Class GenericRegionFactoryBean<K,V>

All Implemented Interfaces:
Aware, BeanClassLoaderAware, BeanFactoryAware, BeanNameAware, DisposableBean, FactoryBean<Region<K,V>>, InitializingBean, Lifecycle, Phased, SmartLifecycle, EvictingRegionFactoryBean, ExpiringRegionFactoryBean<K,V>

public class GenericRegionFactoryBean<K,V> extends PeerRegionFactoryBean<K,V>
The GenericRegionFactoryBean class is an extension of the abstract, base PeerRegionFactoryBean class enabling developers to define a GemFire Cache Region with defaults. The defaults for DataPolicy is NORMAL and Scope is DISTRIBUTED_NO_ACK, effectively creating a "non-replicate", Distributed Region. This class enables developers to create various non-strongly-typed Regions (e.g. PARTITION, REPLICATE) based on various combinations of the DataPolicy, Scope and Subscription settings as defined in the Region Types section of the GemFire User Guide (see link below). How GemFire Regions receive and distribute entry updates is defined in the Storage and Distribution Options section. Note, it is generally better to define strong-typed Regions (e.g. PARTITION with PartitionedRegionFactoryBean) in your applications. However, different forms of distribution patterns and updates are desired in certain use cases.
John Blum
See Also:
  • Constructor Details

    • GenericRegionFactoryBean

      public GenericRegionFactoryBean()