Class SpringServerLauncherCacheProvider

All Implemented Interfaces:

public class SpringServerLauncherCacheProvider extends Object implements ServerLauncherCacheProvider
The SpringServerLauncherCacheProvider class overrides the default behavior of GemFire's ServerLauncher to bootstrap the GemFire cache using a Spring ApplicationContext instead of GemFire cache.xml inside a GemFire Server JVM-based process. This enables a GemFire Cache Server's resources to be configured with Spring Data GemFire's XML namespace. Unlike SpringContextBootstrappingInitializer, this allows the configuration of the cache to specified in the Spring context. To use this cache provider, ensure that the Spring Data GemFire JAR file is on the classpath of the GemFire server and specify the --spring-xml-location option from the Gfsh command line or call ServerLauncher.Builder.setSpringXmlLocation(String) when launching the GemFire server.
Dan Smith, John Blum
See Also: