Class WiringInstantiator

All Implemented Interfaces:
Aware, BeanFactoryAware, DisposableBean, InitializingBean

public class WiringInstantiator extends Instantiator implements BeanFactoryAware, InitializingBean, DisposableBean
Apache Geode Instantiator that performs instance wiring using the Spring IoC container, allowing common properties to be injected before the object is hydrated/deserialized. The newly created instances can be configured either by relying on an existing bean definition (which acts as a template) or by providing an embedded configuration through annotations. Can reuse existing Instantiators to optimize instance creation. If one is not provided, it will fallback to reflection invocation. By default, on initialization, the class will register itself as an Instantiator through Instantiator.register(Instantiator). This behaviour can be disabled through setAutoRegister(boolean). Additionally, the instantiator registration is not distributed by default, to allow the application context to be reused. This can be changed through setDistribute(boolean).
Costin Leau
See Also:
  • Constructor Details

    • WiringInstantiator

      public WiringInstantiator(Instantiator instantiator)
    • WiringInstantiator

      public WiringInstantiator(Class<? extends DataSerializable> c, int classId)
  • Method Details