availability, replication provides excellent performance as each Region contains a complete,
up-to-date copy of the data.
<tool:exports type="org.apache.geode.cache.Region" />
<xsd:extension base="baseRegionType">
<xsd:element name="subscription" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="1">
Subscription policy for the replicated region.
<xsd:attribute name="type" type="xsd:string" use="optional"/>
<xsd:element name="eviction" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="1">
Eviction policy for the replicated region.
<xsd:extension base="evictionType">
<xsd:attribute name="action" type="xsd:string" fixed="OVERFLOW_TO_DISK">
Set to the following Eviction Actions (Note LOCAL_DESTROY is not available for Replicated Regions):
OVERFLOW_TO_DISK - Entry is overflowed to disk and the value set to null in memory. For Partitioned Regions,
this provides the most reliable read behavior across the region.
<xsd:group ref="subRegionGroup" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded"/>
<xsd:attributeGroup ref="distributedRegionAttributes"/>
<xsd:attribute name="concurrency-level">
Provides an estimate of the maximum number of application threads that will concurrently access a region entry at one time.
This attribute does not apply to partitioned regions. This attribute helps GemFire optimize the use of system resources and
reduce thread contention. This sets an initial parameter on the underlying java.util.ConcurrentHashMap used for storing region entries.
<xsd:attribute name="data-policy" use="optional">
Specifies the data policy for this region (EMPTY, REPLICATE, PERSISTENT_REPLICATE). Setting 'data-policy' is not
stictly necessary, but if set, then the value must agree with the 'persistent' attribute if also specified.
<xsd:restriction base="xsd:string">
<xsd:enumeration value="EMPTY"/>
<xsd:enumeration value="REPLICATE"/>
<xsd:enumeration value="PERSISTENT_REPLICATE"/>
<xsd:attribute name="is-lock-grantor" type="xsd:string" use="optional">
Indicates whether the Region is a lock grantor. This attribute is only relevant for Regions with global scope,
as only they allow locking. GemFire default is false.
<xsd:attribute name="scope" type="xsd:string" use="optional">
Specifies the Scope for this Region: distributed-ack, distributed-no-ack, global
Scope determines how updates to Region Entries are distributed to the other Caches in the Distributed System where
the Region and Entry are defined. Scope also determines whether to allow remote invocation of some of
the Region’s event handlers.
<xsd:attribute name="shortcut" use="optional">
The RegionShortcut for this region. Allows easy initialization of the region based on pre-defined defaults.
<xsd:restriction base="xsd:string">
<xsd:enumeration value="REPLICATE"/>
<xsd:enumeration value="REPLICATE_HEAP_LRU"/>
<xsd:enumeration value="REPLICATE_OVERFLOW"/>
<xsd:enumeration value="REPLICATE_PERSISTENT"/>
<xsd:enumeration value="REPLICATE_PERSISTENT_OVERFLOW"/>
<xsd:enumeration value="REPLICATE_PROXY"/>
<!-- -->
<xsd:complexType name="replicatedRegionType">
<xsd:extension base="baseReplicatedRegionType">
<xsd:attributeGroup ref="topLevelRegionAttributes" />
<!-- -->
<xsd:complexType name="replicatedSubRegionType">
<xsd:extension base="baseReplicatedRegionType">
<xsd:attribute name="name" type="xsd:string" use="required">
The name of the region definition.
<!-- -->
<xsd:element name="replicated-region-template" type="replicatedRegionType">
<xsd:documentation source="org.springframework.data.gemfire.ReplicatedRegionFactoryBean"><![CDATA[
Defines a template for creating multiple GemFire REPLICATE Regions that all share a common attribute configuration.
<tool:exports type="org.apache.geode.cache.Region"/>
<!-- -->
<xsd:element name="replicated-region" type="replicatedRegionType"/>
<!-- Disk Store Type -->
<xsd:complexType name="baseDiskStoreType">
<xsd:element name="disk-dir" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded">
<xsd:attribute name="location" type="xsd:string" use="required">
Directory on the file system for storing data.
Note: the directory must already exist.
<tool:exports type="org.apache.geode.cache.DiskStore" />
<xsd:attribute name="max-size" type="xsd:string"
The maximum size (in megabytes) of data stored in each directory. Default value is 2,147,483,647 which is two petabytes.
<xsd:attribute name="allow-force-compaction" type="xsd:string" default="false">
Indicates whether forced compaction is allowed for regions using this disk store
<xsd:attribute name="auto-compact" type="xsd:string" default="true">
Indicates whether or not the operation logs are automatically compacted or not. Default is true.
<xsd:attribute name="compaction-threshold" type="xsd:string" default="50">
Sets the threshold at which an oplog will become compactable. Until it reaches this threshold the oplog will not be compacted.
The threshold is a percentage in the range 0..100. When the amount of garbage in an oplog exceeds this percentage then when a
compaction is done and this garbage will be cleaned up freeing up disk space. Garbage is created by entry destroys,
entry updates, and region destroys.
<xsd:attribute name="disk-usage-critical-percentage" type="xsd:string">
Disk usage above this threshold generates an error message and shuts down the member's cache. For example,
if the threshold is set to 99%, then falling under 10 GB of free disk space on a 1 TB drive generates the error
and shuts down the cache.
Set to "0" (zero) to disable. GemFire default is 99%.
<xsd:attribute name="disk-usage-warning-percentage" type="xsd:string">
Disk usage above this threshold generates a warning message. For example, if the threshold is set to 90%,
then on a 1 TB drive falling under 100 GB of free disk space generates the warning.
Set to "0" (zero) to disable. GemFire default is 90%.
<xsd:attribute name="max-oplog-size" type="xsd:string" default="1024">
Sets the maximum size in megabytes a single oplog (operation log) is allowed to be. When an oplog is created this
amount of file space will be immediately reserved.
<xsd:attribute name="queue-size" type="xsd:string" default="0">
The maximum number of operations that can be asynchronously queued. Once this many pending async operations have been
queued async ops will begin blocking until some of the queued ops have been flushed to disk.
Considered only for asynchronous writing.
<xsd:attribute name="time-interval" type="xsd:string" default="1000">
Sets the number of milliseconds that can elapse before unwritten data is written to disk.
It is considered only for asynchronous writing.
<xsd:attribute name="write-buffer-size" type="xsd:string" default="32768">
Indicates the write buffer size in bytes
<!-- -->
<xsd:complexType name="diskStoreType">
<xsd:extension base="baseDiskStoreType">
<xsd:attribute name="id" type="xsd:string" use="required">
The name of the disk store bean definition. This is also used as the disk store name]]></xsd:documentation>
<xsd:attribute name="cache-ref" type="xsd:string" use="optional" default="gemfireCache">
The name of the bean defining the GemFire cache (by default 'gemfireCache').
<!-- -->
<xsd:element name="disk-store" type="diskStoreType" />
<!-- Eviction -->
<xsd:complexType name="evictionType">
<xsd:sequence minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="1">
<xsd:element name="object-sizer" type="beanDeclarationType">
Entity computing sizes for objects stored into the grid.
<tool:exports type="org.apache.geode.cache.util.ObjectSizer" />
<xsd:attribute name="threshold" type="xsd:string">
The threshold (or limit) against which the eviction algorithm runs. Once the threshold is reached, eviction is performed.
<xsd:attribute name="type" type="xsd:string" default="ENTRY_COUNT">
The 'type' of eviction performed, or algorithm used to perform eviction on the Region entries. Eviction types include:
ENTRY_COUNT: Considers the number of entries in the Region before performing an eviction.
HEAP_PERCENTAGE: Considers the amount of heap used (through the GemFire resource manager) before performing an eviction.
MEMORY_SIZE: Considers the amount of memory consumed by the Region before performing an eviction.
<!-- Expiration -->
<xsd:complexType name="expirationType">
<xsd:attribute name="timeout" type="xsd:string" default="0">
Number of seconds before a region or an entry expires. If timeout is not specified, it defaults to zero
(which means no expiration).
<xsd:attribute name="action" type="xsd:string" default="INVALIDATE">
Action that should take place when a Region or an Entry expires. Valid values include: DESTROY, INVALIDATE,
LOCAL_DESTROY, LOCAL_INVALIDATE. Note, the default GemFire Expiration Action is INVALIDATE.
<!-- -->
<xsd:complexType name="customExpirationType">
<xsd:any namespace="##other" processContents="skip" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="1">
Inner bean definition of the CustomExpiry.
<xsd:attribute name="ref" type="xsd:string" use="optional">
The name of the CustomExpiry bean referred by this declaration. Used as a convenience method. If no reference exists,
use inner bean declarations.
<!-- Functions -->
<xsd:element name="function-service">
<xsd:element name="function" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="1">
<xsd:documentation source="org.apache.geode.cache.execute.Function"><![CDATA[
Declares one or more remote functions for this cache and register's with them the FunctionService. each bean
must implement org.apache.geode.cache.execute.Function
<tool:exports type="org.apache.geode.cache.execute.Function" />
<xsd:any namespace="##other" processContents="skip"
minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded">
Inner bean definition of the remote function.
<xsd:attribute name="ref" type="xsd:string" use="optional">
The name of the remote function bean referred by this declaration. Used as a convenience method. If no reference exists,
use inner bean declarations.
<xsd:attribute name="id" type="xsd:string" use="optional">
The id of the function service (optional)
<!-- Function Annotation support -->
<xsd:element name="annotation-driven">
Enables gemfire annotations.
<!-- Index -->
<xsd:element name="index">
Defines a GemFire index.
<tool:exports type="org.apache.geode.cache.query.Index" />
<xsd:attribute name="id" type="xsd:string">
The name of the index bean definition. If property 'name' is not set, it will be used as the index name as well.
<xsd:attribute name="cache-ref" type="xsd:string" use="optional" default="gemfireCache">
The name of the bean defining the GemFire cache (by default 'gemfireCache').
<xsd:attribute name="name" type="xsd:string" use="optional">
The name of the index.
<xsd:attribute name="pool-name" type="xsd:string" use="optional">
The name of the pool used by the index. Used usually in client scenarios.
<xsd:attribute name="define" type="xsd:string" use="optional" default="false">
Boolean condition used to lazily create this index once all indexes with define set to true are defined
(i.e. declared and defined in the Spring context as Spring beans).
<xsd:attribute name="expression" type="xsd:string" use="required" />
<xsd:attribute name="from" type="xsd:string" use="required">
Corresponds to the regionPath parameter in createIndex methods.
<xsd:attribute name="ignore-if-exists" type="xsd:string" use="optional" default="false">
Indicates whether this Index is ignored when there exists an Index with the same name, but possibly
different definition.
You should use this setting with care. See Javadoc for more details.
Defaults to false.
<xsd:attribute name="imports" type="xsd:string" use="optional" />
<xsd:attribute name="override" type="xsd:string" use="optional" default="false">
Indicates whether the Index is created even if there exists an Index with the same definition, different name.
You should use this setting with care. See Javadoc for more details.
Defaults to false.
<xsd:attribute name="type" type="xsd:string" use="optional">
<!-- Lucene Index & Service -->
<xsd:element name="lucene-index">
Defines a GemFire Lucene index.
<tool:exports type="org.apache.geode.cache.lucene.LuceneIndex"/>
<xsd:element name="field-analyzers" type="beanDeclarationType" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="1">
Mapping of field names to Lucene (per field) Analyzers.
<xsd:attribute name="id" type="xsd:string">
The name of the LuceneIndex bean definition. If property 'name' is not set, it will be used as the index name as well.
<xsd:attribute name="cache-ref" type="xsd:string" use="optional" default="gemfireCache">
The name of the bean defining the GemFire cache (by default 'gemfireCache').
<xsd:attribute name="name" type="xsd:string" use="optional">
The name of the LuceneIndex.
<xsd:attribute name="destroy" type="xsd:string" use="optional" default="false">
Determines whether the LuceneIndex is destroyed on shutdown.
<xsd:attribute name="fields" type="xsd:string" use="optional">
List of fields included in the Lucene Index.
<xsd:attribute name="lucene-service-ref" type="xsd:string" use="optional">
Reference to the single LuceneService.
<xsd:attribute name="region-ref" type="xsd:string" use="optional">
Reference to the Region
<xsd:attribute name="region-path" type="xsd:string" use="optional">
Fully-qualified pathname of the Region.
<!-- -->
<xsd:element name="lucene-service">
Defines a GemFire LuceneService bean.
<tool:exports type="org.apache.geode.cache.lucene.LuceneService"/>
<xsd:attribute name="id" type="xsd:string">
Identifier (name) for the LuceneService bean definition.
<xsd:attribute name="cache-ref" type="xsd:string" use="optional" default="gemfireCache">
The name of the bean defining the GemFire cache (by default 'gemfireCache').
<!-- JNDI -->
<xsd:complexType name="jndiBindingType">
<xsd:element name="jndi-prop" type="configPropertyType" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded">
Specifies a vendor-specific property
<xsd:attribute name="jndi-name" type="xsd:string" use="required">
The JNDI name for this DataSource. Will be prefixed with "java:/"
<xsd:attribute name="type" type="xsd:string" use="required">
Specifies the DataSource implementation: ManagedDataSource, PooledDataSource, SimpleDataSource, or XAPooledDataSource.
<xsd:attribute name="blocking-timeout-seconds" type="xsd:string"
use="optional" />
<xsd:attribute name="conn-pooled-datasource-class" type="xsd:string"
use="optional" />
<xsd:attribute name="connection-url" type="xsd:string"
use="optional" />
<xsd:attribute name="idle-timeout-seconds" type="xsd:string"
use="optional" />
<xsd:attribute name="init-pool-size" type="xsd:string"
use="optional" />
<xsd:attribute name="jdbc-driver-class" type="xsd:string"
use="optional" />
<xsd:attribute name="login-timeout-seconds" type="xsd:string"
use="optional" />
<xsd:attribute name="managed-connection-factory-class"
type="xsd:string" use="optional" />
<xsd:attribute name="max-pool-size" type="xsd:string"
use="optional" />
<xsd:attribute name="password" type="xsd:string" use="optional" />
<xsd:attribute name="user-name" type="xsd:string" use="optional" />
<xsd:attribute name="xa-datasource-class" type="xsd:string"
use="optional" />
<xsd:attribute name="transaction-type" type="xsd:string"
use="optional" />
<!-- -->
<xsd:complexType name="configPropertyType" mixed="true">
<xsd:attribute name="key" type="xsd:string" use="required">
Specifies the property key.
<xsd:attribute name="type" type="xsd:string" use="optional">
Specifies the data type if other than java.lang.String.
<!-- Transaction Management (Local Cache) -->
<xsd:element name="transaction-manager">
Defines a GemFire Transaction Manager instance for a single GemFire cache.
<xsd:attribute name="id" type="xsd:string" use="optional">
The name of the transaction manager definition (by default "gemfireTransactionManager").]]></xsd:documentation>
<xsd:attribute name="cache-ref" type="xsd:string" use="optional"
The name of the bean defining the GemFire cache (by default 'gemfireCache').
<xsd:attribute name="copy-on-read" type="xsd:string"
use="optional" default="true">
Indicates whether the cache returns direct references or copies of the objects (default) it manages.
While copies imply additional work for every fetch operation, direct references can cause dirty reads
across concurrent threads in the same VM, whether or not transactions are used.
<!-- Client/Server Topology -->
<xsd:element name="cache-server">
Defines a Cache Server for feeding data to remote gemfire clients to a server GemFire Cache Servers.
Note: In order to instantiate a cacheserver, a GemFire cache needs to be avaialble in the VM.
<tool:exports type="org.apache.geode.cache.server.CacheServer" />
<xsd:sequence minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="1">
<xsd:element name="subscription-config" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="1">
The client subscription configuration that is used to control a clients use of server resources towards notification queues.
<xsd:attribute name="eviction-type" type="xsd:string" use="optional" default="NONE"/>
<xsd:attribute name="capacity" type="xsd:string" use="optional" default="1"/>
<xsd:attribute name="disk-store" type="xsd:string" use="optional"/>
<xsd:attribute name="id" type="xsd:string" use="optional">
The name of the cache server definition (by default "gemfireServer").
<xsd:attribute name="cache-ref" type="xsd:string" use="optional" default="gemfireCache">
The name of the bean defining the GemFire cache (by default 'gemfireCache').
<xsd:attribute name="auto-startup" type="xsd:string" use="optional" default="true"/>
<xsd:attribute name="bind-address" type="xsd:string" use="optional" />
<xsd:attribute name="port" type="xsd:string" use="optional" default="40404">
The port number of the server.
<xsd:attribute name="host-name-for-clients" type="xsd:string" use="optional" />
<xsd:attribute name="load-poll-interval" type="xsd:string" use="optional" default="5000"/>
<xsd:attribute name="max-connections" type="xsd:string" use="optional" default="800"/>
<xsd:attribute name="max-threads" type="xsd:string" use="optional" default="0" />
<xsd:attribute name="max-message-count" type="xsd:string" use="optional" default="230000"/>
<xsd:attribute name="max-time-between-pings" type="xsd:string" use="optional" default="60000"/>
<xsd:attribute name="message-time-to-live" type="xsd:string" use="optional" default="180"/>
<xsd:attribute name="socket-buffer-size" type="xsd:string" use="optional" default="32768"/>
<xsd:attribute name="notify-by-subscription" type="xsd:string" use="optional" default="true"/>
<xsd:attribute name="groups" type="xsd:string" use="optional" default="">
The server groups that this server will be a member of given as a comma separated values list.
<xsd:attribute name="load-probe-ref" type="xsd:string" use="optional">
The name of the bean defining the CacheServer Load Probe.
<!-- -->
<xsd:element name="pool">
Defines a pool for connections from a client to a set of GemFire Cache Servers.
Note that in order to instantiate a pool, a GemFire cache needs to be already started.
<tool:exports type="org.apache.geode.cache.client.Pool" />
<xsd:element name="locator" type="connectionType" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded" />
<xsd:element name="server" type="connectionType" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded" />
<xsd:attribute name="id" type="xsd:string" use="optional">
The name of the pool definition (by default "gemfirePool").
<xsd:attribute name="free-connection-timeout" type="xsd:string" use="optional"/>
<xsd:attribute name="idle-timeout" type="xsd:string" use="optional"/>
<xsd:attribute name="load-conditioning-interval" type="xsd:string" use="optional"/>
<xsd:attribute name="keep-alive" type="xsd:string" use="optional" default="false"/>
<xsd:attribute name="locators" type="xsd:string" use="optional">
Comma-delimited list of Locator endpoints used by this Pool in the form of: host1[port1],host2[port2],...,hostN[portN]
<xsd:attribute name="max-connections" type="xsd:string" use="optional"/>
<xsd:attribute name="min-connections" type="xsd:string" use="optional"/>
<xsd:attribute name="multi-user-authentication" type="xsd:string" use="optional"/>
<xsd:attribute name="ping-interval" type="xsd:string" use="optional"/>
<xsd:attribute name="pr-single-hop-enabled" type="xsd:string" use="optional"/>
<xsd:attribute name="read-timeout" type="xsd:string" use="optional"/>
<xsd:attribute name="retry-attempts" type="xsd:string" use="optional"/>
<xsd:attribute name="server-group" type="xsd:string" use="optional"/>
<xsd:attribute name="servers" type="xsd:string" use="optional">
Comma-delimited list of Server endpoints used by this Pool in the form of: host1[port1],host2[port2],...,hostN[portN]
<xsd:attribute name="socket-buffer-size" type="xsd:string" use="optional"/>
<xsd:attribute name="statistic-interval" type="xsd:string" use="optional"/>
<xsd:attribute name="subscription-ack-interval" type="xsd:string" use="optional"/>
<xsd:attribute name="subscription-enabled" type="xsd:string" use="optional"/>
<xsd:attribute name="subscription-message-tracking-timeout" type="xsd:string" use="optional"/>
<xsd:attribute name="subscription-redundancy" type="xsd:string" use="optional"/>
<xsd:attribute name="thread-local-connections" type="xsd:string" use="optional"/>
<!-- -->
<xsd:complexType name="connectionType">
<xsd:attribute name="host" type="xsd:string">
The host name or ip address of the connection.
<xsd:attribute name="port">
The port number of the connection (between 1 and 65535 inclusive).
<xsd:restriction base="xsd:string" />
<!-- -->
<xsd:element name="cq-listener-container">
Container for continuous query listeners. All listeners will be hosted by the same container.
type="org.springframework.data.gemfire.listener.ContinuousQueryListenerContainer" />
<xsd:element name="listener" type="listenerType" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded"/>
<xsd:attribute name="id" type="xsd:string" use="optional">
identifier of the listener (optional)
<xsd:attribute name="cache" type="xsd:string" default="gemfireCache">
A reference (by name) to the GemFire Cache bean. Default is "gemfireCache".
<tool:annotation kind="ref">
<tool:expected-type type="org.apache.geode.cache.RegionService" />
<xsd:attribute name="pool-name" type="xsd:string" use="optional">
The name of the GemFire Pool used by the container.
<xsd:attribute name="auto-startup" type="xsd:string" use="optional" default="true"/>
<xsd:attribute name="error-handler" type="xsd:string">
A reference to a Spring ErrorHandler strategy handling any errors that may occur when the container executes the CQs.
<tool:annotation kind="ref">
<tool:expected-type type="org.springframework.util.ErrorHandler"/>
<xsd:attribute name="phase" type="xsd:string">
The lifecycle phase within which this container should start and stop. The lower the value the earlier this container
will start and the later it will stop. The default is Integer.MAX_VALUE meaning the container will start as late
as possible and stop as soon as possible.
<xsd:attribute name="task-executor" type="xsd:string">
A reference to a Spring TaskExecutor (or standard JDK 1.5 Executor) for executing GemFire CQ listener invokers.
The default is a SimpleAsyncTaskExecutor.
<tool:annotation kind="ref">
<tool:expected-type type="java.util.concurrent.Executor"/>
<!-- -->
<xsd:complexType name="listenerType">
<xsd:attribute name="ref" type="xsd:string" use="required">
The bean name of the listener object, implementing the ContinuousQueryListener interface or defining the specified listener method.
<tool:annotation kind="ref" />
<xsd:attribute name="query" type="xsd:string" use="required">
The query for the GemFire continuous query.
<xsd:attribute name="name" type="xsd:string" use="optional">
The name of the resulting GemFire ContinuousQuery (CQ). Useful for monitoring and statistics-based querying.
<xsd:attribute name="method" type="xsd:string" use="optional">
The name of the listener method to invoke. If not specified, the target bean is supposed to implement the ContinuousQueryListener
interface or provide a method named 'handleEvent'.
<xsd:attribute name="durable" type="xsd:string" use="optional">
Whether the resulting GemFire continuous query is durable or not.
<!-- -->
<xsd:complexType name="interestType" abstract="true">
<xsd:attribute name="durable" type="xsd:string" use="optional" default="false">
Indicates whether the Registered Interest is durable or not. Default is false.
<xsd:attribute name="receive-values" type="xsd:string" use="optional" default="true">
Indicates whether values are received with create and update events on keys of interest (true)
or only invalidations are received and the value will be received on the next get instead (false).
Default is true.
<xsd:attribute name="result-policy" type="xsd:string" use="optional" default="KEYS_VALUES">
The result policy for this interest. Can be one of 'KEYS', 'KEYS_VALUES' (the default) or 'NONE'.
KEYS - Initializes the local Cache with the keys satisfying the request.
KEYS_VALUES - Initializes the local Cache with the keys and current values satisfying the request.
NONE - Does not initialize the local Cache.
<!-- WAN Topology -->
<xsd:attributeGroup name="commonWANQueueAttributes">
<xsd:attribute name="batch-conflation-enabled" type="xsd:string" use="optional">
Boolean value that determines whether GemFire should conflate messages. GemFire default is false.
<xsd:attribute name="batch-size" type="xsd:string" use="optional">
Maximum number of messages that a batch can contain.
<xsd:attribute name="batch-time-interval" type="xsd:string" use="optional">
Maximum number of milliseconds that can elapse between sending batches.
<xsd:attribute name="disk-store-ref" type="xsd:string" use="optional">
Named DiskStore to use for storing the Queue overflow, or for persisting the Queue. If you specify a value,
the named DiskStore must exist. If you specify a null value, GemFire uses the Default DiskStore for overflow
and Queue persistence.
<xsd:attribute name="disk-synchronous" type="xsd:string" use="optional">
For Regions that write to disk, a boolean that specifies whether disk writes are done synchronously (true)
for the Region or asynchronously (false).
<xsd:attribute name="dispatcher-threads" type="xsd:string" use="optional">
Number of dispatcher threads that are used to process Region Events from a GatewaySender Queue
or Asynchronous Event Queue.
<xsd:attribute name="maximum-queue-memory" type="xsd:string" use="optional">
Maximum amount of memory in megabytes that the Queue can consume before overflowing to disk.
<xsd:attribute name="order-policy" type="xsd:string" use="optional">
When the dispatcher-threads attribute is greater than 1, order-policy configures the way in which multiple
dispatcher threads process Region Events from a serial Gateway Queue or serial Asynchronous Event Queue.
This attribute can have one of the following values:
KEY - When distributing Region Events from the local Queue, multiple dispatcher threads preserve the order of key updates.
THREAD - When distributing Region Events from the local Queue, multiple dispatcher threads preserve the order
in which a given thread added Region Events to the Queue.
PARTITION - When distributing Region Events from the local Queue, multiple dispatcher threads preserve the order
in which Region Events were added to the local Queue. For a Partitioned Region, this means that all Region Events
delivered to a specific partition are delivered in the same order to the remote GemFire site. For a Distributed Region,
this means that all key updates delivered to the local GatewaySender Queue are distributed to the remote site
in the same order.
You cannot configure the order-policy for a parallel Event Queue, because parallel Queues cannot preserve event
ordering for Regions. Only the ordering of events for a given partition (or in a given Queue of a Distributed Region)
can be preserved.
<xsd:attribute name="parallel" type="xsd:string">
Value of "true" or "false" specifying the type of GatewaySender or AsyncEventQueue that GemFire creates.
<xsd:attribute name="persistent" type="xsd:string" use="optional">
Boolean value that determines whether GemFire persists the Gateway Queue or AsyncEventQueue.
<!-- -->
<xsd:complexType name="baseAsyncEventQueueType">
<xsd:documentation source="org.apache.geode.cache.wan.AsyncEventQueue"><![CDATA[
An async event queue definition (requires Gemfire 7.0 or later)
<tool:exports type="org.apache.geode.cache.wan.AsyncEventQueue" />
<xsd:element name="async-event-listener" minOccurs="1" maxOccurs="1">
An AsyncEventListener bean definition for this AsyncEventQueue. (requires Gemfire 7.0)
<tool:exports type="org.apache.geode.cache.wan.AsyncEventListener"/>
<xsd:any namespace="##other" processContents="skip"
minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded">
Inner bean definition of the async event listener
<xsd:attribute name="ref" type="xsd:string" use="optional">
The name of the async event listener bean referred by this declaration. Used as a convenience method. If no reference exists,
use inner bean declarations.
<xsd:attribute name="name" type="xsd:string" use="optional">
Optionally specifies the GemFire AsyncEventQueue id. By default this value is the bean id or a generated value
if an inner bean.
<xsd:attributeGroup ref="commonWANQueueAttributes" />
<!-- -->
<xsd:element name="async-event-queue">
<xsd:extension base="baseAsyncEventQueueType">
<xsd:attribute name="id" type="xsd:string" use="required">
The id of this bean definition.
<xsd:attribute name="cache-ref" type="xsd:string"
The id of the cache - default is gemfireCache
<!-- -->
<xsd:complexType name="baseGatewayReceiverType">
<xsd:documentation source="org.apache.geode.cache.wan.GatewayReceiver"><![CDATA[
A gateway receiver definition (requires Gemfire 7.0 or later)
<tool:exports type="org.apache.geode.cache.wan.GatewayReceiver" />
<xsd:element name="transport-filter" type="gatewayTransportFilterType"
minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="1" />
<xsd:attribute name="id" type="xsd:string" use="optional">
The id of this bean definition
<xsd:attribute name="cache-ref" type="xsd:string" use="optional">
The id of the cache - default is gemfireCache
<xsd:attribute name="bind-address" type="xsd:string" use="optional">
Specifies the bind address (IP address or host name) for the gateway receiver
<xsd:attribute name="hostname-for-senders" type="xsd:string" use="optional">
Attribute where you can specify an IP address or hostname for gateway sender connections.
If you configure hostname-for-senders, locators will use the provided hostname or IP address
when instructing gateway senders on how to connect to gateway receivers. If you provide ""
or null as the value, by default the gateway receiver's bind-address will be sent to clients.
<xsd:attribute name="start-port" type="xsd:string" use="optional">
Specifies the lower end of a port range to use for the gateway receiver
<xsd:attribute name="end-port" type="xsd:string" use="optional">
Specifies the upper end of a port range to use for the gateway receiver
<xsd:attribute name="manual-start" type="xsd:string" default="false">
Specifies if the gateway receiver is manually (true) or automatically (false) started. Default is an automatic start (false).
<xsd:attribute name="maximum-time-between-pings" type="xsd:string" use="optional">
Specifies the maximum time between pings in milliseconds
<xsd:attribute name="socket-buffer-size" type="xsd:string" use="optional">
Specifies the socket buffer size in bytes
<!-- -->
<xsd:element name="gateway-receiver" type="baseGatewayReceiverType" />
<!-- -->
<xsd:complexType name="baseGatewaySenderType">
<xsd:documentation source="org.apache.geode.cache.wan.GatewaySender"><![CDATA[
A gateway sender gateway definition (requires Gemfire 7.0 or later)
<tool:exports type="org.apache.geode.cache.wan.GatewaySender" />
<xsd:element name="event-filter" type="gatewayEventFilterType" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="1"/>
<xsd:element name="event-substitution-filter" type="gatewayEventSubstitutionFilterType" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="1"/>
<xsd:element name="transport-filter" type="gatewayTransportFilterType" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="1"/>
<xsd:attribute name="name" type="xsd:string" use="optional">
Optionally specifies the GemFire GatewaySender id. By default, this value is the bean id or a generated value
if an inner bean.
<xsd:attribute name="remote-distributed-system-id" type="xsd:string" use="required">
Integer that uniquely identifies the remote GemFire cluster to which this GatewaySender will send Region Events.
This value corresponds to the distributed-system-id property specified in Locators for the remote cluster.
This attribute is required.
<xsd:attribute name="alert-threshold" type="xsd:string" use="optional">
Maximum number of milliseconds that a Region Event can remain in the GatewaySender Queue before GemFire logs an alert.
<xsd:attribute name="enable-batch-conflation" type="xsd:string" use="optional">
Boolean value that determines whether GemFire should conflate messages. GemFire default is false.
NOTE, this attribute is deprecated in favor of the common WAN Queue attribute, 'batch-conflation-enabled'. If both
attributes are specified, then 'batch-conflation-enabled' takes precedence.
<xsd:attribute name="manual-start" type="xsd:string" default="false">
Boolean value that specifies whether you need to manually start the GatewaySender. If you supply a null value,
the default is "false" and the GatewaySender attempts to start automatically.
<xsd:attribute name="socket-buffer-size" type="xsd:string" use="optional">
Size of the socket buffer that sends messages to remote sites. This size should match the size of the
socket-buffer-size attribute of remote GatewayReceivers that process Region Events.
<xsd:attribute name="socket-read-timeout" type="xsd:string" use="optional">
Amount of time in milliseconds that the GatewaySender will wait to receive an acknowledgment from a remote site.
By default this is set to 0, which means there is no timeout. If you do set this timeout, you must set it to
a minimum of 30000 (milliseconds). Setting it to a lower number will generate an error message and reset the value
to the default of 0.
<xsd:attributeGroup ref="commonWANQueueAttributes"/>
<!-- -->
<xsd:element name="gateway-sender">
<xsd:extension base="baseGatewaySenderType">
<xsd:attribute name="id" type="xsd:string" use="required">
The id of this bean definition.
<xsd:attribute name="cache-ref" type="xsd:string"
The id of the cache - default is gemfireCache
<!-- -->
<xsd:complexType name="gatewayEventFilterType">
<xsd:documentation source="org.apache.geode.cache.wan.GatewayEventFilter"><![CDATA[
A Gateway Event Filter for this GatewaySender.
<tool:exports type="org.apache.geode.cache.wan.GatewayEventFilter"/>
<xsd:any namespace="##other" processContents="skip" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded">
Inner bean definition(s) to declare and add GatewayEventFilter(s) to the GatewaySender.
<xsd:attribute name="ref" type="xsd:string" use="optional">
The name of the GatewaySender Event Filter bean referred to by this declaration.
Used for convenience. If no reference exists, use inner bean declarations.
<!-- -->
<xsd:complexType name="gatewayEventSubstitutionFilterType">
<xsd:documentation source="org.apache.geode.cache.wan.GatewayEventSubstitutionFilter"><![CDATA[
A Gateway Event Substitution Filter for this GatewaySender.
<tool:exports type="org.apache.geode.cache.wan.GatewayEventSubstitutionFilter"/>
<xsd:any namespace="##other" processContents="skip" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="1">
Inner bean definition to declare and add a single GatewayEventSubstitutionFilter to the GatewaySender.
<xsd:attribute name="ref" type="xsd:string" use="optional">
The name of the GatewaySender Event Sustitution Filter bean referred to by this declaration.
Used for convenience. If no reference exists, use inner bean declarations.
<!-- -->
<xsd:complexType name="gatewayTransportFilterType">
<xsd:documentation source="org.apache.geode.cache.wan.GatewayTransportFilter"><![CDATA[
A Gateway Transport Filter for this GatewaySender.
<tool:exports type="org.apache.geode.cache.wan.GatewayTransportFilter"/>
<xsd:any namespace="##other" processContents="skip" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded">
Inner bean definition(s) for the Gateway Transport Filter(s) to add to this GatewaySender.
<xsd:attribute name="ref" type="xsd:string" use="optional">
The name of the GatewaySender Transport Filter bean referred to by this declaration.
Used for convenience. If no reference exists, use inner bean declarations.
Spring Data GemFire Data Access Schema (gfe-data)
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="no"?>
<xsd:schema xmlns="http://www.springframework.org/schema/data/gemfire"
<xsd:import namespace="http://www.springframework.org/schema/beans"/>
<xsd:import namespace="http://www.springframework.org/schema/context"
schemaLocation="http://www.springframework.org/schema/context/spring-context.xsd" />
<xsd:import namespace="http://www.springframework.org/schema/data/repository"
<xsd:import namespace="http://www.springframework.org/schema/gemfire"
<xsd:import namespace="http://www.springframework.org/schema/tool"/>
<!-- -->
Namespace support for the Spring Data GemFire Client side data access.
<!-- Repositories -->
<xsd:element name="repositories">
<xsd:extension base="repository:repositories">
<xsd:attributeGroup ref="gemfire-repository-attributes"/>
<xsd:attributeGroup ref="repository:repository-attributes"/>
<!-- -->
<xsd:attributeGroup name="gemfire-repository-attributes">
<xsd:attribute name="mapping-context-ref" type="mappingContextRef">
The reference to a MappingContext. If not set a default one will be created.
<!-- -->
<xsd:simpleType name="mappingContextRef">
<tool:annotation kind="ref">
<tool:assignable-to type="org.springframework.data.gemfire.GemfireMappingContext"/>
<xsd:union memberTypes="xsd:string"/>
<!-- Function Executions -->
<xsd:element name="function-executions">
Enables component scanning for annotated function execution interfaces.
<xsd:element name="include-filter" type="context:filterType" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded">
Controls which eligible types to include for component scanning.
<xsd:element name="exclude-filter" type="context:filterType" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded">
Controls which eligible types to exclude for component scanning.
<xsd:attribute name="base-package" type="xsd:string" use="required">
Defines the base package where function execution interfaces will be tried to be detected.
<!-- DataSource -->
<xsd:element name="datasource">
Defines a connection from a Cache client to a set of GemFire Cache Servers.
<xsd:choice minOccurs="1" maxOccurs="1">
<xsd:element name="locator" type="gfe:connectionType"
minOccurs="1" maxOccurs="unbounded" />
<xsd:element name="server" type="gfe:connectionType"
minOccurs="1" maxOccurs="unbounded" />
<xsd:attribute name="free-connection-timeout"
type="xsd:string" use="optional" />
<xsd:attribute name="idle-timeout" type="xsd:string"
use="optional" />
<xsd:attribute name="load-conditioning-interval"
type="xsd:string" use="optional" />
<xsd:attribute name="max-connections" type="xsd:string"
use="optional" />
<xsd:attribute name="min-connections" type="xsd:string"
use="optional" />
<xsd:attribute name="multi-user-authentication"
type="xsd:string" use="optional" />
<xsd:attribute name="ping-interval" type="xsd:string"
use="optional" />
<xsd:attribute name="pr-single-hop-enabled"
type="xsd:string" use="optional" />
<xsd:attribute name="read-timeout" type="xsd:string"
use="optional" />
<xsd:attribute name="retry-attempts" type="xsd:string"
use="optional" />
<xsd:attribute name="server-group" type="xsd:string"
use="optional" />
<xsd:attribute name="socket-buffer-size" type="xsd:string"
use="optional" />
<xsd:attribute name="statistic-interval" type="xsd:string"
use="optional" />
<xsd:attribute name="subscription-ack-interval"
type="xsd:string" use="optional" />
<xsd:attribute name="subscription-enabled"
type="xsd:string" use="optional" />
<xsd:attribute name="subscription-message-tracking-timeout"
type="xsd:string" use="optional" />
<xsd:attribute name="subscription-redundancy"
type="xsd:string" use="optional" />
<xsd:attribute name="thread-local-connections"
type="xsd:string" use="optional" />
<!-- JSON support -->
<xsd:element name="json-region-autoproxy">
Enables A Spring AOP proxy to perform automatic conversion to and from JSON for appropriate region operations
<xsd:attribute name="region-refs" use="optional" type="xsd:string">
A comma delimited string of region names to include for JSON conversion. By default all regions are included.
<xsd:attribute name="pretty-print" use="optional" type="xsd:string">
A boolean value to specify whether returned JSON strings are pretty printed, false by default.
<xsd:attribute name="convert-returned-collections" use="optional" type="xsd:string">
A boolean value to specify whether Collections returned by Region.getAll(), Region.values() should be converted from the
native GemFire PdxInstance type. True, by default but will incur significant overhead for large collections.
<!-- Snapshot Service support -->
<xsd:element name="snapshot-service">
Access to GemFire's Snapshot Service for taking snapshots of GemFire Cache and Region data.
<xsd:element name="snapshot-import" type="snapshotMetadataType" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded">
Specifies meta-data for a snapshot import.
<xsd:element name="snapshot-export" type="snapshotMetadataType" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded">
Specifies meta-data for a snapshot export.
<xsd:attribute name="id" type="xsd:string" use="required">
ID of the GemFire [Cache|Region] SnapshotService bean in the Spring context.
<xsd:attribute name="cache-ref" type="xsd:string" use="optional" default="gemfireCache">
(Optional) Name of the GemFire Cache bean from which to extract data and record a snapshot (by default 'gemfireCache').
<xsd:attribute name="region-ref" type="xsd:string" use="optional">
(Optional) Name of the GemFire Region bean from which to extract data and record a snapshot.
<xsd:attribute name="suppress-import-on-init" type="xsd:string" default="false">
Determines whether imports are suppressed on initialization of the GemFire Snapshot Service.
<!-- -->
<xsd:complexType name="snapshotMetadataType">
Declares an element type defining snapshot meta-data.
<xsd:any namespace="##other" processContents="skip" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="1">
Inner bean definition. The nested declaration serves as an alternative to bean references (using
both in the same definition) is illegal.
<xsd:attribute name="location" type="xsd:string" use="required"/>
<xsd:attribute name="format" type="xsd:string" use="optional" default="GEMFIRE"/>
<xsd:attribute name="filter-ref" type="xsd:string" use="optional"/>